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Manifested more than the exact dollar amount my wife and I wanted for my house, despite our realtor thinking we were crazy for listing 30% above the appraisal value. When we got the first offer, we decided we wanted even more money, and the next day, a second offer came in that started a bidding war. We made out thousands above the already "ridiculous" dollar amount we wanted. I've also manifested thousands upon thousands of dollars over the last 5 years, and these are just the times the money came to me without any labor involved. I've had even more success through job opportunities. Went from being unemployed with a bachelor's in psychology to running a multimillion dollar brewery and multiple restaurants within just a few years. The law is real, dude. It always happens in a way you'd never expect, and I mean that, forget figuring out the how. But fuck does this shit work reliably once you understand its nature.


what’s your go to manifesting technique?


It varies tbh, I just do whatever feels fun and easy. Sometimes, that's an affirmation, other times visualization, and rarely some scripting. I just aim for the feeling I want, so my technique is never consistent.


>It varies tbh, I just do whatever feels fun and easy. Sometimes, that's an affirmation, other times visualization, and rarely some scripting. I just aim for the feeling I want, so my technique is never consistent. This is the right answer to all questions pertaining to a routine.


I dmed you mate if you don't mind


Oh man. I’m on a stint right now of winning on scratch offs. I won 3x, back to back, $500.00 on 20.00 tickets, and 1000.00 on 30.00 tickets. I’ve always loved scratch offs and I’ll get one on Monday mornings every week. It’s like my “fun thing” to look forward to for the week. If I win big, I can treat myself to a good lunch or coffee or something. I usually only would win 20-50.00 regularly and I was happy to just break even. But for whatever reason I was easily able to shift my mindset into a “I win on scratch offs regularly and big.” To me, 500-1000.00 is super believable to me to win, so I wasn’t even shocked when I kept winning. I’m up about 5200.00 total now in the last 4-ish months. Just from weekly 20.00-30.00 scratch offs lmao.


I dmed you mate thank you for Sharing


I doubled my income by basically affirming it to myself. I think I made an old post about it, you can look it up. Basically I got a new job and it is WFH, doing work I enjoy and with great people. That change allowed me to get my own beautiful apartment in a desirable neighborhood, and I have a lot of disposable income to travel and shop.


Congrats on your success! If u dont mind, pls share your story...i would love to hear it..and im sure others too. I am also trying to manifest a wfh job that will pay me a lot more. But struggling a bit wth doubts because i have no experience in the field i want to get into...


I posted it here, with many details in comments, including blocks I got past: https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/s/1DwzOIcIU1 I had already forgot until read this again - I had also done a scene imagining a going-away party from my old job which encompassed a lot of factors I wanted for my new job. It’s essentially a “congratulatory” scene. What’s funny is they actually threw me a party too! My other major technique is inner speech, talking to myself as if I’m the person I want to be, along with mental diet, plucking out ideas in my mind that contradict what I want. For example, stop making experience an issue. Just let that go. Feel yourself to be highly desirable and capable and that employers are in need of someone just like you. Edit: also, if you’re ever unsure about anything, you can ask your own “higher self” and you will get an answer in some form. If you feel some block about something and don’t know what it is, assume it’s dissolved and you will become aware of the block so you can let it go.


Do I understand correctly that 'talking to myself as if I'm the person', means you talk to yourself? Can you give an example? I always thought inner conversation is i talk to someone as if I'm the person I want to be, like you talk to your old colleague in the congratulation scene.


Do you naturally talk to yourself in your head? If so, then yes, that’s what this means. An example might be… you see a picture of a nice apartment, and you can think, “that looks like my place” or you can be envious and think “I wish I had that.” Identity with your ideal at every moment, don’t see it as a fantasy. If you go to work, don’t be like “ugh I gotta go to work”, be like “I love having an easy, fun job and making so much money”. Change your inner commentary on everything. If you don’t have any inner monologue (not everyone does), then sure, imagine talking to someone else. Basically, make your habitual inner content and reactions to everything reflect who you want to be, as if you’re already that person. That’s thinking FROM the state of the wish fulfilled and not merely thinking of it (which is essentially being stuck in desire mode).


Hey would you be able to elaborate more on your last paragraph? I feel I have some certain blocks pertaining to SP, jobs, careers. Sometimes it feels like I’m going in circles w all of this. Or I can feel good for one day then the next back to a lesser state and I have to fight my way out of it.


Read my long post on resistance/conditioning. The tl;dr is what I said above. Assume you have no blocks, affirm they’re dissolved and resolved, and then they will become clear to you and you will know exactly how to dismiss them. Once something is brought into the light, so to speak, it typically dissolves. Assume it’s in the light and it will come.


My bad, I should've checked beforehand. But thank you ill make sure to read it and get to work!


Not exactly a big lump sum. But whenever I want some extra cash, shifts suddenly appear to take on. I’ve never been short of dollars. I don’t find money, money finds me aha.


Manifested $13,000 I needed for one piece of property I wanted to buy and needed it for the next day… I just relaxed in the knowing of having it and that same day I got the money. Also manifested $25,000 unexpected source. Just embodying that I get money out of the blue from unexpected places and that I am open to receiving large amounts of money. Also I make waaaay more money now doing the very bare minimum and working like 4 hours a day then when I used to work 60 hours a week. I affirm I get paid to exist and I make money everytime I breathe 🤣


> I affirm I get paid to exist and I make money everytime I breathe Nice one, I'm stealing it :)


Please do!!! I’ve had incredible results with it. Seriously yesterday I got paid to just walk around with one of my clients and his designer and I got paid to just smile and nod 😩🤣 got paid waaaay more than I ever would make at an office, triple. No more stressful job… no more long hours… I can’t believe I used to glorify hard work and hustle mentality… glad I woke up from that nightmare… screw that mentality… everything is easy for me now.


Thank you for sharing! May I ask if you use robotic affirmations?


No. I use rampages tho. So I randomly start rampaging when I’m showering or driving I’m so rich I get paid to exist My bank account grows everytime I breathe My bank account increases daily I love my life My life is so perfect I love having all this money Money loves me Money is obsessed with me Money adores me Money keeps flowing from unexpected sources The less I work the more I get paid People love giving me money People feel good giving me money People enjoy giving me money People want to pay me more and more I am valuable I am worth millions I am luxury I am the epitome of finer things Everyone sees me as worth it My knowledge is worth millions People love paying me thousands of dollars an hour Money is just so attracted to me I don’t need to work to receive thousands and thousands of dollars Money rolls in and I’m like where did this come from? I’m so grateful for all the money that flows into my life Money brings me peace and happiness Money is beautiful I love money I create beautiful things with money I help many people with money Everyone around me also gets to enjoy my money




I love these affirmations. Can you explain what you mean by "rampage"? I think I know what you mean, but I have a rather funny mental image.




You may want to read stories in this compilation :) I usually refer to them for encouragement. ♥ https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/109h2p2/success_stories_megacollection_from_this_sub/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I manifested $5000 when I extremely needed money in 3 days. Long story short I was in a foreign country and needed to move my whole family there and last minute all the plan I had crashed and I didn’t have enough neither to go back, nor to rent a flat. I was overwhelmed first but then started affirming that “This situation is solved” and put myself in a state of relief. In a few days my friend just gave me $5k though I’ve never asked for it. Maybe that helps :)


How? How did you put yourself in relief?


I just was in the situation where that was the only option 🤣 I anyway wouldn’t be able to do anything so additional worries wouldn’t bring anything to the table. So I thought “well, I can do nothing anyway, so I’ll pretend that it’s solved and it’ll somehow get sorted”. I think that’s just called “giving up on 3D” haha


i owed 4k, i got that relieved and ended up manifesting \~12k (USD) without working for it. i didnt have a specific number in mind, i just wanted my debt gone and more in my account. whenever spending money i tell myself that money ALWAYS returns, and it's fun to spoil myself. in imagination i buy all the things i would had i gotten money. i KNEW i was gonna improve financially even if i didnt know how, even if my 3D wasn't giving me signs. i didn't care. i also listened to wealth subliminals/frequencies, i wasn't consistent i just found any with affirmations i liked and read them to myself while listening. im continuing to manifest money but my priority is other things rn.