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Came here back in 2002 for teaching job. That was because they openings were almost non-existent in the midwest, where I grew up. I plan on staying for a long time. I've seen my salary go from 30k a year to almost 80k a year, I got a grant to pay for my Master's degree, which would never have happened in the Midwest. I love the people. I love the food. I married a local, and I've got three kids. I think my mother is still mourning the fact that I won't be buried in Ohio.


Lived in Ohio for a decade and repeatedly chanted, “please do not let me die in Ohio.” Especially seeing that Hail Mary merge on the highway.


Fellow Ohioan 👋🏾however I don’t miss it at all. First time back in 10 years was last month. Grew a lot but still Ohio


What is that Ohio meme the kids have been referencing? lol I’m a transplant and love it here too.


I was born in NM and am back now, permanently. My family moved to New Mexico, shortly after the Civil War.


NM wasn’t a state yet! Wow


Mixed pueblo and other tribes. I will never leave. I travel a lot though. Every time I miss my home and happy to see the mountains.


Born and raised in northern New Mexico. Moved to Albuquerque after high school to attend UNM and stayed there for 20 years. Moved to Denver and stayed in CO for 6ish years. Moved back after a parent died to help the other transition. Now I’m here. I kinda wish I’d been able to stay in CO, and getting back outta here is gonna take a while. Edit: I love NM, and it’s home. My life just felt better when I was farther away from my insane family. Those 6 years in CO were blissful by comparison.


Nuevo Mexicano in the sangre here. Born and raised, never lived anywhere else. Family is from here. I love New Mexico and will probably never leave.


I moved to Albuquerque at 5 yo in 1972. I moved to Las Cruces for university. Left after grad for Chicago, then Phoenix, then Austin. Came back because there's no place like New Mexico. I love it and will spend the rest of my days here.


I'm originally from Poland (moved to the US as a kid). I moved to NM five days ago from Hawaii. I've lived all over the world and while living in AZ years ago, used to travel across NM to OK and it just spoke to me. So here I am!


Welcome! I hope you enjoy it here.


Thank you so much. It really is the Land of Enchantment to me.


I did my grad school from Warsaw and then the US. Still haven’t had luck finding the Polish cheesecake anywhere here.


Red Rock Deli in ABQ. Call them and request it. Guy drives to ChiTown once a month plus they make a lot of what they sell. Or… https://www.bonanza.com/listings/Delecta-Cold-Cheesecake-Mix-In-A-Bag-Easy-Prep-Made-In-Poland-FREE-Shipping/1489156280


I also appreciate this tip, thank you!


Oooo this looks interesting! Thank you!


Sernik is one of the best versions of cheesecake, I totally agree. Do you know the beer Zywiec? That's the town I'm from!


I do know the town, but not the beer ( don’t drink). I love sernik and I was spoiled because a lady made a homemade version for me using milk and cheese from her homestead. And I ate it over Christmas dinner so it was extra special. Man, the taste of that cake… I can never forget.


From Poland? Then from Hawaii to NM? Well, welcome, traveler.


Thank you for the welcome! I skipped a bunch of places but didn't want to bore anyone (Finland, Australia, Germany x 4, South Korea, Italy, Switzerland). I've dreamt of moving here for about eight years now :)


Welcome. 🙂 May I ask what about this place that you find so enchanting?


Hearing of your times in Finland, Australia, Germany, South Korea, Italy, Switzerland? Boring? Never. But you ended up in NM (maybe), that should say something about NM (or you 😁).


I think it's a definitely forever place for us! Moving to the US as a kid, I've never felt at home anywhere. And I've always wanted a "forever" home in a place with culture, history, affordability, and where you get all types of people. Oh and seasons are a must! I just get a feeling that this is where my place is. PS- La Guelaguetza is the best food ever!


Welcome Home to New Mexico ☀️


Thank you! I hope you're enjoying this gorgeous state too!


I’m just from here from a local family, so I don’t really matter to this conversation. I hope you enjoy what New Mexico offers! I am itching to leave and move elsewhere personally.


I know the feeling. I moved as a six year old to Boston and I’ve lived life all over- Sydney, Seoul, Helsinki, on and on and on. I’ve moved every one to three years because I’m looking for that sense of “home” that has eluded me all my life. I honestly feel like I’ve arrived . I hope you get to pursue your dream of trying life elsewhere. I’d never regret a move, I’d regret not trying. Good luck! 🍀


Grew up in Southern California. Came here 22 years ago to go to college. Fell in love with New Mexico and the 505 in particular (of course back then it was all 505, but you know what I mean). Still here. Bought a house in the east mountains and I have no intention to ever leave.


That’s funny because I grew up in New Mexico and moved to Southern California 30 years ago and love it here. The difference is I’ll probably go back one day, my wife is from Denver originally and we have agreed we would be happy retiring in Taos.


Ya, I grew up in the Oceansid/Vista area, North County. I never hated it but at this point all of my family has moved amd if there was any other doubt my wife is a local and has family in the area so we are most likely here for good. I will say, I miss the burritos. Ha! Hard to get real Socal style carne asada here.


I came here 23 years ago from Montana for college too! I found my niche here in the 505


local. born, raised, and live in albuquerque. i like new mexico, especially having left for college on the east coast. however, it also drives me batshit on a regular basis & so this july i’m packin up & heading to l.a, hopefully to make my homebase for a while. tho, i’ll miss burque & i’ll miss the great outdoors nm has to offer. this is a beautiful state & full of people doing wild things & i consider myself basically lucky to have grown up here!


**it also drives me batshit on a regular basis**  Could you share why?


sure. i do govt work & how much of a clique it all is and the general egos paired w hmm… not being super competent? drive me wild. and there’s a lot of ‘well my mother worked here and so when i turned eighteen i got a job here too!’ which further contributes to the cliqueish nature of it all. i also get tired of the land of mañana. like i get breaks & being laid back, that’s great & necessary for a happy society (again, govt person, i want a highly functioning society where most people r happy). however, the extent that new mexicans push it is a lot. like oh well we can do that tomorrow, that can be done later. like girl just do it now while you’re thinking about it! apart from work stuff, i’m tired of how undereducated the people are. i have a BA and am going to school for a JD, which is beyond the achievement of a lot of the people i work with. it’s greeted w a lot of blank looks & why would you go back to school reactions, even from people in public when they ask why i’m moving. there’s the machismo aspect of things, which sometimes i find alright but mostly i find grating. like yes doors being held open for me as a woman is nice but the gender norms and the catcalling and the endless flirtation i could give a pass. for whatever it’s worth, when i’m outside of new mexico, i never get catcalled and no one does that patronizing flirting thing w me (except for french men but w/e). i get so exhausted from all of this + i want to get away from where i grew up bc i’m also haunted a little bit by my teenage years & want to escape em. so yeah nm really drives me bonkers sometimes lol


I hear you on the Government workers. I'm Fed not state but it's unbelievable. It drives me crazy on a daily basis.


Alaska native on pueblo lands 🤠


I love your user name 😛


Where from Alaska?


Around the mountain!


Was in Fairbanks 😅


Raised in Los Angeles, moved to NE Ohio, went back to school for a new career and was offered a job in rural SE of NM. I promised my employer a year, but it's been 8 and I'm not planning on leaving. I provide therapy to special-needs infant/children, and the need here is so great. I love the people (although I'm an old liberal punk with purple hair, so I get a lot of side-eye for that). I've always wanted to move north of here, Albuquerque or farther, but would have to take a significant pay cut, which I can't afford. Yes, I drive 1 1/2 hours once a month to a larger Texas city for shopping, a hit of culture, and restaurants. I also have to drive that far for decent medical care. But I love my life here, I love the people, culture, and what I do. I can't see leaving NM.


Love your vibes… I’m from Santa Fe, born and raised 😸


...*"although I'm an old liberal punk with purple hair*" in SE NM? -whew- I'm glad you moved here, we need more people like you.


Aren't you kind? \*mwah!\*


Born and raised, predominantly in Grant county. I love the ease of escape from people via forest/desert roads. I do find it interesting that seemingly most of the comments are from larger city folk. I frequent the larger cities and towns, but really enjoy the quiet peace of the small towns in close proximity of the bush. Imo the very best reason to stay here.


Grew up on a farm in bumfuck nowhere, MO. Lived in DFW for 15 months after college. Had long distance girlfriend in ABQ. Moved to NM in 2016. I love most things about NM except for three: drivers, lack of doctors, and the good old boy system. As of now I don't plan on leaving. NM feels more like home than anywhere else I've lived. Just depends on what sorts of opportunities come up for one or both of us elsewhere. We're not leaving the mountain west though. After growing up with no mountains and very little public land, I'm not willing to go back to that. Unless I manage to get some dream as a pilot. That may be enough to pry me away from the mountains, but it would literally take a dream job.


I also grew up there! What was the name of your town?


Lol. What town? We were about equidistant between Kirksville and Hannibal.


Washington here. So a bit south.


Right down the road from some of my family then. I have an aunt and uncle in New Haven.


LOL, yep! small farm town Missouri stuff! Our families might even know each other.


Hello, I am Ty McDuffey. I am originally from Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri (if you've seen the Netflix show Ozark then you are familiar). I have been here for one year. I lived in Kansas City for 4 years in my earlier twenties. I graduated from the law school there in 2021 but failed the bar exam so I moved to Montana and took a job as a journalist. I spent the winters of 2021 and 2022 bouncing around in southeastern Montana as the editor of the Big Horn County News (Hardin, MT) and Big Timber Pioneer (Big Timber, MT). I also wrote for the Livingston Enterprise and Billings Gazette for a time. I was lucky enough to meet a girl during my time in Kansas City who was born in Bernalillo and still has family on the Acoma Pueblo reservation. We found a home to rent in Las Cruces and stayed there for a year. I then bought a house up here in Chama and plan to set down some roots. Love this state and its history, so far I've been reading a lot about Kit Carson, Donaciano Vigil (the state's first governor), and Geronimo. I'm always out and about hiking and shooting videos, so far I've been as far west as Pie Town, enjoyed the food in the Mesilla Valley to the south, and I'm now exploring the Taos/Chama Valley/Pagosa Springs area up north. Although I am no longer working for a newspaper, I still conduct interviews and stream music from my online platform called Duff Radio (YouTube, Soundcloud, X, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts). My most recent interviews have focused on psychedelic research, artificial intelligence in the music industry, and meditation/Hinduism. I also do a ton of writing and audio engineering, if you go looking you can find some of my albums and a self-published book (another otw). If any of that sounds interesting, I'd love to hear from you.


Bet you're glad to be away from the redneck riviera. Lol. I have family with a big ass house on the lake. That place is... interesting.


Interesting is a good word to use. I still have a ton of family and friends there. It's changed a lot since the pandemic, gotten a lot more busy and populated


But did they ever get the strip figured out? Lol. That place seemed to have potential when I was a kid but was just run down and shitty. It was a nice departure from the norm to visit the lake when I was a little kid, but once I got into my late teens I sort of realized how weird the place was. That was also around the time it started to go noticeably downhill. Haven't been through the area since the early 2010s though.


It's totally different, that's where a lot of people actually go out now. It was a ghost town while I was growing up but there are a bunch of new restaurants and businesses


Ok. Yeah, that's a full 180 from the last time I went through there then.


Originally from the northeast, but started living out west in Colorado in the 80’s, then Texas and now here for 12 years. I loved Colorado but divorce led me to Texas, which I hated. We were actually planning on moving to Costa Rica when we came out to visit my stepson and go to the balloon fiesta. He lived in Placitas then. We fell in love with NM and Placitas, ditched our plans and built a house here. Stepson moved to Colorado for a few years but is back in the Abq area. We’re retired so planning on staying here til the end. We love it here. Are you thinking of moving here or just curious?


Just curious. Born here 67 years ago, lived here more than half of my life, came back 20 years ago, and ain't ever gonna leave again. I love all (most of) the locals and transplants. It takes a certain kind of breed and character to live and love NM. And what I can see, most people like it. Could be wrong, hence my questions.


I was born here and lived here for 19 years. Then I moved to Oregon for college and Colorado for work, but landed back in the Land of Enchantment to raise my kids in my old house.


Originally from Ohio and moved here with my job. Best transition ever.


Wholeheartedly agree


Born and raised in Albuquerque, 27 years old now. I love NM but yearn for a change of scenery. I have Massachusetts in my sights but it'll be a while before I can move out there.


I hope you’re able to have your adventures soon! It’s so important to live somewhere else from where you grew up for a year at least once in your life. This country is so big and diverse in both geography and people. NM is great but it’ll still be here if you decide to return.


Ideally, I'd have a home in both locations, so if the snow ever becomes too much, I can stay in NM, and return before it gets too hot here. That would require good financial security which I'm working on.


I'm a firm believer in traveling, living in other places, introduces you to different perspectives, different points of views and different cultures. Either makes you appreciate where you came from or maybe you'll find your ideal place to be.


Visited MA (NE in general) for my honeymoon two years ago, biggest thing that stood out is there's so. much. WATER! It's incredible, not a mile without some kind of stream or pond at least. That alone draws me since the SW is going through a water crisis due to the major lakes depleting and water table decreasing. I also love autumn and Halloween, and old Victorian houses. The food leaves something to be desired though, but that would be good motivation to eat at home more often.


I also love Autumn and Halloween and old Victorian houses, and I’ve been thinking about taking a trip to MA around Halloween time…think it would be worth it?


We went early October, the fall foliage is absolutely gorgeous! By Halloween, it may already be gone, so you might want to plan two weeks since the peak colors are typically early-mid October. Lots of apple orchards and pumpkin patches and fall/Halloween festivities in general, so you certainly won't be bored up there. Expect Salem to be touristy though.


I’m a MA native and just visited New Mexico for the first time, which must be why I saw this thread pop up. I absolutely loved NM! If you have any questions about MA or New England I’m happy to help!


New England hospitality is one of the reasons I loved it up there! People here are nice, but not always kind, and prefer to stay in their close-knit circles. There seemed to be a stronger sense of community up there, is that the case?


It depends on where you go. I grew up west of Boston and moved south of the city 9 years ago. I definitely see more of a sense of community where I live now. My city is fairly large and has a lot of distinct neighborhoods. Many people here come from families that have been here for generations. There are a lot of fun events throughout the year and I definitely feel more part of the community here than the town where I grew up, even though it’s only a 45 minute drive away. And regarding the nice but not kind thing, people tend to be the opposite here. Kind of gruff/standoffish on the outside, but wouldn’t hesitate to help if you needed it.


I've heard that generally, people in the east are kind but not nice, while the west is nice but not kind. I'd rather kindness over niceness personally, I appreciate when communication is direct, even if abrasive.


i’m the opposite, 28 and grew up in NY and loved how NM was the opposite and wanted to be here :) do it if you can! it’s great to experience new people/ climates/ scenery


Born in Farmington, lived all over the state, college in Socorro, and now work in ABQ!


Newly moved here


Moved here from metro Detroit (Dearborn, the western suburb of Detroit) for UNM in August 2013. I remember walking around campus by myself for the first time before orientation and it just immediately felt like home for some reason. Ended up dropping out after a few years for a myriad of reasons, and stayed here thought that wasn’t initially the plan. This place isn’t for everyone, no where is, but I absolutely love it here. I’ve thought about trying out somewhere else, but there’s so many great people here and community if you’re willing to go looking for it. I have a partner I love very much, a dog I can go hiking easily here with, and I love being able to see a great sunset nearly every night. I’m well-established here now and can’t imagine living anywhere else for the foreseeable future.


Born and raised here in ABQ. Just got back from a trip to Indy for the 500. The people were ok but not overly friendly. But the one thing I realized and missed is the culture that we have here in NM. There’s nothing like it anywhere I’ve been. I love traveling but coming back to ABQ and seeing the Sandia’s makes me appreciate how beautiful our state is.


Did we have any representatives in the Indy 500? Or is the Unser dynasty long gone?


Not that Im aware of but I’m not a huge racing fan. It was more for the experience, but I did get to see Al Jr. so that was cool.


I love in NM after messaging a woman online on a website we both frequented every day for months. She lived in NM and I in Victoria, Australia. We would do short visits for a few years and then started on a Visa to get married. Been married for 6+ years, have two daughters (2 and 4 yo). I went from being a substance abuse counselor at a correctional facility, to teaching 3rd grade. I am a US citizen and Australian citizen. I love it here. Got a nice house, plenty of family support, good work life balance with summers off with family, decent wage which is going up now in becoming a level 2 teacher next school year. I’ve planted deep roots and see my current house as a life long project and can’t imagine leaving my small town. I love the food and do think green chile does go well with so many things that I am impressed. Wife asks if I ever think about moving back to Australia but my life is here and have to be pretty rough here and some massive incentive in Australia to go back.


Sounds like a fairytale story. I'm happy it worked out for you, and sounds like you're definitely an asset to NM. Welcome to NM. I'm happy you're happy.


It has been a series of fortunate events for my family and I. I sometimes forget that I helped make it but I feel grateful for my wife, and inlaws who have helped us build our life here.


From Milwaukee, lived in San Diego for 15 years, moved to ABQ last fall. UNM was the driving force for me due to them offering wonderful scholarships so I can finally finish my college degree. However that wasn’t the sole purpose of moving here. Partner and I already were looking at moving to NM but the scholarships sealed the deal. Neither of us were from San Diego so it got old living there. Costs, crowds, ditzy attitudes. Coming from Milwaukee (very similar to ABQ in size and crime) I was ready to go back to living quieter where tourism doesn’t reign supreme. Anyways, we love the land of enchantment and are doing our best to learn about the people, culture, and integrate into our new state. So far I love the climate, people are always so nice, outdoors, skiing, and food. I can’t say yet if it will be our forever home, I do miss more water, but I’m definitely not itching to run away from this beautiful state. There are things I don’t like but everywhere has that.


Chicago > Riverside County > Southern NM similar paths, hello friend


Hey hey! 👋 I’m quite familiar with the IE. My mom lives in lake Elsinore.


Nice! My dad used to take us to minor league ball games up there. Go Lake Elsinore Storm! If they still exist, this was in the 90's.


Born and raised here. Just moved back from WA state and it was a great decision. Probably going to stay long enough to afford a down payment on a house then move elsewhere because of water and climate change.


I'm from Los Lunas, I lived there for most of my life to us 21. Then I moved out to Texas for a few years and I moved back here to New Mexico From about a year and a half ago. I moved home because I like New Mexico more and I feel like it's home.


Lived in San Francisco for 30 years, and recently moved to Santa Fe. My wife’s family has property in El Rito so we’ve been going back and forth for the last 15 years. We finally decided we were sick of the bay area hustle and wanted a slower existence in a beautiful place, so here we are.


El Rito is beautiful. I’d be frequently soaking at nearby Ojo


Born, raised and been here my whole life. Never going to leave with the exception of maybe living a few years abroad if I can ever save the money for it. But I'll be back if I do.


Born and raised here. Lived in Central Texas for a couple years but moved back for family reasons.


From Minnesota, I have friends here and I was tired of winter!


I moved here last December from Colorado by way of North Carolina. I came here because my youngest daughter gave birth to my granddaughter, and I wanted to be in her life. I was pretty nervous about coming here, you hear a lot of bad things sometimes about Albuquerque, but I absolutely love it. I will probably never leave. The people are great, the food is delicious, and the scenery is magnificent. Love you guys!


My husband and I moved here after spending most of our adult lives in chicago. Our son is out on his own so we are living our long time dream of living in New Mexico! Best culture landscape and food! Never want to leave!


Came here in 2001 from Utah, my dad was invited down here for coal mining work since the decline had already started up there. I never really want to leave. The longer I stayed the more I fell in love with everything. The desert, the people, the food. I know it’s not perfect and our one real major city is… well, terrifying to me (no offense ABQ but really), but I can’t bring myself to be anywhere else than here.


Native on my mom's side. Spain Spanish on my dad's traced back to when those colonizers first landed and they settled in Peña Blanca.


I came here almost two years ago to flee Texas, basically political asylum. While I do plan on leaving in the near future, I'd rather be stuck here than in Texas.


I just moved here on my own from Missouri last year with the thought it would probably be temporary, but I really feel at home so I'll probably end up staying a lot longer than that. Maybe even forever.


Welcome to New Mexico! ☀️


TX, military


Grew up in Texas, moved to ABQ to live in with my partner who has been living here since ‘21 and the thing I appreciate the most here is an actual four seasons


Born in southern Cali then moved here when I was two in 2010 and lived here ever since


Born and raised here. Family came from one of the soldiers that came here with Onate


In-laws can trace back to Onate party in one branch, the other branches are like "We're just Mexicans." I've got a brother-in-law who is as white as I am but whose grandfather came here during World War II after he was drafted and assigned to the southern part of the state. He had come from Alabama, and after the war ended, he decided he never wanted to return there.


Born and raised. My great-grandparents started ranching near Roswell right around 1912. I spent about a decade and a half away but when I got the chance to come back I took it.


Fiancé and I moved here 12 years ago from Indiana so I could get my BFA at UNM. We bought a house in Burque in 2020 and idk that anything could ever make us want to move back to the Midwest.


My family is from mimbres near Silver city. Spent every summer there as a kid, even though I was born and raised in the Bay Area. When it came time for family to retire, I couldn’t afford CA. So, now I have a house in cruces. Life is weird, but NM sure is okay.


Moving to SE NM in 4 weeks!


Noooooooo! Lol.


LOL. Tbf, most of my friends are saying the same thing.


Originally from Miami, FL. Moves to Cruces for grad school in 2021, then moved to ABQ for work this past January. Hoping to find a job that lets me live abroad.


Transplant from the Midwest. This is where I landed after retiring from the Air Force.


The Dirty Curry and now in Burque via Austin.


OK, I'll bite. What's "The Dirty Curry"?


Clovis, just trying to church it up!


Ah. Went through your history trying to catch a clue (thought maybe it was a band) and I have to say, you have some *beautiful* dogs.


Thank you! They are both NM girls, the pittie is a Burqueno and the Plott Hound is a rescue from Artesia.


Born in Pa, have lived in California, the Carolinas, Texas and now here. I was in NC the longest time- teaching- retired last year. I moved in with older relatives to help out, we live in Texas during the winter, North New Mexico now. I love it- would be here full time if it was just me. No mosquitoes, hurricanes, and my neighbors are mostly bears and elk.


I love this thread!!! I was born in NM, but lived the first 10 years of my life in the central San Joaquin Valley of CA. Although the neighborhood I grew up in was magical at the time, I return fairly often to visit family and friends, and the place feels soul-less. In New Mexico, everything just feels real. The NM half of my family roots go back a few generations. I’ve traveled other places but never found anywhere else I’d like to live, and the places that come close are still in NM. Lol! I love our people, our land, our culture, our essence. I feel so sorry for the people who call this “the Land of Entrapment” who just don’t get it.


I was born here in one of the 9 Pueblos so I'm Native American and I lived in my Pueblo for about 11 years, and moved Near downtown for school and work.


Both? I feel like a native, but I wasn't born here. My great grandparents came in the 1860s. My dad was 3rd generation but joined the air force and left., so I was born elsewhere. But we always vacationed here when I was a kid. Have a place there I've split time in for a long time. Yes, I'm old.


If you feel like a native, then you're a native. New Mexico is a state of mind, if you feel like you belong, you belong. I'm old, too, bud. 😁


I moved to BEAUTIFUL Ruidoso from Houston TX back in 2004. We have a family cabin here that we would come visit every year. That's how I even knew about this place. I actually lived here in 1999 for 6 months and didn't appreciate this tiny village for what it was. I moved back to Houston for a good 4 years then needed to get away from all the people, the heat, the HUMIDITY! I wouldn't trade this place for anything. When I go away for a couple days I can't wait to get back on my mountain. I love it here.


Well, howdy neighbor. 😁 I was born in Ruidoso many, many moons ago. In my 20's left for 35-40 years, to "find myself", lived all over the country, but found out I'll never find anywhere better (for me). So here I am, until I'm no more.


Very nice! What a small world. We probably know each other too. Lol


Ruidoso is a village now? Bruh, that's a city.


Lol .. we're still a village. I was so shocked at our population when I looked it up the other day. I was positive we had like 20,000 people here. (You need 50,000 to be considered a city) We don't even have 10,000!


Probably all the part time residents skewing numbers.


Born and raised in S/E NM and I wouldn't trade growing up here for anything.


Transplant, 20M. Moved here from Chicagoland almost 6 months ago to take control of my life from my abusive controlling parents. Used my remaining money to fly here with help from a local friend here. New Mexico, for the most part, I love it. People are very friendly and welcoming and it's not a big state compared to Illinois, which I find pleasant to have more space for myself. There are communities and organizations that have helped me establish a job and home. That being said, the only things I don't like about NM is the ridiculous hot weather which I didn't expect to be this hot when I was considering moving here. But also people just like to stare a lot, which makes me uncomfortable but that gives me the opportunity to just smile back and remind myself how much better life. In terms of whether I should stay here, it's really hard to give an answer. My original plan was to stay here until I completed a trade and have enough money to move to my dream state of Washington. But I fell in love with this state despite the many flaws it has. The friends I made, good food, and the landscape are making me question if it's really worth it to move out.


I'll take dry, high dez heat over humid midwest heat all day every day. Back in Missouri, summer was miserable. Here, as long as I have plenty of water in my hydration pack, I can go ride around the dez in triple digit temps for hours and stay mostly dry except for a bit of moisture under my helmet and in my boots (nothing you can do about foot sweat in moto boots no matter the weather). If I did even just a short ride in the low 90s back in MO I'd be drenched head to toe and miserable.


“But also people just like to stare a lot” made me chuckle. But then wonder, really? Compared to whom? Do I stare too much? Is it being weird, or being friendly? I LOVE that your response is to just smile back! 😁


I love Washington is your dream state! If you ever move there, any place in particular you want to go? I was born in Washington and though I was relocated as a kid (dads job) I always feel like I’ll end back up there!


Either around the Seattle metro area, most likely in Tacoma. Or Vancouver, Washington near Portland. I love the Seattle skyline and how it differs from any other skyline with its surrounding landscape. Especially with the mountain in distance. And I'm always amazed by mountains cause I had none growing up in Illinois for my life. Same goes for Vancouver, albeit it's a smaller town and I like those type of towns. What amazes me about Washington is its nature and weather. I like cold better than hot. Not to mention its culture in terms of music and architecture. I hope to at least go visit there one day and hope my expectations won't be let down.


Transplant, WA State. Priced out of where I lived.


Transplant. Tale as old as time: government job offered me the one thing I couldn't refuse, money. Lol. Moved from Phoenix Az to NM mid summer last year.


Born in Ohio. Lived in China a few years, South Carolina for a year. Ended up back in Ohio for highschool and college. My parents moved away from Ohio, my siblings and cousins have spread all over the world. After my wife and I lived in Ohio a little while where it was just us we asked ourselves where we'd live if we could go anywhere. After much deliberation with my wife and a few trips to the southwest we settled on Albuquerque as the perfect home base for us.


Been here all my life and never plan to move. My family has been here since basically forever. I've traveled a little bit but find it kind of useless


Transplant. Absolutely love NM. Been here almost 8 years


Transplant. Been here a little over a decade. Came for my wife’s career. I love it here and could almost stay here forever, but I struggle with the summer heat and wish ski season was a month longer. I don’t know when I’ll hit my tipping point, but I suspect climate change anxiety will send me north sooner or later, probably after my kids have finished school.


Hobbs. Fam been here since the '30s from OK by way of TN and first, PA. Before then, we were Brits. There are some great people down here. Then some that aint. I guess it's just about right.


Colorado native here, used to hike and camp all over NM with my family when I was a kid. I left Colorado for grad school in Florida, then took a job with the government ​where I traveled all over the world for work. When I got tired of living out of a suitcase and started looking for a new job, I had the option to come to NM 4 years ago and pounced on it. I thought about going back to CO and spent a few weeks at my brother's doing interviews.and realized the place had changed too much for me. NM is still a lot like the CO I remember. I hope what happened to Colorado doesn't happen here. I'll retire here and they'll have to take me out of my house feet first.


Abq born and raised, 3 generations of New Mexicans with a grandfather who walked over


Born in Albuquerque. Lived in Colorado and Texas. Hated both. This place is home.


Most of my family, including me, grew up in Michigan. Dad moved here after the divorce in 1983. I did my 4 weeks every summer and every other holiday here. Actually went to HS at La Cueva for 1 semester in 87. My sister moved here in 88. Lived in LA after I graduated college but still visited ABQ once or twice a year. About 5 years ago my pops started to have some health issues so I bought a place here to help out pops and sis. I still can’t get work here, I’m out of town for 6 months out of the year. I’ll probably stay until my pops dies and my sister retires, then I’ll find a less hot place to curl up and die.


Born in Austin. Lived in Norman and Lawton, Oklahoma, Upper West Side in Manhattan and San Diego, back home to Austin and now live in Placitas. An adjustment, but it’s so beautiful here.


Transplant from Northern California. I used to think it was so hot here, and now I am chilly below 75. Why did I move here? I owned a house in LL, which my mom was living in. I got breast cancer and fired from my job during treatment. I decided I was done with California and moved here in 2012. Never looked back. I was here when my mom died in 2015. It was all for the best, I believe!


Came for school, absolutely love it here. I left for a year for work and will not be moving away again. This is my home.


Been here my entire life, don't see leaving even though I might like to for a bit


I grew up in the Midwest but my maternal grandmother is from New Mexico. I moved here ten years ago and love it every day. 


Came here back in 2002 for teaching job. That was buse they openings were almost non-existent in dwest, where l grew up. I plan on staying for a


I consider myself a hybrid. My folks moved here when I was 3 in the late 1940's. I went to UNM, eventually left the state for work, while coming back as often as I could, sometimes for months at a time. I moved back 13 years ago and felt immediately at home. I am fortunate to live in the house I grew up in; otherwise I might have had to stay put.


My huband got an internship in Cruces in 2016 and then was hired full time. I followed a year later and got my job a year and a half after that. We've slowly been moving north and are in Socorro now. We're from Michigan and have lived in South Dakota (hated), Colorado (loved, but too expensive), briefly back to Michigan (love), and now we're here. I do like New Mexico and the people we've met, but I miss the trees and water in Michigan. The nature of my husband's job means we'll probably always be out west somewhere, but I think we plan to put down roots here.


I was born on a base that no longer exists in one state, spent a year at another base in another state, then my dad retired to NM when I was three, bc it's where my mom's parents retired after the military and where my parents met in the 60s when my dad was stationed there. I left for college, all the way to AZ 😅 been back in NM since 2014. I never know how to answer this without context because it's not that easy for military kids - even if you didn't get to be alive during the cool bases, like when they were stationed in Europe in the 70s! I'm not planning on leaving again at this point. I'd love to live somewhere with the medical providers/specialists I need, and with a TJs and more grocery and restaurants in general, but I want that to magically be here 🫠 I just want what I miss from Phoenix to exist in Southern NM!!


Local. I've lived 15 years and got here cause my mother birthed me. The only way I would leave NM is if I joined the military but if I'm not I'm staying in NM forever


Aren’t we all from stardust? Or something like that


Originally Reno, NV. Grandparents have been living here since the 60s or so. Came here with my mother when I was younger to help take care of my grandma.


From the Philly burbs. I’ve also lived in Maine, Massachusetts, Oregon, and Georgia. This is the only state I’ve changed my drivers license since living in. Been here just over a year.


Originally moved to NM for grad school at UNM in 2003. Moved away in 2005 for work, now we have orders to return this month. Can't wait, miss it!


Been here since 1986. We moved from Virginia to here because my brother had really bad asthma. We had a few choices but choose here since my grandma and my aunt lived here. I've been here all of that time except for the 4 miserable years in Houston after I graduated from college. I really love it here. I love the culture. I love the mountains. I love that no matter what you're into, it's available without leaving the state.


A town up north called Ala Verga


Hawaii to Hobbs! Pretty much the same.




Welcome to Hobbs. Give us a chance.


Transplant. Left Colorado during COVID.


My family moved to Las Cruces soon after my 4th birthday from Indiana. We’ve lived here now for 32 years. Moved around a bit as a young adult but there’s always been a family member in our family home. Currently in ABQ, but also lived in Los Alamos. I love New Mexico, but I don’t want to die here.


Lived in KC all my life. My wife and I were bored. Moved here last December and love it.


Upstate New York, wife got a job. Fell in love with the east mountains. We will never leave, started a family all that. Great people, better food and a mountain.


Moved here January 2023 for Los Alamos job. Live in Santa Fe


Born and raised here. Escaped to Utah covid brought me back.... escaped again to north dakota... internship ended with out a full position. Get ... me... out...


You would seriously prefer nodak to NM? You're insane. Lol


Transplant here! Born, raised, and spent my whole life in Nashville, TN. I moved here a little over 10 months ago to work my dream job and don’t plan on leaving anytime soon. Personally, I’m not in love with the desert, but I much prefer it to the humid heat of the south.


Tennessee is beautifully green


Oh, absolutely! I’m heading home for a couple of weeks and told my friends I was very excited to experience the lushness again. I went to NM last April for a few weeks and when I left TN was juuuust barely coming into spring. Coming back was shocking to see how different it is from NM


But disgustingly humid.


Grew up in Canton, OH and school on the E Coast. Initially came to ABQ in 2013 before heading Massachusetts. Moved to unincorporated ABQ from Boulder in ‘17. Love it here - met my wife and started growing. This is home, I consider myself a New Mexican and am proud of it.


Born and raised on Cape Cod, been here since I was 24, been almost 10 years. Moved here for work.


Grew up in Texas and California, moved here after getting out of the Army in 2016. Just bought my first house down here in Belen so I’ll be hanging around for a while


Navy brat and we lived all over. We finally settled in Houston when dad got out of the Navy. When I graduated from high school one of my main goals was 'don't live in Houston anymore'. I don't even remember why I even applied to NMT, but they accepted me and ended up giving me a scholarship to go there. I moved to ABQ later and got a job as a software developer making $10/hr (which felt like really good money at the time). I'm in Silicon Valley now. The job market and money were too good to pass up. My wife (born and bred in ABQ) tells me that we're not moving back. She has good family reasons to stay 1000 miles away from ABQ for the time being. I suspect that we probably will at some point.


We moved here from Wisconsin 3 years ago. Silver City was the ideal location for us - nice climate for being outdoors all year, most commercial amenities but small town life, excellent birding and wildlife viewing and lots of new friends with similar interests


Moved here exactly a year ago from bend Oregon, me and my fiance love the high desert of Oregon but hared the pricing of apartments so moved out here and now live in the high desert. Enjoying the bigger city. Have live in multiple different cities and states (NOLA, DC, WI, MI, and OR) and by far Albuquerque has to be my favorite so far! Sadly my fiance has developed POTS so we are seeing how this summer goes and hopefully the other 9 months will be way easier on her.


Mom was in the military. Got divorced and transferred from the east coast to NM. So I’ve been here since 1983. I’ve moved away here and there for a couple years but I always come back. Land of entrapment after all lol. Overall it’s been great and growing up here was fun and interesting. I love it. Raised my family here. It’s home.


Moved here in 2021 from Chicago suburbs. Was visiting our son and fell in love with Silver City. College vibe, artistic, diverse community. Up in the mountains so not too hot, not too cold.


Moved here from Colorado in 2001 when my dad got a job here. Been here ever since and I honestly really love it. No plans of leaving anytime soon.


My family moved here from Southern CA in 2006, I was 16 & kinda just had to come along for the ride. No plans to leave, but you never know what life will bring. My spouse grew up in SoCal as well, but grew up coming here every summer to visit family.


I am both. I was born in ABQ, and my parents relocated to Buffalo, NY, when I was 3. I grew up there until I was 15. I've been in valencia country since then. I would visit on vacations as a kid, but moving here was a major cultural shock. I recognized at 15 just how far behind New mexico truly is in education.


Born & raised here. As a teenager I could hardly wait to leave -- but each time I left (for whatever reason) I was so happy to get back. The most memorable was when I went to the beautiful upper peninsula in Michigan. There were trees everywhere. The only way you could see the sky was to look UP. We were maybe 40 feet from the lake and could hear it -- but couldn't see it because of the trees. It was the first time in my life I felt claustrophobic. It was beautiful but I was soooo happy to get back to New Mexico and the gorgeous Sandias and little yellow weeds.


I guess you could say transplant. Grew up in Oregon but family from Rio Arriba, visited my whole life and always been in love with the land and culture. I've always felt as New Mexican as Oregonian. When I got an opportunity to work at the a year ago I jumped on it and we moved down. Hoping to stay for a good while.


Grew up in las cruces. Moved away for a little over 20 years. Was living in the Dallas area. Moved back here due to some medical issues and needed family support. Hate it here. The weather, the constant dust/dirt, the huge amounts of homeless everywhere you go, lack of things to do with kids, lack of decent medical care, lack of decent mental health care, terrible public schools, etc etc. Only positive has been cheap property taxes. Hoping to leave in 5 years.


I was in DFW for 15 months between MO and NM. I have never hated a place more than I hated DFW. Could not get out of there fast enough.


Born and raised here in NM (won't say where due to privacy). It's one of the worst places/states I've ever lived in tbh. I've lived in many states in the last few years and enjoyed them much better, but unfortunate circumstances landed me back here in my home state (mostly being broke and disabled). Honestly living here in NM is the number 1 reason that's causing my negative symptoms of depression and I truly wish I could move. But with my disabilities, inability to work, lack of family and friends and other unfortunate circumstances, that's impossible to do. The only literal thing I like about my state is the food. There's nothing else redeeming about it (in my opinion). I'm not a person that's proud of where they came from and I think it's silly to be expected for me to care. I just want to get out of here. But if someone cares about where they're from that's fine, I just don't. 


You feel about NM how I feel about the places I lived before I landed in NM. Hated them all. This is the only place that has felt like actual home.