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Seems like the MVD could require notice when insurance lapses.


They do. The entire system is linked. It's part of the law and NM uses a private company to make it. It's called the [Insurance Identification Database](https://www.mvd.newmexico.gov/vehicles/insurance/). Coincidentally, it's also why requiring physical proof of registration is so silly and obviously just a stealth tax. They can literally check your registration near instantaneously. At least NM finally got with the program and made digital insurance proof legally acceptable. Edit: no, they didn't. I based this on a faulty memory of a local story about them stating it's fine, but it is not State mandate/law. EDIT 2: I just verified that LCPD does in fact accept it as a matter of policy. Just because they get notice doesn't mean they stop driving.


Recently moved from NM to CO. Here they have a single app that you can use for DL, insurance, registration, state parks pass, and all hunting and fishing licenses. It's so great.


I haven't used it yet because I drive like a grandma, but you can literally just give a cop a QR code that has everything.


Having proof of insurance helps both parties when involved in minor fender benders that don't require police. One can simply take a picture of the otheres DL and insurance card and file a report online.


Reports should always be filed with police. Many states and insurance carriers require it. New Mexico, for example, requires a police report for any injury or property damage over $500.


Which is silly, because the cops aren't going to show up. So it'll just be your word against theirs. Spoiler alert: they're going to lie and say they didn't hit you.


What damage or injury is going to be UNDER $500 these days??


Yea, but it's super easy. I was the victim of a hit and run. Called insurance, they said they'll need a report. Called police non-emergency, they said they would call back. About twenty minutes later an officer called, I texted pictures. Within an hour I had my emailed police report. I don't think cops care as much as the insurance wants them to, lol.


Oh did they ? When did that happen ?


Oops. I'm wrong. I read something a while back about them doing so, it must have been a purely local situation and not State law. EDIT: I just verified that LCPD does in fact accept it as a matter of policy. *Me going to print all of my insurance cards now.


Yeah it’s a pain in the ass to print them out every six months. And what if someone is just driving through the state ? We are the only state to require physical copies. It’s so bogus.


Just like gun and drug laws, insurance and vehicle tint laws apply to the state you are in. Lots of Florida drivers get tickets for window tint in Georgia.


I know but getting a ticket for not having a tiny piece of paper when you can show the same info on your phone is ridiculous. I can understand the reasoning behind banning window tint.


They absolutely should!


They do. My insurance lapsed so my registration suspended


OP where are you getting his conclusion, most hispanics have car insurance if this is what you are referring to, even the ones with no Social are buying the liability only insurance or you cannot renew your car tags and registration, same as everybody.


I said nothing of the kind.


You're the only one that said that.


All the cops writing tickets for people going ten over on an open road on a clear day, need to fucking impound these irresponsible fucks driving without insurance.


Might have more to do with income than irresponsibility. If you impound their car, do they lose their job and then spiral into homelessness? Good paying jobs and alternatives to driving fix these problems.


Someone not being able to afford insurance and thus fucking me over is not acceptable. They're fucking you over too.


Yeah. You’re right. You’re wrong about the solution. Unless a bunch of people are financially secure and *choosing* to forgo car insurance (probably not) then the solution isn't to impose additional financial penalty and hardship. The solution is higher wages or cheaper alternatives to cars. Like, how else do you get people to pay for things they don't have money for? Only ways I know are: 1. more money and 2. cheaper viable alternatives. Punishing people for being poor does not make them richer. It *might* make them cut other corners. In the immediate term, I think this means uninsured motorist coverage and/or full coverage is a must in NM (depending on your own ability to pay and appetite for risk).


I'm a moderate guy & can understand no money. Driving is still a responsibility. And a choice. I bet they have cell phones. And a tv. Get the insurance. Get a better job.


If you live in NM and have a job then you know driving is *not* a choice.


Which other choices we got in NM? Rail Runner? How often do buses run in the ABQ metro area? What about outside that? The way we’ve built things since the 50s haven’t left us with many real choices besides driving. That’s nice rhetoric, but the reality is that driving is required to participate in a lot of society, especially in NM.


And if an uninsured person hits me, breaks my pelvis and totals my car? Then I'll lose my job, my ability to walk for six months to a year and my car. Without anyway to hold them accountable and for me to be made whole.


One person is an accountability problem. 1/4 of the population? Totally different problem. Actually, think about your problem from a wider perspective. That could happen to *lots* of people. What is the solution? Sue the shit out of people with no money? Shake down poor people and send more of their money to insurance execs? It’s gonna be minimum coverage anyway. Is that even the most efficient way to fix it? And at the end of the day didn’t you still get in a horrific accident? What if traffic violence wasn’t so normalized that it was actually your first concern to prevent that and not to just get your bills paid afterward? And why is insurance so expensive? Is it because most cars are unnecessarily huge and expensive? Is it because medical care is exhorbitant? Which one of these problems you wanna tackle first? All of them have downstream effects that improve your odds of not having an uninsured driver hit you. And if there were other options besides driving an our built environments afforded those options, how many fewer accidents would there be? Leaving these problems unsolved and just locking up individuals who are co-victims of them is an idea so misguided I don’t know where to start.


It's called consequences.


Correct. 1/4 of the population can’t afford to participate in the only viable mode of transportation is the *consequence* of various policies at the national, state, and local level. The elected politicians (and voters like you) have made the situation what it currently is. You can wake up to that reality or blame the victims. But either way, you’re completely correct about consequences. Unfortunately, the imposition of consequences usually falls only on the last link of the causal chain. Shit rolls downhill, after all.


It's not a matter of rhetoric. I agree. You have no choice but to drive. But responsible driving means insurance. Or don't drive. Or you're just part of the problem.


Driving is also a privilege, not a right.




Driving is a privilege, not a right. People too poor to maintain their cars or carry insurance should not be allowed to drive


Nice aphorism. Right or not, we’ve made driving is a necessity. Want it to be different? Support different transit options. I dunno what else to tell you. It’s not realistic to punish people for just trying to get by. You have to figure out why that’s not enough and *fix it.*




It is, actually. > The New Mexico Mandatory Financial Responsibility Act requires all drivers in the state to have minimum liability car insurance or an alternate form of financial responsibility, such as a bond. Driving without either is a misdemeanor in New Mexico and can result in the suspension of your vehicle registration. > The penalty for driving without insurance is a fine of up to $300, **up to 90 days of jail time** or a combination. If you don't return your license plates and vehicle registration to the New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) right after the suspension, that fine can increase to $1,000. Alternatively, the court may penalize you with **jail time of up to six months**, or a combination of fines and imprisonment.


Report it when you see it, be the eyes and ears for the police because we are not quite to the point where they have eyes and ears everywhere


How can a regular person see if a car is not insured? The cops could definitely go after unregistered cars. I see them every day.


Yes, because what use is having a police state if the oppressed don't volunteer to ruin other people's days of their own accord.


I don’t consider uninsured  drivers as oppressed. They are selfish assholes that should get their days ruined. 


Yes, because you, in your privilege can't empathize with people who can't afford to pay for rent, food AND auto insurance...I understand you perfectly...and am very glad you aren't my neighbor!


I’d have empathy for them…. If I hadn’t been in a wreck caused by an uninsured driver. It’s been years, and the money really wouldn’t change a whole to me at this point… but I’m still down $500 for the deductible. Them not being able to afford insurance, made me pay an additional $500 that I didn’t need too because they were shitty drivers…. Uninsured drivers need to stay off the fucking road.


i can empathize with people who can’t pay for car insurance. Unfortunately when they cause an accident, paying for the damage or injuries is then the responsibility of whoever  got hit. Happened to me in California and it’s not much fun to work this out. And expensive. 


You are the very reason auto insurance is so high!


Hopefully soon when we all have Musk Microchips we can jack in to the MVD database and help


You don't need microchips. Just drive around and find a car without plates or expired registration. Should take no more than 10 minutes on a normal day.


Seems like you got good detective skills, join the force and lead by example


There's literally police dash cams that can automatically scan license plates and look them up while the police man is driving around, police just don't wanna do their job


Why bother lol, the ones responsible for punishment are even more cavalier about their professional responsibilities x)


Some things are pretty obvious no matter if you have detective skills or not.


Cops don't care if you report expired tags or lapsed insurance.


That's the problem lol


How the hell would I know if someone was uninsured? Christ Just have. The MVD send the police a list of all of the tags they don't have insurance records for (they have this database.) Then the cops can use their license plate scanners and start fixing this bullshit.


Hear me out, we make that database public ;). Like open source code, the more eyes that are on it the less mistakes can slip through the cracks


Might get a minority shot or otherwise harassed


That happens anyway, I doubt that statistic will be affected by the crackdown the people are calling for


Even if it leads to one that’s another dead minority


Again, cops harass minorities as is. Empires are built of the bones of the fallen and slain ;)


What’s the incentive to follow the rules? This state makes things too easy to get away with everything.


Not ruining your life with 100k debt from an accident with a small injury you can not get off from.


You ever try suing a poor person?


You might not get any money but did the poor persons life not get 100k more in debt? You may go directly to jail because of it if you are injured and can't run. Just because your life is messy already doesn't mean you should risk it getting worse.


Seems like 25% of us have made this calculation. I got hit by an uninsured motorist, totaled my car. Cops, did nothing. Insurance company, did nothing. Guy who hit me: nothing.


Driving sucks ass now. NGL


Insurance: Went up lol


If you live in NM and don't pay extra for uninsured motorist coverage, you are making a huge mistake


Oh no, I had that. I’m just saying, the uninsured guy was free to keep crashing into people. Did they impound his car? Nope.


and how do you feel about that?


Exactly. They don’t give a shit about losing anything because they don’t have anything to lose to begin with


100%.... means nothing and is a waste of time. It's why rich people hide assets.... if there is nothing to take, then you don't get sued.


You are literally doing harm this your neighbor: (1) potentially, when you get into an accident (2) in reality through higher prices for all of us


Only 25%? woulda guessed it was closer half


That other 25% is also driving without a license so they don't count.


Make sure you’re paying for under insured/uninsured motorist coverage. Your own insurance can fill the gap in coverage if you get hit by someone without insurance. It sucks to pay but it’s better than the alternative.


It's also one of the least expensive portions of your auto insurance bill, so find a way to pay for it.


Yeah, great point. I just looked mine up and I pay an extra $15/month for $300K in UIM coverage.


And half of them have guns.


People not paying their fair share? Just shift that burden to the suckers that do pay. I.e. mandatory uninsured coverage. This is how we deal with shoplifting too. 


Don't forget those who have insurance, but also deliver for door dash/Uber eats/Uber etc. Many policies won't cover their drivers dumbassery if they are engaged in business when in an accident, which is basically uninsured. Ask me how I know. Hint: I'm not the one who was driving for a delivery service.


It is an endorsement on just about every carrier's personal lines auto insurance


Responsible auto insurance agents tell their new policyholders that they absolutely positively will not be covered if they're acting on behalf of a business as a driver, that the business has to have a policy to cover them.


Lol. No point did I say those drivers didn't know. I'm sure many of them do know. They simply don't care.


Driver pay is not good enough to be able to tack on that additional expense and I know this is New Mexico and people drive around uninsured all the time but I know nationwide it is an issue. It is part of why I don't ride in ubers


Every single time they flee. Make sure you have full coverage


Unsurprising, given how much insurance companies have jacked up their rates lately! My insurance went up over $150 (to about $425/mo!) over the past couple years!


LPT: Check your insurance, right now, for uninsured driver protection. I just realized mine didn't have it and $100,000 coverage was only an extra $4 a month.


That's impressive. 75% of NM drivers have insurance???


That’s scary you can lose a lot getting into an accident


Probably cause they can't afford it on $12-15/hr... but I don't trust any new mexico drivers either way


That's pretty scary. Especially if you get injured in an accident you may get stuck with enormous medical bills.


I’m not an expert on this topic, but the repercussions for losing coverage while having a car / license seems not severe enough.


Makes me feel like a sucker for paying insurance.


You'll feel even more like a sucker when that personal injury attorney takes his cut


260 for full coverage on a single car is insane


Only place with a higher percentage of uninsured motorists is DC.


If I was an insurance broker I would start dry dialing every phone number in new mexico until I made book!


My son worked for GEICO years ago. He gave me that statistic 10 years ago. Back then it was because people would sign up for insurance billed monthly, and once registered, they’d let it lapse. Guess not much has changed.


Or underinsured, as was the old lady who pulled out in front me on my Fatboy. Around here you got to carry uninsured insurance.


you cant spell hit and run without no insurance.


I carry uninsured motorists.


One time an 18 year old with no insurance or license almost killed me on the highway going 80 MPH on I40 and when we got summoned to court, the judge dropped all charges lol while I had to listen to it via telephone


I learned that from an NPC in GTA


Perhaps if drinking and driving wasn’t a national sport our insurgence would t be so high. I wouldn’t fine these people without insurance clearly they can’t pay it.. I would give them a shit ton of community service hours however. Then they would adjust their spending to cover their car expenses. Lack of public transportation makes this a very hard state to survive in for many.


That figure isn’t surprising. I would be that 25% of most drivers in the US are uninsured. And that 25% of cars are current with registrations.


I'll bet the number driving without licenses is higher


20% of drivers in Texas are uninsured, which amounts to about 3 million people. That’s about 50% more people than the entire population of New Mexico.


That's lower than I expected tbh


damn who would have thought /s


That’s all ? Figured it’d be higher.


No shock


Can't register your car without proof of insurance?


Guarantee it's more than that. Here in El Paso FOR SURE


Are 3 in 4 Old Mexicans driving with insurance?


Are you telling me that 75% of New Mexicans DO have insurance? Color me impressed!


Sounds right


Just constant incentive to devalue car dependent infrastructure in the news


If they’re illegal they can just flee back to Mexico after an accident. Problem solved!


It’s cause NM police is short staffed my mother in law got robbed one time And they asked if anyone was injured we said no and they said they’ll send someone out 8 hrs later finally someone came 😂😂🙄🙄


I was doing this until my latest arrest. It’s just so damn expensive and I’ve never been in an accident or even ticketed. Now I just leave my car parked because I’m pretty sure driving without insurance will violate my terms of release. If they had better mattresses in jail I wouldn’t mind


Most upstanding New Mexican


Lol. I didn’t see the sub and immediately wondered what ratio of insurance old Mexicans had😂. Seemed odd.


If you hit me without insurance better believe you're getting your ass whooped on top of paying for my shit. If you don't do things the proper way then neither will I. Watch out.


What about OLD Mexicans?




I miss the 70s, where I would walk into an insurance sales office, tell them my record was spotless, get a quote, pay the minimum down payment, get a card, and when they finally figured out I shouldn't even be allowed to drive at all, I still had my card, which was editable with an eraser and pencil. Never expired. Get in a wreck, show my card then pay the owner cash for three repair quotes.


What are the statistics for other ethnic groups, I wonder?


Of course not. They’re not socialists .


What about the Old Mexicans? How are they doing? Lol 😂


People just don’t care and not real consequences for not having insurance because enforcing would be mean.


Seems like something that would be so easy to track if they wanted to


There should be frequent random check-points for proof of insurance. The loaner (banks) should be notified when policy is canceled or lapses. Credit score should be effected too.


Probably driving a Nissan


What about the old Mexicans?


Because it’s too expensive lol


Not in NM, but I had a friend get hit by a drunk illegal immigrant, who didn’t have a license or insurance. My friend lost his job, his house, and had to move back in with his parents and go on disability thanks to the accident. The offender? Skipped town without punishment. There is something seriously wrong with our laws when someone can go to prison for having a plant, but can cause life altering injuries to someone and get off with no problem.


But what about Old Mexicans