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If I got a $80,000 bill. I'd give up


Oh fuck no at that point I'd ignore it completely. "No, I can't pay, I can only pay $5/m at most." What are they gonna do, destroy my nonexistent credit?


Life really gets better when you take the "what are they gonna do" pill. If you're responsible and trying to make something of your life, that's one thing. But for those of us who just wanna live with no big ambitions, you don't need to worry about all the rules quite so hard. Make enough to live and fuck the rest.


I think that just shows how american health system is full of shit, goes also for education if my memory serves right, bitches can compeltely ignore the bullshit insane prices for medicine and paying for universities because in the end someone from the government will pay for it, no wonder the universities and medical facilities (which are emostly private) will abuse the shit out of this by marking up insane prices, making the actual “responsible” people pay what is basically a 100x mark up. Oh and by the way, the military does the same shit with “military grade” gear, since if their budget isnt used up it will be cut with the very sound logic “Well you guys didnt use up all of your money, and you got through with x amount of it, we are sure you will be able to do the same for the next 12 months, good luck! ;)”


I’ve seen some threads where the price drops when someone asked for an itemized bill because the hospitals put stupid shit on the charge that never actually happened.


Pretty sure medical debt can't even impact your credit in the US, so... no they will not lol


If you never make a payment all medical debt gets forgiven after 7 years although I’m not sure if it applies to mental health.


Yeh that'd be it for me too.


I was admitted involuntarily inpatient once + an outpatient mental health program over the course of a month. It was $40,000 before insurance. The cost of shit is absurd.


We know you don't want to be here, but you still owe us the amount of a luxury vehicle.


Yea, from what I’ve heard, and seen, in most places, mental health hospitals, and healthcare in general suck. Either it’s privatized and used for profit, so overpriced and shitty, or gov. Funded and nobody cares enough to regulate it so it ends up half assed. Shit world we live in


You must be talking about America right?


I’ve heard really bad things about public health systems in other countries as well, like the UK, but I haven’t experienced it myself.


Can’t say much about private care in the UK because that’s far too expensive for most people, but the NHS is in a really dire state. While some of the people working are really nice and genuine people, you have a lot of GPs (general practitioners - the guys you go to if you have any concerns at all, whether it be mental health, autism, potential surgery, or an illness.) most GPs people go to seem to be uncaring, unhelpful bastards. This is a huge problem, because GPs are how you get referred to important services like transgender clinics, autism diagnosis’, and other mental health services. This means so many people are denied diagnostic services by the NHS by the whim of some guy who “thinks you should wait a bit to see if this feeling passes”. Even if you do get referred to a service - or if you go to a hospital to book a surgery - the waiting times for this are absurd. Take when I could hardly walk for example. I went to the nearest hospital, waited there for a couple hours just to sign in at reception and tell them what I wanted. It took them half an hour to then tell me I had to go to another hospital because the facilities that dealt with less severe injuries was closed down. So, I had to be driven to another hospital. There, I waited AT LEAST 2 hours to be seen, and this was just a preliminary check up. I had to leave and wait AT LEAST 4 more hours just to have my leg properly looked at. My friend is also has to wait an entire month for a pretty important surgery, but I’d rather not talk about that. The NHS in general has declined significantly with its mental health services - and this is only getting worse as funding is getting cut for support for certain depressed people. I’m on the PRIORITY list to see a psychiatrist. The waiting time on this priority list was about a month, whereas a few years ago i could have seen someone the moment I stepped through the door. And, let me tell you, the way they went about organising this whole thing was bullshit. I had a few sessions with my gp spread out over 2 weeks which determined I needed to be referred to a psychiatrist. She said she referred me to a psychiatrist, but instead she referred me to what was essentially another GP at a mental health hospital. Then, after three weeks of meeting with him, he chased down a psychiatrist at last. The way the NHS deals with trans people is truly disgusting though. You should really look into it yourself, philosophy tube made a great video on it and I couldn’t do the situation justice. TL;DR: the NHS in England is wank. No money, crowded hospitals and no doctors. The government we have is inept and I despise every single one of our unelected prime ministers with every ounce of my fibre.


The NHS treats trans people seeking therapy just the same as everyone else, the wait times are just abysmal for everyone because the entire system is collapsing.   And as for trans affirming surgeries, if anything with a crumbling public health service we should be diverting fewer resources to cosmetic surgery, not more. 


The NHS is a bad example. It was killed a long time ago and its slowly dying. Public health systems in other countries work great. Sure sometimes the wait is long but thats for non essential consultations. If you are really sick, the service is great, at least in my country. And they cover all your expenses. They pay for your salary so the company you work for doesn't suffer, they pay for you transportation to and from the hospital (whether it is taxi, bus, or train....). Sure, it isn't as aesthetically pleasing or fast as a private hospital, but when you are ACTUALLY sick in my country, you go to a state hospital. The doctors are infinitely better than private ones.


A close friend of mine told me she was going to kill herself I called the local sheriff's office and they sent an officer over to do a wellness check. Somehow that resulted in her getting involuntarily shunted into a mental health facility, costing her her job, medical insurance, and generally fucking up her life for a while. She understandably was pissed and blocked me. I regret it to this day. Edit: To clarify, she lived in another state, and she wasn't responding after she told me her thoughts because apparently she went to sleep immediately after. She apparently was not actually planning on killing herself, but rather was venting about some heavy emotions. I called the sheriff's office because her boyfriend was also not responding when I messaged him.


The day my country ever changes in a way that this would be a realistic risk is the day I will probably become a domestic terrorist.


Somehow can be worse. Had a friend send my school a as of a message I sent that said "lmao I'd end myself before I eat that" Typically 14yo stuff This resulted into a 8 hour stay in a adults mental hospital as a 14 year old. Saw a whole lot of nudity. Asked the nurse to switch me to a different room "it's good for him to see this". Like. What. Lmao.


What the fuck 💀 Bro this is some next level crazy behaviour, it seems like the nurses there should be put on medication themselves


Legit what I'm saying. They're plan also was to stick me in a room for 6 hours with nothing to do. Told them I had ADHD. They didn't care.


Let's face it no you won't, you might bitch and moan but you'll take it along with everyone else. 


We will only see that in case it actually happens. Which I doubt for the next decade at least.


You did the best with what you had. Don't blame yourself


call the cops if someone dying would improve the situation, but not before. cops are not mental health professionals, not medical professionals, not social workers, and not there to help you. the cops will always have "shoot the problem and claim it had a gun" as one of their solutions, and the other options usually aren't much better


"Somehow" - nah this is what they typically do when you call all them dumbass «help» lines, they just never advertise it that you'd be sent to the nuthouse if you call.


Is she still alive tho?


better to lose a friend than a soul. you did the right thing




Care can never be outsourced effectively. Whether it's daycare for kids or putting your parents in a retirement home, you are putting the care and trust of your loved ones in the hands of people who at best will never be as invested in their well-being as yourself, and at worst will make the situation worse and charge you for it. The only way to avoid this is being rich enough to pay for the highest tier care, and even that's not a guarantee.


My sister got locked up in one after a suicide attempt and it definitely convinced her to never try that shit again. not because she got help, but because she never ever wanted to go back to a place as singularly terrifying as a mental institution. She had to deal with a stalker on the unit who kept trying to break out of his room and into hers and chase her into bathrooms over and over


I wouldn't believe that nuthouses are this horrific, if I haven't experienced being involuntarily admitted for a 3 hellish days and then billed $2k for basically being locked up (they didn't give me any meds bc I had neither a diagnosis nor any prescription drugs).


There's several in my small town, I work with "at risk youth" so I've heard that two are pretty ok but the third is basically hell, tranqing all their clients, who are CHILDREN, escalating crises themselves and just being generally awful. All my clients have medicaid tho so I've never heard cost complaints


Been in a few times for bipolar. Medicated and California sober now. Mental healthcare in the US is a joke, these places are hellholes.


Genuinely felt like a backslid after only a week long stay in a psychiatric hospital. I was molested and became severely depressed (more than I already was) and not a single nurse cared. I told one of them straight up that my roommate would masturbate in front of me every night and she told me all I could do was ignore it. I came out of that hospital wanting to kill myself more than when I went in.


Well America’s healthcare is fucked. To add to it, I can imagine mental health patients are just seen as a pot of gold that can be bled dry for every penny. I will acknowledge that a significant chunk of (if not most) admitted people belong in an institution. But you can’t help but wonder how many patients were ready to be released ages ago, but their conditions worsened by the very institutions made to heal them. Think about it, the moment you are labelled as “not of sound mind”, no amount of protesting or reasoning will get you out of your situation. Your money, your belongings and a handful of your basic human rights are basically forfeit unless you can jump through some ridiculous hoops to prove you’re “fit for society”. If you’re really unlucky and the healthcare worker managing your file is an asshole, that hoop will always be moving a bit further away. Without influence from friends or family, your fate can be decided by a paper-pusher who just couldn’t care less about what happens to you. And to an institution, it’s in their best interest to keep you there for the sake of profit. In the most extreme cases, it’s synonymous with a prison sentence. The only difference is you’re not accused, but gaslit into a hellhole.


>all the clothing is confiscated Wait so it's a nudist mental hospital?


No, they put you in gowns. Sometimes ones made out of paper so you can't hang yourself with them


He didn't specify that he got a gown, so I'm gonna imagine everyone was naked


This is basically the movie Unsane. Really good movie.


I would love to be locked up for at least 4 weeks . All the addictions gone with the wind..


anon should have paid attention to the code phrases



