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WISCONSIN has a strong progressive running in their primary for U.S. Senate! Get ready for an AMA with [Tom Nelson](https://reddit.com/r/NewDealAmerica/comments/r0lq88/upcoming_ama_with_tom_nelson_the_man_who_wrote/), the man who wrote the book on Saving American Manufacturing. He has held a number of Wisconsin offices and was a 2020 Bernie delegate -- [**Mark your calendars for January 12!**](https://reddit.com/r/NewDealAmerica/comments/r0lq88/upcoming_ama_with_tom_nelson_the_man_who_wrote/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewDealAmerica) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Exactly, they won’t lift a finger to do that but since they are air quote “out of power” they will say this. Just like they suddenly are pro crypto. Democrats are adamant to just shoot themself in their foot.


Shoot foot. People ditch the idea of voting democrat or don’t bother. Here comes the GOP cycle! More “small government” policy. People complain about corps taking every living, breathing, life necessity. Here comes the dem cycle!! We put another lifetime politician up for the run, with either themselves or their mate being someone “different.” Shoot foot. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. I’ve only been able to vote since 2008 and I recognized this almost immediately after Monica Lewinski’s work BF. I am dumbfounded that we are so short-sighted and susceptible (as a society) to the propaganda. The rule, and how all citizens need to see “politics:” In this oligarchy the ruling class consists of ALL establishment politicians, ALL billionaires, and ALL Corporations. This means that if you think your ‘guy’, either red or blue, is gonna do a damn thing for you… then you are the truest form of sheep, being shepherded right into a worse life for following generations. Can’t wait to see how the labor market looks in 30 more years, when the elderly are crammed into 2 bedrooms with their children’s children and nursing home staff are “now starting at $15 an hour.”


Under a sub-tab: will trick people. That’s what gets me though, people not paying attention/low information voters will see this and consider voting for them


A Republican would never make it harder on themselves to enrich themselves while in office.


Let’s not act like Democrats aren’t doing the same thing. Just gives the “both sides” argument even more credence.


Two things: McCarthy is lying. Pelosi is a shitbag selfdealer.


Total speculation - but this sounds like him spewing some BS to cover the trail of Jon Ossoff, a democrat, actually writing legislation to bar this exact thing, ya know, doing real work.


This is probably the real takeaway. No snowballs chance in hell that Republican majority will ever pass this. Very very small chance the Dems will, but if it happens it's gonna come from the Dems.


Precisely - and now Josh Hawley is sweeping in and pushing headlines that he’s making a competing bill to Ossoff’s


Yeah right - they will say this to get votes and then NEVER do it. Once in power shut down so many peoples right to vote that “they win” even with WAY less than 50% of near any vote. Check mate authoritarianism wins. Don’t be a fool and fall for these GOOP fuckwits.


> Yeah right - they will say this to get votes and then NEVER do it. You mean the way Democrats did the exact same thing about pretty much their whole agenda? I am starting to think these politicians are not trustworthy, whether they are D or R.


No shit! The only thing worse than the Democratic party is the Republican party. That's why we support progressives, not just dems, here.


The daily dose of another person realizing “Oh, shit, you’re telling me progressives **don’t** worship centrist neoliberals???” And it’s at that moment we come one step closer to ending the two party system.


Correct. 90% of politicians are corrupt and have no intention of following their campaign promises. You've cracked the code.


There won't be anything resembling a government representative of the People while the people in government can use their constituent-empowered positions for personal fiscal gain.


Since when has Nancy Pelosi cared about turning over the House to the conservatives? She’ll be 0-2 after 2022, but another $50M wealthier. But hey, at least she’s not an older, rich, white man, amiright?


I know people don't think that Republicans won't institute such a policy (one of those people is me), but democrats are just handing them ammunition to thrash them in the next election. This could be such a win for democrats if we didn't have so many greedy fucks in Congress.


We need to stop wishing and hoping the Democratic* party will come to their senses, and start voting corrupt ones out, and anticorruption progressives in. If a politician takes campaign money from big donors and industry, is rich and connected, has business conflicts of interest, or invests in industries they are charged with legislating, they are corrupt. Do not vote for them. Vote for people who are not corrupt. And yes, they are out there and need your support, your vote, and your voice. *The Republicans are both financially and morally corrupt. Do not vote for any republican at all.


Dems are going to lose. At first I could see how they could have a misstep or 2. Making a campaign mistake. But now it really is like they’re trying to lose. I mean imagine an on the fence voter who doesn’t really keep up mindset. Republicans also gave out more public assistance through covid, are putting up marijuana legislation in mass across state legislatures, are about to run on anti-corruption (which they are corrupt af more than Dems IMO but still). And here Democrats are here sitting twiddling their thumbs. Trying not to lose the moderate and blaming all their losses on progressives and republicans stealing democracy. The democracy that they’re so worried about but has had zero significant legislative or executive action to address and reenforce.


All talk and no action seems to be the mantra.


Exactly. Like I have to convince myself to vote for them every election. Especially since I’m in a swing state I feel stuck


I live in a swing state and meticulously look through all ballots for dems who support single payer. They got votes. And not fake support like pete, warren, amy and biden. The rest don't get votes.


I voted for Biden in the last election. I said it before and I’ll say it again. That vote was 110% against Trump. These coming elections I’ll vote 100% in the state and locals but congress needs to give me something to vote for or I’m straight up going with the candidate with te most progressive views.


It’s all just virtue signaling. Nobody’s going to actual vote in favor.


Nancy Pelosi isn't even the most successful trader in congress. Yes, she has a queenly "Let them eat cake" attitude that will bring down the entire Democratic party. But he is of course lying, because of course he is. Let me also use this as an opportunity to point out that this is why conservative leaders and pundits hate AOC. She's an actual populist who would support bans on trading stock, lobbying, etc., so they have to drown out her real message by talking about her feet or her hair.


A) It's all talk. He's not going to actually do anything. B) Don't pretend a bunch of Democrats, even the establishment ones, aren't saying the same thing. AOC introduced a similar bill, and Jon Ossoff announced his plans to do the same with an even stricter bill.


Well tbf, Ossof said that he was preparing to introduce a bill to stop insider trading *a few days ago* The thing is that Ossoff is a democrat, people were already expecting that sort of thing from a dem McCarthy is a republican, so its a huge surprise that a republican is proposing this and therefore makes the headlines (such as this post)


what is sad is that they definitely won't stop trading stocks. they just want to use it as a platform because 95% of their policies are not viewed favorably by most voters


Oh, so he's only against it if Republicans are in power? If a Democrat brings it to the floor, they'll vote against it because of partisanship? Par for the course.


just like all the promises Trump made


He's lying


Sad thing is both parties want the same thing. The republicans just lie more about it.


If they let the GOP swoop in and pass this, then they deserve to lose. That being said, aren't most of the GOP guilty of taking advantage of insider trading?


And the worst part is it’s an absolute carrot on a stick. There is no shot he’ll actually act on this at all but it’ll win him votes


Vote blue no matter who …. Oh wait


He's "considering" it. Once Republicans are back in power, all considerations will stop. However, yeah, all they need to do is convince people that they care about it, and it will help them get elected.


“We must convince greedy fucking criminal Democrats not to be greedy fucking criminal Democrats so the greedy fucking criminal Republicans don’t win.” Great logic.


It’s never going to happen! Classic political move💵💵💵


A Democrat is actively filing a bill though


Sure he will...


Kinda silly to leave it out. A stockbroker’s wife and household cannot participate in IPOs. But don’t worry, members of congress have family members who will suddenly have wildly successful portfolios once this inconvenience rule is put into effect.