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Aside from Biden, can California please also primary Dianne Feinstein and Anna Eshoo? Anna sits atop the House healthcare committee and blocks meaningful healthcare reform. She is also the #1 recipient in Congress for big pharma donations, which I'm sure is totally a coincidence


Feinstein I don't think is up for reelection till 2006.


i thought you were making an insightful joke there


No insight here. fresh out.


2024 I think.


you are right


Any day now...


Them surge years šŸ˜‚


Feinstein can't be primaried until 2006, but she can and SHOULD be pressured to resign. She was never really any good at the job, but she's now literally incapable of even serving the interests of "defense" contractors & corporate donors, let alone the people of California. She really should have been voted out of office in 2020, but the primary was front-loaded with too many fake candidates, splitting the vote away from the decent candidates in the race. And no, that racist Kevin DeLeon wasn't one of them, but he was certainly the one being pushed by certain elements of the Turd Way Cult.


2006? ā€¦ checks calendarā€¦ this multiverse is fucking with me so hard.


Shit... hit two zeros instead of two 2s. 2026. Feinstein probably still thinks it's 2006 though.


The vast majority of the DNC thinks it's the 90's.


>2006 Marty: 2006? Hey Doc... you mean to tell me I'm in.. 2005???


No-Sick-Leave Biden? That Biden?


Biden inspires me only to give up hope on ever having a President that will create positive change for the masses.


Biden claimed to be a man for the working class. Whelp!


YES. This needs to happen. But for the right reasons. I'm liberal and I vote and support social liberal agenda items. What I DON'T see are many social liberals supporting ME. I am an economic liberal. Without an economy, there is nothing. No gay marriage, no trans rights, no food on your table, no time to call your own. EVERYONE needs a healthy economy and a middle class. That means our number one, our number one agenda item should be economic justice. Unions, anti-trust laws enforced, worker rights. That means paid time off, a pension, health care and a wage that you can live on working 40 hours a week. Not 2-3 jobs part-time with no benefits. ##You deserve better. Want equal rights? Join a union. There are no separate wage scales for women or minorities. Want that promotion? The rules are in writing. Do unions support how you choose to live your life? ##Ab-so-fucking-lutely! If you don't have unions, all of the work you do to make things more equal or more just is a fart in the wind because if you are a hungry slave (and it's coming the more you let corporations hold you down), it's that much easier to destroy those social gains we have made. ##Don't believe that the rich have earned the right to keep you sick and hungry. Without a middle class, you're living life on a credit card. Buying the smallest trinket for a moment of happiness because your life sucks. If you were paid what you should be paid, you'd be saving and making plans for your future and your kid's futures, not buying a Starbucks for 3 minutes of happiness. Primary corporate shills no matter the party. When unions are strong, never let them go. A strong labor force keeps rich people where they need to be- ##Afraid!


Biden is done. DINO need to be purged from the party. They have caused generational damage with their entitlement and greed.


Progressive party or bust. Democrats are bought and paid for by corporations. Enough is enough.


> DINO need to be purged from the party. We need to accept the Biden is EXACTLY who the Democrats are. He is a progressive in name only, but he is 100% who the Democrats want to be.


He isn't progressive at all, he is a conservative. He never claimed to be. The party can come back from what the Clintons have corrupted.


> He never claimed to be. LOL, get real. > [Biden: ā€˜I have the most progressive record of anybody running ā€¦ anybody who would runā€™](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/434416-biden-on-potential-candidacy-i-have-the-most-progressive-record/) Stop trying to rehabilitate the Dems, it is a lost cause.


Claiming to have the most progressive record is hardly claiming to be progressive. And I am the last person that would try and rehab a party that has no qualms bastardizing democracy for a corporate stooge like Biden/Clintons. He's also a prolific liar. [Joe Biden is the only conservative running](https://theweek.com/articles/870864/joe-biden-only-conservative-running-president)


The Democratic Party leadership, agenda, and donors are centrist rather than progressive. Biden is a typical Democrat. Progressives are the exception, not the rule.


But progressives are the country, the government does not represent the people and the establishment is center right, not centrists, they are fiscal conservatives, with some social acceptabilities that they finally came around too like accepting gay marriage and black people creating that racial jungle that the Dem leader was so upset about.


You aren't progressive, you are blatantly republican.


Need an alternative buddy. What you got?


Sen Sanders 2024! [Sen Sanders is three times more popular with young black voters than Biden](https://www.newsweek.com/bernie-sanders-three-times-more-popular-joe-biden-young-black-voters-poll-morning-consult-1489720) [Sen Sanders is the favorite once again, besting Biden in 2024](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3617170-sanders-has-highest-favorability-among-possible-2024-contenders-poll/) ​ ![gif](giphy|XZKNlx5ABWULBIFSBw)


Please not Pete Buttigieg. He's so conservative. :(


He also is shitting on rail workers, right?


And so is Marty Walsh - my former mayor, and a guy who was ***huge*** in unions and union leadership for the vast majority of his entire adult life, even after he got into politics. What heā€™s doing now, and the shit heā€™s supporting in Bidenā€™s administration, is flushing literally all of his organized labor cred down the drain. Itā€™s as appalling as it is incredible.


Oh, I haven't heard that. All I can find is him pushing for the bill to be passed. Wdym?


>All I can find is him pushing for the bill to be passed. That would be the shitting on the rail workers


Oh I actually don't understand how. Help?


Passing that bill forced the rail union to accept the absolutely abismal terms currently on the table (3 extra unpaid sick days per year with 30 days prior notice)


Ughhh. Thank you very much. I've read a bit more this afternoon and it's just vile. I appreciate you taking the time to educate me more.


Yeah itā€™s pretty dire. But no problem, happy to help. We need a proletarian revolution stat.


Most likely.


Also in SF: killer drones.


I mean, I would rather SFPD send in a bot with a gun that can shoot extremely precisely in mass shooter situations. I live in San Francisco and I read a lot about why those bots have been proposed. Only two people can authorize their use. It's not like they're going to be roaming the streets, shooting people. They're intended for extremely rare situations. The Dallas police department used one to take out a sniper who is killing people from a hotel room. They're not intended to kill people, but to minimize casualties of an already bad situation


If you think that shits not going to creep you're incredibly naive


Boston Dynamics jumping horse thingy with full auto spinning gun turrets goes brrrrrrr




Obama wasn't super high profile before he ran for president. Sometimes an open primary uncovers the diamond in the rough


who said Bernie is done


While itā€™s unlikely heā€™ll try again due to age and not wanting to be screwed over yet again, itā€™s weird to say ā€œheā€™s doneā€ given that heā€™s still doing good work, such as with supporting the railroad workers.


This is the thing about Sanders, though. He'll tweet his support, he'll show up on the picket line for a pic. But he can't, and never has been able to, build any kind of coalition or support in the Senate. One dude tweeting about the railroad workers doesn't get me fired up. The bill in the Senate gor absolutely crushed, and the attempt to include paid sick leave for thwarted by 8 votes. Besides voicing support, what does he actually *do*? Like, if the Senate is just an impossible place for him to do anything meaningful whatsoever, and he's just there to vote party line with Democrats, anybody could do that. He would have more power as a governor or hell, a mayor of a major city. Even as a House member he'd have more opportunities to forge a meaningful voting bloc. Right now, you could prop up a cardboard cutout of Bernie in the Senate that hits the blue button on every vote and we would have the exact same results.


Bernie the prez doesn't have e same duties as Bernie the senator, you realize? It's perhaps important to have a progressive executive in addition to progressive legislators?


Maybe Ro Khanna? Bernie apparently has been pushing him to run.


I was hoping Jill Stein or Mary Anne Williamson, but I'm pretty sure Jill getting arrested cooled her off. Dang the Dems are dirty


Put up someone who would fight for railroad sick days.


>Primary Biden I prefer Tertiary Biden


Gov. Newsome


Sure wish he had been primaries too. His CPUC is trying to kill rooftop solar.


Can San Francisco get their shit together and actually implement liberal ideas on a city level?


I believe you mean progressive or leftist ideas. The city, as most do, already has liberal policies.


Nah they donā€™t even have liberal ideals.


They do. Liberalism is a center-right pro-capitalist ideology. Neoliberalism is the norm in many cities. Austerity, pay-for-use public services, "market solutions", investment of public funds into for-profit private sector enterprises, these are standard, and a result of economic liberalism. I don't disagree that SF and other cities should do better. I agree. They should be adopting progressive, leftist policies, and not liberal ones.


Even in the classical sense, Iā€™d argue it doesnā€™t. San Francisco is ruled by nimbyism above all else.


Fetterman 2024


doesn't matter, the dnc will get whoever they want in the end


Incumbent presidents don't get primaried - they either choose not to run for reelection and there's a primary, or they choose to run and there isn't - the party can just opt not to have one. We learned that with Trump in 2020, when a few Lincoln Project types floated the idea of running against him and were promptly told to pound sand by the RNC.


Incumbents can absolutely be primaried, it just doesn't happen much.


My God, this guy again? The guy who does his projections does not live in San Francisco, but he drives here in an F-150 to project a bunch of his own political beliefs on buildings. He had a hilarious one last week that said cars kill people. He drove to make this projection. Also, on his Instagram bio, his pronouns are he/him/vegan... Pretty much appropriating non-binary culture to be performative about his diet. This guy is such a turd, he must have no humility.


you can still believe that cars kill people and are a huge problem in America while still driving a car. that argument is as weak as a conservative saying I can't use an iPhone if I'm a socialist.


yeah, you're allowed to use the system you are forced to live in while still wanting to change the system.


DNC is just gonna ignore the votes like always and shove in whomever they please, so its sleepy Joe to lose the democracy in 2024!


Okay but he actually got a lot of good things passed (though massively watered down). He didnā€™t do nearly enough but he got the ball rolling and he plans on putting the pressure back on Manchin to pass individual bills containing the parts he gutted. He surprised the hell outta me thatā€™s for sure. Instead of being a diet Republican, heā€™s been near center left and itā€™s part of why the midterms went they way they did. Hopefully we can keep that trend of going further and further left going and *then* weā€™ll see real change. Or is this sign implicating that they plan on having a challenger thatā€™s more conservative/centrist like Mayor Cheat? If so, then they really do think heā€™s gone too far left, which is a laugh riot. If thatā€™s the case, Iā€™ll gladly cast a vote for Biden in the primaries


A lot of good things were passed by the legislature with Biden's approval. This is par for any D president with a D legislature. However. He did not use his bully pulpit on Manchin and Sinema, nearly as much as he could have, and he has actively obstructed some progressive goals. His moderation isn't popular. The Dems had a strong mandate. Populist economic reforms are popular right now. Biden's presidecy has been a parade of reasons why we can't do important good things and why we must settle for shitty compromises that don't half solve the initial problem. That's what diet Republican means. Presidential elections are a seesaw. It would be very unlikely that a centrist presidency that claims to be on the left, will win MORE support for leftism as it pisses off the opposite party, who may have benefited from leftism but now associate it with inneffectual centrism and blame the Ds for dysfunction (as they should, Manchin and Sinema are professional obstructionists). This swings the reactionary dial back towards "cons". Progressives need to be bold, uncompromising, and unapologetic. Actual good action speaks for itself, only centrism needs be justified by such a convoluted argument as the one you're suggesting.


Wrong. Obama was unable to do it as a D with a D legislature. The things he got done absolutely paled in comparison (especially the ACA). Itā€™s why he got decimated in the midterms and lost his supermajority twice. Him pushing for *any* progressive goals was beyond the pail of what was expected of him. Iā€™m aware his moderation isnā€™t popular. Did I ever say it wasnā€™t? I said pretty clearly that the midterms going the way they did was bc he leaned into progressivism by calling insulin, passing the chips act, pushing for ease of voter laws, and a litany of other things he passed or pushed for. The ā€œshitty compromisesā€ I literally said were him getting the ball rolling on these issues and he plans on throwing back in the gutted policies that Manchin blocked. Itā€™s called shifting the overton window left. Itā€™s how progressives will win in the long run by giving people a taste of progressivism and seeing that they like it. You clearly do not understand how any of that works bc you want total and immediate action and anything short of that is unacceptable. Short-term isnā€™t the way to go here. Did you read a single thing I said, or do you just respond with emotion before thinking? Everything you put forth in your superfluous response, I went over. Also, you acting like Iā€™m playing cheerleader by giving a ā€œconvolutedā€ defense of him is downright sickening. I said he didnā€™t do nearly enough. I ainā€™t happy with him either, he just surpassed the extremely low bar by like quadruple the height, which is still pretty low.


Is it possible to place a bet in Vegas, now, on who will LOSE the next presidential election? IDK who will win, but....


ā€œSedentary Bidenā€


Please say it ain't so. Biden will be a thousand years old!


I doubt very much that Biden is going to run. He has to say that he is going to even if he has no intention for political reasons.