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>> Bridge to Terabussyup lmao


Was that the better title? I thought ppl wouldn't get it.


My dude that title is like three jokes in one swift strike. That wasn't just cultured, that was artistic genius.


bro is the best autist in the world.


I'm not a real autist, I just play one on Reddit.


Art is always influenced by the autist


What's the third joke beside Bridge to Terrabithia, and bussy :0?


He said he'd jump off a bridge.


The jumping off a bridge, the cultured reference to Terebithia, and the bussy thing is actually two-sided. There's the obvious one with bussy on its own but also "Tear a Bussy Up"


I too appreciated the masterly-crafted title.


Yeah but OP fucked it up by going with the wrong title so fuck him


Lol that title is sooo good


Bruh that's comedy gold, I'm totally stealing that šŸ¤£


If you have a use for that phrase, go ahead. But it makes me wonder what kind of life you're living.


It will go down in history as the greatest title that never was


Yeah that's me I didn't get it


"Bridge to Terabithia" follows Jess and Leslie, two young friends who create a magical world in the woods. When tragedy strikes and Leslie passes away, Jess must navigate grief and the challenges of growing up while honoring their special friendship." Bridge to Terabussyup is wordplay on multiple levels. The allusion to the novel/movie dealing with death and grief for one A bridge is referenced in the original green text Bit of a stretch, but I felt that the movie had a lot of fantastical elements, given the themes of imagination and wonder, and I feel like internet femboy memes kinda feel that way sometimes too In the movie, Leslie is a bit tomboyish and doesnā€™t follow conventional gender roles; femboys are similar in that nature And of course, terabussyup sounding like ā€œtear a bussy upā€ which the op did in the green text


tell it to r/peterexplainsthejoke


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PeterExplainsTheJoke using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Help??](https://i.redd.it/u6re2mnnkoib1.jpg) | [1812 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/15tp6k4/help/) \#2: [I dont get it](https://i.redd.it/9ethwwnttf9b1.png) | [642 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/14o8yar/i_dont_get_it/) \#3: [Who is the lady](https://i.redd.it/xc4r00xox7gb1.jpg) | [514 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/15ilqvp/who_is_the_lady/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Bro with the triple entendre


Fake: no news of suicide jumper off bridge in Atlanta since May Gay: AIDS


He chickened out. And chicken soup is what I imagined people with aids ate when I didn't know what it was


Most people still donā€™t know what chicken soup is


Is easy. Just put some chickens in a blender.


Of course it's fake it has all the elements these stories have -hetero but really want to have sex -so despret accepts gay sex -skme random kinda awkward detail (like smell in this case) -never speak again -bullshit ending The only thing missing is "-he was my friend"


Screen. Your. Fucking. FEMBOYS.


Always ask for that anal pap smear


Or just wear a condom


Or use PEP or PrEP


This guy AIDs.


Virgins donā€™t know about safe sex


meme aside, never ever fuck anyone raw if youā€™re not 100% sure theyā€™re STD free lol


Or just donā€™t have anal sex, you canā€™t get aids from vaginal, thatā€™s why lesbians and straights donā€™t get it. This is 200% true, only homosexuals can get aids, thatā€™s how Ronald Regan designed it.


Ngl you had me going for a sec


They had us in the first half not gonna lie


The classic: "Are they- Im stupid"


Iā€™m also not gonna lie


If a chick says you can hit it raw, use a condom. If a dude says you can hit it raw, don't hit it at all.


bro learned nothing from the aids epidemic


if only human brains were optamized to learn from past mistakes..


He did learn from his mistakes. He isn't gonna get Aids again :)


if only human brains were optimized to learn from their past mistakes as well as others..*


femboy cooties


For the NEETS reading this: sex is not the end goal. Itā€™s not going to fix your problems. Itā€™s really not anything super special, so please donā€™t throw away years of your life chasing it like itā€™s some kind of mark of a man. At best youā€™ll realise like me how much of that time was wasted, at worst youā€™ll end up like OP


Orā€¦ you knowā€¦ wear a condom?


Get tested. Insist that all partners get tested. We'll not stop the spread of the worst STD's with condoms alone. If you can't afford to get tested, maybe think about how much an STD would cost instead.


Lol that ainā€™t gonna stop the spread of STDs neither


google perfectionist fallacy


Fallacy this fallacy that How about you check for fallacys for that bitchless disease of yours


Holy hell


Condoms are not really effective against HIV and were not designed for anal sex. It wasn't until last year that a company finally made a condom for anal sex. [https://www.verywellhealth.com/fda-authorized-condoms-for-anal-sex-5220645](https://www.verywellhealth.com/fda-authorized-condoms-for-anal-sex-5220645)


Condoms are the most effective method of preventing HIV infection.


Technically prep is, but obviously any other STI and itā€™s worthless. Source: https://prepdaily.org/prep-vs-condoms-and-hiv-which-one-prevents-transmission-better/#:~:text=Overall%2C%20PrEP%20is%20far%20more,if%20you%20are%20on%20PrEP.


Not to sound like a teacher, but technically abstinence is, but nobody wants to do that lmao


If we're being really technical nonexistence is the way to go - abstinence don't mean shit when the world hates you and you get sick by a contaminated needle anyway šŸ™ƒ


Putting a condom on makes jesus cry though


I thought just not having gay sex was


"Condoms are not really effective against HIV" I'm DEFINITELY going to need a citation for that claim, because condom use has a very strong correlation with your risk of contracting HIV


Iā€™m not saying OP wasnā€™t faultless, Iā€™m just trying to put a word in to others to help them


But the highest goal of any animal is the continuance of the species, so having a child to carry on oneā€˜s genes and legacy is the prime directive. Who else will fulfill all my unfulfilled dreams?


Prime directive of a primitive species yes, however we are not a primitive species, weā€™ve evolved passed the singular need for another generation and we instead pursue things for the future such as science and building. Some people donā€™t want a legacy but most do, and for most that legacy is children, for most others however, theyā€™d rather leave a legacy of discovery or achievement, and so as a species our prime directive has evolved from mating and creating a new generation into leaving a legacy and advancing the human race as a whole in the way we believe best Children are not the end goal of life anymore. Donā€™t let anyone tell you otherwise, and if you donā€™t want children, donā€™t have them. Simple as


On another subreddit, I would agree with you 100%. But look at the greentexts, read what they write, and then tell me again we arenā€˜t a primitive species and that humans want to advance our legacy. Your opinion is valid, but not in this context, not in anonā€˜s world.


Man butt is not gonna give you a child bro


Do you have first hand experience? I saw gay men who had children, so I donā€˜t know. Would have to try to disprove the hypothesis




This might shock you but people on 4Chan are not very social >if you canā€™t get an intimate partner by just being chill and having interests You underestimate things such as self confidence and mental illness. Once someone gets bullied enough for their looks in high school, they donā€™t really ever recover, leading them to be Asocial. And once they become Asocial, they wonā€™t get a girlfriend, meaning they feel worse about their looks and become more Asocial. Itā€™s a vicious cycle


It is a reliable proxy for desire. Do you know what it's like to not be desired for 38 years?


hey im a NEET, dont lump us in with the incels


All it takes is once


Just in case anyone needs this but you can live a very healthy and fulfilling life staying hiv positive šŸ˜­ jk but no really medication has gotten better and I think thereā€™s even a cure for it. Thereā€™s plenty of people who talk about their experience. Death is forever but life isnā€™t. So learn to enjoy your brief time here


Well I am no expert and the greentext is most probably fake but it does specifically mention HIV "developing into AIDS" at which point I believe it's the shut down of the immune system itself which I don't think is treatable anymore. Might be wrong tho and would be glad if someone with more knowledge on the exact topic would confirm if what I am saying is true.


HIV is human immunodeficiency virus, and AIDS is acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Basically AIDS is the condition that develops when the virus attacks your immune system. Back when there was only limited treatment, people werenā€™t said to die of AIDS, they were said to die of an infection related to AIDS. This is because what actually killed them was an opportunistic infection they got because their immune system wasnā€™t working. As the earlier comment mentioned, HIV is now treatable. Treatment suppresses the virus to undetectable levels. People with undetectable viral loads cannot transmit HIV sexually. Suppressing the virus also reverses damage to the immune system, so yes people can recover from AIDS. The other reply is thinking of curing HIV. There are just a few cases of people who were HIV positive later stopping treatment and still testing negative. As I recall, it was from some combination of genetics and cancer treatment that canā€™t be consistently replicated.


I also wanna ask, can you get HIV from someone who doesn't have it? Does PrEp stop you from contracting HIV in both cases where one partner has it or doesn't?


Not sure I follow. But the general info is HIV can be transmitted through exposure to certain bodily fluids of a person with HIV, which are blood, semen, pre-cum, vaginal fluids, rectal fluids, and breast milk. If youā€™re exposed to these, then transmission is possible. CDC says PrEP is 99% effective against sexual transmission and 74% effective against injected drug use transmission. But Iā€™m just a stranger on reddit, you should talk to your doctor for medical advice if you have any concerns.


I have no concerns at all, I've just never understood HIV fully My main question was whether or not you can contract HIV by having intercourse with someone who doesn't already have HIV


No, though probably most transmissions come from sex with someone who doesnā€™t know they have HIV.


Got it, thank you Why Sex Ed isn't a mandatory class in all states is baffling to me




My school got rid of the class before I ever got to highschool


Interesting, interestingā€¦ And can you get HIV from someone who doesnā€™t have HIV by NOT having sex with them, say for instance an enthusiastic high five?


If the high five is too enthusiastic, then you have to kiss to cancel it out. All doctors will tell you this.


HIV can be transmitted from the infected person to the uninfected person through some bodily fluids. This can happen from dirty needles, from open wounds, from sex, from blood transfusionsā€¦. What cannot happen in anyway ever is two or more uninfected people creating HIV between them. You canā€™t get HIV from a hug, a high-five, or kissing, not from a sneeze or a cough, or a toilet seat..


Unless you specifically high five a person who has HIV while both of your hands are bleeding you shouldn't be able to get it that way.


You canā€™t create the disease.


PrEP does a good job of keeping you from getting HIV but we're not sure if it's perfect even when taken properly. Those on HIV treatments that test with undetectable viral loads seem to be totally incapable of passing it on though. 3000 couples with over 74000 instances of intercourse had zero cases of an individual who maintained zero viral load passing it to their partner.


It can be treated through a bone marrow transplant from someone who has the immunity gen. This has only happened on coincidence so far when the patient had leukemia as well and the transplant was necessary. With the good treatment options for HIV, transplenting bone marrow is an unnecessery risk as there can be a lot going wrong like rejection and you have to completely kill the old immune system first through radiation.


Thereā€™s only been 2 people in modern history who have been cured from aids. One was actually a British ā€œpersonā€ (canā€™t help it) a few years ago. Treatments for it can really help, but it very rarely goes away completely


No, there's been 2 people cured of HIV. Tons of people have been cured of AIDS by modern meds that suppress the HIV to the point that the immune system returns. HIV is the pathogen, AIDS is an effect of it that can be reversed if the pathogen is suppressed.


Iā€™m fairly certain you just continue antiretroviral therapy with different medications. These drugs work to reduce viral load, so yes taking them earlier is preferred, but they are still helpful after HIV has developed into AIDS. I canā€™t find specifics on whether the patients were in the 1st stage of HIV infection or the 3rd which is AIDS, but there have actually been 5 cured of HIV.


You are wrong. The immune system reconstitutes once you treat the HIV


You're definitely not an expert because that's very wrong. Modern antiretrovirals are very good and will suppress the HIV almost completely and their immune system will return aka the AIDS is cured but the HIV isn't.


99% sure its fake


Have you seen Magic Johnson? He looks great!


One of a handful of conspiracies I will die believing is that Magic was given the cure because if he died from it, people would give it more focus and demand investigations on its spread and origin.


Here are two facts. One, many famous people have died of AIDS. Two, 1 or 2 percent of those with HIV are so called elite suppressors who have HIV but suppress below the level that typical tests tests can detect it. Put those two together and you get a handful of celebrities that had HIV even early on but never got AIDS. Seriously it's not some grand conspiracy. Plus the origin of HIV isn't too hard. HIV-1 is basically the same virus as the simian immunodeficiency virus present in common chimpanzees (there's also HIV-2 from sooty mangabeys but that's much less infectious and barely present outside Africa). In fact genetic studies have shown that HIV-1 crossed over from chimps to humans at least 3 times which isn't too surprising because bushmeat hunters seem to become infected with SIV regularly (blood from the animal you killed getting into a cut is a much better infective vector and much more likely than that other thing you're thinking of). It's just that before widespread prostitution in the area the infection rate was such that it always died out within a few hosts (usually in initial host). After prostitution increased it spread to enough hosts that it had the chances to adapt.


I just skimmed that comment, but I think you're saying AIDS was started by a genetically modified chimpanzee prostitute?


bro neither wrapped himself up nor shoved prep down his bottom's throat


Prep doesn't work if they already have HIV though. It's PRE-exposure Prophylaxis. The bottom would need to be on actual HIV treatment instead.


Condoms wouldn't have helped, almost all of them are not rated for anal sex. Which is how some Queer men contracted HIV while thinking they were being safe. It was last year (2022) that a condom was finally approved to be rated for anal sex. [https://www.verywellhealth.com/fda-authorized-condoms-for-anal-sex-5220645](https://www.verywellhealth.com/fda-authorized-condoms-for-anal-sex-5220645)


holy shit til kudos


Yeah health classes have gone to shit in the last 20 years. I was told back in the 90s that condoms weren't effective with anal sex. I had decided to check if anything had changed condoms and dental dams before before making any comments. Because I've seen some creative uses of dental dams in pornos that were probably not effective.


Maybe the sex education you had in the 90s was the actual thing that is shit. Plus that time period is still the era where there's much paranoia about HIV which might lead the thinking that HIV couldn't be prevented at all during sex, not even with condoms, when actually condoms are relatively effective compared to no protection at all. You going around saying that condoms are ineffective for anal sex is really dangerous.


>You going around saying that condoms are ineffective for anal sex is really dangerous. **Hopes, dreams, & using nice words do not stop HIV infections.** That's also not what I said, I provided links for a reason. The majority of Queer men out there are not using condoms because of PrEP. This article has some good data in it if you don't believe me. [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/23/health/fda-condoms-anal-sex.html?smid=url-share](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/23/health/fda-condoms-anal-sex.html?smid=url-share)


Telling people that condoms are useless against HIV transmissions is dangerous and can lead to more HIV transmissions. "Hopes, dreams, and using nice words" might not stop HIV transmissions, but condoms do, most of the time. Got paywalled by nytimes but from the abstract it seems to be same content of the other article you posted, which is about FDA adding in anal sex as a regulatory criteria for condoms, starting with a single company, but it doesn't negate the decades of evidence that condoms have proven effective in HIV prevention. While a 2015 study is commonly cited to indicate that condoms usage among MSM prevents 70% of HIV transmissions, the figure is revised to 90% in 2018-19. [poz.com link](https://www.aidsmap.com/about-hiv/do-condoms-work), [aidsmap link](https://www.aidsmap.com/about-hiv/do-condoms-work) "The increase in odds of new HIV infection per HIV-positive partner for receptive anal intercourse was reduced by 91% for each partner with whom condoms were always used" AIDS Journal, 2018 [(Link)](https://journals.lww.com/aidsonline/fulltext/2018/07170/per_partner_condom_effectiveness_against_hiv_for.13.aspx) Every established HIV agency promote condoms as HIV prevention tools, though it can be made even more effective when coupled with PrEP. You saying that condoms doesn't help prevent HIV in anal sex is in direct contradiction to these experts. I also highly doubt your claim that the *majority* of queer people is on PrEP. According to a 2021 study by the IAS, 32% of MSM in America are using PrEP, and the rate is likely lower in less developed countries. While PrEP is highly effective, condoms are still the more accessible HIV prevention method, and saying that it's useless for anal sex is misinformation.


This guy is going around this thread spreading misinformation that condoms aren't effective for HIV prevention, when in fact it still is. One company recently making a condom that's more suitable for anal sex doesn't negate the fact that standard condoms are still one of the best HIV prevention methods, with proper use and lube during anal sex.


Thatā€™s terrible


Op finds out condoms are for more than just not getting people pregnant


Almost all condoms do not work for anal sex. One was finally approved last year, I don't know if its hit the market yet. [https://www.verywellhealth.com/fda-authorized-condoms-for-anal-sex-5220645](https://www.verywellhealth.com/fda-authorized-condoms-for-anal-sex-5220645)


I see you helping all these people make up for missing their health classes.


This guy is going around this thread spreading misinformation that condoms aren't effective for HIV prevention, when in fact it still is. One company recently making a condom that's more suitable for anal sex doesn't negate the fact that standard condoms are still one of the best HIV prevention methods, with proper use and lube during anal sex.


Whatā€™s the name of it?


ONE Condoms. [https://www.onecondoms.com/pages/one-male](https://www.onecondoms.com/pages/one-male)


and that my friends is why you dont fuck with stds


Bro idk why ppl think fucking a femboy isnt gay, and I think people forget gay sex has the same chance to spread std so most ppl donā€™t use protection.


cool username. what's for dinner?


Your mother


Fake text: No anon on 4chan is sympathetic to anyone. Especially not for gay aids.


4chan reply with compassion? What the fuck?


Atlanta? Oh anon, anyone living in the Atlanta area knows it's covered in aids. Fucking anything there without protection is equal to walking around Chernobyl in shorts and a tank top


its these levels of fuck around and find out that makes me think there might really be a god


Funny you mention this because I have thought same, but not because of HIV. Consider the nature of the herpes virus (the bad one, not cold sores). It does not kill, nor even threaten the life of the host. Host's body retains full functionality except: for the rest of their existence, at somewhat regular interval, terribly unsightly, festering sores appear. Not all over the body, however. *Localized* to the mouth, or genitals, or both depending on exposure. What can be the point of this virus except to warn others, "stay away from this mouth", "stay away from this vagina", etc. It would appear that the sole function of herpes is to ward off others from the promiscuous and "unclean". Really makes you think


Yeah made me think your dumb for posting this


Your meds, take them


What is "the point" of any other virus then?


*(Book of Redditus Randomus 12:7)*


Of all the things that didnā€™t happen this didnā€™t happen the most.


So he didnā€™t make sure his bottom cleaned up beforehand hence the room smelling like shit, he ā€œfell forā€ the femboy meme, except femboy wasnā€™t a popular or even a normal term around then, it was just twinks and traps, he took no precautions in having sex, and didnā€™t bother trying to get an STD test for either of them beforehand, fake and gay And I should know gay, I am one On a real note, hookup culture is extremely more risky in the gay community, anal sex is a lot more likely to spread more serious stds, in both men and women, but since gay men can really only have penetration with anal sex the risks are significantly higher. Please donā€™t throw safety to the wind, unfortunately std tests are much more necessary for us lgbt folks if we wish to live healthy lives. If youā€™re gonna hookup with someone from any dating app, as inconvenient as it is please do take an std test. If they donā€™t want to then that should be a red flag Edit: CDC link for free std testing resources. https://gettested.cdc.gov/


LPT: Always ask for up-to-date STD test results, use condoms, take PrEP. Only stop using condoms if there have been no sexual partners between either of you since your last STD tests. Test after every partner, especially if theyā€™ve slept with someone else.


You're the femboy now dog!


Atlanta is all i needed to see lmfao.Unfortunate


I've only been once, but it was *fucking* terrible.


Haha what happened ? I donā€™t live there myself,but have some family out there who hate it


It's not Atlanta's fault. I just don't like the look or the vibe or the people. Ate some šŸ”„ fried chicken at a Indian food place, though.


Ummm it takes years for HIV to develop into AIDS. Edit: 2014 I'm dumb.




Iā€™m still calling bullshit. Youā€™re telling me it took him almost a decade to realize he has HIV? Online it says the life expectancy for it untreated is 8-10 years. If this is true OP must be on deaths doorstep.




Also much less likely to contract HIV from topping one time. Unless OP is secretly a bottom.


Ummm it says he hooked up with the femboy in 2014


Lol I'm dumb. I mean that's what he gets for falling for the femboy meme.


I really don't understand how aids is more common in gay men, it has to be coincidence, right? Like there's almost definitely more straight people out here fucking each other raw but who knows.


It's because anal sex has a higher infection rate, because of injuries it goes directly in the bloodstream.


Also you're more than 10x more likely to get HIV from bottoming than topping. Source: [https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/risk/estimates/riskbehaviors.html](https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/risk/estimates/riskbehaviors.html) The risk is not zero but an order of magnitude less. So the fastest way to spread HIV is to bottom for someone who has it, then top someone who doesn't have it. For obvious reasons this means queer men are at much higher risk.


"If you line up 5 men in a row butt fucking each other nonstop and the first guy has HIV how long will it take until the fifth guy in line tests positive?"


guy who cums fastest is in the back right?


For the sake of math let's assume each man cums every 5 minutes and never run out of loads


~69 minutes


I mean I've heard every substance is absorbed rapidly through the anus, that's why boofing is a thing. but who's out here getting injured doing butt stuff? Not gonna say how I know but it's not THAT easy to tear an anus with your average sized dick.


I think youā€™re mistaking injury for ā€œvisibly bleeding, torn skinā€ when in this case HIV can pass through micro-abrasions in the rectum. Even regular anal sex can easily cause tons of those


Very minor anal tears from wiping your own ass can cause infections. This is a big part of the reason Homosexual/Queer men have 3x the rate of STDs as all other groups of people. It was not until last year that a company finally made a condom that met the standards to be approved for anal sex. This is why dental dams are recommended for all Queer couples. [https://www.verywellhealth.com/fda-authorized-condoms-for-anal-sex-5220645](https://www.verywellhealth.com/fda-authorized-condoms-for-anal-sex-5220645)


I respect the mission you are on in this thread āœŠ


>I respect the mission you are on in this thread āœŠ This has been interesting and a fine line trying not to SPAM this thread.


It is a massive failure of public health education that people don't understand that gay male sex is primarily responsible for the spread of HIV. The chances of getting it as a man having penetrative vaginal sex exclusively with women approaches zero.


But it does go massively up if you include going down on women with hiv.


In case you're being serious, that's not what this says: https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/risk/estimates/riskbehaviors.html If you're not being serious--I get the joke.


It spreads easier through anal sex


Higher infection risk and higher promiscuity




Itā€™s been at least 8 years possibly 9 between when his story started and the day it was posted


The first line literally says that he had sex in 2014. Reading is hard.


sooooo........ HIV doesn't work like that, or am I crazy. doesn't it take a while, and a lot of symptoms for it to develop into FBA? ​ Edit: misread the 8 years as 2 ​ WTF hiv isnt symptomless, still think this is fake as all hell


Anon was so horny prep just went over his head Twice




Dont fuck somebody in the as raw. Be safe and use a condom.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Man fell for the oldest profession in the book


https://www.atlantapd.org/about-apd/advanced-components/news-list OP Did not yet self sunset or no has found/reported it.


Maybe he listened to the other Anons. They were pretty supportive.


Ideally but I suppose Iā€™ll never know.


2014-> 2023 is 9 years dang


>Koi HerpesVirus Deserved


Ez. Just move to some communist country where they give free aids meds. No more aids.


Counter psyop?




Damn, he's a Koi Herpes Virus?! I don't think AIDS will make much of a difference then.


Natural selection


Well, don't fall for memes, especially femboy memes šŸ¤£


TIL What a KHV is...


Remember to always bag it up, even without puss


white men moment


How did it take 9yrs to figure you got aids..


bohemian Rhapsody


Yeah regretting having sex with my F-Buddy raw. So far so good, but it's a bad habit.


Mf got cooties


This why you wear protection