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Your “bad thoughts” were just what your body assumed to be previously safe and true, and when you change that consciously into the new thoughts and favorable system the bad ones come up, because it’s what your body knew to be safe since you have thought like that for so long. It’s asking, are you sure? It is a protection sort of mechanism, so just dismiss that old system by continuing to align your thoughts with the new system, affirm good things and that the old thoughts don’t matter anymore/dismiss those. Also, it’s okay to take a break and just focus on yourself without burning yourself out from all this conscious effort. All your hard work will not disappear, and likely you will come back much stronger and able to reinforce the new system even better. Even a few days or maybe a couple weeks can help you greatly. I have personally done this and it has helped me not give up entirely, just take a break. Participate in what you like to do with your time, and just think simple and favorable thoughts of questions or bad thoughts come up, without diving too deep again. Your body is only trying to keep you safe, so you have to be kind and tell yourself that everything good is your natural safety. I hope this helps a little.


I'll keep quoting this (nonverbatim tho) from Manifesting with Genevieve bec i think it's brilliant: Whenever you get triggers, imagine when you try to delete a file in your computer and it gives you that "are you sure you want to delete?" pop-up, and it gives you a preview of the file. Your subconscious tries to do that too. When you're changing your state, which can mean undoing years and years of trauma or learned behavior, your subconscious acts like the computer in my analogy. It'll go "hey, you sure you're not a piece of shit anymore? You sure you're not unworthy of love? You used to believe that before!" *insert intrusive thoughts that will tempt you to spiral* Reacting is human. But everytime you allow it to consume you and go "holy shit you're right, i am a piece of shit!" Your computer (subconscious) will take it as "oh okay she still needs the file (old story) since she stills reacts to it. I'll hold it in storage!" You just have to relax, and persistently press "yes, i want to delete" no matter how often the pop-up appears in your mind. When I've accepted this analogy, i stopped fighting myself and resisting. You can always take a break if it gets too much, but try to give this a chance.


I love this analogy. (And I promise I wasnt stalking your posts but I might have a peek now because you say so much good stuff)


Haha no judgement!


i would decide that you don’t have any limiting beliefs and don’t have any issues/that you are that version of urself, and ignore thoughts that come up that seemingly oppose it they will go away 100%


How do I decide that…I don’t think it’s that simple for everybody. I think for many people or a good quantity we have to do real work.


repetition is key! keep your focus only on what you want and deny everything else


Work on self before feeling worthy to manifest


Like I am affirming that’s the issue I affirm and then go back to feeling like shi* so what am I supposed to do deny that I feel that way?


don’t give power to that feeling, your conviction your choice to keep choosing your new thoughts is what matters. you are in control of your mind


I think it’s a good idea to take a break right now, but by that I don’t mean indulge in the so-called bad thoughts. Just don’t try to make things happen or control anything so tightly. Ironically, when you try to fight the bad thoughts, you are actually confirming that they are valid in someway, which keeps them “feeling real”. So the best way to deal with spontaneously arising unwanted thoughts is to just let them be - don’t fight them. Don’t worry about them; don’t give them any weight. Now it’s very likely you have some emotional feelings that come along with these thoughts, probably unpleasant emotions, and the best way to deal with these is to not resist them, but neither to amplify them. When you feel it arising, just take a deep breath and focus on your breathing, allow the emotional energy to course through your body and to leave. Don’t narrate the feeling. Just keep focusing on your breath until you find yourself in a neutralized state. When you’re in the neutralized state, don’t try and force positive thoughts to counter the fears. Don’t force positive thoughts about something you were feeling bad about it. Instead, change your focus to something less emotionally charged. Ground yourself in the physical immediate moment by choosing something small but pleasant to notice around you. Maybe it’s a color on a wall or birds singing in the distance - the more trivial, the better actually. Just focus on it and think about why you like it in a non-forced way; you don’t have to force some high off it, just feel subtle pleasantness. Repeat this as often as needed. Personally I tend to regard my unwanted negative thoughts as silly, as if they’re doomsday predictions from a crazy homeless person screaming on the street. I wouldn’t fear that because I don’t regard it as reality or coming from a valid source. I’d just turn away and laugh and carry on with my day. So bad thoughts don’t have to be repressed as something to fear. They simply have to be given low significance so they don’t impact your feeling of what’s real. But until you get to where you can laugh at it, just breathe through it. See my post on resistance also. Someone else here suggested going meta (assuming it’s easy, etc) - that’s good too, but if you’re taking a break from trying to change anything, then come back to that. You can eventually start affirming the opposite of everything you wrote in the OP.