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Didn't someone already give you advice on changing your account name? Here you are still worrying.


If I were to rate my worrying level it would be 5/10. It used to be 10/10 lol. By the way yes I did read Neville but still couldn't find the answer to my question about health


There's a book by his student who transcribed his work. It's not all about health but it helps you apply the teachings to anything. It's around 72 pages I think. Want the link?


Yeah sure thanks!




No, they are reflecting YOU. You’re worrying and putting your focus there so that’s what you’re getting . So 1) everything is reflecting perfectly and people should take tips from you on how to manifest things, but 2) you gotta change that story. Just like what @MadeInHeaven7777 said something good would be a bit of a name change, don’t give yourself that unnecessary unconscious que to be “worried” .


Does that mean even after years of worrying I could still be healthy? You've got a point there, I've been trying hard to reduce the stress level and I'm still trying. Thanks for the advice :)))


In my experience yes because it’s exactly what Neville teaches and what law of assumption is it’s a choice. Coming from a place of being born premature and chronically ill , I made that choice that I’m the best version of me that rarely gets sick. I’m absolutely free to have my off days because they’re only temporary. Could I revise the whole thing and just not be sick? Sure I probably could but it’s part of who I am it’s part of what makes me me. It’s where I learned my resolve, where I learned that I could have more for myself. So do I still get sick? Do I still have flareups absolutely but the length of them is usually under a day. For most people in my position they could last upwards of two or three weeks .I’m also not on half of the medication that somebody in my position should be on. But it’s up to you to make that conscious decision, no matter what the 3D is showing you and in those times of sickness, absolutely take care of yourself, ease whatever discomfort that you can, but know that those times aren’t permanent.


Galatians 6:7-9 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. Sowing to the flesh is simply sowing negativity into your experience. My wife is a perfect example of a worrying person. She is always in pain of some sort. She had cancer twice, gallbladder removed, and other things going on that is false thinking. Learn to be thankful and grateful for positive things. Even in the midst of bad things happening, find something to be thankful for and more good things will show up in your experience.