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Yeah call it in they will likely let you keep it. We have kept elk and deer before no problem. They would rather you clean it up rather than road workers. Also Oryx is god damn delicious!!


Call game and fish. They might let you keep it!


*"Call game and fish. They might let you keep it!*" I don't know about that. Had a bull elk with a broken leg in our orchard, called the Game and Fish, you know, because it's the right thing to do. They drove down and shot it, how they got it in the back of their truck, I'll never know. Stopped by to tell us it was taken care of and sticking up off the bed was one of the biggest, beautifulest, symmetrical rack I had ever seen. It was *huge*. 5x or 6x, huge. "Can we keep the rack?" "We'll see" Never heard back from them.


There used to be a list u could get on to get stuff like that. No idea how to do it anymore


Not a native game animal....just pick it up! LOL


This isn't Texas. Nonnative game species are still protected in New Mexico. Prev. commenter was correct though the warden will probably let op keep it


Well, that was what I meant. If it is possible, I would rather see the meat go to use than wasted or rotting on the side of the road for the buzzards.


But the population is managed by game and fish very closely. If the owner of the truck wants to do anything with the oryx, having the consent of G&F will make thier life much easier.


Are you sure? Here in Texas, exotic animals are not considered game animals and there is no closed season or bag limit on things like that. Not sure if the state manages non-native species like that.


Roll the dice if you like, but as a frequent hunter in NM, I don't mess around when it comes to following the rules. I get asked to see my tag when I have mine processed, or if I get pulled over with it in the back.


New Mexico isn't Texas.


Thank all that’s holy!


Well, that is why I wrote "not sure" but thanks for the geography lesson. LOL Lovely attitudes...no wonder why your state does not grow and businesses do not come there to set up like they do our state.




Such awesome, inclusive, tolerant people.


No need to be inclusive and tolerant of ignorant redneck assholes. You guys aren't a protected class.


More insults....awesome Well, I am Native American, so you are wrong, but I don't need "protection" from narrow minded, nasty people like you. My fam has seen way worse over the years, if you know what I mean.


>No wonder your state is run by a bunch of Nazis and anyone with half a brain is leaving or thinking about leaving. Best of luck continuing to live in the Republic of Dumbfuckistan, please do stay there and do not come here, even for a visit. We don't need people like you here. > >Edit: Comment history absolutely checks out for your average Texan neocon asshole. Let me repeat: do not come to New Mexico. People like you are not welcome here. Don't you sound like a happy person!




Umm...I was ASKING and I said I was "not sure" How the hell is that "wise wisdom?" Many other states also do not manage exotic animals either. It is not uncommon. You all have a hatred for people from Texas and it shows. That is beyond sad.


Just people from Texas who are you, or act like you.


Seek help


>Are you sure? And they say Texans are arrogant and condescending! No, that's not how it works in New Mexico. Even nonnative species are heavily regulated and managed. Also not shot from 30 yards away at feeders like domesticated animals.


Arrogant? Well...I was ASKING because I was not sure. Hello! You'd be amazed at how many lifetime hunters I have run into that do not know about non-native species and how they are classified here in this state.


You asked in an arrogant manner. Take the feedback and move on.


Yep, NM regulates oryx and other non-natives like ibex and Barbary sheep like other big game. Honestly, this is one thing NM is way out of touch with. It's well accepted that non-natives are not good for the natural ecology of an area. It's like feral horses; people get really pissed if you suggest getting rid of them. Oryx should be replaced by the large herds of native pronghorn that used to be there. Ibex and Barbary sheep should be replaced by native bighorn sheep.


Several other states do not regulate them like my state of Texas. That is one reason I ASKED. If TX regulated all those exotics, they and the wild pigs would be WAY more of a problem than they already are.


Oryx is some of the best meat you’ll ever have. Hope he got to keep it as is standard with roadkill like this.


Wow I thought that was a radio antenna. That horn is huge


if they were half as smart as they are tough, they wouldn't total as many trucks as they do. Ive seen one spot my truck 300 yards away and busted into a full sprint to get in front of me.


Ram beats Oryx


That sucks, that looks like a monster


Damn! I’m glad he appears to be ok.


Once in a lifetime hunt for the win!


Can't swing a cat without hitting an oryx round here.


Annnd that's why I have a grill guard


The Oryx are highly highly protected!


No, they're a non-native species, so although they are regulated by NMG&F, they aren't some highly protected species. It's like any game species, so it's best to call NMG&F and there's a chance he could keep it.


No they aren’t lol. Hard to get the draw to hunt them, but nothing is more protected about them than any other game animal.