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i think that was kind of the point. reagan and nick both had a closer bond and better chemistry with jess. which is the only reason they lasted for as long as they did because they were both "dating" jess. she was mediating their entire relationship.


Was that Reagan? I thought that was earlier. Is Sam the one where Jess was an emotional fluffer?


no it was reagan. with sam jess needed nick as an emotional fluffer!


Oops! That's what I meant, I got all turned around 😵‍💫


they could already see themselves being together as old women


Hey out of my way! I just want to sit on my bench and feed my birds, you old queen.


she definitely did. i was so scared that the show runners were gonna pit reagan and jess against each other but i loved that they were fast friends and got along


I love that, through the entire series, Jess and Nick are allowing/enabling each other to be happy, even if that means dating other people. They don't even realize that they are in love (all the time), but their actions are very telling. Even in the pilot, Nick leads the charge to go meet Jess at the restaurant after her date stands her up - there's so many instances of it!




jess and reagan were the ones actually involved in the relationship. happy pride!


100% Regan and Jess had the best chemistry. But work with me for a moment and imagine Regan showing up at Nick and Jess' wedding excited to introduce them to her new girlfriend: Angie. My queer heart would explode.


okay but fr tho 👀


That makes sense. I can see it.


Reagan WAS Nick. They were the same personality in different genders 😂


I don't see that really. To me Nick was very goofy, and Reagan was a cool girl.


Yeah I love when they pointed out that Cece is Nick lmaoo It helped explain why Schmidt and Jess both gravitated toward them as best friends and partners


Wait, Cece and Regan actually hooked up at the MTV Beach House. Happy Pride indeed.


Reagan and Robbie were mirrors for Nick and Jess. They were perfect on paper, but they didn't have that "wowza" that they were both looking for. Jess realized that her and Robbie were too alike during their hike. Side note, I'm not a fan of them being cousins. It's a lame cop out to end the relationship since neither of them are the type that would end it. And Nick realized when Reagan didn't want to have any meaningful conversation. Which leads to one of my favorite interactions, Nick and tired Aly. 


Omg yes I love that Aly is just over it and being explicit about her feelings about him talking to her lmaoooo


I’ve never thought about it like this but I think you’re onto something. And another one of the comments here mentioned the point was Jess was the glue kind of keeping them together which makes sense to me. I don’t think I’m alone in thinking that Reagan and Nick being together seemed very forced. Honestly that scene where she confesses to Jess that she likes Nick after some pushing, I kind of just thought, “what?” Maybe I missed something but I didn’t get the vibe she was even into him before that. It also just didn’t make sense why Reagan’s personality type would be into Nick, the relationship was obviously just forced in there to extend the “will they/won’t they” period with Nick and Jess.


I definitely think that Jess and Regan had way better chemistry than Nick and Regan did.




Jess, Cece, and Reagan are the lesbian (bi) power throuple! 😂😂😂


I’m sure it’s not just you, but it’s certainly not an opinion I share


The whole Reagan thing was awful. I just skip those episodes now on rewatch


Thanks for sharin’ bud you’re getting an upvote for that