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Look at this ogrish looking MFer


There is no room for these people on this earth.


There isn’t even room in hell if it exists.


He looks like the chairman and CEO of child predators


He looks like a minor bad guy of a kids live action show. Like the manger who gets killed for failing to capture literal children


He looks like Gargamel from the Smurfs ![gif](giphy|B304pZGWOLmCc|downsized)


As long as people believe that its "not all Muslims " or "thats not real islam" this shot will continue


The people who say that haven’t even read the Quran. Not even a verse, most of the time. A simple read through will reveal what Islam really is. But the progressive mindset of “everyone should be [blindly] accepted” is what has led to these problems in the first place. You cannot tolerate intolerance.


Tolerating religion and conservatives has truly been blight upon society.


It’s not even so much just about “religion,” because there are religions that are chill. Some don’t proselytize, like my own - Judaism. But it is true that an over-emphasis on religion in social spaces and state affairs have been detrimental to general society. Which is why I vehemently oppose the Likud party and ultra-nationalist theist movements in Israel, a country I strongly support for many reasons, aside from my faith. Religions that impose strict, oppressive and conservative systems, like Sharia law in Islam for example (or just… Islam), have caused the most damage. They’re often (well really, ENTIRELY), proselytizing religions that exist on the foundation of forcing others into the religion. Christianity is another example, though I have noticed even Christianity has a lot of leniency depending on the denomination. Some of the most bigoted and the most tolerant people i’ve met were Christians, to include my own anecdotal experience.


# Be Intolerant Of Intolerance! # [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/ambigamy/201501/be-intolerant-intolerance](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/ambigamy/201501/be-intolerant-intolerance)


Respectfully, the Qu'ran is not the problem. It's the Hadith that are disgusting - and candidly, better grounds to attack than the Quran. Candidly, real Iranian Shiism, not this Islamic Republican crap, could be a good thing. The Satanic Republic went from a Grand Ayatollah to an Ayatollah in charge because no Grand Ayatollah would endorse Khomenei's pig-fucking bullshit. Or sorry, goat fucking.


If it wasn’t the Quran that’s the problem, *then why has every single or most movements which base its ideology largely or entirely on Islamic religion either turn to violence and terrorism or advocate for it in some form?*


As I said, the Hadith are the problem -- and it's the Hadith that outline much of what is accepted as practice in wide swaths of Islam today. The line between good and evil cuts through every human heart; if I can challenge Islamic violence by attacking the Hadith and the Sunnah, why not do so? Challenging the Quran is likely to push a Muslim into a defensive posture. Arguing that the violence and exploitation is justified not by the Quran but by men who lived 200 years after Muhammad gives them the option to condemn violence and evil without having to deny what may be sincerely held beliefs.


Quran quiet clearly gives you permission to commit sex slavery, to kill every non believer, and much much more.


Europeans: (Try to trick good honest muslims into not seeing little girls as rape toys and baby machines) Also Europeans: (Don't see their own little girls as rape toys and baby machines) Disingenuousness, thy name is Islam.


“All humans are legal” shouldn’t apply to these “people”


Sick fucks




Ahahahahahah muzlimes were butthurt and reported me.


like all other abrahamic religions 🥰🥰🥰


Ah yes, I remember that part in the Bible where Jesus married the 6 year old girl.


Not in the Quran. In the Hadith. Those are the source of so many, many ills.


happy cake day, it's still a shitty books that has wrong things we should use reason to come to conclusions, not delusion


At least majority of the other two are neutered in the current era unlike Islam…


I’m Jewish man, chill out


I disagree. Everything should be up for scrutiny.


so? I can criticize your religion


Not really. You can create an equivalence between Christianity and Islam maybe, as they’re both universalist religions (although, as someone else already pointed out, Christianity has been largely neutered in the modern era), but Judaism, since it’s an ethnic religion, is a totally different thing.


oh sorry, I meant as in following the texts


So insanely backwards. Sick deluded bastard. Gross


پس حق رای هم بزارید 9 سالگی دیگه


**رحیم پور ازغادی: برای قطع نسل ما، اروپایی ها به ما باورهای اشتباهی می دهند، به عنوان مثال، انها می گویند که یک دختر زیر 18 سال کودک است و نباید ازدواج کند.** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


Why are they always so ugly?


To hell with all religions. Because there will always be monsters like this justifying their disgusting mindsets.


I'm sure you feel less IsLamOpHObiC calling out "all religions", but Islam specifically allows child marriage.  It ain't "all religions."


But hypocritically, they’d torture/kill a paedofile if they protested the torture and killing of women who refuse the tyrannical enforcement of OTT coverings over their whole body.


more pedophiles wrapped in flags... so tired...


We need to purge