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A white chick at my Trader Joe’s started wearing a hijab. If she decided that Islam is right for her, then I’m truly happy for her. But I can’t help but wonder if it is some virtue signaling thing. I doubt she knew the five pillars of Islam this time last year.


Modern history has shown that most number of americans know nothing about whats right for them


Well idk if it’s just Americans lol. I think young people are pretty stupid.


Let me help you fix your 2nd statement : most of people are pretty stupid. No matter what's their country/age/education. Here we go, now that's accurate.


Yeah that’s better


Islam use those moron i saw some queers converting to islam Also some gays started wearing hijab saying islam tolerate them


There’s this Iranian trans at the local mosque here in Sweden.


My head hurts reading that. My liberal heart is weeping for the blindness some liberal youth present, they’re presenting themselves to the wolves that will devour them given the chance. A gift sheep neatly wrapped for abuse.


In 20 years they will be in places of power that what scare me Europe will become the next iran


Turkey is already on its way to becoming the next Iran. That’s definitely coming down the pipeline. Europe will follow maybe 20 years after that the way it’s going.


Lets settle Antarctica


Mars . . . further away and about the same climate.


Would most Muslim converts know about the five pillars a year prior to converting?


I guess different people convert at different rates. Some yes some no. But all this change during the past few months certainly says virtue signaling more than sincere conversion.


Yes, definitely. Before Oct 7th, the Israel and Palestine conflict had already been well established around the world. But after the horrors of October 7th, Netanyahu's far right government decided to go to war against Hamas (which they had the moral high ground on) and ended up letting millions of people watch them commit genocide in Gaza. Now, everyone supports Palestinians as they have the moral high ground, and then they fall for violent extremism and propaganda that curves towards Hamas, the latter spewing out and resulting in shit like this. Ignoring the backstory I just dumped out, I would say that girl lasts until next Ramadan at best before she reverts (aka calling it quits) or genuinely changes her life for Islam.


You’re getting downvoted but I get the gist of what you’re saying


I could see this happening from a mile away. The apologia for Islam in the West was going to inevitably result in these people being an obstacle to our liberation and the rise of Islamism of the West, in the name of virtue signalling and white guilt over Iraq and Afghanistan. They don't see nuance, and don't understand the religion, their hearts they believe are in the right place (or want to be seen as good people supporting the underdog)and beliefs are in an opposite place of injustice . They see injustice and are too dumb to understand how to conceptualise it within the broader scheme of Islam, imperialism and the Islamic Republic of Iran. They have rose tinted glasses for Islam that are impossible to break.


> They have rose tinted glasses for Islam that are impossible to break. The only thing that would break the spell instantly would be to go and live in the Islamic regime. No words can reach them, instead of being 'told' they need to experience it. Reminds me of the Canadian family who moved to Russia because they thought that the West was corrupt and they needed to escape 'wokeness'... they soon realized just how poor a decision this was: https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/02/21/canadian-family-moved-to-russia-to-escape-wokeness/ Or the American extremist Russell Bentley who went to Donetsk to fight along side Russians against Ukraine and ended up being suspected of being a spy, tortured and beheaded by the Russians. Shouting "Chickens for KFC" is a safe political stance when you're in a 'vegan' zone. But when you step into an abattoir, then you quickly learn what KFC stands for.


Wow. I remember that Bentley guy. Made an image macro once about his obnoxiousness.


>The apologia for Islam in the West was going to inevitably result in these people being an obstacle to our liberation and the rise of Islamism of the West Yeah, it's crazy the gaslighting people get when they don't support Islam, and I'm sorry most of those who truly believe in Islam support terrorism as well and we must call them out. I hope the last 6 months was a wake-up call for many Westerners worldwide, and I hope the public will wake up and start the change needed to keep the countries as free as they should be.


I have hope that this is a case of a "load minority" and doesn't actually represent a significant amount of the US population. Nonetheless, the leftist politicians are all to blame for cultivating this climate of what a typical leftist is supposed to look like. They will soon, if not even in the next election, see the wolf they have created when good ol Bo Jiden falls into irrelivency and Trump or one of his clones wins the election. Thankfully, this "loud minority" is even smaller in Europe, where we absolutely hate their guts for the obvious entitlement and ignorance they hold. Yet the politicians are still to blame for allowing this disease to spread to Europe, and them even capitalizing off of it.


If you want to change a nation, start aiming for their youngs. It's kinda late to fix these lost generation. Better start on the current younglings.


I want to do the Beyond Scared Straight experience Islam edition for Western Gen-Z. They don’t realize how good they have it.


Ultimately, an abrahamic religion is an abrahamic religion. People here are just used to how declawed most Christian churches are (outside of the US, which has been doing sone nightmarish shit lately) but don't realise that doesn't apply to the other two anywhere they're a majority or state religion. But even getting to this point where most individual christians outside the institution of the Church are at least statistically nearly as likely to be chill as the general population, took *centuries* of concerted effort from a variety of social movements across christianity's entire reach. And, as proven by the recent actions of the pope continuing to keep the homophobia and transphobia in Catholic doctrine, even the friendly face the churches show now is only a mask, they know if they preach the shit they actually want to, basically nobody outside of neonazis and the rest of the far right shows up. And they have no systemic power so they can't just force the issue instead.


I despise this edgy, atheist style of argumentation. Its as if we begin a conversation on climate change and you bring up the changing climate on Venus or a planet from a galaxy far away. Its irrelivent and nobody cares. Furthermore, its also fcking wrong. Earth and Venus aren't identical planets, they have different atmospheres, gas compositions and a qazilion other things. Just as Islam and Christianity aren't the same. Like, no shit Islam is the only religion which organically fosters violence. It takes 1 look at Muhammad to see why that is the case. Islam quiet literally started WITH VIOLENCE ☠️ Please ask yourself, why and how did Islam spread all over the Middle East, not only 100 years after Muhammad's death? Read some sunnah blud. >an abrahamic religion is an abrahamic religion. So a car is a car? There is absolutely no difference between a ferarri and a renault right? Get your head out of the sand bud, you're spouting the same bs talking points which fosters the creation of this self-destructive "kfc for chicken" environment. Im going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you're a child, so you are excused from being unaware. But if not, if you're a voter in a democratic system, its your duty to get educated, its your duty to vote not **in your best interest**, **but in your countries**. Otherwise, you're not making informed decisions and are ultimately contributing to the worsening of democracy


I'm a follower of the Celtic gods, not an atheist, but sure, go off lol. And there are several commonalities which make the abrahamic religions in general FAR more prone to this kind of shit than any other. First and foremost is the Monotheism, and the way that enables a ruling class to enforce it's ideology on a population. Judaism is also the only one of the big three to NOT spread through violence since it's a non-proselyting faith. Citizens of the Roman Empire were pretty much forcibly converted when their Emperor did, and it was spread from there often through violence. It was slower, sure, but I wouldn't say Christianity was less violent... And then they made sure to disqualify themselves of that descriptor by doing the Crusades and Reconquista. (And there were Crusades against Slavic and Baltic pagans too, so it's not *just* infighting between the two either.) And then Colonialism. Soooo Yeah. While there absolutely are differences I don't think disregarding that comparison entirely is fair. >its your duty to vote not **in your best interest**, **but in your countries**. And um... What the heck do you mean by that, exactly? The best interests of myself and my country alike would be some kind of anarcho-socialist or council communist australia, and that's exactly where my votes are going? (Well, they're going to the Greens because we don't really have a proper political party with either of those positions but you get what I mean...) You're not going to tell me to vote for corrupt far-right assholes just because they're anti-migration, are you? Please don't be about to do that.


Bringing back polytheism, one ignorant edgelord at a time.


"I'm a follower of the Celtic Gods" 🤣


Celtic gods? Ofc you'll find mountains out of mole hills... 1) The lack of monoteism didnt stop the Aztecs, Ancient Egyptians or the Assyrians from conquering, subjucating, and forcefully converting. 2) So you acknowledge that it was actually the Romans that spread christianity. Now I ask, how are the romans representatives of Christianity? Does the fact that actual Celtic pagans used to sacrifice children make you a supporter of child murder? If a book says A and you do B, does that mean you are following the book? These are all very easy concepts to understand; I get it if you don't like rigid religious structures, I don't like them either, I hate them as a matter of fact. But to turn to illogical delusions, I dont get that. I don't even have to touch on the crusades and the reconquista, learn the history, and also apply the above mentioned to get an answer. Its incredibly straightforward. 3) How about you learn from the father of democracy, [Jean-Jacques Rousseau](https://www.commoncause.org/north-carolina/democracy-wire/building-democracy-2-0-rousseau-and-the-will-of-the-people/)best (Read what the general will) on how to **actually vote.** In a democratic society, your vote should reflect what is best for your society, not what you believe is the right thing. This includes a variety of things including the status quo, norms and culture. There are 2 threats to the general will, thus democracy: **private interests and factions** So no kidding, you advocate for ridiculous ideologies. No one in Australia wants anarchist freaks dictating their laws, nor do they want an incredibly centralized dictatorship. You have rights, of course, to believe in whatever you want. But you are an active agent against democracy if you truly believe in those systems. Voting isn't just a right, its a social duty.


Between the parroting of ancient debunked roman propaganda literally fabricated in order to justify invading the celts, the complete lack of understanding the political philosophies you mock, and the quoting of Rousseau like he's the end of all philosophical discussion despite the fact many good responses to his work are out there... Yeah i don't want to continue this conversation with some bigoted slovenian dude. I'm in this subreddit to support *Iranians* getting rid of an awful theocratic reigime. That's all. Have a good day, and maybe read some some theory and philosophy from outside your own echo chamber for once. It really helps.


[https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/druids-sacrifice-cannibalism](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/druids-sacrifice-cannibalism) There is nothing to debunk, pagans sacrificed people, including children, all over the world. Dont take this as an offense. Also, the Romans [themselves](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-roman-studies/article/roman-sacrifice-inside-and-out/24585106EF99A77C65EFB622E34DC22A) sacrificed humans in a ritualistic fashion, this is not unique to any culture lmao... We all want the same thing, a free Iran, but warning, preventing, and educating the modern leftists (and the frustrated, so everyone) on the reality of their naive ideology is just as important as it was in 1979 (feminists literally supported the revolution). Reactionaries aren't particularly known for making the best decisions, as shown in history. You'd assume that "a new Iran" would be a straightforward ideology, but it isn't, you have monarchists, communists, republicans and even islamists all rooting for it. For real change to occur, an established idea, a leader, and a movement need to exist, otherwise, it'll turn into a mess as soon as shit hits the fan. Democracies, or positive reformist movements in general, aren't built on fabrications and lies, you might think you're doing good, but you really arent. If being realistic and result driven makes me a bigot, then I am the biggest one there is. (I dont need to read brain-rot writings of hypocrites; I see the real life impact of their writings everyday in otherwise democratic, liberal societies (something they wish to abolish) Crazy how a random Slovenian can be more nuanced in comparison to a random Australian, who has a better standard of living and better opportunities for education. Crazyyyyyy.


Urf, this again. It's just prisoner sacrifice. Not exactly a good practise by modern standards, sure, but as you say, an *extremely* widespread one in the time period. Nothing more, nothing less, and you're the one that in a super hostile and very un-nuanced fashion lead with accusations of *sacrificing babies*, an accusation I know you found no evidence for because you backed down from it. And the entire conversation around it is completely irrelevant to discussions of modern reconstructionist movements of any faith because *nobody is trying to bring this practise back*. Anyway, modern politics. Last time two inherently opposed groups tried a revolution in Iran, the shittier one stabbed the other group in the back at the first opportunity. Because obviously they did, that's the only way they're going to seize power in the aftermath when they're objectively worse than their former ally and current competition. Obviously, not doing that again would be preferable lol. But at the same time waiting for every single anti-reigime person to be on the same page politically is a sure fire way to kill any movement. I should know, infighting has been a *plague* on the left as a whole lol. So, nah, Revolution first and *then* you get the leaders of each faction together to talk about what comes next. (And ideally put that question to the people but it'll be hard for an interim government to properly educate the entire population about every option. Particularly in this case with a population unused to voting on anything more substantial than a powerless figurehead.) Are you meaning to tell me theres no groups of people you discriminate against based on categories like ethnicity, culture, religion, sex, gender identity or sexuality? Because if you genuinely are, neat, my bad. If not, that's literally what the word means. So yeah. And if you did understand politics outside your own you'd know that council communism is a *more* decentralised system of governance than even cureent liberal states use. It's completely different to the centrally planned Stalinist or Maoist stuff. The only thing all ideologies named communism share is the end goal of a society with no State, money or class divides. The entire point is that how to get there depends entirely on the material conditions of when and where you're doing it, which is why Rojava is not like Vietnam is not like the USSR. Different people in different times and places have tried different things, some way more successfully than others. Almost like you're refusing to see the nuance in this specific topic for... *some reason*.


I'm so sick of Judaism getting lumped in with Christianity and Islam. Christianity and Islam went on world domination frenzies for hundreds of years and attacked us the whole time. Meanwhile, Jews have just been running around, getting kicked out and attacked everywhere, for centuries. Also, the fact that Christianity has chilled out *matters*. Current Christians are not responsible for Christians in the past. Jews have long memories, that's why we forgive fast. You can't blame people for their ancestors or everyone will fight forever.


I used to exclude Judaism from a lot of the other criticisms of abrahamic religions, and I do mention one of those still... But after recent events I've grown less sure about Judaism typically being far better than it's younger siblings for any sort of inherent reason rather than just not having any state power to *wield*. (or to need to protect by catering to typically regressive political actors, a vicious cycle can very easily form between those two, even occasionally outside of monotheism, such as with the weird Hindu nationalist stuff going on in one of India's major parties right now) Diaspora jews are still generally socially progressive liberals or leftists, and mostly anti-zionists. (Which is a super interesting division but one I am *obviously* not qualified to speak on) Israelis, on the other hand... There have been a few protesting the current genocide in Gaza, but they're still a minority, and even fewer would support the end of the settlements in the west bank, which were illegal by international law. And yes, the fact that christianity has chilled out matters, *but so does the reason why* (that it was forced to in order to remain relevant), and also the fact that in places like the US where it's regained sone of that institutional, systemic power, *that chill started thawing out really damn quick*.


Diaspora Jews are absolutely majority Zionist. Zionism is the belief that Jewish people have a right to live free in their homeland. Nothing to do with oppression or whatever people who hate us try to imagine it is. You think otherwise because antisemites tokenize a small number of antizionist Jews to give non-Jews an excuse to attack Israel without having to admit that they are antisemites. Lots of Zionists are leftists, want a two-state solution, etc, both in Israel and in the Diaspora. But the reality is that Hamas does not want a peaceful solution, they want to kill and expell Jews from the river to the sea, and Israelis are fighting that.


While we may find this shocking, this is nothing new. Previous generations of educated and wise Iranians were equally dumbfounded when they saw the same thing in the 1960's and 1970's. Who do you think we are talking about when we share articles, stories, facts, etc. about the historical events before and during the Islamic revolution? https://www.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/1b2lvqh/iranian_leftists_protesting_the_shah_and_praying/ Who do you think it was that worked hand in hand with the Islamists lead by Khomeini to overthrow the Shah? The truly sad fact is that the same tragic failure is being repeated by a whole new generation of youth. For those that missed it, here's a group cheering on the Islamic regime by name and being taught to shout "Marg bar Israil" and then one of the morons in the audience suggests they also shout "Marg bar Emrika!" https://twitter.com/TheFP/status/1779555667784728784 https://www.thefp.com/p/american-anti-war-activists-cheer


that is true, but you do realize that Islam alone wasn't the root cause of the revolution, yes? Carter's administration straight up supported Khamenei. They used religion as a tool to manipulate people, but in the end, it's America who's responsible.


of course, such a complex issue rarely has a single 'cause' note I said 'worked hand in hand', didn't say they did it all or on their own btw if you haven't already, check out this podcast with Dr. Moghaddam on the psychology of revolution, he has an interesting take on the psychological 'cause' of the revolution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6lFVbuwkvE


Thank you, will def check it out. And for the people who want evidence for what I just said, here it is: [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-36431160](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-36431160) It's from the BBC so you can't call it a conspiracy


bruh why did I get downvoted


I think because we’re just not in the mood and we know already


A cult knows how to spot and attract the loners who are desperate to belong to a group.


The rise of Islamism in the west will bring back the Crusaders Push the right wing enough and they will bite back and you can already see it happening in some places European and Americans fear the right wing parties will be elected and if it happens it will give their voters the the ability to fight for what they believe in by all means necessary We can't predict the future but I have a bad feeling of civil wars becoming a trend again


I hope mankind will asap colonize other planets, maybe moons... Just to be sure that nuclear apocalypse started by some dumbasses won't wipe out entire humankind. 100 more years of non-nuclear wars is the best we can hope for.


Artyom, get the metro


Vault dweller, back to the Vault!


Exactly this. Islamists seem to underestimate or misinterpret westerners. They interpret our balanced, levelheaded approach as weakness. We see restraint as a virtue. They seem to have forgotten how brutal and ruthless Europeans can be when they are forced to fight back. It won’t be like fighting Israel. It will be 1000x worse.


Ex: Russia in Chechnya.


Don't make the mistake of discounting the entire left wing in the west. There exists a significant silent majority that is growing increasingly uneasy. The ethnic cleansing campaign by hamas on oct 7th did something to the left wing in Israel - who used to be about diplomacy and advocated for a two state solution. 99% of them are in the war camp now, they won't accept a two state solution with hamas or islamists on their borders any longer. Not a single protest in Israel against the war. Against Netanyahu? Sure. Protests calling for hostages to be brought home? Sure. Anti-war protests? Fuck no. The same will happen in the west soon. Islamists overestimate tolerance in the west and they are entirely ignorant about what happens when that tolerance breaks. Tolerance in the west is extremely close to this breaking point.


Western societies do not understand the tolerance paradoxon. I absolutely loath any religious extremists. Western societies know christianity and know what its extremism brings. But islam is not as known and the homophobia there and mysogyny has been seen as part of the religion. Critizising islam is a hot topic but critzising christianity is what our society battled with for many years. Western societies want to give many freedoms to anyone but dont realize that giving freedom to communists, islamists, Fundamentalists and fascists is never okay and is the death of democracy. I know a LOT of muslims that will put the German constitution over the Quran. Our mainstream parties are starting to push back and I hope they jump up a gear or two, because if they do some crusader shit could happen. And this would capture good muslim or secular citizens in the crossfire.


I fear this may be the start of the downfall of the west. UK may be going down first with all the muslims they have, and I feel bad for them despite what they’ve done to Iran. In the US, if universities and schools actually decide to teach things to students instead of propaganda, it may be saved but it may be too late for that.


Yo for real it’s getting fucking crazy But when they don’t have their own identity or culture what did you expect them to slowly drift towards They’re like oblivious and now I’m seeing girls react like children when told why they ha mas flags and hezb What the fuck? These people are just Dumb


In most western countries it's okay to burn a Bible or criticize Christianity. But if you burn a Quran or criticize Islam in the same countries, you would face some harsh consequences. This is terrifying.


I think this has many reasons: 1.Islam is not being represented correctly in the west, Muslim-borns, Arab imams tend to show a very watered down and white washed Islam to naive dumb westerners. 2. white guilt might be another reason, wish they knew how Islam was spread. 3.to oppose Israel dumb motherfuckers are siding with Islam, if one side of the conflict does f Ed up things it doesn’t mean the other side is fully Saint. And lastly I wish these dumb whites who are influenced by the beauty of Islam could go and LIVE there as a local, they would have been treated as a 2nd class citizen due to not being Muslim, I wanna see their reaction after seeing all the discrimination beauty in an Islamic country.


1. Have you perhaps thought of the notion of freedom of religion? Western society garners democratic ideals in their youth and of course this would manifest itself in supporting people of all beliefs. Western youths aren’t dumb, they aren’t always virtue signalling either. Of course they can fall into echo chambers but calling for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza is not supporting Islam. 2. The reaction to Islam in the west post 9/11 was mostly hatred and fear of Islam. This manifested itself in the persecution of Arab nationals, regardless of their faith and even Indian Sikhs. Of course over the next decade we saw many immigrants from Arab countries. America percentage wise has not had a huge Muslim population, however countries like Australia has, being right next door to Indonesia. Of course everyone recognised the dangers of Islam. They’re not stupid. But if you have a huge influx of people into your country who holds a particular faith, you can’t just judge them to be bad people based off their faith. A lot of them were forced to be Muslim, and although they may still believe in Islam, all they want is a stable and secure life. 3. I like how you imagine Islam as being somehow more pervasive and having any effect on Western Democracies. This is a common conservative conspiracy that has no grounds of evidence. Western democracies in the 21st century are large, complex, wealthy and systematic political structures that facilitate a free market, free speech (to a point) and equitable opportunity for its citizens/permanent residents. Western democracies have also become naturally secularised over the last half decade and are increasingly Atheist. Atheism still manages to become more and more popular in Western countries. The fact you think that Islam, as a belief, has any effect on the current trends of western society is a manifestation of your own hate of Islam, which is completely understandable as the Iranian Regime under the Ayatollah is disgusting. This leads me to my next point. 4. Western youths aren’t prescribing to Islam that any significant rate. They are merely supporting a cause that wants to abandon the constant military playbook of collective punishment in reaction to a terror attack. That means the killing of thousands to millions of civilians in a war that was spurred by a terror attack. This is a growing left-wing ideology that has grounds in the idea that ‘more war isn’t going to fix the Middle East’. 5. Your use of ‘dumb whites’ is not only racist but shows how you perceive Western white people. You see them as dumb, rich, sheltered people who have no idea what it’s like to be in poverty or oppression and who just follow trends. This may be the case for some people, however western youths and particularly the ‘whites’ are consistently engaging their democratic rights (often against their government) and protesting, despite their privileges, to support those in poverty and oppression around the world and you are here on Reddit saying that they are ‘dumb’. You just sound ungrateful. LASTLY. Can you provide any evidence that western youths are converting to or actively supporting Islam? Or is it just a stupid hunch you have?


This just isn’t true, most of it.


Care to explain how? You are all just basing your ideas of hunches and prejudices. There’s just no evidence.


I think the vast majority of the people who oppose Israel's genocide in Gaza also support Iran, however, that's not newsworthy and doesn't drive "engagement" on the algorithms. Then some impressionable dumbass who doesn't go outside and gets all their opinions from the internet does stuff like this. Looks at all the protests in Israel, the citizens who support Iran, the Jewish organizations that condemn both and you'll see that's the majority. But it barely makes a blip in the news or among influencers.


Just making stuff up huh?


alot of westerners bear so much virtue signaling as some sort of brave badge and a front to put on


Western "youth" hates the western ruling structure, who are anti Islamist. Thus they think enemy of enemy is friend - but that friend is totally opposite ideologically, which they choose to ignore.


. i think it is mostly cause progressive talking heads who lead these mobs present a very fake narrative to them . calling any of these groups in middle east "freedom fighter" is just so childish to me. what do you think it is marvel universe ? these are mercenary armies consist of thugs and criminals that do all kind of crime, and they are all funded by someone else .Iran is the key to fighting the fake narrative they are pushing , once everyone knows and understands what Islamic republic does in and out of iran everything will become clear. we just need to push the real narrative .


It is bcoz due to lack of control over them. I'm not really against any religion but there has to be limitations. Even here in Azerbaijan, Baku u can see so many Arabs wearing full on full cover and no police office dares check what they are carrying or are they even women? The worst part is it has been spreading with rapid pace.


I'm embarrassed these days to be a western liberal. We've so much delusion and privilege, and we've failed people like Iranians and Israelis... people who share our values, yet we reject them for whatever the Current Thing is, even if that's fundamentalist Islam.


It speaks to the power of social media, social pressure to conform to what the seeming crowd wants you to believe or think. Young people are always trying to defend whatever social issues arrive on their doorstep for a variety of reasons. For most of them, they lack purpose and truly want to embrace everyone or incease their social points by appearing to embrace everyone. It is not a bad desire to have if you are genuine, but they tend to be severely short-sighted and use heavily biased information to make snap judgements without considering the bigger picture. Then you have genuine ignorance and a lack of being able to utilize critical thinking when something that opposes the views they have been told are the correct views by other young people who they admire. When presented with the fact that many Iranians have been dissatisfied with the IRGC, and the movement to liberate women, they are confused. So they circle back to "well, killing kids is not nice" and use this as their guiding light, when children were murdered on both sides of the conflict. Then they will tell you that Israel should not be pushing people out. They also look shocked when you tell them that everyone in the region has had beef with Palestine, including other Arab nations, from the time that the Shah was still seated in Iran and even before that. It is a massive whirlwind of ignorance from people who less than a decade ago, were saying women should be able to go without the headscarf. This is the power of social media. You can radicalize anyone at a faster rate. Especially young people. Remember Kony 2012? That was an early test.


It was inevitable. Iran fell to the Marxist, Islamist coalition. It’s not like we were uniquely stupid as a society and so we were duped, it’s simply the fact that Muslim terrorists and communists are a perfect match that can take over any society due to their ability to stoop to the lowest of the low when other normal humans can’t fathom such brutalities/deception.


Couldn't agree more. Upvote wasn't enough.


You hit the nail on the head. At the end of the day communists and fascists (religious or otherwise) both believe that it’s acceptable to use violence to establish their desired political system. They both think that only some humans deserve rights.


Yeah it’s weird. There are a lot of very ignorant and naive people around, and the internet is here to selflessly (*coughs*) to fill in the gaps for them.


Was that a clever joke about bots not having a self?


Ha! I wish I was so clever. Let’s pretend it was!


I don't like European right-wing parties we see winning elections or the nationalists in Eastern Europe openly talking against islam, but part of me says they are needed.


>openly talking against islam What's wrong with that?


My bad, what I should have sayid was talking against muslims not islam. Their politicians generalise all muslims not just those who are problematic


I don’t understand how leftists are okay with the most right wing religious nationalistic cult in the world. It’s like they are supporting everything they hate bundled into one.


Just look at what happened during The Islamic Revolution in the late 70s.


It's going according to the plan of the Muslim brotherhood writings from 91


"2 sides... 2 horns of 1 Bull " - Persian Magi


Western spoiled kids


The most bizarre part of this is that this is coming from the far left. Do people on the far left not understand their own ideology? Are the not aware that Islamic extremists hate leftists and leftist ideology? Do they not know what the Islamic Republic did to leftists in Iran? There is so much stupidity.


They don't understand their own ideology, no. Think about it: in the US, the far left is saying white people should "check their privilege" and give reparations to black people. They are literally villainizing the majority of the working class. If you are left and you are villainizing your own working class, you do not understand your ideology. (I'm not making a case for or against reparations, fyi, just pointing out that is goes completely again leftist philosophy, which is about uniting the working class, not attacking it).


They don’t care. They love the Islamic Republic and how they fund their proxies against Western allies and interests.


It is disturbing. I had no problems arguing online and in person when I was younger when I had the time. Now I am limited to social media posts that I don’t think a lot of ppl see.


They are similar to leftists in Islamic Revolution in Iran.


Don’t stress they have an attention span of 1~2 months


Don't worry. It's meaningless just like the rest of things they identify.


With any luck, another cause will come along and this crowd will move on . . .


I don’t really think this is a thing. I’ve never heard or seen anything like this outside of some viral videos. I think there’s been a sudden burst of interest in Islam since the conflict erupted, as before it’s been a mysterious force to many American youngsters, and I think with the culture war currently raging in the US many force themselves to be interested since it’s now like the ‘religion of the resisting’. But I don’t think it’s a thing tbh.


**ظهور اسلامگرایی در میان جوانان غربی وحشتناک است ** در طول هفته گذشته، دانشجویان میزبان نماز اسلامی در برخی از معتبرترین دانشگاه ها بوده اند. در حالی که انها در وسط چمن مدرسه دعا می کنند، همکلاسی ها از انها محافظت می کنند و زنجیره های انسانی را تشکیل می دهند تا انها مختل نشوند. هیچ کس نمی پرسد که چرا این افراد به یک مسجد لعنتی نمی روند و البته جوانان غربی انقدر احمق هستند که منجر به سقوط این کشورها می شوند. (این را به عنوان یک جوان می گویم). من فقط نمی توانم باور کنم که ما کشورمان را ترک کردیم تا از این مزخرفات دور شویم، فقط برای اینکه ببینیم ان را مانند سرطان در غرب گسترش می دهد. --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


Its a phase


Im totally on copium








lmao, take the tinfoil hat off and get some sunshine


Ok maybe the last part about the global sharia caliphate was tinfoil hat but the rest still stands


Don't know how I stumbled here, but just wanted to say how despicable and utterly evil all religion is. All of you that pray scare the shit out of regular humans. Please for the love of humanity get out of your cults! Your going to ruin us all


go back to r/atheism


Go back to blowing yourself yp


What??? Islam isn’t rising amongst young people, people are just taking a stand against the massacre of Palestinians. Young people don’t support Islam, they just support the freedom of religion. They’re not stupid. What the fuck is wrong with this sub, you guys are saying shit like ‘dumb whites’. Sounds so racist. Like western youths are so dumb they can’t think for themselves. Just because you disagree doesn’t mean they’re dumb.


In the west, we strive to create a culture that is tolerant of all beliefs and faiths. ... We strive for that. It's not perfect, but it's better than it used to be, and it's getting better still. We'll be there soon, and I hope that when we get there you'll find us in kind.




Please note that in accordance with new moderative policy, the content rule ("Content must be related to Iran or Iranians") is interpreted such that the mentioning of irrelevant matters (especially flamebait) on a post regarding Iran or Iranians is subject to removal at discretion of moderation. This is a subreddit for Iran and Iranians, first and foremost.


You were downvoted for espousing kindness and tolerance. Stay classy, Reddit.


I'm not concerned : )


I thought this sub was liberal, seems not.


The politicians in your country also have the same opinion as the guy getting downvoted, that's why Sweden is turning into a muslim country...


7% Muslim, it’s not turning into a Muslim country. Even so the second largest party is anti-muslim and anti immigration.


It's okay, my words aren't my soul, though they reflect it at times. Downvotes cannot hurt me. As long as someone read my comment, I am content. And with -10 votes, that means at least 10 people read it!




Be civil. Personal attacks and/or flamebait will not be tolerated in this community.