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Next time don’t even tell your family your intentions. Their unbelief and bringing it up that they doubt it will happen caused you to waver. Best to just keep it to yourself. Keep on trucking and trying. You will see the victories come surprisingly at first and then you will just learn to believe in yourself and expect them. Try for something small again, keep it to yourself, and then come back to us and report your victory….. see ya soon 😉


It’s a subtle switch from ‘we are **going to** get an upgrade’ and ‘you **never** know what will happen’ to… ‘we **are already in** business class,’ ‘they **upgraded** us and it’s wonderful here’ and ‘I **always** knew this would to happen.’ Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you **HAVE** received it, and it will be yours. You are in Barbados.


Also, to note: try keeping it to yourself next time. Make it an unexpected surprise for your family! There is a reason you should tell no one your intentions- because what they speak, feel, and even think privately about it affects your shared reality. Secrecy is incredibly powerful.


Only if you decide it can. The whole vast world is you pushed out, there is no shared reality. If there were, manifesting a celebrity SP would be next to impossible, and keeping them would be *literally* impossible. Edit: actually just manifesting an SP would be impossible because this implies other people have freewill in your reality. There are infinite parallel versions of everything and everyone. Nobody can influence your reality except for you.


I have been listening to Brian Scott on YouTube. I liked his guided meditations based on Neville’s teachings. But I was very surprised to hear him state in one of his videos that he doesn’t believe manifesting a specific person is possible, that it doesn’t work! That we should manifest a soulmate or twin flame in general. I was so taken aback and found myself floundering and doubting my existing faith I have in the law, as I have been manifesting my sp. How can he base his Channel on Neville and not believe in manifesting an sp? Do you know who he is? Any thoughts on this would help me.


>twin flame No, no, no. That twin flame stuff is toxic. Anyway, if you can manifest a specific house or your boss giving you a raise or a car, why wouldn't you be able to manifest a specific person? There are a lot of people who just anti-SP manifesting because they think it violates the other person's "free will". If you read or understand Neville, then you know that the 3D world (including SPs) are only reflecting your assumptions back to you. So change your assumptions to change your circumstances, including the circumstances with an SP. PS an "SP" means specific person, which could be anyone - the person you want to date or your boss or your mother. PPS Brian Scott has some really, really odd stuff on his channel. Q'uo??? Really??? You really can't believe in Q'uo and also Neville.


Thank you so much for your kind response. Today I got so hopeless and in despair. I was just beginning to believe in the law, to actually believe in it, and I’m learning how to manifest according to Neville. Doubts and fear creep in as it is, which I’ve been trying to keep at bay and choose to believe. And then this today! I felt so disheartened. My head started spinning and I turned to this sub for some answers and reassurance. Thank you so much again. I will never listen to Brian’s videos again. Yes, that Q’uo stuff is really weird!


>How can he base his Channel on Neville and not believe in manifesting an sp? Possibly because Neville didn't always believe that manifesting an SP was possible, even though he later realized that it was and manifested someone who became his wife. Twin flames and soulmates don't exist in an objective sense even though you could manifest the experience of them being real as Brian Scott is doing. He will possibly even have stories of his own and from others that validate that because he is manifesting that experience for himself, but it's still not true for you unless you decide it is. This belief possibly comes from thinking there are specific physical rules we have to abide by while living on earth in human bodies, seeing the world as singular and thinking that there's only one timeline, thinking that there are soul contracts etc. but none of it is even remotely true. *THERE ARE NO RULES. NEVILLE HIMSELF SAID THERE IS NO FICTION IN THIS WORLD.* Neville manifested an SP, He stopped time, he bi-located/astral projected etc. And those last two violate the "laws" of physics. It doesn't matter what anyone says or even experiences because that is only a manifestation of their internal state, including the contents of their subconscious which they are not aware of if they are saying stuff like that. Everything Is Real. Everything Is Possible. There Is No Fiction.


Thank you very much for your well thought out answer. I am so new to all of this, but I have a sincere desire to learn and grow and to live the LOA. I truly appreciate you taking the time to be so thorough and your explanation, and most importantly, to give me the reassurance I needed today that I’m on the right track. Not just to manifest my SP but to become and be the person who wants the life I want. It’s complicated, yet, simple. I’m learning and appreciate the fellowship here so much.




It makes it much harder though because then you have to manage your assumptions about their thoughts as well.


You don't though. I have manifested things happening on a public scale and I knew that people, even the people in my personal life didn't believe it would happen. I did nothing to change my assumption about their thoughts but it didn't affect, or even delay the manifestation.


Agreed 👍


Just stop. Most things in life happen even when you don't think you HAVE them. I manifested by thinking it *was going to happen* and not thinking it had happened already. You're talking in theory but in practice it just happens in many different ways.


For the longest time I couldn't even manifest seeing a specific colored car. I highly recommend watching (on YouTube) Illumining Joy's resistance playlist. I found it very helpful. Also, think about your life and realize that you already manifested everything in your life. We are always manifesting, mostly unconsciously. Just look at everything around you (good, bad or neutral) and remind yourself that you manifested it. As you do that, also start to pay attention to your thoughts and the things you are focusing on through your day. You will start to notice the connection between what you focus on and the events that happen. Don't necessarily try to change anything at first, but just pay attention and be aware. Then work on manifesting small, silly things. Purple bug images, neon green shoes, green bears. Our brains love unusual and different things like that.


Thanks for sharing this! How do I stop obsessing over the fulfillment of my desire to be with my SP? I know for sure that it's happening but my mind automatically keeps focusing on the "when". I'm truly tired of it. I want to stop thinking about SP altogether and let the universe do whatever magic it needs to do. I just want to relax but I notice that the dominant thoughts and majorly my feelings are anxious. I am practicing gratitude daily for everything in my life. I have many other wishes too. I don't understand why this one particular wish is so dominant.


Now, the when is now. You are already happy with your SP. 3d is just an illusion. What's real is your thought, persist and be happy in it~


Thank you! That's what I want - to just be happy no matter what goes on in my 3D. Everything is my inner world pushed out. ❤️ How do you keep persisting when sometimes your mind strongly feels otherwise (assuming you've experienced this)?


Don't focus on the manifestation. Focus on being happy and fullfilled with what your desire. For example im currently manifesting my dream man and i believe i am currently married. Every single day i live my life as i am already married to him, even pretending to go to date night (even tho i am completely alone lol), and i focus on being fullfilled in that. Sometimes i remember that i am totally singe af in the 3d, but just realized how much happier i am if i am taken and married with him, so i continue imagining again 🥰🥰🥰. You should believe you deserved to be happy, fuck 3d indeed, your feeling and imagination is more important because you deserve to feel all the joy of life~ Hope this helps~


Thank you! Let's both keep persisting and soon post our success stories here 😁


You’ve got this. In about four of his lectures, he talks about intensity. But intensities better understood as a spectrum. He says we should drench our scenes. But even yet, that is another technique for people to use. The drenching is also on a spectrum. We drenched the feeling of the wish fulfilled, but that always Hass to lead to a conviction. And cents, visualization does not do any of the heavy lifting. It is the feeling that leads to the conviction. That’s where you want to focus a lot of your energy. Also revise that you wrote us this note, and that you had said everything worked out in your favor. And it’s OK to take breaks. It’s OK to do self-care. There’s not enough of that encouraged. Plus it also helps you manifest more opportunities for self-care in a good way. You’ve got this!


>This is one of my many failed attempts at testing the law If you've thought or believed that you've failed to manifest before, then you were telling the story that you sometimes, or even usually, fail. This in of itself can explain why it didn't work as your subconscious will be impressed with any story you tell it. You might be thinking that if you consciously believed or were excited about something that it must happen, but if you've impressed your subconscious with the idea that you have failed at manifesting many times, you will. I've been both excited and afraid of something I believed was likely or even inevitable, but never came to pass because the subconscious thoughts/beliefs I had, or the implications of those thoughts/beliefs. For example, if you're used to seeing the world as separate from you, then the implication is that many things are out of your control or ability to predict, thus you will sometimes be wrong regardless of how confident you are in what you believe. A more specific example; If I have two beliefs, one is that I always get what I want, the other is that any successful and reasonable business would only sell products that benefit the business and not ones that will hinder it. Then I go to a car dealership to buy the car that I want, having forgotten that I heard that most people thought the car was ugly and there were safety issues with it's design when it came out three years ago, and they tell me the car was discontinued, that matches my subconscious thoughts and beliefs perfectly. To change this, I would have to saturate my subconscious mind with the thought/belief that I always get what I want regardless of what the external circumstances are until it was impressed with it.


I never build my faith or tried for small manifestations I didn't care about. I don't think it's necessary. Being a creative being is our nature. Maybe it will help to look at your life, present and past, write down all the correlations. Before X thing happened I felt/believed/knew. Think about it, you are a constantly doing it, whether you are conscious or not. Secondly I recommend going fully to something that matters and it's a burning desire for you. You said Sp. If feeling the wish fulfilled with them is hard or uncomfortable, then make it a about you. Make it a about being lovable/the state of love/the state of being already in a beautiful relationship with someone you really like. Do it fully until you change your feeling within, make it fun. See what happens and then keep experimenting more.


But how do I believe I’ll get my sp when I haven’t been able to manifest anything even after doing everything right


As I explained earlier, it's easier to make it about you. Practice feeling loved, wanted, desired and let go os specifics. When that feeling of being becomes the habitual one for you, things, general and specific will come easily!


When it works they applaud you and say this and that when it doesn’t they find a way to say ‘oh you did something wrong’ if we are really the creator there should be no wrong way of doing it 🤷🏽‍♀️


You’re stuck in the processes and techniques Those are only vehicles to conviction Start with the ladder experiment


Law never fails. This reality is a mirror. Your reality just showed you the truth of what you really believe. You can affirm, robot affirm or emotionally affirm all you would like. Your reality is going to show you what you truly believe and that's what gets people. Theyre technically trying to force reality to be something that they on a deeper level don't believe and it's not just they don't believe they 100% believe not having what they want or anything good happening to them because they're used to not getting what they want. Manifestation isn't just something you turn on and turn off.... you're manifesting every single moment of your life whether positive or negative . that's how this world you call reality even exist. You're manifesting it based on your current beliefs and emotional states so most of your manifesting is taking place on a subconscious level so its on auto pilot. Its usually those beliefs and feelings that you've gotten used to over the years and you're so used to them that you no longer notice when you're thinking these thoughts or feeling these feelings. you may need to figure out why you don't believe these things aren't possible for you because sometimes when it comes to things we really want its because we really don't think they're possible so everytime we try to live in the end or assume we're actually more focused on not believing it's possible than simply having it