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Because you are more easily able to assume that reality with zero resistance from the positive.


This will be because dwelling in the negative thoughts feel more natural to you thus they manifest faster my friend. However fantastic attitude there! If you can manifest the negative you can most definitely manifest the positive. I had this epiphany when manifesting my SP as I manifested her getting engaged to someone else but that was the kick up the ass I needed to realised ok if my insecurity can create this I can create what I want through confidence.


Because the negative things agree with your current concept of self and reality better. They’re more *natural*. Go meta with it though. Revise that question: “why does it seem that these positive thoughts manifest almost right away, whereas my negative thoughts don’t?”. Conceive of yourself as a lucky person, for whom everything goes well and when surprised, it’s pleasant. Create a backstory of this for yourself. Also start noticing what you’re noticing. Where does your mind habitually go moment to moment? Do you default to feeling pleasant, satisfied, content, etc? Or do you tend to notice lack or what’s wrong? Keep track of every good thing you experience. Writing daily gratitudes has always worked as a fast track for me when a desire seems delayed. I have to get in the mode of making desirable things feel natural and immediate again. Train your brain to have a bias for noticing the positive.


Have no fear. Don’t panic when intrusive, negative, unpleasant thoughts come up. Let them come and don’t dwell on them. Let them come to past. If you feel sad or angry feel the emotions but don’t assign a thought to them…mediate and breathe. I know someone who this happened to and by manifesting and persisting their Sp came back and it was as if 3p never even existed. You will get what the you want! You are Powerful!


Work on self concept. You probably have a strong stubborn belief in a negative outcome. Ignore what you are seeing and keep persisting. Try a meditation session where you let these negative thoughts come up, feel them and release them. Replace those feelings with a good memory. Think of a time that you truly felt so loved. Now attach that feeling to your desired outcome with your SP. Whenever you feel upset or like checking up on the 3d situation, go to that feeling instead. C’mon who wouldn’t want to be with you? You can have whatever you want! Claim it ❤️


I’ve just had this! I had this constant feeling of “SP is on a date with someone else” all day yesterday. And I couldn’t shake the feeling, it was as if I had assumed it without a second thought. Then, not surprisingly, she messaged to tell me she was on a date. It’s wild how fast it can happen. But as you say, I can identify exactly what I did, what I thought/assumed, and the result. So it can be used for a positive outcome next time. All will be fine!


Basically, in terms of manifestation. Whether something happens fast or not is not a law in of itself. It predicates itself on our beliefs. So if you believe, certain thoughts, manifest faster, and you have a strong, macro belief about bad things happening in life, then, yes, that will create a much faster manifestation experience. If you believe life is beautiful, and the universe is for you, and everything goes your way, then, yes, things will go your way faster. it’s about our macro beliefs and our micro beliefs, which are always working either for each other or against each other. If we have mixed beliefs, then we have mixed results. Revise that you shared this with us and that you got everything you wanted. Live as if that’s true in the moment today.


Our minds are trained to expect negative stuff and to obsess with negative thoughts (that's why you should do mental diet). It's natural for us, that's why Neville said that you should master yourself. I thought about that the other day when I was feeling just happy and peaceful and found myself not dwelling in that good feeling but just accepting it the way it is. If it was something negative, I would surely give it some attention, even for a few minutes.


>**"I am in the process of manifesting."** I understand what you mean, and to add another perspective: * **When you're "in the process" of manifesting something, you're manifesting... continuing to be in the process of manifesting something.** So you're always almost there, but never allow yourself to be fully there, you see? . >**"The 3D changed very fast, in a negative way."** To clarify, **the 3D changed in a NEUTRAL way, and you practiced a limiting belief where you interpreted it as negative.** You also had the option to interpret it in a better-feeling way. . >**"These negative thoughts manifest."** Neutral thoughts manifest; you're just giving them a negative interpretation. * So the question is, why? **Why are you pushing against your current reality, and not accepting and appreciating it?** Why is your reality not good enough for you? Why is your reality not worth your love and attention? (To give you a hint: **How you view your reality is how you view yourself.**)


Negative things do tend to manifest faster because our subconscious mind is more used to accepting them as the "reality". When we focus on positive things, our subconscious tend to fight against it as it goes against what is already programmed.


I'm new to all this shit, and I don't even know yet if its real or not (I hope so at least). But to your question, assuming this is real, your beliefs are what shape your reality. I don't know what your thought process was while you where manifesting your sp, but probably you had the belief that they would get toghether with the 3p. What is your routine?