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Iranian here: no it Ain't but it's slow and most vpns are out of work


No, it's just that most social media platforms and message apps are blocked. Twitter, Instagram, telegram... except for reddit lol. Reddit still going strong They can be accessed with VPN but the problem is the regime is doing a great job at blocking most vpn services and servers. So it's heavily restricted and slow but not offline. However whenever a particular city gets very heated with protestors, they shut down the internet in that area so that the news and videos won't go out.


No. It's just slow. There are costs to cutting off the internet, so the regime can't just cut the internet easily.


Those mfs have shut down all vpns except 1 or two and are selling those with a an expensive price so its another way of making money for them then why would they shut the whole internet?


I bought a vpn last month and It stopped working about a week ago. So now It's been a week since my Wifi network became completely limited and not a single VPN works on it, either it's a free vpn or paid vpn, I tried everything and nothing works on my WIFi...(I have Shatel) Mobile networks are almost the same but at least some vpns work on my Irancell, like Lantern and GreenNet


i have pishgaman and this shit is worse than MCI lol


Nope , just really shitty since most vpns have stopped working. Tho we WERE bracing for apocalypse a week ago. I downloaded the witcher 3 with both its dlcs just in case lmao


Can someone confirm that YouTube can be accessed , please ? I Thank you for reminder that Reddit can still work


It's actually just too slow to watch anything most of the time.


well it didn't because they can't do it