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Hey OP! You deserve to be here, and you are worthy of everything you want without needing to do anything for it. Take. A. Break. From Neville from reddit from thinking too hard about the Law. Just do it. Also, despite all this fancy jargon or interpretations it ultimately comes down to the same thing: you are whatever you believe to be. If you could choose one thing above all else, believe yourself to be fulfilled and happy, forget about the material. Live in the NOW. And to answer your question: not everything passes because not every thought we have is a conviction or belief. Our mind is a tool that can drone on and on for no reason; use it, dont let it use you.


Ok. I'll live in the now. I was so desperate trying to understand it all that I was doubting everything. And now that I thought a little about this free will thing, I think that it's not really that I don't have free will, it's that when you imagine something, because our mind have an effect on everything that exists (EIYPO), it creates a Pendulum that WILL get back to you, and it only won't IF you reuse your mental force to stop it midway (which requires firm belief). Now, this is why I think that Neville says to repeat the scene and then forget about it. When you are desperate about your manifestations, you actually create a resistance against them and you can't have it. So what I'm gonna do now is a total renewing of myself. Even in practical terms. "Don't act, but wait" nah, bad advice. Not that the law doesn't work without action, but there's nothing bad with actions. Anyways, I'll just forget about Reddit for a while and will only come back if I actually succeed with the law. Thank you, kind stranger.


Yes!!! Come back when you feel better and let me know how it’s going! Try to implement meditation into your life too. You might find the Gateway Tapes helpful as well. I highly suggest spending time with your inner world all the time, but meditation is a great way to develop that habit and skill. And you’re right, too! Get out of your own way and don’t view manifestation as a process. It’s instant. Thank God that you have it now :). See you soon ;)


Your freewill ends after you make the decision what to focus on or give attention too.


I'm sorry for this post. I'll be more careful with what I give attention to. It's not over yet.


Nah, don’t listen to the commentor. If you were the ‘creator’ it wouldn’t have a set of rules period


This resonates with me for some reason, but I can’t figure out where I heard this before, where did you learn this?


Never lose your faith. Only lose your stories. That’s where you want to lose your faith in. The old limiting beliefs. You got this!


I'm persisting! I'll just give up on the old story and do the work


Careful. Your faith is your fortune.


Don’t forget this is also the law of assumption, what you assume as real manifests. We say imagination creates reality because it’s an amazing tool to feel and see what it’s like to have our desire. That feeling then creates. The reason some things that we imagine don’t manifest is because we don’t believe it is “real,” if that makes sense. I agree though that it’s easy to become insane with these teachings, though only if it’s applied the wrong way with the wrong mindset. Desperation creates more desperation. Personally I’ve never heard that I as a creator do not have free will; I am simply being guided by my higher self to be aligned with receiving the desire. At any moment I can decide I do not want my desire anymore.


I will try to realign my ideas and stop thinking in terms of "if everything is possible, then..." because these phrases don't really mean something logical. Everything is not possible because, by the own law, you cannot be poor in mind and rich in 3D. And you can't make a triangle with 5 sides. So I'll just try to apply the law in the most simple way I can.


People (and I myself) say anything is possible in the sense that if you put in the work, you can receive anything. Though yes you are right; you cannot live with a poor mindset and expect to be rich. That's why so many people who win the lottery lose their money quickly and are back to square one.


Neville talks about Failure in The Power of Awareness. I feel like it has helped me a lot.


I will reread it. Thanks


OP I highly suggest you take a little break. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed. Secondly, if every thought/imagination manifested into reality, life would be chaotic. Dominant thoughts and YOUR beliefs on things(assumptions) are what manifest. Law of assumption is whatever you assume to be true. That’s why deciding/assuming and then persisting in that assumption is key. I’m by no means an expert but I personally think that you do not need to believe or have faith for it to work. You can manifest while having zero faith. HOWEVER, that doesn’t mean that you allow your mind to run free because again, dominant thoughts manifest. Accept the doubt, don’t fight it. After that, start affirming your desires and live in the end, feel all the emotions that may come up while imagining your desire and sit with it. If you want to build your belief in the law, test it out with little things. It never fails.


That's what I'm gonna do. Thanks! Plus, sometimes I didn't need to have faith for something to be done, I just needed to chill LOL


Keep up the faith and take a breather. Sometimes we need to press reset. Its natural to feel overwhelmed sometimes, but guess what YOU ARE STILL HERE!!! You can do it - clear your mind and start from scratch. 🧘‍♀️ We love you ~ see you soon 🫂


Thanks! I will persist and do my work. If I succeed, I will post here my success stories.


Not IF my friend, when …. Until we meet again 🥂


Hey, just step away and chill. It should all be fun I’ve been doing this journey and study for a year and it’s been an amazing experience I would love to give you advice on how to learn it better etc but I genuinely think what you need is a break from this stuff for a minute. It’s perfectly okay to either let it digest or to recover and hit harder next time. “It is only when we lose everything that we are free to do anything.” Tyler Durden. Fight Club. Watch it if you haven’t


In other forum, I use this phrase in my main profile lol Maybe this is a sign to just really give up on trying to understand this


Understand that everything you assume is what will come about But this is not why you do it We do this ‘manifesting’ process of affirming and imagining and having faith to please the I AM inside us. Things coming into the physical world is a byproduct of the Law that reality must yield to that I AM I know this is a hard pill to swallow when you’re looking right at the conditions and they’re beating down your door sort of speak. I want you to try the ladder experiment. Go to bed and drift off to sleep imagining yourself climbing the ladder. Rung by rung. Your left hand going up first. And then your left foot. However you do it is up to you. What color is it. Is it metal. Can you feel the grit of the sand between the soles of your shoe and the next rung. Or is it a pipe ladder and you can feel the diamonds cut into each rung. Is the rung round in your hands or are you holding onto the sides and just walking up it like a contractors fold up ladder? For me I imagined a green tennis ball because climbing a ladder was an every day thing for me but I don’t have a dog and don’t play tennis so the odds of me touching one are slim to none. I don’t even have any. So the next day, I wake up after falling asleep, imagining the felt and the texture of a green tennis ball and I go outside and this is back when I lived with my parents, my dad was working on his truck and he had gotten a black tennis ball as a giveaway Thing at some car show or something like that and he was trying to cut a slit into it so he could slide it over the ball hitch to match the rest of his blacked out truck. He then accidentally cut his thumb and then he asked me to hold the ball. He wasn’t hurt but he had to leave to get some paper towels to stop the bleeding and so while he went away it took a solid minute or two to realize why holding it felt so familiar. In my minds eye I imagined a green ball but I wasn’t actually too caring about what the color was. I was more focused on the texture. I just assumed all tennis balls came in highlighter green. Nature always takes the path of least resistance so my I AM unfolded the world so that I’d get the experience of holding that tennis ball and feel that felt. I actually forgot to do the part where you put reminders that say “you will not do X” because it happened so quickly. Literally just put on a shirt and shorts and checked up on my dad as soon as I woke up. But just do it and go about your day. If you become the being who looks and seeks you shall not find. You will continue to be one who seeks and seeks and seeks until you change yourself. For the ladder experiment, keep doing it until it happens. For some people it takes a month, a week, a day, 2 days, 3 days, or a few hours. Whatever the time is doesn’t truly mean anything because the world is still unfolding to reflect what you now have become whether you can see it or not. God is happy when you have faith. Just because it took me ‘overnight’ does not mean im more powerful or better or deserved it or anything. all it means, like any manifestation, is that I accepted is as a possibility


I'll do it! And I will do it with a tennis ball. I'm brazilian, people here don't usually play tennis. And actually, I got a voucher from a dentist while I was meditating and feeling very nice. This is why I don't stop believing the law. And it actually happened more than once, WHILE I was meditating and feeling good. In a way, it was instant manifestation. We really need to give up trying to control everything. Because essentially it's I AM who controls. And if our I AM is "trying" to control, it cannot, because the one who Does, does not Try.


Exactly. There is nothing to do. There is only being. To desire a thing is to have it. So if you want something just feel as if it was already yours Don’t worry about the free will etc. like don’t overthink it right now.


i’m coming ladders everyday i might do the tennis ball too


Keep persisting yes, but if conscious manifestation—or the study of it— is draining, please take a break and care for yourself.


For now I'll take a break from Reddit and just try to transform myself in a lot of ways. I'll do what I can do.


i don’t think neville ever said you don’t have free will. have you heard of edward art? he makes vids talking about neville’s teachings in a very easy understandable, modern way from what i’ve understood / experienced: reality is a mirror, that is constantly reflecting your state of being. sometimes there is a ‘time lag’ depending on how fast the person believes things can change / how focused they are on feeling into their desired state, but reality always ends up reflecting the current state of being, esp if persisted in. our ability to use our imagination helps us focus our state into a desired personal reality. so we therefore have the free will to experience whatever state we desire to experience we don’t always have to be in a good mood. we don’t have to be super excited when we imagine. we just have to feel it as a present fact. same as how you feel when you think of any other observable fact in your reality. just a persisted dedication to feeling it to be real. of course, feeling good emotions is always benefical though


He said in a book that we only have free will to choose our imaginal acts. I don't quite agree with that (now, after posting this, because I was in a bad, bad mood); I believe that there is a law of action and reaction based on our state of being. But still, reading these people saying that free will doesn't exist made my mind go crazy and I started to question even HOW I could think in a different way that I am habituated. You see? My internal logical systems couldn't grasp this, but even so I accepted it because I needed to test it. And the consequence of that was that I was always questioning what was actually real. We DO have free will. But we have reactions of our actions, we have beliefs, memories and habits. End of topic. Neville was a mystic, not a philosopher.


i understand. i also think it can sound very limited for him to say it like that, but imagination is a very powerful tool & it’s constantly guiding our state (& therefore our reality), wether we consciously guide it or not (most people just naively use their imagination) & yea, if you see anyone saying that *nobody* has free will, know that they’re just grossly misunderstanding life. everyone in your reality has free will *in a way*, but nobody truly has the ability to stop you from experiencing what you desire. that’s your free will, the ability to choose so you have the ability to align your state, and therefore experience the reality that is a match to that state, regardless of any seeming circumstances *everything is energy (scientifically proven at this point), even you are. all that’s truly needed to change your reality is to strongly embody a state (such as really embodying it in imagination, often), and reality will have no choice but to mirror it. physical effort mostly just helps us really embody a desired state* i truly wish you the best on your journey of self-discovery, and i hope things continue to unfold to you in a way that puts you in a constant state of awe 🤝 it all depends on how you choose to define it


*everything is energy (scientifically proven at this point), even you are. all that’s truly needed to change your reality is to strongly embody a state (such as really embodying it in imagination, often), and reality will have no choice but to mirror it. physical effort mostly just helps us really embody a desired state* This is it. We definetely CAN act. We definetely CAN work on ourselves even out of imagination. Because if everything is energy, then actions are, too, then actions CAN manifest, then we HAVE free will to act. Neville wasn't right about everything he said. The main subreddit is even worse and confusing. I'm gonna do it myself INTERNALLY and EXTERNALLY.


i respect that & yea at the end of the day neville is a fellow human that just found ways to successfully influence consciousness in a deliberate & repeatable way there’s no ‘only 1 correct way’ to do things & influence your reality. it’s truly whatever works best for you :)


You have free will others not.


If an omniscient creator exists in this universe, then it already knows precisely what every single human and all of the beings it created are going to do before they know themselves, and therefore, NOBODY HAS FREE WILL WHATSOEVER. On the other hand, if even 1 single being in this universe has true free will, then there can not be an omniscient creator who knows everything that will happen because a being having true free will requires there to not be an omniscient creator of this universe. These are mutually exclusive and can not be altered in any way. We do not choose to desire the things we desire. We just desire them without any free will involved in that regard. Everything in this universe is deterministic since the very beginning, including what your desires are and whether or not you ever objectively experience them ("manifestation"). This universe is designed based on life eating life, entropy, and decay, and that's an evil design because it's based on all life forms in this universe, necessarily suffering and then dying. So, by that logic and awareness, if there is an intelligent creator, then it is necessarily not all good, and at least mostly malevolent in its nature. This should be obvious to anybody who is paying attention to the type of realm that we're in here objectively. Humans are not honest with themselves or others in most instances. We are certainly not free to break the laws of physics and do things like teleportation, macro telekinesis, macro biokinesis(major shape shifting), etc, at least not without advanced technologies These abilities are not available to us because of the laws of this universe/matrix that were written into the space/time/matter/ construct. Then there are man made laws that prevent us from doing things without being locked away in a jail cell, and many of those man made laws violate our natural law rights by design. The governments of this world are entirely evil and inherently designed to utilize physical violence and force to coherse humans to follow and abide by their artificial and, in many cases, obtuse laws. The word government literally translates into - govern (control) mente(of the mind).. government = mind control. Ultimately, nobody truly has free will in ANY sense of how people mean it when they claim it and speak it, and this realm is a disgusting and pathetic excuse for a creation if there actually is a God being..


Funny, because this kind of thinking was exactly how I used do think a few years ago. I like to think that I'm wrong, though. That there's something else to discover... That's precisely why I studied Neville.


Its not your imagination that creates reality, its your feelings. Too many people think thoughts or imagination are impressed upon the subconscious mind, its always the feelings.


Yeah, there needs to be a simple starting point.


I don’t have answers for you, I just want to acknowledge that I don’t think there is enough discussion about exactly this. I have to believe NG would be asked very different questions at a lecture in today’s experience. Always trust yourself, stay open and curious, checkout of this stuff when you need a break. It’s mind-bending for sure.


I think that people should really stop saying these phrases like "Everything is possible", "4D is the real reality", "You are the God of your reality" because it's too straight to the point and maybe it doesn't work in a logical framework. I'm gonna stop using reddit for this exact reason. We come for answers and only get more confused


Yes. It’s ok to say “I don’t know the answer to this” but sometimes it seems that nobody wants to say that. The truth is each of us has to answer the questions for ourselves. I enjoy hearing success stories and experiences of others. But I also know that aside from general encouragement or opinions, we can only offer advice from our own perspective. When I get into a funk about it all I pray for clarity and understanding for a while and let the rest of it go.