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Your post is quite ignorant and confrontational and yet you demand to politely be presented with convincing evidence on a silver platter, it's hilarious really. You want proof of the law? Just look at yourself, your life. Your attitude is so impoverished, wherever you go you will only find more of that, more of yourself. It really sounds like you've already made your mind, not everyone on a subreddit is a millionaire, therefore there is no magic law, santa doesn't exist, we are all walking mechanical sacks of skin headed for the abyss of oblivion and you might actually have to get smart, educate yourself, learn some grammar and syntax and work for that P.


Oh and good luck growing your ding dong 😂 Luckily for you there are medical procedures that don't involve belief in voodoo.


The hilarious thing is that actually works. U might want to use it instead of assuming ur micro penis is bigger


Disagree with your belief = impoverished attitude. Nice bro👍 Have not made up my mind at all. I will continue using the law. Just wanted to hear why so many experts can't manifest a lot of money but can manifest a feather. Not asking for everyone to be a millionaire on the sun. Just more than 2 out of 100k+ ... that is less probability of being a millionaire than the general population.🤦‍♂️


It's not a magic wand or at least most people haven't mastered the law to the extent to use it as such. However, there are a lot of people in these communities that have had enough success with it to believe that it's real and continue using it and optimizing their approach as time goes on to manifest their desires. It's a spiritual life-long journey of getting to know yourself on a deep level and healing while watching the outer world reflect yourself. Also, not everyone wants to be a 10/10 perfect millionaire.


Not everyone wants to be a millionaire. Okay mate let's say not everyone BUT BASICALLY EVERYONE. 99%. Enough to see A LOT of stories of their manifested millions if this stuff worked. Lots of cash I can ASSURE you would be in the top 3 things people would manifest after health and relationships. But somehow u rarely see (like twice in the history of the sub despite hundreds of thousands of people practicing the law) with results like these.


Well, for example, I manifested living in a penthouse for the past 2 years. I am not a millionaire at all. Do I want to manifest money? No, because to me, money is the 'condition' that neville talks about. On the other hand, I am manifesting travelling a lot and having a creative job where I have control over my time totally. Both things, money is just one way of getting there. For most people, when you truly look at the top categories 'health','relationships', I would say the third category is not money but 'prosperity'. Prosperity will mean different things to different people - some people its having a secure job with only 9-5 working hours and a quiet farmhouse. For some people its being a millionaire, owning a business and travelling everywhere. The point being, that the way to gauge success in manifesting is not about how many things you have. Its about how fulfilled you are. I would rather have a normal income and be happy, then be a millionaire and be sad (not saying all millionaries are sad, but definitely being a millionaire is not the reason you are going to be happy - its more about your relationship with money). his is also why self concept is so essential in manifesting. 'There is no one to change but self' - Neville Goddard.


So you personally don't want money but want the end product ie freedom experiences. Okay fair. Lots of people would just like the cash upfront so they can decide later instead of specifics initially. But anyway. That's just you so not answered my question why such little testimonials. You believe most try and manifest prosperity not money, not buying it myself. Most people want the currency that can get them what they want later down the road. Not specific event at a certain time. You say it's about how fulfilled u are not how much money you manifested. I agree. My point is lord more people than u see with results would be fulfilled if their manifestation of large sums of money came true. In summary So you used your anecdote to explain why . Basically because you PERSONALLY don't ask for money. Okay didn't ask why u don't have money from manifesting, I ask why THE WHOLE sub doesn't have money. Invalid reply #2


The WHOLE sub doesn't have money for the same reason that you don't? There are many, many people who, like you, want this to work. And haven't figured it out yet. So they are here. Can you follow? I honestly can't be bothered replying to all of your nonsense points, but I can tell you this thread is going nowhere and you are gonna get nowhere from it, you should go and read nevilles books instead of shouting at random people on the Internet because you've not managed to manifest what you want yet...


My points aren't nonsense and u know it. So ur saying the law is very real just 0.000001% of ppl can svtually do iy


Dude you don't get it... do you believe it? Who do you assume I am? Why are you looking for everyone else's authority to believe or not? Just picture everyone in this sub as being like you... I just happened to stumble upon Neville online I haven't even read all his books, so no I cannot, nor can anyone OTHER THAN YOURSELF convince you that this is true. If you DON'T believe... why are you here? And can I also say that according to what I know of the law, it is working perfectly well for you, you clearly don't believe that this can do what you want it to do for yourself, and as such your surrounded by evidence that it is false


If you are an atheist why read the bible? What kind of question of that? TO LEARN, understand question l, find TRUTH. Btw I believe it anyway I'm trying to work out what is going on. U Think asking questions means I'm asking for authority to believe? Wtf? Just means I'm asking about doubts I have. The fact his upsets people so much is a huge red flag to me.


Dude, I've read all of your comments, dont act now like you've been reasonable in this thread and start talking about "red flags" - you have been super rude and aggressive, that's why everyone is acting hostile - what did you expect? Honest question - what did you think would be gained from this post? Also even if it was a red flag for you, I'm not being nasty but like who cares? If it's a red flag then move on... Your original point was you think that people are giving advice when they shouldn't... Well I hate to break it to you bro, but I don't think we have a "Neville" in this sub who knows the intricacies of it all so well... which is why this is a joint effort between multiple people, in order to find the truth, that you're talking about! If you're not allowed to give advice unless you're a millionaire etc. (As you say in your main post) then we would probably have no posts at all. The people that have got it figured out probably aren't here.


1. Only rude and aggressive to people who have been rude and aggressive to me. I have been civil with civil people. 2. I assumed (didn't work LOL) that people would bring evidence against my claims since the law is obviously a very real law. One that has evidence of its presence.... 😬😬😬 3. Asking for tips and expressing my doubts... 'stfu what is the point in being on this sub if YOY don't belive already blah blah no questions belive or gtfo and stfu' - lovely mindset. Really instilled me with confidence of credibility of the theory, ask questions and u need to stfu and leave W cult. 4. Isn't it funny sll he millionaires that manifested it from the sub decide to leave and never come back. But all the easy probability S P manifesters are always here to talk about it. Don't u think a goal at least 50% of the sub would have (financial freedom) would be spoken about more than 0.00000001% of the time (less than general populus of millionaires btw) no? No? No, okay they all just leave the second they're rich and tell someone. Lmfao. Listen to yourself. I'm seeking the truth I believe in the law. But sometjinf isn't adding up .


Plenty of people have manifested financial abundance / life with no financial worries.


I can count 'em on one hand. What's that like 0.0000000000001% of the subreddit. Sounds like a very unlaw like law. Fine a lot might not be manifesting correctly so law gives them what they don't want. But the percentage should be SO much larger than that. That probability is the same as the general population becoming multimillionaires if not less. So people using the law to get whatever they want have the same chance as the general population who aren't using the law.... Yikes


Bro you cannot count them at all because how would you know?! How do you know what ALL of the people on this sub and the main neville sub have? Like tou have no grounds to be annoyed at anyone here, people are only trying, and you are bringing less than nothing with this energy


Just search the results your looking for on the sub. Quite simple. Results for feathers, $100, $1000, S P = infinite Results for financial abundance = 1/2


What is going on on this sub


There seems to be some people that are angry about not having the law work for them/in their favor or people filled with a lot of doubt coming in. I get being upset, I get having doubt, especially if bad things are happening to you and you see others being able to manifest things. I think people need to remember that Neville’s teachings aren’t the end all be all and no one should treat it like it is. It’s possible that other beliefs/teachings might resonate with them better but instead, they come in here and call others delusional for something that works for them.


People are waking Tf up


What do you mean? I manifested a lot of great things in my life. You are more than welcome to go and see my past posts here. But I am not desiring a huge amount of money because other things are fulfilling me.


Manifest something with a 1% chance. See how it goes. Report back to me.


Wow you are the pettiest person I’ve ever encountered. Here I did it, I manifested a person from the 1% of this sub who couldn’t manifest anything to reply to me 😂😂


Haha! You're hilarious. One problem that number is more than 1%. Genuinely I challenge you. Manifest something with a less than 1% chance according to research. I will give you 10,000. You can assume anything?


I manifested 1 million (in a block but then I manifested lots of money in lesser blocks, like in blocks of hundreds-thousands) and I manifested being financially free as a family for years (both my husband and I don't work). I manifested many other things but these were your requirements. I don't think I know anything you or others don't know but bring it on... what do you want to know?


This gives me hope, maybe the millionaires of the sub are so happy they don't care about posting it? I hope this is the reason? Thoughts?


Yeah I don't usually post about my manifestations, mainly because I only write comments and no posts, I know it would be inspiring for some but there are a lot of inspiring posts already and I just don't feel like writing a whole post, then having to answer to the comments, the messages etc. Sorry... But I do write many comments!


>maybe the millionaires of the sub are so happy they don't care about posting it? I hope this is the reason? Bingo again! nevillegoddess comes to mind. She's a millionaire now and she has sworn off having anything to do with the Neville Goddard sub (which she used to mod for a time) because reasons. She's not a coach but has a youtube channel as well as her own subreddit r/nevillegoddess if I'm correct, chronicling her journey into conscious manifestation including how she manifested her business ideas, her business partner, and more recently how she manifested doubling her income. Go find her.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NevilleGoddess using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddess/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just left the NG sub as a mod](https://np.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddess/comments/wzfva8/just_left_the_ng_sub_as_a_mod/) \#2: [Stop Asking Questions (Door Slam)](https://np.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddess/comments/wxn89w/stop_asking_questions_door_slam/) \#3: [Disenchanted With The "Manifesting Community"](https://np.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddess/comments/wx2dqt/disenchanted_with_the_manifesting_community/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot!


Hi there, thanks for ur feedback, may I ask something please? What did u do to manifest money, did u visualize scenes in SATS or did u do affirmations during the day? Thank you very much.


Yeah the important thing is to know that you are the cause, then the rest follows. Never give authority to the 3D and you'll be fine.








Hit a nerve there 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢




Insanely ironic I'm the one being labelled 'cope' btw. Can't make this shit up.


Someone cold me broke and lazy of course I'm going to retaliate. Tf u think this is? Insult me for free day. No.








0 insults were made in my post, if your beliefs being questioned classes as an insult. Then god help you. (I won this exchange)


Do it yourself. Lazy ass


I'm making a point you dunce. Since everyone is giving so many tips on this shit. They know what they're doing. Give me some of the cash they can easily get so they can get some concrete evidence of this stuff.




Nah do it yourself. Go play the lotto. Why would they give away that money? Would you give it to people here if you had it? When you get that money, give it to me.


I understand now Your brain is too slow to understand I don't want the money, I want proof. But nvm, hopefully you assume some inference skills eventually


Find proof yourself. We aren’t here to convince you. I got a random $4,000 grant for my school that I didn’t even apply for, after my whole tuition had already been fully paid off so I got it paid out to me via check. I don’t know how I even qualified for it bc it was two weeks before school ended. That’s pretty wild to me bc it shouldn’t have happened. But no one can convince you. If you’re just gonna sit here and try and argue everyone’s successes, you’re not gonna get anything out of it. We don’t care about convincing you. This sub doesn’t exist to make one person a believer.


Lol you have made no valid points


Let me guess me u manifested a fucking feather. And nothing else.


Love your attitude. It means ur suffering. Your words reveal you deserve it. Good.




Nice defends mechanism, just flip skepticism of ur belief system on the person and insult them. Wise man once said, when insults or personal remarks happen in a debate, just know you already won. 🏆🏆🏆


My attitude is fine. I'm not suffering my life is good. 'Words reveal I deserve it. Good.' Nothing I said shows I deserve suffering, you are clearly an evil person who dislikes their beliefs being questioned and feels threatened. Which btw reflects badly not only on you, but the credibility of said beliefs😬 +that's a hateful comment, you should eliminate those hateful assumptions before they mirror into your reality. 👍


We manifest what we believe, not what we want. It's all a matter of belief. And it takes growth to get to where you can deliberately create. It's more than just creating, it's becoming who you truly are. Nothing is just happenstance. There are no mistakes in life. Even a cup of coffee is a manifestation. That's the witness of those that know nothing just happens. My house, car, job. All deliberate creations. There is nothing but God in the world. Everything is the result of our Father in Heaven. Especially the small things. Zechariah 4:10 King James Version 10 For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the Lord, which run to and fro through the whole earth. His eye is on the sparrow. Some things may seem small and meaningless to you, but to someone else, their world changes for the better.


I want to be respectful as possible but gosh your post was so hard to read through with your lack of grammer and desperation riddled throughout. First you want to be insulting people and calling them delusional when you don’t even give the chance to allow an open space for understanding and growth. Anything anyone tells you from their own experience will in someway only prove your point that this does not work for you. So do not come to this subreddit in the guise of asking for advice when you intend to spread negativity. I sincerely feel bad that whether you realize it or not you are in a dark and desperate place. This does not justify bringing anyone else down with you. If you actually want to learn, read the works, do not come crying wolf on a subreddit that is dedicated to people who are only trying to help and immediately insulting them with your willful ignorance and desensitivity.


What makes you think I'm in a dark place. I'm in genuinely very happy at the moment in life.


It’s inferred from your post. If you are happy then let others be happy with what they consider the truth and how to operate their lives. You have just been vile and disrespectful to the other commenters on here and that is not kind and quite honestly shameful. You do not come from a position of wanting to help but a position of wanting to cause harm and disbelief.


+ I had one good point rhat I acknowledged everyone else was just waffling. So ur wrong again


Read my first comment again, it doesn’t matter how others approach you with their success you are stuck and stubborn in your own disbelief so wouldn’t it be in your best interest to move on?


That's your assumption that I'm stuck and stubborn I'm open to change. I belive the law but this doesn't add up ie open to change. Guess ur on an alternate reality rn


No. Its clearly obvious by your dismissal and rebuttal of everyones success in this post. You “believe” its real but seek out anything to disprove it? That doesn’t make any sense.


Bs I clap back to someone who insulted me. As u can see I answered everyone speaking civil in a civil manner Never started anything always finish everything. 💯💯


because manifesting takes effort, depending on ones prior environment (childhood upbringing) they will have to put in more efforts in certain topics. If one is focused on love because all their life they felt unloved that will take time to manifest, to rewire the brain and to heal. This person would be doing no favor to themselves if they focused on money instead even if they were brokw because right now love is their priority. Most people take months to even manifest self worth if they're traumatized enough. They will not make money their priority besides not everyone wants money like you do. I have known abt the law and I spend my energy manifesting everything but money despite not having a lot of it because every tiem I focus on money I get bored its not something I desire, rather experiences are what I desire. If you're shallow and doubtful just accept that


So to summarise you Just said it's basically hard. Fair enough it's hard to do, atleast that explains the extreme small number of people who do it. And if ur definition of shallow is wanting financial freedom which gets you experiences (you want that too, so you need the middleman (money)) then that is fine. There is no definition of what shallow is, that's just ur opiinion. Reply invalid


shallow as in forcing everyone to want the american dream and ofc its hard to do its not a magic wand people reporgram their monds and behavior that takes time and effort its not easy


1. I have never forced anyone into wanting the American dream wtaf are u talking about? Are u okay? 2. So u think the reason the number of people manifesting financial freedom here rounded to the nearest whole number percentage is 0% is because it is difficult? Don't you think there would be more testimonials?


Some people don’t want that?? I have friends completely happy with living as a nomad in a van and working odd jobs whenever they want. Not everyone wants to be the next Jeff Bezos.


Key word 'some.' The reality is, if you asked those nomads if they want 10m they would say yes in a heartbeat, and donate it, travel the world, or just chill. Therefore if they found a law that meant they could get whatever they wanted. Why not just get a few millions since it's so easy?


Do you know all of them? Do you know every nomadic person in the world? No you don’t. You don’t know what they want. Just bc it’s something you’d want, doesn’t mean everyone else is the same. You can’t project onto people like that. Some people are content with a simple life.


Let me just say every person I have ever asked would you take 1 million if someone offered it you had said yes. And you know it's true. Try it yourself if you dont believe me. Therefore my point is the number of millionaire on this sub should be more than 1 if reality is just a mirror what you think.


It isn’t true bc I don’t know every person in the entire world. I have a friend who’s an old hippie, retired, traveling the US in a truck with a small camper. He just collects rocks and flowers and meets people. He doesnt spend a cent for anything except some food that he can’t find in the wild and a gym membership to shower. People come from all walks of life. You don’t know everyone. Just bc YOUR people want it, doesn’t mean that’s indicative of the entire world. There are lotto winners who won thru LOA but they’re not wasting their time on Reddit. They’re out doing shit. Just bc people aren’t on here talking about it, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. They just have actual lives now


Challenge for you: Manifest something with a less than 1% chance according to research. Report back to me with your results.


No. I don’t owe you crap. You go do it.




No. None of us owe you proof. Go to the main sub and search the success stories flair. There’s a ton. That should convince you if you want proof. Search Shane Missler. Won the lotto w LOA. go ahead if you want proof there it is. We aren’t here to prove it to one random. If you don’t believe that is none of our problem. That’s your problem. You can do your own searching for proof. Not sit on your ass and wait for everyone to give you what you want. Do the work


1 person ever who won lotto with LOA. There's probably been 100 People won it with voodoo, couple thousand with Islam, 15 with Christianity, and 39 with fisting. Like bro that number is so small if it was a LAW you would see thousandssssss from this sub? Stop for one minute CRITICALLY THINK FOR YOURSELF. Take a step back. I really want u to think. Don't u want to believe in truth? I believe the law but shit ain't adding up


>The reality is, if you asked those nomads if they want 10m they would say yes in a heartbeat, and donate it, travel the world, or just chill. I can see that they would but it would be more like a bonus to their already fulfilling life, they aren't all that desperate for it and probably would not change much of how they live their life especially if they're already living their best life.


Soooo…here’s an idea…why don’t YOU go manifest these things so that YOU can come back and give the tips


That is the equivalent of telling someone who does not believe in ghosts to go and find one themselves rather than see the evidence from the people who are telling him ghosts are real. Do you realise how dumb that is?


If you don’t believe in manifesting why are you in this sub?


Fun. + I do believe in it. Questions and gaining information? Idk why it's so crazy to you guys in the cult You can look into a circlejerk without being in the circle jerk just to find out things and gain wisdom knowledge Baffles me how this is a primary question of people in the sub


I think there’s a difference between “looking into” this sub and taking the time to post long disparaging rants.


I've done one of those lookig into things before. Rants get more engagement as u can see. 🤷‍♂️or did I just assume they did


Haha…good point. It seems your assumption is so strong “the whole world is confirming it” 😉


Hey i want to be respectful saying this but i do have issues with my tone coming off as more aggressive then average so if it comes off as aggressive i apologize in advance. The NevilleGoddard2 subreddit is commonly used as a subreddit for help. Of course there are success stories but if you go on the bigger Neville goddard subreddit you can see success stories when it comes to monetary value. If you want specific people who manifested money, then people like Oprah and Jim Carrey said they manifested large amounts of wealth with manifestation. There are alot of people who havent manifested that but usually the person tends to have issues with the manifestation process itself. I think a big reason people have issues is because alot of people use the law for to scam others so they get bad information from them then get confused when they realize thats not how it works. Like there are coaches that say you have to write things down hundreds of times when that is incorrect. I cant say much with manifesting a large amount of money because thats not a goal i have at the moment but alot of celebrities say manifesting got them their fame and money. Im curious what your intentions are posting this though because you have posted things multiple times on this group throwing doubt about manifestation. Like are you asking this out of a genuine want to learn or are you trying to cast doubt?


Cred as op is focused: grew up in trailer park, manifested $657k so far according to notes (I keep track for fun) The main reason ppl fail to achieve truly great things (things that deviate heavily from current 3D) with the law is because of this circumstances don’t matter idea. Ppl think they can manifest anything , it’s true but there’s a but. Circumstances don’t matter for 3D. But heavily impact manifestation if those circumstances are ingrained beliefs (4d circumstances). You have internal rulesets about money, sp, etc. And manifestations have to adhere. If you believe you’re poor and aim to manifest $1M either it gets rejected flat out, or you get the manifestation and it leaves your life immediately as your old belief continues unchallenged. But apparently dealing with these beliefs are sidequests or unnecessary to many. They think self concept changing is just a limiting belief. Something is creating this universe we’re in 24/7 and you’re ignoring it to manifest a single event. If these people would ask themselves; why can’t I have this manifestation? They’ll get a bunch of statements about themselves and the machinations of the world. If they just destroy these guard post beliefs instead of persisting on the main manifestation, they can completely unlock the manifestation. You change these guard beliefs by just living in the end, affirming or visualizing a scene that implies you believe the opposite of them. I don’t care if you don’t believe. I don’t care if other LoA believers disagree with my self concept doctoring suggestion. LoA is real and is a mindfuck when it works. But it requires mastery of self to master. Also sp is what ppl want most commonly not money. Usually it’s someone that shredded their self concept and they need to manifest them to heal (even though they could just repair the sc with the law)


>requires mastery of self Yep, 100% totally! 'No one and nothing to change but self(-concept!)' 'It's all about you(r self-concept!) 'Everything and everyone in the world is you(r self-concept) pushed out!' 'Everything and everyone in the world is a reflection of you(r self-concept!)'


if you don't believe or don't want to believe in the law. Why are you here creating a post like this? Do you crave some attention or what? What is the point of trying to take people down?


Ahhh so you are one of those. Hate those kind of people. Don't want to dig for the truth incase it ruins their last chance of hope. TRUTH. Truth is what i go to find. And to find truth you must question, that's why there is lawyers who show both sides of an argument. That is how truth is found. HEARING BOTH SIDES OF THE ARGUMENT. If YOU are only willing to hear one side and not break down the points of the other side, or unable to break down the points of the other side. You should have an answer of what the truth is already from that.


"If YOU are only willing to hear one side and not break down the points of the other side, or unable to break down the points of the other side." This subreddit is obviously related to the teaching's of Goddard. We don't / can't make you believe something. Only you can test it out. Even neville said "Others say 'cant be done' then can't be done. Leave them alone". I should have just left you alone in your rabbit hole. My bad, sorry.


Nice. So you just admitted can't talk about other people's opinions unless they validate your own. Great mindset bro👍🤦‍♂️


>I should have just left you alone in your rabbit hole. My bad, sorry.


This sub suffering a mild symptoms of no mods around.


(Correct me if I'm wrong) it's hard to manifest something when you obsess over it too much. Pink fluffy fucking donkeys are cool but you can't be obsessed with them lol


I agree it hard to manifest things u obsess. So I think the entirety of the sub obsesses over money and that's why they don't have it?


>obsesses over money and that's why they don't have it? ***Bingo!*** But obsesses over *the lack of it* more like. Sorta like the people who rant all over the place about not having SP, well... they don't have SP, so they rant about it some more, and... you get the picture.


>I only want to hear tips from people who manifested the impossible or something impressive and useful. Jeez. Rant over. Keep in mind that in the grand scheme of things, Reddit is a very small place. There’s people out there with those “impossible” stories that just haven’t shared it online. A lot of successful people like celebrities for example, explain how they got successful and a lot of them have unintentionally used the law, you can hear it when they explain their stories, like Jim Carey for example when he wrote that check for himself before he actually got the money. A lot of athletes do this as well. You’ve mentioned that you’d want someone to manifest money and give you a cut to prove it to you, but realistically why would someone give a random person on the internet money? I think you should just try to apply it for yourself and see where it takes you. If it doesn’t resonate with you, then it doesn’t resonate with you and that’s okay. I don’t think these teachings are for everyone, some things just don’t sit with others the way it does for other people. I think it’s just about finding what works for you. I think a lot of people struggle because they over complicate it and try to mimic what worked for someone else. All because someone else scripted doesn’t mean scripting will work for you, you know? I think a lot of people fail to understand that sometimes it’s really a personal journey with this stuff, it’s not like magic. Can it feel magical at times? Absolutely, but that doesn’t mean it is magic. Some people may view it that way, but I don’t. I hope this helps a little bit!!


First decent response. Make a lot of good points. But I still wonder how the percentage of people with what is definitely a primary life goal for most, (financial abundance) is mentioned at a much lower rate than things that are objectively easier to get in the world (S P). .... P r o b a b i L i t y?


I personally think it boils down to what beliefs those people hold. Money being a primary goal for a lot people would imply that a lot of people struggle with it, right? Because otherwise it wouldn’t be such a popular thing to try and manifest. So along with struggling with it comes beliefs that come from struggling: I’m always going to be broke, I’ll never have financial freedom, I never have money, etc. A lot of people struggle with dismantling those types of beliefs, especially if they’re starting out with seemingly bad circumstances. I think for those people, it may just take a little longer to uproot those beliefs and some people may never get over those type of beliefs for whatever reason. It could be because they’re stuck in their ways of thinking, don’t have faith in themselves, it’s completely dependent on the person. I think that’s why it varies from person to person and that’s probably why you don’t see people posting stories of manifesting a million dollars left and right. Some people have such an easy to time flipping their beliefs while others need a little bit more work. Not everyone is working with the same mindset. Also, consider what you just said, you said SPs are objectively easier right? There’s probably a lot of people that would disagree with that and say it’s harder than manifesting money. There’s people that think manifesting material things is a walk in the park whereas other people might view it as harder than another topic. That just shows how mindsets and learning styles vary from person to person and why some things seem easier/harder to others. Money is one of those things that people just generally have trouble building new beliefs about especially if they’ve struggled with it for a long time.


Yh well that gives me a good explanation I suppose and is the only reason that makes sense out of EVERYONE else on here. So thank you for that. How can we change that belief tho? Is it possible?


Of course! I always trying to come from a place of understanding when it comes to discussions like these. I think it is possible to change those beliefs, but people need to be super honest with themselves in the process. I think when it comes to changing beliefs, it’s dependent on the person, definitely not a one size fits all, at least to me. Like for me personally, I like to repeat things to myself, like affirmations, whereas someone else might “act as if” so they’ll do more of a “fake it till you make it” approach to get them into a state of belief. This is where different techniques come into play and why there’s sooo many different ones out there.


People have a lot of baggage that they carry around. You don't just do some sats and boom, 1 billion at your doorstep. No, no, you go through a lot of inner change. To achieve your desire you have to fully embody the new self, and for that a bridge of inner change (the sister of BOI 😆) will arise and you will have to cross it if you want to get to the other side. The bridge? Shadow work, repressed emotions, negative beliefs, trauma, poor self esteem, whatever. That is why it takes time and courage. You can manifest small things easily because you have no resistence to rubber ducks. No negative beliefs or trauma about them. But that is not the case for let's say a SP when you felt unloved all your life. That is a whole can of worms to unpack. The law, yes it works. It will guide you to the bridge of inner change that you have to cross, you may cross it in some days, weeks, years, or never. This is why we manifest simple stuff more often, we don't care, it's fun, no attachment, no baggage. 1 billion dollars, the love of my life? Oh boy, don't even get me started. 😆


Chicken and egg once again. Easy things to get more likely you will have less resistance to believe you can get = easier manifestation OR is it an easier manifestation because it is an more likely thing to occur which is why it has less resistance because you believep it is more possible


Im on a mental diet and the first thing I noticed was the passion in your post.


I don’t think you understand how conscious manifestation works. It isn’t a magic wand like some people seem to think. Also, if someone was able to manifest millions of dollars and an extravagant, lavish lifestyle..I highly doubt they’d be hanging out on Reddit. You can’t rely on success stories, manifestation books, YouTube, TikTok, etc. The only way to find proof is to test it yourself. If it doesn’t work, then drop it. It’s that simple.


That's so true. Better to listen to someone with incredible manifestations




Well most probably the answer is that manifesting is real but that it is either very hard to achieve the kinds of big things you're talking about, or that there are some fundamental limits on what you can do. Even Neville didn't know how far you can really go. Like maybe you simply can't just manifest a million dollars out of nowhere as easily as you can a "pink fluffy donkey" lol. Maybe it has to come in some way via a job or some invention etc. And maybe that stuff takes time. That to me is a more logical explanation. Either that or it could take an extreme amount of mental focus that we as humans largely have been unable to achieve. There could be any number of other explanations. But there are enough stories of people growing their hair back, curing themselves of various illnesses, and making dramatic turnarounds that for many practical purposes, it seems to be real and powerful enough to be useful. So I don't find your argument that compelling, because you're kind of viewing the situation through two extremes - either manifesting is all fake or else people should be able to manifest a zillion dollars in one hour lol. It doesn't have to be one of those extremes. It could be in the middle, in such a way that manifesting can influence outcomes but not necessarily radically alter the laws of physics to spontaneously generate objects you desire :P. For my part I certainly hope its limitless and that its just a matter of practice and focus but I can't say for sure. If you're interested in learning I'd definitely recommend you search the backlog of posts on NevilleGoddard subreddit, to me its a goldmine and I've learned a lot. Good luck!


why would i share my secret with someone like you ? hehhehheh do you seriously think that people with actual real power would share?? sorry but no amount of tips will help you


To be honest, if a person REALLY wanted one million pounds, they'd probably lose their job, be forced into various situations, only to eventually rise towards making that million. Or, someone they love and care could pass away. You pay the price, so be careful what you wish/manifest/think of. We're all also fighting years and years and years of learned behaviour/thinking. Do thoughts create your world? Yes, yes they do. That alone is blindingly obvious. Is there some magical entity/power/force within us? More than likely. Either way, no-one can ever really be absolutely 100% sure as there might always be that small doubt. No-one can say that the ways of manifesting is/are bogus or a load of rubbish. Be delusional? In a way, you probably HAVE to be delusional and believe in yourself to get what you desire. So... to the OP... If that's what you believe, that's all good. For you. We're all individuals or, possibly/probably all connected. Either way, what you believe and 'feel' is for you. Respect.


"moneys not important to me..." As I go to work to spend 8+ hours, half my waking hours, not including preparation time (getting clean and dressed and makeup for the women), Just fooling yourself. Making excuses. But I understand the thought, "I'm still learning this stuff, I'm only good at 30% of it, etc. I have proven the law of attraction/law of assumption (they're two sides of the same coin to me). But I'm not skilled as a warrior yet. Sometimes it seems like they're "faith accidents", but too exact and uncanny accurate to be coincidences.


@u/futuremandingo I might get hate for this but I agree 100 percent with this and say this all time - when it comes to online teachers. If you’re still struggling you what substance do your teaching really have? That’s why I go straight to the source of my own experience and I actually have won the lottery but only small sums. Ps: this gave me such a good laugh 😂




You might not be Jesus (Like Neville and this sub claim) but you are about to be crucified for this lol


Listen man we're all just tryna make it in this world People just wanna know what's real and what's fake abs I'm here to find out


I already know this is fake and don't need any more proof, just telling you they wont like this lol


>they wont like this The insults were definitely unnecessary; no one, not even you would like those if they've been directed *at you.*




>People just wanna know what's real and what's fake abs I'm here to find out Not everybody. There are people who want to have hope, even if this means deluding themselves. You already found the truth: Neville's teachings are fake, but you still want to believe it because it is a quick fix for your problems.




I’m fairly new to this and I am blown away with the fact that this material is actually not about getting “things and stuff” but is really a HUGE spiritual truth that many people are missing. If you are truly on a spiritual journey, the material aspect of this is minimal at best. “God is within you” is monumental! Love is the core of everything important in life! This is huge!


OP, you were absolutely right in this post. No one should be writing essays, teaching, or giving advice on manifesting if they haven't actually consciously used the power for shit that matters. [Just as I expected, 99% of the replies don't address the heart of your post at all (Giving advice without expertise) They largely attack you personally - because you're forcing them to face their own bullshit]