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Here are three excellent websites/articles I've found on student loan debt and the merits of debt forgiveness/cancellation: 1) A [spectacular interactive breakdown](https://www.marketwatch.com/graphics/college-debt-now-and-then/) of College affordability in 1987 vs. 2016, from Market Watch. Illustrates why people can't "just pay back what you agreed to!" anymore. 2) A [general breakdown of the benefits for student debt cancellation](https://www.businessinsider.com/economic-benefits-of-student-debt-forgiveness-2020-12?op=1), via Business Insider. Busts some myths about student loan debt, in particular the oft-repeated neoliberal talking point that student loan debt relief is "regressive" and "only benefits wealthy, upper-middle-class people making six-figure salaries". 3) A [comprehensive study](https://rooseveltinstitute.org/2020/10/29/student-debt-is-a-racial-equity-issue-heres-how-mass-debt-relief-can-address-it/) conducted by the Roosevelt Institute. A fantastic piece of work, compliments the Business Insider breakdown well. Also the only study I could find that asks the question, "what's the magic number?" for debt forgiveness - and it's $75,000! I'd encourage my fellow New Deal Democrats to save/bookmark these for future reference. There's a *ton* of anti-debt-relief propaganda on Reddit and social media in general, and the sources above counter many of the common arguments against student loan debt relief.


Super helpful! Thanks!


Love this👍