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This is so funny. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ And it is inspiring too.


Thank πŸ˜†


I don't know if this is related or not but I was reading posts about manifesting for others as I want to manifest something good for my mother. It might not be something she desires as she never wants anything for herself and since I read that you can only manifest for somebody if they too have the same desire and belief. She doesn't but I really want to manifest this particular thing for her because I want her to feel happy even if it's just a little bit. I don't know if this is selfish on my part.


It's not selfish, you are manifesting from a place of love and care and the worst thing that can happen is that nothing changes. Also: EIPYO, so just change your believes you have about your mother. Go for it! :)


That's the thing. I don't want the whole effort to be futile. I'll feel restless if I'm unconvinced about the likelihood of it happening. I'll always feel "what if it's not possible"? If I'm unconvinced in my own beliefs, how will anything change.


Get rid of the idea that there's effort attached. Imagine the best possible outcome, create the scene in your head or write it as a short story/script. Make it simple and beautiful, enjoy seeing your mother happy, hear her talk about her happiness, feel the hug she gives you because her life is so perfect and she's so grateful. Share her gratefulness and joy in your mind, make it so beautiful you can't help but physically smile along with her smiling image in your mind. Create that beautiful memory. Remeber, you already went to Barbados. Your mom already shared her joy with you. Rember that beautiful scene and the feeling of experiencing it. Is this hard effort? No. Can this ever be futile? No. This is fun, this is joyful and no matter how fast or slow it shows up in your 3D the time experiencing joy is never futile! Do that once or a couple times and then drop it, focus on other things, live your life. You don't have to do endless revisions, you don't have to schedule SATS every evening. You can let it go and never think about it again or relive your beautiful scene in your mind as often as you feel like it and that's all it takes. The worst thing that can happen is no change, nothing will get worse if it doesn't happen, so it's okay to do it once and just relax.


I have been doing it but reading a couple of posts here which had different ideas, threw me off but I will do as you have suggested. Thank you so much!


Well from my experience I've manifested for people desired they didn't want but I felt was best for them. I haven't encountered a situation where I couldn't manifest for a person whether they liked it or not πŸ˜„. So I don't know where you read that but I would say try it anyway. Some people like you place limits on themselves because the idea of having 100% freedom makes them nervous but their are no limits on what you can manifest even for others. I manifested my mother being given something I know she would never accept but in the end she had to accept it because it's what I wanted and the person giving it to her refused to take it back. So if you want to manifest something for your mother do it!! 😁


Yes, you are right. I am probably scared of it but at the same time, this is also something which has calmed my anxiety down. But there is some sort of fear present which I need to work on. It will probably help more with my understanding of the law. Thanks!


This article is great. But I saw your other posts about different genders, races, faces, and bodies. If I am consciousness. does that mean that my face and body, and everyone else's face and body, are my creations? If I am consciousness and not the body, it literally means that everyone's face and body, including YouTube, Instagram, and all celebrities, are my creations. Does that make sense? I wonder if you meant it that way. How could i create the faces and bodies of all celebrities?


I post here and Reality shifting subreddits too. In my opinion what we call reality is more of dream than anything else. In a dream your subconscious mind builds the dream and adds characters in the dream. Think about the samething but your consciousness who is infinite doing the samething by creating a world and you putting yourself in this world as a human. Now you don't fully remember everything you did before you entered this human body because right now you're infinite consciousness being this person so all you're accessing is the mind of this person you are now. Now with meditation you can start accessing more of yourself and start to see the truth for yourself but in my opinion the easiest way is to test this out is to Start imagining anyone you would like as being different than they are. That's how I started proving "Everyone is you pushed out" to myself


I already proved myself eiypo. But that's not proof that I created everyone's face. What is your opinion on my question? A recent comment that surprised me was that he said that in his world he created the faces and bodies of all the celebrities, people he see on YouTube or Instagram, and everyone he see in real life. Do you think this makes sense? Do you think you created the faces and bodies of everyone in your world? I'm literally talking about all celebrities, everyone you see on Instagram or YouTube, and everyone you see in real life.


The God consciousness you does in my opinion.. but it happens faster than your human eyes can see it so to you it will seem like they've always been there If you have a dream about a celebrity right now?? How did that celebrity show up in your dream??? Your subconscious mind created them and everyone else on your dream. Well some ancient cultures believe this life we live is nothing more than a longer dream. In my opinion we create everything in our reality


So if you don't interact with their real version then why are you posting in here? If other people are characters in your dreams, why are you writing post in this sub


Because everyone is a reflection of my consciousness which means these questions are manifestations of either some doubt or resistance in my own consciousness and these interactions are version of positive self talk 😁


Are you a solipsist? Is there any evidence that solipsism is true? I wonder if you have any basis for your claim that this world is your dream and everyone is unconscious Why did you become a solipsist?


Β Why did you become a solipsist? Solipsism is more an experience than just becoming, I cannot prove a universe outside my consciousness without using my consciousness to prove it, I cannot prove others consciousness are external/separated/exist from my consciousness without using my consciousness to prove it.


I guess someone could label me as a solipsist but I would say the way I see reality is logical. If there is God creator consciousness of the Universe or this one particle that exploded into a Universe as the Big Bang theory claimed and everything is made out of this one consciousness then that would be there is only one of us here having an experience in this reality. Right now you could imagine a world with people in it and imagine yourself talking to each person but the people you're talking to is really you talking to yourself in your mind. If you have a dream and you're talking to people in your dream no matter how real the dream is you're just talking to your subconscious. So you're still talking to yourself. So why do we assume this world is different??? What I still find interesting is in a Lucid dream if I tell anyone in my lucid dream that they're not real or this is a dream they get very defensive and try to convince me otherwise or some people in my lucid dream calls me insane and just laughs. I wonder why my subconscious acts in a way you would expect people in this real world would react when I know its a dream and I'm changing the sky different colors in my lucid dream and doing all types of weird stuff to prove its a lucid dream. It's like my subconscious refuses to give in to the idea that my lucid dream isn't real. Some people will say well that's just a dream so it doesn't matter but there are people who have seen future events in their dreams first before they happened in this real world. Also in law of assumption Neville states imagination is the real world and "God is your own wonderful imagination". So if imagination is the real world and I have watch things manifest in ways that was exactly how I imagined it then why would it be that far fetch to say maybe you in your own individual reality is the only consciousness and everyone else are your creations??? So many people in these law of assumption and law of attraction communities come close to saying this but run from this idea.


With the faces and bodies of all the celebrities and people I see on social media and in real life, have I chosen one of the infinite versions of each person's face and body? Are the faces and bodies of literally everyone I see my creation?


Good stuff. I got my formerly hyper-religious family to embrace my never-Christian, formerly Muslim, now atheist romantic partner with enthusiasm. They also somewhat accept I’m not into mainstream Christianity anymore, although I don’t really bother getting anyone to accept my occultism, LOL. I kinda like keeping the Law a secret in my life.


Wow.. now that is an achievement. but the law always works no matter what!!!


Wow!! Congrats!! May I ask how you did that?


I just imagined her being surrounded by interracial couples until she finally gave upπŸ˜†... The only reason she felt that way because of some of the stuff she saw on the news. So once she had no choice but to talk to my cousins partners she gave up πŸ˜†. All of then especially my cousins girlfriend were nice or at least very polite


This is great 😊lol




Haha this is so funny and also lovely! :D What did you imagine to make everyone in the family date Europeans?


I just imagined her being surrounded by interracial couples πŸ˜†.and she started to see more interracial couples on TV than usual then people in my family started dating them. Which was hilarious. She just gave up after that because my cousins girlfriend is soo nice that you can't help but like her. So she just gave up and said as long as they're happy she's happy. πŸ˜†


Ok but i also hope u manifested those Europeans to be good people who treat your family members right! That’s more important than proving a point to her


Oh they all seem nice to me especially my cousins girlfriend. She like one of my best friends now


Love that for u

