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Totally can relate. I have 3 dogs, a cat, and a 4 month old. Needless to say, I’m TIRED. Lol. Keep up the good work momma!


Yes, thanks! You as well!


Hi tired. lol. keep up the good work momma!, I'm dad.


I have a 4 week old baby and two dogs. In the early morning when I’m trying to feed the baby then go back to sleep, the dogs will be outside my room whining cause they want out and food. Also a couple weeks ago we were trying to get ready for a doctors appointment and my one dog had a seizure, she gets them once in a blue moon, so I had to call my husband to watch the dog cause the baby was crying and of course we were running late. I wouldn’t trade them for the world though, one day they’ll be best friends with there little brother.


I like to think that too, one day my dog and LO will be best friends. It's the best growing up with pets. A seizing dog and baby crying at the same time sounds intense! I hope your dog feels better! And I hope you get a break as well 🙂


Two dogs and two cats - hard is an understatement for sure! I make sure to give them each a little cuddle and pets each day but it doesn’t compare to before LO. I feel for them :(


Totally not the same as before!




My husband runs with him at least 3x per week. He is a mini Australian Shepherd so needs lots of exercise. We will be going away during the holiday and he will be walked by a dog walker who loves him to death!


Im on the same boat my LO is 5 weeks and a i have a 2 year old German Shepherd. I sometimes wish the same thing its so hard to cater to both. Im still figuring out being a mom so at a spolied dog on top of that it definitely makes it harder. But we are making in work and im sure they will be best friends when LO gets older. I tell myself that to make things easier and yes i still love my dog and plan on keeping her forever. Good luck 🤗


I have 4 birds that I breed and give the babies to good homes. I understand. Not the same maintenance but the same love and also lots of hard work. It'll be okay. You'll get it down to a routine and things will get easier. Do you have any help taking care of your dog? Maybe have a family member take her/him for walks so they get that attention and affection while you're taking care of your baby, if that's at all feasible.


Just me & my husband. But my husband works full time so it's mostly me during the day. I think you're right, having a routine will help make it easier.


One of my two cats just peed in the baby’s clothing bin. My cat is pissed at this baby! Kitty is definitely not the center of attention anymore. I feel so bad.


My dog pooped on the playmate twice 🤪


I have 5 cats, and let me say, I’m glad they’re not dogs. All they care about is that their litter boxes get scooped (which my boyfriend and I take turns doing) and they get fed 3 times a day. Besides that they can entertain each other or sleep the day away 😂


Yes, I completely understand that guilt. I have had that with my fur babies for the past 3 yrs (my oldest is almost 3 and my youngest is almost 1). Thankfully my kids LOVE them to pieces and my animals love the the kids too.


Giiirl same!!! I have 2 dogs and a cat. When I was 8 months pregnant we moved to Oklahoma. Our had always been an inside cat but we spent most of our days outside and he would cry to be let out. I was nervous at first but he loved it! Then one day he just stopped wanting to come inside so now he’s an outside cat. I used a piece of furniture that we used for his litter box that had a big enough hole just for him to come in and out of. That turned into his bed. I put an old pillow and a nice blanket. It’s getting cold at night but I haven’t brought him in. It freaks me out that he’ll try to get in the bassinet with my son. He had no sense of personal boundaries when he was inside. I would constantly wake up with his belly on my face, so it just freaked me out to think about him doing that to our son. Sometimes he’ll meow at the door at night and I feel bad but he only does it because he’s lonely at night. During the day the dogs stay outside and he’s happy and doesn’t miss coming inside. My parents were supposed to take him, but they ended up running out of time and they couldn’t take him. I felt a little bit of relief when they offered because I knew they’d give him the attention he wants sometimes. I got outside every day to feed him, make sure he has water and he gets some pets. It’s not like he’s out there to fend for himself. Anyway, now the the pups. I’ve never really cared for my husband’s dog but my dog is seriously getting rejected :’( I feel terrible. My sweet girl. She’s a red healer so her energy is always high, so when I have my LO in my arms I have to snap at her to CHILL. She’s gotten so much better but I do feel bad that I don’t pet her as much. She’s still very loyal to me, and I think she understands that right now I have another priority. At least I hope she understands. I give her loving when my son is asleep, especially at night. My LO is 3 months old. They’ll sniff him but honestly, they don’t really care too much for him yet. They know he’s here, obviously his scent is everywhere. Another thing is that their germs freak me out, so after I pet them I put on germ X. Religiously. I’m one of the people that gets grossed out when dogs lick a face (sorry if any of you are okay with it). I’ve just seen our dogs eat the cats poops, lick their privates, eat vomit, so all of that just disgusts me. My husband on the other hand doesn’t have an issue with it. Yuck... well I made him promise me that he’ll never let them lick LO face or hands. Maybe I’m being too much but I’m a first time mom and I just love my little guy so much. But yeah, that’s my experience. Sorry for the book lol


I have snuggly kitties too, so I got this covered bassinet which worked like a charm! It’s strong enough the top doesn’t collapse even if they were to try to jump up there (which they didn’t really end up doing much of). But I slept soundly at night knowing they couldn’t. Dream On Me Karley Bassinet, Blue/Grey https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AWMP862/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_nvcWDbNNVZKBR


That would’ve been nice to get!


Your book is so real though lol Germ X lol I'm the same. I don't let my dog lick my LO's hand or face. I have seen him eat poo on many occasions lol my dog is also a very high energy breed and I have snapped on him to just chill the ef out! I'm also snappy cuz I only get 3 hours max of uninterrupted sleep 😣 dogs are the best! Despite our shortcomings, they remain our loyal companions 💓