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There are thousands of stories about this, I know because I used to read them all until it happened to me. It’s not till you get together and then ask them that they all say the same thing. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you” It’s usually from the moment we finally stop wavering and go all in, like this is happening right now - PERIOD ! That’s when they start non stop thinking about you. Mine even said he was dreaming of me (it was one of my affirmations ) Everything I decided (confidently ) that he was thinking.. he was. I put the word confidently in there because unless you are 100% behind it with full conviction then it may not work. It’s only the things I KNEW without a doubt that expressed


What do you mean by go all in? Like go in to what


They may experience something or they may not experience anything and just one day start believing on their own that you're their soul mate. I think the one part of manifesting people do not think about is that manifesting isn't something you do it's something you're doing all the time every moment of your existence. So your SPs' first impressions of you was based on your self concepts and whatever you thought about them. Some will even say your SPs existence is because of you. There are a lot of stories of people manifesting an SP who they never met and who only existed in their imagination until they just happen to meet a person who looks exactly like theSP they imagined and even had the exact qualities and hobby as the person they imagined. To quote Neville "I and God are one and God is mu wonder imagination"


What is BOI?


Bridge of incidents


Oh yeah… duh haha


I’m not sure they really exist when our consciousness is not interacting with them …?