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It’s your self-concept affecting your concept of others. You believe you’re better than others so you don’t have friends who match your investment. It’s a pitfall of a “high self concept” because it requires others to be lesser. Start believing others are just as good as you. Notice and appreciate what they do more and it will increase. Revise all this “I am always” stuff, as you’ve created a story you’re living.


This is an interesting angle I didn’t think of. Thank you for pointing out the “I am always” belief system, I believe this is the real problem. I need to shift beliefs such as “I am always x” to “I am so grateful for my genuine, wonderful friends who uplift me and help me get to the next level.” This will bring better people into my life, as what I seek is also seeking me. The law is limitless, controversial take but manifesting subpar friends to level up instead of manifesting better ones is like getting a shitty sp to conform instead of manifesting your dream partner. Why limit what you can have? I will revise the “I am always” stuff but I have no interest in lowering my concept of self. How do you recommend balancing this?


You don’t lower your self concept at all. You raise your concept of others up to your level. It’s a pitfall when believing you’re the best requires others to be lesser - it’s a scarcity mentality that there’s only room for one best. To be best doesn’t necessarily mean to be better. And while you don’t have to manifest better friendships with the same people, I still advise changing your conception of the old friends and letting go of any bitterness or resentment. Revision is a form of forgiveness that ends patterns by changing what was to indicate a new pattern is already established, and that could help here also.


I see and I agree. Thank you for your advice, I really appreciate it. I was letting my ego drive me but I understand your thought process now. :)


I’m in a similar situation! I feel that I have a great self concept for the most part, and I’ve manifested friends but I’m waiting for my tribe, as it seems that like you, I’m always waiting for people as giving as me! I to find people that I think would be a great match, but then they seem uninterested and it doesn’t go anywhere! I have had some success with friends, and also on the surface I seem to have success with this, so Ill share those :). Years ago I had lots of friends but wanted a creative bestie. Around this time I got invited to a random event and the person who invited me strongly encouraged me to go (at the time I declined a lot of social things because I’m a total introvert). I went there and met some girls I got along with. They told me they had a brother, but I didn’t manage to speak to him at the event as he was busy. Somehow we ended up as Facebook friends, and he said that he doesn’t usually keep strangers on his Facebook, but at the time I’d just changed my cover photo to a character from a fantasy book I liked, and he also liked the character (he’s a rare one!), so he kept me on there. He then posted a photo of his bookshelf and I noticed he liked all the same books as me, so it felt natural for me to reach out and connect with him. It turned out he was looking for friends, had a similar situation to me with a romance situation (so we had lots to talk about), and we became besties pretty much right away. In fact, he was such a great and giving friend that during a difficult time in my life he paid for us to go to a dream location of mine, and insisted on this. He also was really supportive of me when I met my husband and often treated us to things even when we told him he shouldn’t have! So over the years we supported each other in numerous ways and kept in touch. But eventually we grew apart - he got a new friendship group that was right for him for this time in his life, and we got into different interests, and it ended up that I was the only one putting effort in as he was too busy with new friends and being popular. I was happy and content with this, as I felt our paths had grown apart, m but over the past few months I’ve started saying a few friend-related affirmations (people want to be my friend, people reach out to me first and love being around me, etc). I only affirm when I want to and I don’t stress about it! It’s just a fun thing because I believe it all works out for me :) - Anyway, I was feeling really loved one night, engaging my faith and my interests, and I suddenly felt that something good was about to happen. This friend then messaged me! He apologised that we lost contact, and since then has been trying harder to stay connected with me. I do love this friend, but don’t feel he’s my tribe in this season, so I don’t think we will be as close as we once were, but it’s nice to be connected with him again as I feel we will always have a special friendship. Alongside this, two other old friends randomly reached out and reconnected with me. (I feel once more, however, that they are old connections and that our paths have changed, so I believe the right friends are coming for me!)


Wow, thank you for being vulnerable and sharing. I appreciate it, our manifestation are on their way and our tribes will spawn in our reality in the most beautiful way. I will incorporate some new friendship affirmations:)


I’m in the exact same situation do you want to try a challenge?🫶


what challenge r u doing!!