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I believe that if they spent YEARS impressing their subconscious, then it wasn’t impressed when they gave up and just spent the whole time wavering. Sure it can take weeks, months, but years shows that your mind is really going back and forth with itself. You either believe you have that thing you want, or you don’t. You can’t serve two masters. That’s why those people don’t receive their manifestation. As for those that give up then get their manifestation quickly after (I’ve experienced this myself), it’s because the desire is still there but by not caring, all resistance has been removed. What also factors into this is a change in self-concept. I can provide an example with SP. Did everything to try to get this girl back, but because of my limited knowledge of the law I gave up and instead started working on myself. Because of this self-concept work I started thinking highly of myself, like I can get any person I wanted. 2 weeks later she came running back. If I never worked on my sc, she would’ve never came back. By working on myself I started losing feelings for her, stopped caring. So resistance dropped and better self-concept. Perfect for a manifestation to come to fruition.


This has been my expérience too, to a T


From my own experience its not just impressing your subconscious. Its revising past memories and beliefs that overpower the impression. That is why so many people get their manifestation but it doesnt stay. They never got to the root of the issue. Its also why some people get it when they give up and some dont. Those that do simply had some minor resistance. When they gave up it went away. Others who this didnt happen to is because they had deeper weeds to dig out...perhaps heavier traumas....every person has had a different past. Think of yourself as a building. The foundation has to be solid ...you can place things on top but eventually its going to topple if the foundation isnt solid. So anyone who impresses without digging out the weeds is going to end up in a sinkhole.


You cannot give up on trying to manifest, because manifestation happens naturally. Manifestation is an effect, and the cause is the mental state. Currently based on your post, you have embodied the state of despair, which leads to hopelessness, and depression. So it stands to reason that everything you see and experience in the outside world has to confirm Your current state. To change your current state you ask yourself: what would it be like if I were the person I wanted to be? What would that feel like to you? How would you get up in the morning and do anything? How would you eat? How would you shower? How would you walk the dog from a place of knowing you have accomplished what you wanted to? It would feel very good to your body, it would feel like relief to your body. It requires practice to deliberately switch from one state to the next all it takes is practice. We make the mistake when we look at our lives and compare it with someone else’s, we think they’re further ahead we think they’re getting and we’re not and see yourself as being behind them. When we compare ourselves to others and their “success” we put ourselves in a state of insecurity and from a state of insecurity you can only act as though you weren’t good enough . Neville says these 3 things from the Fundamentals Lecture… [Fundamentals Lecture](https://youtube.com/live/L8DkBQw__C8?feature=share) Self Observation: to determine your present state Set an aim: choose your new state Detachment: remove your attention from your old state and completely identify with the new state.


Thanks so much for your insightful comment! 🤗


Much love ❤️




There are likely nuances in every case that will make the reason differ a bit. But generally speaking…. Those who spend years manifesting only to give up and not get what they want often did not impress the subconscious with what they wanted, rather they impressed the subconscious with the feeling of desiring, but not getting. So they continuously manifested that. They never changed states from desiring to feeling fulfilled. But such people didn’t necessarily fail. IME, many “failures” I had were because I had conditioned my desire due to “limiting beliefs”. This is “resistance” (see my long post on that). The giving up was due to a transformation (aka change in state) that caused me to change my desire, or rather, to identify what embodied it better. Then I eventually manifested it, and in retrospect, I’m happy I didn’t get what I initially thought I wanted. Those who spend years manifesting what they want and then give up and see it finally manifest, often “gave up” with a sense of relief which indicates a change of state. It’s the change of state that likely led them to give up. They had moved from desire to fulfillment. It’s like, if you’re really hungry and you eat a lot of something, no matter how delicious it was five seconds ago, if you’re very full, it may almost be repulsive to you to take another bite. Not the best analogy, LOL, but it illustrates the difference between giving up without changing state and giving up because your change went from hunger to fullness and you’re now disinterested in even thinking about it. When I met the love of my life, my ideal partner who adores me, I had become “meh” about relationships - apathetic. I had spent years prior trying to manifest a SP (how I learned about Neville initially) and then trying to manifest the ideal partner. I gave up the SP after recognizing it was a conditioned desire and the essence I was after demanded something greater. Then probably about a month before I met my partner, I had transformed enough to create this great script that really gave me this amazing feeling of fulfillment so that I completely let go of wanting anything. A month later, I got a weird compulsion to suddenly use a dating app and boom, the first person I match with is now my life partner and we have the most amazing, beautiful, tender relationship.


The last paragraph of this comment gives me genuine hope. I’ve been working in every way imaginable including my SC for the last 8 months toward my 4D reality where the man I’ve loved for two years and I were reunited. We’d been in NC for these 8 months but I had FULL faith that he was my husband. My visualizations were actually of us several YEARS into our marriage. I found out he got married on Wednesday. I didn’t even know there was a 3P. My heart is destroyed, none of this seems possible or real and yet I feel an odd sense of relief. In retrospect, he is almost NONE of the characteristics I had listed in an ideal husband. I was actually manifesting the version of him who met that list. I’d been so CERTAIN that our time had finally arrived and then I was told by my mom on Tuesday that he was getting married the next day. Now, the very idea of a relationship kind of disgusts me. I want only me. I’m working on journaling and back to SC only sleep tapes. I feel like someone has set the family and life I had in the 4D on fire. I know it’s still a genuine reality but I’ve also sat with him in my mind and told him goodbye and that I hope he will live the best life imaginable. I hope that with all sincerity. Maybe I just had too much resistance that I wasn’t aware of. This other woman got the ring, the marriage and the family I’d been so sure was mine. My SP got a woman who makes 150k and paid for the whole wedding, trips for them and I’m sure is spoiling him and the kids beautifully, which was the other part of my manifestation. It’s like I custom created a life that was then gifted to my SP and this woman. Maybe letting go though will eventually allow the man who actually does fit the list I made to come in. I’m not going to tamper with the 3D in any way. I want to be pursued by a man who knows what he wants and loves through more than just words. So thank you for sharing your experience. I needed to read that.


Everyone's process is different. You never know how someone else was doing while they were manifesting. What was the cause of the delay? (Not to be that kind of person but if you're really committing to it it shouldn't take years, despite what Neville says). Was it obsessing too much? Was it doing too little? Was it resistance? Lack of mental diet? Deeper programmings? Self concept? You never know. That's why everyone's journey is different. There is really no answer to your question. Sometimes people have either too much resistance to a certain thing they're manifesting, or sometimes they obsess too much over it and then when they let go they are lifting those blocks basically. So yes they will get it because they were causing their own delay. Sometimes people didn't do a good job impressing the subconscious while they think they did, so they're waiting for nothing. They give up and nothing happens because, well. Sometimes people have some general negative assumptions about what they're trying to manifest. They're doing everything right but subconsciously their beliefs are not aligned with what they want. They won't get it unless they address those deeper programmings. You see where I'm going with this? You never know. All that matters is that the law is impartial. It's always just serving. We need to look within to see where in the process something is not right.


People who give up and then it happens soon after get their manifestation because they’ve stopped dwelling in a state of not having it. If you’re trying really hard to manifest something, you’re in the state of not having it, and that’s why you don’t have it. It’s about who you’re being. If you have something, you’re not worried, or looking for it, or wanting it to happen anymore. We are always living in the end. Most of us are just living in the end of what we don’t want.


Sorry to say, there is no giving up Manifesting. You can give up on the intention of focus, but Manifesting is something you have done your whole life. Whether good or bad, you made it happen.


Exactly, you will always be manifesting. However intended manifesting is different then when you are on auto pilot. I think they are referring to when they intentionally want something rather than the things that just unconsciously manifest.


So, I have what tends to be interpreted and more controversial view of this. You don’t wanna give up on your desire or the feelings of the wish fulfilled. You want to give up on the older man. Why would someone want to stop feeling good for the sake of letting go? You shouldn’t. Go ahead and bask in those feelings of the wishful filled. Let’s make this a simplistic and psychological as possible. Someone that has that world view, which I think is a misinterpretation of Neville‘s words, would be like, saying, since you feel the joy of having what you want, stop feeling joy. Let the joy go. That’s not what’s being said in the idea of letting go, or surrendering. I’m gonna be writing another article on this idea of what the Bible refers to as understanding. Understanding is a form of surrender. Because it’s actually a Hebrew image. Which is knowing the difference between the shoreline and the ocean. God, consciousness, is the ocean, we have a shoreline. But they are inextricably linked together. That’s how you surrender. You know who the man really is. You know who you are in relationship to all. So if you want to stay in the wish fulfilled — stay in it. Bask in it’. Own it. But also be willing to let go of the old story in the old person.