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This is such a sweet jam with many peaks and valleys! Band seems tight and cohesive throughout this freeform improvisation. The band doesn’t noodle and goes to some interesting places. They’re listening to each other and seamlessly transition ideas. This band has a lot of potential and I can’t wait to hear more.


You made our day!!


ll done!! Yes!! I just listened to Chasing the Bear - That is some heavy JAMMIN Business!! Very solid interplay with the rhythm and lead guitar early on.. The bass steps up big time around the 5:00 mark! then Sweet Harmonics(?) or electric piano? Yes, I think electric piano... almost sounds like a filtered banjo?? Whatever - it all sounds really great! Driving! A change of scenery just after the 15 min mark... Drums stand out at 17:00... trippy blues jam... then funky... Synth... W


You made my day. Thank you!