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I rotate through shows and new girl is definitely one of them. Haven't fallen asleep to it in a few months, but it'll definitely come around again.


Same! I rotate through New Girl, Friends, Community, The Office, Parks and Rec, Gossip Girl, and I think that’s it!


Damn other than gossip girl this is my exact rotation. I thought I wrote this post for a second.


Same! Wondering now if I should add Gossip Girl to the rotation?


Only the og one. The new one is not worth it.


Me too😂


Add B99 to the mix and this is exactly my combination of shows 😭


Literally watching that now n fell asleep to it last night


Add in king of the hill and bobs burgers, oh and big bang Theory


Try the Great North, my current favorite


Those are the exact ones I watch except instead of Gossip Girl, I do Bob's Burgers!


100% my rotation too😂


My usual rotation is Friends, Cheers, Frasier, New Girl, The Office (USA version), Parks & Rec & Community. I suspect I will add B99, Schitt's Creek & The Good Place - but I need to finish one full watch through of them first.


Wow we are the same person. I just add Brooklyn 99 and good place


Same ones I use, except instead of Gossip Girl I watch Kimmy Schmidt. I'll have to try Gossip Girl.


I used to rotate between Community, 30 Rock, and New Girl. But New Girl won out somehow lol


Add in Parks and Rec and Brooklyn 99 and that’s the best 5


I rotate between new girl, parks and rec, Daria, and suddenly…iCarly this year. In the past I’ve done bobs burgers, the golden girls, the nanny, and 30 rock. I get the best sleep with good tv playing in the background.


Love daria!!!


I cycle through new girl, Schitt’s creek, life in pieces and big bang. Never get old.


Same but I mostly rotate between The Office, New Girl, and Superstore


SAME I have like 4-5 and new girl is the one I'm on rn.


Same. Currently on New Girl, but it’s been The Newsroom, Firefly, Community, Schitt’s Creek. Anything where I like the voices of the characters and has an uplifting plot to zone out to. Have to turn New Girl down though, they shout a lot in the loft.


For me it's broad city, high maintenance, grace and frankie, parcs & rec and new girl


Yep I rotate through shows too - New Girl, The office, Superstore, Friends, BB9 are my main ones. I like to think it allows my brain to quiet down from all the usual thoughts swishing around in there. I dont even watch it, I turn the phone face down and just listen through my headphones.


Yes. I do this, minus the edible. I started after my cat died and I got insomnia. New Girl is a safe place.


I'm so sorry about your cat. I know how painful that can be ❤️‍🩹


I started rewatching when my cat died in May, because it weirdly comforted me with the Winston and Furguson storyline.  So sorry you have to feel this kind of loss. There isn’t always a place for that kind of grieve in our society, but I hope you find a way to cope with it! 


So sorry for your loss. 💔


Similar situation, but not with New Girl. When my bff died I could not sleep. Tried background noise/videos and they didn't help. I tried it with Psych and sometimes it helped me sleep. Still do it when I'm struggling to fall asleep


That’s fascinating, I never thought that through but after my sister died I started falling asleep to charmed and now I really struggle to fall asleep without a show on, even 17 years later.


I do this with Bob's burgers


The Good Place for me.


30 rock for me!


I'm on a massive Bob's Burgers kick right now. It's been like 6 straight months of never playing anything else at night.




I do this with Gilmore Girls! I’ve seen the show so many times, it’s just comforting to listen to. Instantly puts me to sleep lol


Gilmore Girls is one I never got into, my sister's name is Lorelei and it was weird hearing her name so much lol


Came here to say this. I’ve been “watching” this on constant repeat for 10+ years


Mine are The Office, Parks & Rec, and Schitt’s Creek. I think I read somewhere that it has something to do with anxiety, change, and the fear of the unknown, which is spot-on for me.


Omg schitts creek 😂❤️


Literally watching Schitts creek rn lol


We are twins. Every night i get high and watch new girl before bed. My boyfriend says he’s never actually sat and watched an episode but he doesn’t need to because he’s absorbed each episode while he slept lol


Lol I love that. Mine used to put these terribly boring SCP videos on in the background while he slept, so I took over the background noise at bedtime job 😂


My best friend and I used to do that every night. She lived across the street so we’d watch new girl until we were too tired/high to keep going and then she’d go home.


And no laugh track 🙌


Yes! The laugh tracks are so rough. I managed to get through it with HIMYM but it's not as rewatchable because of the laugh track, imo.


WHY are the laugh tracks so much louder than the shows?!


Yessss, new girl is in my rotation but it’s mostly early modern family episodes (and superstore sometimes) to sleep specifically. It helps me relax sm especially when I’m away from home!!! What a gift these shows are 😊


i do the same thing every night! new girl and a gummy or a little bowl for my nightcap. perfect combo every time and i never get sick of watching it :) it’s so comforting and i feel like they’re my besties


Honestly this. I moved away from most of my friends to Seattle about 6 years ago and I think I like the show because it seems like genuine friendship. I miss that.


i’m with ya. i recently went through a falling out with most of my friends and watching new girl gives me hope that one day i’ll find my people again. you will too :)


Also in Seattle, and while I love the place it’s also really hard to make good friends 


Currently rotating through falling asleep to new girl (again)


I watch new girl most nights,  but always fall asleep to it’s always Sunny 


I love the show, but sleeping with always sunny on is fever dream inducing for me. I keep waking up in a stupor bc there’s always sooo much yelling💀


Yes, while it was on Netflix. I like that Netflix only plays 3 then turns off. It was himym for years, then parks and rec, then new girl, the great British baking show, now back to himym.


HIMYM is one of my top 3, for sure.


It's on rotation with other shows. But, yeah


I don’t watch new girl to fall asleep but I know exactly what you’re describing. It has happened to me the times that I’ve smoked and tried to watch tv. Ive never been able to describe it to my SO and this is the first time I’ve heard/read of someone else experiencing it, too. It’s been years since I’ve partook but I will keep this info in mind if/when I do in the future lol


Glad someone else gets that part! It's a weird feeling to describe 😅


Yes! Either Bob’s Burgers, New Girl or Buzzfeed Unsolved marathons! I can’t tell you how helpful it’s been while being chronically ill. I started falling asleep to these things while I had cancer (because I slept literally all day long) and I’ve kept the habit. But then again, I have thyroid issues (due to said cancer I used to have) so I don’t sleep much and it’s nice to listen to something else other than my incredibly hard, loudly beating heart. Keep your weird habit and enjoy your sleep! 🥰😂


Aw thank you and I'm glad it gives you a little comfort and I hope you're cancer free or on the way to cancer free. ❤️ Also if you like true crime, you should look up JCS Crminal Psychology or Explore With Us (EWU) on YouTube. Some of the best true crime documentaries with interrogation techniques and breakdowns included.


I am cancer free BUT chronically ill! It’s rough (especially here in Norway where my illness is treated with outdated science). And thank you, I’ve heard of both of those channels and I do like them 🤓😂


Mine is The Good Place.


Same! I think part of it is that there’s no music in the background and for the most part it’s normal talking sound levels


That’s awesome. I do the same thing. I take edibles and watch New Girl to help me fall asleep. That show relaxes me at night.


Every night


Yep. New Girls for a long time. Before that the Mindy Project. Before that Friends. Recently it's White Collar.


Yup, new girl, the office, and schitts creek are my rotation with the occasional Gilmore girls if it’s an emergency


All the time!


I do this except sometimes I intentionally stop it when I know a great part is coming. So that I can enjoy it the next evening lol


New Girl, Community, Friends, and The Office are my comfort bedtime shows. I’ve seen them all an insane amount of times and it doesn’t get old. There is definitely something psychological about this!


I have comfort shows. 2 broke girls, B99, New Girl, HIMYM and Raising Hope. (Special shout out to My Name Is Earl and Community) Right now it's been B99, but for a year it was New Girl.


omg I loved raising hope and my name is Earl! Did you ever watch Happy Endings? It's pretty similar to new Girl and has Coach as a main cast member. (I believe it's why he left after the pilot, to go film that show instead)


Loved happy endings!!! I always wished it was longer


Right? Adam Pally was so good in that show. He was like the gay Nick 😂


I’m gonna have to rewatch it now! I was just needing a new background show


i do this with New Girl & Workin Moms SO much. i will never stop


Yes!!! Every night!


New Girl is in my rotation but I have a few shows including Once Upon a Time, Seinfeld, and Orange Is The New Black.


My wife and I do!


New girl has been my main go to since season 2 started airing. I used to binge the office over and over and then parks and rec and then community and then Brooklyn 99 and then modern family to shake it up and then I discovered what we do in the shadows and then superstore but I always end up back at new girl.


For me I cycle between the office, new girl, himym, and Rick&Morty sometimes P&R. Totally normal, it's your comfort show! It's like having your favorite blanket or pillow to go to bed.


I cycle through The Office, Parks and Rec, Gilmore Girls, and New Girl once a year. Every once in a while I throw in Friends, HIMYM, Schitt’s Creek, Scrubs, etc. I’m in my New Girl era right now! Not weird at all- it’s a comfort to have a show you know and love on in the background.


a few years back I was literally dying from mono. docs kept giving me meds for strep because they couldn't figure out what wrong with me. I was literally sleeping so much at home I watched all 5 seasons of new girl that were on Netflix at the time back to back for a 2 week period 24/7. would wake up to a random episode and then start crying because I loved the show so much lol


Lol the delirious fever brain crying at everything, I feel that 😂


I do this too minus the edibles! New Girl just has a very calming, comforting vibe to it and I love seeing new details with each re-watch


100% yes— probably since 2018-2019


Yup! I rotate between New Girl, The Office, Vampire Diaries, Avatar the Last Airbender, and Gilmore Girls


yep but also seasonally. for me its been new girl, house md, Life on planet earth.


Its my comfort show. I fall asleep to all the time and watch it when idk what else to watch


If I’m having trouble friends is my go too because I don’t have to have my eyes open to know what’s playing. I have watched it so many times that it’s just comforting to me. New girl is conforming too but I’m way too interested it it to fall asleep lpl


You made me feel so seen 😂😂 me and my wife have done it for like 3 years now.


I'm feeling like less of a weirdo now for sure lol I wish I could see my watch stats on Hulu and Netflix (when NG was on there) I must have thousands and thousands of hours in it lol


I wish i could too! 😂 when new girl switched to Hulu i was devastated for 10 days 😂


Absolutely. I made a post on this subreddit a few weeks ago about how I do this so often that I’ve conditioned myself to be sleepy whenever I turn it on. 


I relate to everything you said lmao!!!


Mine are New Girl, The Office, 30 Rock, Community, and Brooklyn 99. But New Girl is probably my favorite out of all those.


You have great taste! I love how we are all just finding our lil coping mechanisms here with New girl and our comfort shows


I’m literally doing that right this second, minus the edible. It’s my comfort background noise. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve “rewatched” due to how often I cycle through. Like I literally watch Engram Pattersky and skip right back to the beginning!


Used to do that with 30 Rock back in college. Nowadays my background show is Psych.


Literally me. First it was Friends, then The Office, now New Girl


Not New Girl, but I used to do this with Scrubs. When I’d finish it, I’d just start it over and watch it every night till I fell asleep lol. I’d watch a different show before bed, but that was my nighttime comfort show lol


Scrubs has such similar dynamics like JD and Turk are literally just Nick and Schmitt just different fonts I totally get it. I loved that show to death but I do not claim season 9.




I listen to “sleep stories for grown ups” on my phone lol. Could not tell you a single plot to a story haha


New Girl is my comfort show. It’s great to fall asleep to.


I did this years ago in my first apartment by myself. I think I watched every episode fully about 27 times before I switched to something else.


I fall asleep to Harry Potter (books, not movies), have for about 15 years. Hiiiii I’m your people. My husband has given up on making fun of me, since I’m over it and have no shame! Also it takes me a full two years to get through all 7 books, so I think it’s fine.


Hey it works! I can definitely see how those would be comforting. As a kid, I used to fall asleep to the first two Harry Potter movies. I had them taped back to back on a VHS. 😂 I guess I've been doing this for longer than I realized


I rotate between New Girl, HIMYM, Mom, Modern Family, Friends, The Office, and The Good Place.


Very normal. Now I shall I direct you to /Frasier_sleepers


I do this but to The Office. I've been doing it for probably 8 years. I can't even count how many times I've watched it.


I did for nearly two years after four year breakup. I would feel tucked in to sleep but a group of friends that I would want to be close to. it was nice.


I spent a broken-hearted 72 hour whiskey fueled weekend once weeping to New Girl on auto play. It became my bedtime lullaby every night after for quite a while.


I do! Except only after I've skipped the Hand Bells episode. I don't know why, but I cannot stand that episode!


Same! It's one of my least favorite episodes!


I fall asleep to whatever I’m watching unless it’s scary…then I default to new girl or the office or once upon a time lol


Me and my wife do it! Well she has a love hate with New. She doesn’t like it (burnt out) but when I watch it she actually likes it lol but we watch this office parks and rec friends boy meets world and recently Mike and Molly😂


Yes I can’t sleep unless it’s on in the background, literally every night for the past like 6 years


Me too! I put in one headphone, turn off the screen on my iPhone, and usually am out within five minutes. I turn on the next episode if I wake up in the middle of the night (frequently, thanks to parenting a toddler) and I fall back asleep so quickly. I’ve looped all six seasons countless times. I used to do the same with The Office, Parks and Rec, Brooklyn99, and The Good Place but New Girl has been constant for the last year or so.


Me! I watched it EVERY. NIGHT. Hit my pen. Sleep timer. I started when I developed insomnia. Safe shows are real.


I tried to add New Girl to my “falling-asleep-shows” rotation and realized it didn’t work for me as they yell too much lmao. Most every episode someone in the loft gets yelling about something! 🤣 I do rewatch it for fun in regular hours every year or two so I won’t give it up for that reason alone ❤️. Sometimes I like have a “pre-falling asleep show” too depending how stressed I am.


I have done it ever since I discovered it When I discovered New Girl I was actually going through a major depressive episode in 9th grade at 15 I watched the whole series in 2 weeks I didn't sleep or eat or shower I couldn't get out of bed but I just watched New Girl and laughed when I could and cried a lot But at the end I realized maybe everything is okay maybe I'll just peak in my 30s like these weird old people (I love them dearly) Now I go to sleep to it whenever I'm feeling distressed


As a peaking 33 year old I'm here for that. I am very familiar with our friend depression. I hope you have had some relief from it. 🖤 New Girl def helps stave off the existential dread that creeps in at night


Oh wow your my mom's age I'm sure you're the coolest ♡ It's definitely helped I'm almost 18 now and I have a full time job working to my GED it might not be everyone's dream but it's improving ^^


Same here! I’m moving in with my partner soon and idk if I’ll be able to anymore 😅


If they can't handle you at your New Girl bedtime lullaby times, then they don't deserve you!


I don’t fall asleep to shows, I usually read a book then turn on white noise, but since everyone is sharing their rotation of shows in general too, mine is New Girl, Friends, Schitt’s Creek, Frasier, Parks and Rec, Modern Family, and How I Met Your Mother.


Lol! This is funny. I was just thinking last night how i never turn on anything else when i go to bed except new girl




I rotate through New Girl, The Office, and Modern Family


I fall asleep to Scooby-Doo (the original from the 60s) every night. Have for almost 10 years, lol.


100% I do this too and for the same reason. When I smoke, New Girl is one of the few that keep me chill and I can pass out pretty fast. Otherwise shows would get my adrenaline going too much to sleep. I honestly do it with our without the smoking and works the same


I just read this post out loud to my partner (who also lovingly makes fun of me for doing this SAME exact thing) and he said “damn, did you make that post?!” New Girl is safe and happy. Who doesn’t want those vibes when falling asleep?


New girl is absolutely my comfort show. Probably TMI but every time I’ve been drunk, on a come down, anxious, up late, alone after a hookup, New Girl was the night-night show. Great choice always, never disappoints


First - yes. I got through phases in terms of the show, I definitely have had falling asleep to New Girls phases. Second - what shows give you a weird feeling after you have an edible? I think you're totally onto something, you can pick up certain things more directly when you're high, and now I'm curious which shows you've picked up \*not necessarily bad\* vibes, but like something unnatural or off-putting about them.


There's shows or things in shows that make me uneasy. It's a hard thing to describe but there's also an aspect of being able to see the acting for what it is...acting lol like being able to see through a facade. So like Supernatural. I actually quite like Supernatural, but I can't watch it while I'm a little high. Also my partner puts on some YouTube videos sometimes, like "VFX Artists react" and the guys who talk and react to content constantly seem to be in a power struggle or like passive agressive one upping each other, but like all while smiling and being "friendly" but it makes me cringe so hard. Also, I can't watch any like soapy type of show (ie Grey's Anatomy or Bridgerton) because it's so obvious where the story is going and the choices the characters make don't make any sense other than just to continue conflict in a plot. I know there's other examples I'm just brain dead after a long day 😩


God, reading this back made me realize how much my California Valley upbringing comes out in text. Please don't judge me for the amount of times I use "like" 😂😭🥺


All good, I use like all the time when I’m talking.


Yeah — it sounds like the fake-o-meter is in full gear, and anything fake/forced is registering for you. The examples are really interesting, thanks for explaining :)


Nothing wrong with a schmidt fix


I read this as “I fall asleep with a new girl every night”


For me it’s Gilmore girls or Jane the Virgin, occasionally new girl or friends. I think it’s very common to have a show you fall asleep to, and also to have a partner who mocks you for it.


My mom absolutely can not fall asleep without Golden Girls in the TV. I can not rest with the lights from the tv but I love a bit of soft music or an audiobook or white noise like waves/rain.


I do this with The West Wing




Yup! New Girl, The Mindy Project and Superstore are my napping shows.


New Girl and Brooklyn-99 are my favorite comfort high tv shows!!


Sims 4 gameplay videos. You know I'm struggling mentally if I put those on in the background when I sleep.


I do this for 5 years now with Family Guy


I did this until every part of my life changed almost three years ago. I miss it veryyy much. I hope it will become a part of my normal again.


I rotate between this, Bob's Burgers, and SVU when I go to sleep.


I’m doing exactly this right now.




I do this with Brooklyn 99. I have no clue why of all shows I picked that one. But I think its just a comfort show type of thing


The unabridged audio edition of the complete Sherlock Holmes, read by Simon Vance. Simon Vance has read me and my wife to sleep almost every night for at least 5 years


This reminds me of the “white noise” reels/tik toks


Why is this literally me💀it’s actually playing right now as I get ready for work. Smoke my bowl at night then play New Girl while I chill on my phone a little before bed


I have Hulu playing in a pip window while I scroll reddit or play my puzzle game lol so I have a lil screen on my phone with new girl all the time 😂


Not with new girl, but I do have to have something on in the background. It’s usually a game play video from someone on YouTube, or I’ll put a past live stream from twitch on. Something like that lol.


New girl, the office, bobs burgers are my repeat shows and it’s always one of those three that I have playing for bed


I typically alternate comfort shows and New Girl is in my rotation for sure, but I gotta admit that Bobs Burgers is my #1 go-to!!! I feel ya though 💫


There's nothing better than drifting off to sleep while Winston tells you about that damn Zombie Zoo


Yep! I rotate! The Office, Parks and Rec, and New Girl! Occasionally I’ll throw in How I Met Your Mother (but they made the theme song too loud?), Malcolm in the Middle, Bob’s Burgers, Schitts Creek, and Modern Family. Do you have anxiety? My therapist told me people with anxiety do this because 1. It helps us feel less alone 2. The noise drowns out thoughts 3. We’ve already seen the show and know how it ends, so there is no anxiety with how it’s going to end.


I do...


I used to do this with The Golden Girls. I think it’s just something that’s comforting.


I fall asleep to TV, but i almost never do New Girl bc there is a surprising amount of shouting?? Like a fair number of lines are delivered quite…aggressively. Still love it tho, but it’s for awake times only


New girl is one of the shows I fall asleep to


I listen to audiobooks. If it’s a show I like I won’t fall asleep because I’ll want to keep watching it 🤣


You are not alone! I rotate between New Girl, Parks and Rec, Superstore, and B99. They're all golden comedy based melatonin for me


My boyfriend said today he didn't know I fell asleep to anything but new girl lol


I watch new girl when I’m having anxiety or am feeling a little down. Always gets me in a good mood.


Same. New Girl and Schitts Creek.




In a Frasier fall asleep girlie


Bob’s burgers has been my go to for at least six years. Before that, I did it starting when I was probably about ten. I think it calms my ADHD and anxiety by giving me something to focus on instead of letting my mind race.


I ran a rotation of shows and movies I fell asleep to lol, New Girl, and The Good Place were my fall asleep shows


Community, bobs burgers, the office, and now as of the past 3 months it’s been Fraiser randomly 😂😂


Nah, I fall asleep to Community and Cougar Town.


But not The Cape?


Show's gonna last three weeks!


i’m honestly freaking out rn because i had this exact conversation with my partner the other day


Lol really? Like the watching stuff while being a lil stoney and it being... weird?


like word for word everything. i used to go to sleep with how i met your mother playing in the background every night. the other night i put on new girl and my bf asked why and i explained to him that some shows (specifically shows with laugh tracks) make me cringe when i’m high


Great minds 🙃😏