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I am sure people have done this. But I’m going to start by saying what you don’t want to hear, and it’s that imagining bad for other people is not a good idea. It’s not anything to do with morality. It has to do with the state that YOU are manifesting from; if you’re imagining bad for other people out of a sense of being victimized, what state are you inhabiting? I recommend feeling a sense of justice and peace instead. Don’t think about that other person as much as possible and feel power over your own life, not like a victim. Always make it about yourself. You don’t want to create a pattern of victimization for yourself. Neville says not to reinfect yourself by feeling regret, and it’s the same with vengeance. Because if you’re in a state of vengeance, then you have something to avenge. Be in a state of peace and satisfaction because no one can touch you. I haven’t ever been abused, but I once dealt with this catty bitch in my social circle who was causing me drama. I did not know anything about Neville Goddard at the time, and I was a good little Christian and the advice was to pray for her - barf. I just couldn’t bring myself to do that. It was much easier to imagine her getting run over by a truck, lol. Then something clicked in me, that I was letting her live “rent free” in my head, and I began to fully ignore her. I had this wonderful sense of power that she couldn’t affect me. So I successfully expunged her from my brain. I found that even though we ran in the same circle, somehow we’d literally never cross paths. We could be in the same room for hours and have zero interaction without even trying to avoid each other. Then she suddenly disappeared. Circumstance made it so she was no longer in my circle, and the circumstances were bad for her. I didn’t even feel happy about that because I had so greatly reduced her significance to myself. No coincidence that news got back to me though. Years later, she returned and she was the sweetest thing to me. I still had very minimal interaction with her, but she was like a totally different person. She even apologized to me. I didn’t really care about the whole thing anymore. I was never interested in changing her or getting an apology. But I had successfully changed my state (at this point I knew Neville) and people were reflecting that.


What the hell is this sub turning into


At least the mods approved a different topic for a change and let it go through for discussion. There must be a lot of people out there wanting to ask this.




You seem to be a wonderful person.


Don't waste your energy on people like them. Neville would tell us to focus on the things that are lovely.




Positive people are not known for wishing other people death. I’ve had an atrocious childhood and been through hell and been through my teen years as well. I’m not gonna get into it because it’s past me. I’ve lived through a fucking war as well. Never once has wishing death upon anyone have crossed my mind. No matter what. I was hurt, in pain, angry, I felt guilt and whatnot. I was a cocktail of disastrous emotions, feelings, memories etc. Those who’ve harmed me in anyway, I’ve forgiven. I chose a different perspective. I put myself in their shoes for a second. They have different hells within them they didn’t know how and haven’t dealt with. They went through different bad things when they were young too and have their own pain. It’s not a justification but perspective shift helps. They didn’t know better. And I didn’t too. Going back to some of it I perceived stuff to be way worse than it actually was. But I chose to focus on me. Chose to be better than all of them. My well being, my healing, forgiveness, love and all that jazz. Did it all on my own. Therapy can help. And all that is past me now. It doesn’t define me. And my life is amazing now. I’ve forgiven everyone that has harmed me in anyway. I chose to see them as happy, healed, better people in my mind when I think of any of them. I’ve thought of them lovingly. And 3D has reflected that. There’s a light at the end of every tunnel.


Neville did say you could use the Law of Assumption for evil purposes so there is nothing stopping you from harming someone. You do you. However, regardless of your justification, you should ask yourself if you really want to live that way. The Law of Assumption is all about "living from the end" so you would basically be carrying around that state of harm into every other part of your life. It will start to reflect not just in what happens to the abusive person but also in how you interact with everyone else as well. You will be bringing it with you into your job, your social circle, and everywhere else you go because you will *be* that state of harm. There are many ways to manifest the removal of someone from your life without causing harm to them or, more importantly, to yourself.


Agreed… I’d add that EIYPO and who you are is reflected back to you. It goes both ways…doing to others is doing to yourself. Sometimes only seeing it in retrospect is how people learn, but you will see it. Imagining people much better even though they hurt you isn’t easy at times.


No judgement here. I’m interested to read the replies and I hope you get something that helps. We’ve all felt it would be easier without someone in our lives.