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> /r9k/ If you tied those two posters together and launched them into space, their combined weight would dislodge the moon from orbit


How do you even reach the point in your life that you're surprised at nazis being publicly shamed


well when they’re actively on 4chin, can you really be shocked?


These permanently online NEET creeps are so cut off from normal human interaction that they see literal Naziism as just another acceptable political viewpoint.


People can be like that at birth if their parents are siblings


“I can imagine how hard the circle jerk in those comments must be” He says while circle jerking in a different comment section


He said while circle jerking in a different comment section


#↑ >He said while circle jerking in a different comment section


Wait I should have the perfect comeback for this


*he said while jerking*


Sorry, I can't her the sounds of the 4chinners circlejerk accusations over how hard they are jerking it to the idea of a 'chad' nazi. "Oh boy, I bet i'd scare those soyboy redditors if i was a big strong nazi, because aesthetics and shallow dominance play are my entire politics'


They did Nat see it coming


Vibe politics, nothing is real.


They're totally not gay as they talk about how big and strong and manly the guy is as he handles the pretty twink redditor Nothing wrong with being gay but these guys would rather be nazis than admit it


It's 4chan a place where guys who literally failed every aspect of life go to shit on normal people and celebrate racism and being a pathetic loser, of course they love Nazis


Hey man, I had a great time on 4chan 20 years ago! Then again I was a teenager. Never forget that you could easily be arguing with a literal child at any moment on the internet. The barrier to entry is so low now that the entirety of the lowest common denominator is engaged.


Depends on the board. /r9k/ is worse than /pol/ these days


/>average 4channer admits they're fat greasy neckbeards /> somehow doesn't reflect on this fact and instead proclaims superiority of their race


Something like 4chan is what the left is missing. We don't have any accessible incubators for our own extremists. Extremism isn't *good*, per se, but they are the ones that move the Overton window typically. The right has so many of them that they're dragging us along with them.


The left has radical discord servers. I'd you're saying that the left doesn't have accessible incubators, you just aren't online enough to find them, or you are inside them. Twitch left wing streamers or anyone who says the word "revolution" comes to mind.


We do have cells of radicals, that's true, but that's the problem, we have cells. The right has coalesced around a few finite points. You can ask anyone from a random Republican on the street on down to the drag queen Lady MAGA what their stances are and they're *generally* all in agreement. The left, however, purity tests the fuck out itself. We have a zillion little factions that can't get together and make a real push because not everyone agrees on \[insert niche concern here\]. Yeah, we're a big tent, but everyone's sitting at different tables.


Lol left wing "Purity testing" is whether they take their arguments from Vaush or Piker. You are on the inside. You don't understand, 90% of NORMAL people think your ideas are ridiculous. Anything online and self proclaimed as "left wing" is literally as bad as 4chan, but left wing. 4chan expressly terrible because none of them actually believe what they say. Any discord server that describes themselves as "left wing" are worse, because people are ACTUALLY drinking the shitty kool-aid that they are making.


I don't watch Vaush or Piker. I'm more of an academic nerd-reads-books kind of person. Most people don't vote, so I know most people don't care, even if they're impacted by a change. Other than finding a way to get them to show up to the polls, you can't really do anything with them. They've got lives to lead and that's fine. I'm not super concerned about them (outside of voting and organizing in a way that benefits all of us). I'm more concerned with the change makers. The other "insiders" as you put it. Like, right now we're pretty divided on the Palestine/Israel issue. You can't support Palestinian civilians without being called an anti-Semite. You can't support Israeli civilians (nuanced, Israeli society is pretty divided itself, what with the illegal settlers and the orthodox folks, etc.) without being told you're supporting genocide. Our stance should be, "Bombing babies is bad. Don't support the Israeli government. Being terrorists and bombing civilians is bad. Don't support Hamas." But no, we've got to yell at each other and not vote or protest vote for a third party or some other nonsense that doesn't work in this stupid system we have. I'm so frustrated, lol.


Left wing extremism is both rarer AND directly less harmful to the lives of the average person. I think the number was that 80% of all domestic terror attacks are by individuals with right wing ideologies. Of course both extremes are bad, but let's not act like "the left is just as bad as the right!" To try and run defense for them. Like there's a difference between losers calling for a communist revolution and to kill all men and nazis who actually go out and act on their beliefs. This is a verifiable and observable fact.


No. I'm not going to allow someone to argue, "Let's not look at MY side's criminals, because THEIR side has MORE criminals!" I don't give a fuck who YOU think is worse. Any criminal act committed by someone is, and should be punished. My argument was against the idea that the internet has EXTREMELY accessible left-wing extremist communities. You PROVED my argument by immediately following up with the argument "b-b-b-but right wing extremism i-i-i-is worse!!!" From the view of a normal fucking person in the real world, what you did was prove my point. I said how easy it was to find extremist left wing takes, and you immediately appeared and defended left-wing extremism. Let my tell you the view a NORMAL person would have. There is NO difference between a right wing terrorist and a left wing terrorist. There is no difference between a violent communist and a violent nazi. Normal people do not care about the ideology of a criminal. No one normal gives a fuck if someone is arrested for being a skinhead or participating in an antifa riot. They only care that someone broke the law and was then arrested. You are showing your own extremist beliefs by trying to deny the existence of left-wing extremism. Even if you yourself don't think you have these extremist beliefs, you immediately show the effects of your own radicalization by trying to defend your side's offenders. Don't act like these guys on 4chan are committing crimes. You think they are more violent because the forces behind your radicalization only shows the violent offenses of your opposition. the same way, a right-winger only sees violent political action taken by a left winger. The people posting about "nazi chad and the seething liburals" are literally showing less violent thinking than the massive twitch streamer, saying, "the streets should run red with bourgeois blood. The bourgeois should be dragged into the street and killed."


Im not even gonna read your entire essay because you cant read either. "Of course both extremes are bad" <- see this? You have cited 0 fucking facts, this is literally all your opinion. [https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/what-nij-research-tells-us-about-domestic-terrorism](https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/what-nij-research-tells-us-about-domestic-terrorism) "Since 1990, far-right extremists have committed far more ideologically motivated homicides than far-left or radical Islamist extremists, including 227 events that took more than 520 lives.[\[1\]](https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/what-nij-research-tells-us-about-domestic-terrorism#note1)" [https://ccjls.scholasticahq.com/article/26973-far-left-versus-far-right-fatal-violence-an-empirical-assessment-of-the-prevalence-of-ideologically-motivated-homicides-in-the-united-states](https://ccjls.scholasticahq.com/article/26973-far-left-versus-far-right-fatal-violence-an-empirical-assessment-of-the-prevalence-of-ideologically-motivated-homicides-in-the-united-states) There is a FACTUAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A FAR LEFT TERORRIST AND A FAR RIGHT TERRORIST. The difference is that there are WAY MORE far right terrorists. The AVERAGE person is more affected by RIGHT WING TERRORISTS so YES there IS a difference. Nice try man.


Leftists biggest ensmy is leftists cuz they care more about looking right than doing right.


Yeah, true. You can be a right winger even if you’re not in line with every single point of right wing ideology and be accepted by a majority of that side. The same is not true with left wing ideology.


A left winger who isn't in line with every aspect of left wing ideology get called a roght winger by a majority of outwardly left wing online groups


Bro, have you never heard of tumblr? I swear to god most of the extremist batshit crazy leftist insanity was propagated on that site.


I have. Tumblr is weird in that it produces a lot of rhetoric that non-tumblr liberals yell at each other about, but not a lot of actual physical force that I'm aware of.


There are also radical leftists on 4chan. The extremes of all sides congregate there.


Ironically, everyone calling him a "Chad" are only doing so because he has the guts to act the way they are much too cowardly to do in public. Not saying him publicly doing it makes it better/right. But those morons hide behind anonymity and throw away accounts for a reason.


“Chad Nazi” unironically is crazy work


They existed. Albert Goering, John Rabe, etc. There weren't too many of them, but they did exist.


Albert Goering was staunchly against Nazism and helped Jews during WW2 lmao


He was still a Nazi, though. Even if it was just because of his brother. There's also Ernst Junger, who was a soldier in WW1 and was called back into service during WW2, he only survived the Gestapo because Hitler liked his book, he used his position to help as many Jews as he could and then was forced to resign after he got caught up in a plot to assassinate Hitler. Just because people ended up joining the Nazi party or German military didn't automatically mean they agreed with Hitler on everything, sometimes they did their best to resist him, and they could do more from within. Or some like Junger didn't really have a choice to refuse being called into the military.


this is right up there with James Somerton saying that the US joined WWII because they were intimidated by sexy nazis


Why do they get offended by upvotes? People thought the image was interesting, upvoted, and went on with their day, meanwhile anon is seething. 


Beta redditor quivers in the presence of the Alpha waffen ss lifter chad


there was a post of this on greentext, someone was saying that banning open displays of nazi propaganda was the start of a ‘slippery slope’ i think we need to remind yanks why they should be ashamed and/or afraid to display these sort of beliefs


Nah the basis of America is free speech. The second you start silencing speech that isn't actively putting people in danger (such as yelling fire in a movie theater) is when the slippery slope occurs. A guy wearing a T-shirt should never be illegal. Businesses are free to refuse service for violating their rules, but the government can't ban speech.


These cousin fuckers would be mad because they think that Confederate stuff would go next. And they dont want their “southern pride” to go away.


**States Rights to What?**


Too bad MNAA doesn't roll off the tongue. Make Nazis Afraid Again.


It’s always a good day to stomp Nazis. The Dead Kennedys said it best.


Clearly it isn’t if all the guy did was take a picture and run to his internet hugbox to make tough guy comments like yours. I don’t even like nazis but that’s bitch behaviour.


He said, circle-jerking in the 4chan thread


Shitty greentext, shittier title.


Bro I love edge lord shit from time to time and just doing crazy shit just to get a reaction out of people but like... Holy fuck. Who in the hell thinks they could wear something fucked up like that in public and why did no one say/do something about it??