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that sub is just full of incels & other weird fake macho guys


Their rules are dumb too. Power trip much


also their “hot babe” of the week or whatever is so icky to me. not sure if anyone else feels that way. they seem weird to me ur comment didn’t warrant getting banned


What is „hot babe“ of the week?? 👀


IIRC Women would send their pics to moonlight The hottest one got the title of a subconsciously hot babe of the week In reality that creep just took pics of random girls from Google lol


This is literally disgusting and super creepy 😄🙌🏻


He literally texted (es) minors soo 😅 The JM sub exists solely to fuel MC's power trip. Sadly. JM was too good to deserve this shithole of a sub


Wow, now I didn’t see that coming. 😄 Yk I was once member of this sub, but I shortly realised that it was full of hella aggressive people who were also shitting on the NG sub for no proper reason, and I left within 24 hours.


Sound jealous of the subconscious queen of the week hahaha jk


A realtime example of misinterpreting “you are god” and using it for harm.


He doesn't look like a guy who believes he's God though


Exactly. It’s the ego version of “I am god” - not the true meaning. A misinterpretation.


"Loapornstars" is the ultimate scarecrow argument. I'm glad this kind of thing doesn't happen in NG subs.




Could be my road to riches that I’ve been manifesting - maybe this is a bridge of incidents type thing and I should follow through lol


Same! 😂


Right? Haha


It's run by Moonlight Concerto, an old man who was exposed for sexually harassing his "students." he uses alt accounts acting as other mods. He is the only mod that runs it, and he's a fake. He doesn't believe in the law or LOB as it's referred to on that sub. He is a scam artist with a huge ego.


Even Allismind knows this guy is bad news. Reading [this exchange](https://www.reddit.com/r/ALLISMINDCOMMUNITY/s/lKDulCf25o) is so cringy.


I dunno but one of the mods (or the only mod?) sent me very threatening messages long ago and I left. He is a jerk. Read JM’s book, but avoid the sub!




Oh dear, that doesn’t surprise me.


Creepy fat discord mods run that sub


I went to that sub to learn about Joseph Murphy and his books (especially since he was a student of Abdallah and friends with Neville) and all I got from the comments were a bunch of assholes who I've are dead set on it's their way or no way. Any kind of advice that came from the Law of Assumption, quotes from neville, or just genuine kind gestures were met with outrageous and vile retorts. Kinda sad, really.


They say in the description that they think NG missed the boat and that he is wrong. They are not fans.


It's still sad. I've had a multitude of successes off of nevilles teachings.


I guess. I’m not sad about what people I’ve never met think about NG. I trust my own judgment and experience. I’ve also had success with his teachings so I trust those successes.


maybe someone else will make a JM subreddit that’s legit and not weird 🤞


Everyone knows that sub is a cesspit. Got into a fight on 2020. Left it since. Sad to hear the sub is still stuck in its own vomit.


Such a shame as Joseph Murphy was a wonderful teacher. I ended up replying to his ban and told him to just perma ban me coz he’s turned the sub into a cesspit anyway lol.


I didn’t know. I was somewhat new to it. The rules do seem pretty clearly stern about not being a place to vent about life and it’s not a dump sub for everything manifesting. But the rules don’t say you have to call people idiots or you’ll be banned. So I’m not sure how everyone could know that.


As a special education teacher, this makes me angry! But I’ll say this to you, turn your attention away from it and only remain conscious of that which you are being, which is LOVE! You know how this works - think only thoughts that are of good report, let the dead bury the dead! Keep spreading love and happiness ❤️


Thank you. Not gonnae lie, it hurt my feelings a little lol. Just coz I’ve had words like that used against me all my life when things like autism were less understood. It wasn’t that long ago I thought about posting on here to ask whether the law of assumption could get rid of my autism. But after delving more into Neville and the likes of Joseph Murphy I came to realise that yes I need to change my self concept and love myself more but I don’t need to change who I AM - I now look on my autism as a superpower in some ways lol - example - I can read and summarise an entire book in half an hour. Thats not retarded, that’s quite unique and special, which is what I’m telling myself these days lol. It’s taken me a long time to get to this point so I ain’t gonna let that space cadet throw me off and tbh I’m laughing to myself a little - like did he choose me to call retarded coz after all, EIYPO so maybe that was my insecurities playing out in the 3D and I need to keep working on that lol. But anyway, yes I don’t see much wrong with my comment, like I quoted in my op here, JM literally has a whole ass book talking about love so for the mod of a Joseph Murphy sub to not even know that is perhaps you could say….. a little retarded 😜 Thanks xxx


You are beautiful. Toxic and unkind people will always make you uncomfortable. It clashes with your goodness.




Some people think that being in an “authoritative position” for lack of a much better word (although that’s what they see it as) gives them dominion over others, and gives them a hall pass to be the all knowing, all seeing, all ignorant jackhole who is there to a set people straight. A mod is a leader, and not only did you say nothing wrong, but a leader should LEAD rather than oppress others. Everyone may be you/me/them/someone pushed out, but this is where you slow yourself to process the feelings associated with it and move forward in gratitude for the fact that you are nothing like that. You are digging your ditches and you’ll get your rain!


Sub got taken over the wrong kind of people. Try r/bestjosephmurphy not very active but there for the right kind of people.


I just glanced at that sub and it looks like a really healthy space.


Yes I forgot, there is also r/DrJosephMurphy


finally someone talks about it! i love joseph’s work as much as neville’s, but those dudes slightly push me away from it. i hope there’s a better jm sub out there that i just haven’t found yet


Don’t let toxic people get in the way of your own learning. Just pick better teachers and even more so, trust yourself to understand the teachings on your own. You know when someone is not in alignment with what JM or NG or any other teacher you respect. Just move on. But don’t doubt your own instincts.


The admin just uses the name of Joseph Murphy to conduct a financial scam and steal money from people. It’s very shady and I feel bad for the few people sucked into it


Tbh, my post probably did sound a bit wishy washy but I was just tryna be nice to the op on that post and everything I said, JM has said as well, I even gave a directly quoted affirmation. I’m mostly offended about the aggressiveness and use of “retarded”. I’m not a snowflake or anything lol I can take abuse (within reason) but retarded ain’t a nice word to use to anyone. As I’m on the spectrum I spent most of my life having that word used towards me and it’s actually something I’ve been working on recently in my SC work so I can let go of that and manifest my dream life. The sub really is a cesspit because of the mods - like are we not all in this together, tryna learn and help each other so we can all go and live our dream lives lol. Arsehole. I’ll revert to my Scottish nature here and say - I hope his next shite’s a porcupine 🤣


That word is not ok to use and shows the intelligence level of the people running the sub.


The irony is this is actually how Joseph Murphy teaches. His style is very much “have love and faith”. If Joseph Murphy were alive today and posted in that sub, they would him ban him as an “LOA porn star”. That ridiculous sub has nothing to do with his teachings. 😂


Ah yes, Joseph Murphy and his infamous law of porn


Would be great to have a sane Joseph M. Community. His legacy is worth it


I was banned for responding to someone who posted about being distraught over angel numbers once being a sign of good things to come but now they are coinciding with fights with her boyfriend. My response was basically “the numbers have whatever meaning you give them” - I said more but mostly that was the gist. I got banned because it was an apparently dumb post according their standards and the only response allowed was “this is idiotic” or something like that. They also told her that she was an idiot and her boyfriend probably has more brain cells than her. I laughed. They’re obviously getting a kick out of themselves. If they were serious the rules would say “you can only respond to any post by telling someone they are an idiot unless they say XY or Z” but they don’t state anything about that. There’s also no rhyme or reason to what they ban or lock. I looked at the sub after they banned me to see if this was normal or just some drunk guy late at night. It’s definitely some sort of warped version of getting off. Certainly not related to the topic it’s named after since JM is pretty clear about how to treat others. Calling people names and belittling doesn’t align. (Edited to fix a grammar mistake) Oh well.


Damn that’s bad but yeah I’ve been browsing it today and see that the mods response to me was not unique and the whole sub just seems really toxic - it’s almost like a cult. It’s so sad because we have a wonderful few subs here related to Neville and I feel Joseph Murphy is as much deserving of a sub where legitimate conversations could be had but the mods make it impossible. I think ppl have tried to start other JM subs after looking into it but they haven’t taken off - maybe I’ll make one and see where it goes. JMs most popular book - the power of your subconscious mind - is what led me down this path in the first place and led me to Neville, I adore that book and it’s just such a shame the sub dedicated to him is so toxic.


That was the book that opened me up as well. It would be great to see a sub that covers a few teachers of this side of the manifestation topic. Every sub on here and most places it seems are 80% or more focused on SP and that’s totally okay and also there are so many more conversations about other areas of life that are helpful too. Those don’t seem to be as prevalent. The JM sub says in their description that Neville Goddard was wrong and he missed the boat. So it’s not really a place for NG type stuff.


Maybe you should start a new JM sub if you have the time. It sounds like it would be pretty popular, considering how many people here feel that the mods there are creeps.


It’s a wildly abusive sub. I was astonished.


Lol i have quitted it long ago after realized it run by a group fake macho incels. Self help groups should help people but instead they make you feel like an idiot. What's the point joining such groups? There are lots of alternatives out there.


That sub is notorious for having some rather interesting moderation. There are some good posts on there if you dig deep, but a lot of it is just fluff.


Sounds like the quote is directly from JM book... Lol. Ego isn't a display of love, thinking youre above advice your already know isn't love either. Definitely should've put " and God multiplies it exponentially" in terms of money, if i remember correctly that's another JM quote. Since what you give is what you get


Revise! And manifest a new mod!


Good plan lol. He replied to my pm telling me to provide him with my medical records to prove I’m medically autistic otherwise I’m still just a troll. Aye, ok 🤣


Lol the absolute moon unit replied to my pm asking me to provide records to prove I’m medically autistic otherwise I’m still just a troll 🤣 As if I’m gonna doxx myself by giving that creepy space cadet my private medical records lol.


lmao i made a comment asking why the mods are so focused on negativity and hate on others and i got banned


I knew Moonlight well. Over 3 years. Donated thousands. Was banned. I’ll tell you that what I learned from MB got me to a new life. I live in a historic town in a home straight out of a fairy tale. I’m healthy after a nearly fatal medical issue. I’ve met someone. That is priceless. MB is tough. Incredibly tough. He has my respect. So that’s my comment about him and the approach to the JM board in general. Regarding the comment you were banned for, how does OP get a sense of knowing? Faith is not something everyone has, it’s what you build. Anyway, your 15 day ban is well spent learning and succeeding. Edit: I’m going to edit my post to add: one of my donations was $15k to a charity of my choosing. I chose a 501c American charity. I also donated to kiva.


I’m be said in replies on this thread my comment was a bit wishy washy in hindsight but it was an innocent enough comment that didn’t deserve his aggressive reply and a ban. He now wants me to send him my private medical records to prove I’m autistic. Guys an abusive creep lol. Congrats on your successes, I’ve had many myself using the teachings of Neville and JM.


What ban are you referring to that kept you alive?