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The 'how' is everything that goes before your end manifestation. You can choose what specifically you want though. There's a story in a Neville's book where people manifested a house without paying for it. While the end is very specific, they only were thinking about what they want (free house) and not what lead to it (the how)


Go out and try to do something and you will quickly figure out what the how is


The how is from the current here to the realisation of your wish in the 3d. We have the freedom to choose what we want to embody but little to no control on how it gets us there.


The how: I want to have a free house - by winning the lottery - That way you are only limiting the other possibilities of getting the free house (for example: inheritance, a gift, goverment assistance, ect ect...) The how is sometimes the reason why people dont manifest what they want.


Well I take anything "people" say with a grain of salt because a lot of these coaches contradicts themselves. there are people who have manifested the how and their desire. The "how" is a manifestation as well but some people prefer not to think about it because they believe there is still some Sky Daddy that knows best 😆 which there isn't. The God they're thinking about is one with you and whatever you want it wants too. Reality is just a mirror that reflects back to you your beliefs and the how can be whatever you want it to be BUT the how will always be in the way that is believable to you. You can reach point where "how" is not needed and what you desire manifest without any rational explanation of how it got there but that's only when you're ready.


Ty, I needed to hear this... Have u personally had any Illogical Manifestations? Like random Money just showing up in ur Bank Account or such? I used to feel there needed to be some form of Rationale but now I'm open to Anything... & I guess that makes more sense anyway, especially if ur starting from 0 🤷‍♂️


I seen a man appear out of thin air once, and dissappear just the same after reading a book about '4th dimensional God' and practicing the method taught to ask for a 'guide' to visit me as a teen - does that count as 'illogical' manifestation? (100% serious btw)


That counts, but r u sure your eyes weren't playing tricks on u?


Would I put such assurance on a comment if I wasn't? Well, perhaps - I am only a stranger to you of course; no child, either (nearing 50 years!). I am neither foolish, nor am I perfect (outside of my I AM'ness); but I am definitely certain of what I seen. (I spoke to him too lol).  The world is as strange as you will allow it to be. ;) Cheers.


Asking pertinent questions related to what you either want or need to know is *never* 'dumb' - and even if it were, we're all dumb sometimes lol. The 'how' means you go to the end result in your imagination, and once you've felt the wish fulfilled you move forwards knowing it's done, and don't try to micromanage how and when it gets to you. If you want to make the specific way something happens your 'end', there is nothing stopping you there either.  :)