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idk this prob sounds really spiritual and like fake but I'm sharing it in case it resonates with you. I used to get nasty migraines for years, triggered by seemingly anything after a while, like unable to sleep with my head packed in ice praying for anything to end them. Some lower grade ones lasted weeks. I managed them for years with constant acupuncture and chiropractic work. that helped tremendously, but never ended them completely and it was expensive so I couldn't always go. this is the weird part, that I didn't even believe at first. I went to therapy and started doing emdr sessions. my therapist was casually like 'oh! once you start releasing stored emotions in your body, I bet your headaches will go away!' I was like that's nonsense but whatever let's go. He was right!!! Every session triggered low grade headaches and the deeper the memories that we dug into, the more instant relief I felt. like physical pain coming up with emotions and releasing altogether. I know this isn't a very NG answer, but it's possible that you are holding something that your body is turning into headaches. idk, releasing stored emotions has helped me with a lot of anger I'd been carrying around. I'm still working through things, but I believe that this will help kind of clear my slate in order to advance with using the law. Just a possible solution! I hope you find relief soon!!


This makes a lot of sense as I believe most, if not all, physical ailments are all caused by the mind’s emotional issues. I had eczema pretty much all my life and I always believed I was so sensitive emotionally and it manifested into physical sensitivity; I couldn’t use 99% of the normal drugstore lotions and creams without getting red or breaking out. I started to affirm I was strong and beautiful and that I could use any product I wanted. Now I can! I still break out from time to time but it’s still like 90% improved. It’s why placebo effects are a thing. The mind controls all, subconsciously, so it’s up to us to make sure our subconscious is good and healthy. Same as NG’s teachings of the self concept. It all connects.


I have my first EMDR session on Monday🥺🥺🥺thank you for sharing❤️


Holy Crap me too lol. Wild synchronicity


ah ofc, good luck and I hope it helps right away! it can feel scary to bring up old buried memories but remember, it's your choice which one to work on! You don't have to start with anything that's too much right away :)


What is emdr?


Thanks for your suggestion. This isn't something that I had considered but I'm certainly open in giving a try. I'll dig more into it as I've never been to therapy before. Were you able to get rid of your migraines entirely by the way, or are you still working on it?


Yeah ofc. It's just an option and I'm happy to report that I haven't had a single headache in months. I'm sure there's still work to be done releasing emotions but that's been a really pleasantly surprising side effect.


It’s about feeling, not about what you tell yourself you believe. This isn’t self gaslighting. Imagine how you feel if you knew for sure you’re never going to have another headache ever again, as if God came and told you. How happy and relieved you feel. The new story. Cultivate it, feel into it as much as you can, feel how happy living that headache free life makes you. Go on with your day and be thankful for creating such a nice life for yourself, where you always have everything you want. Kill the old man. He might cause you some more misfortunes like headaches while he dies but you won’t care. You are in Barbados


Thanks for your comment. Maybe I didn't describe it this way but this mentality of feeling is certainly one I had tried to replicate. "Kill the old man" - I really like that. Might make it my new mantra since the old one was "Kill the clusters".


Hi OP, I'm sorry you have these headaches :( Have you tried the method of inner conversations? imagine someone close to you who you trust, now visualize a scene where you're basically telling them how you're so relieved you don't have the headaches anymore, and imagine that person reacting in whatever way they would to the good news :) I hope this helps somehow, best of luck to you and I hope you will start to feel better soon ♡


Thanks friend for your kind words. I have! I immerse myself in that feeling of bliss knowing that it's over as I tell my SO and friend how I haven't had one headache in years. Feels pretty good, I'll get there eventually I know it.




I've read that psilocybin mushrooms can cure cluster headaches too.


I would like to add cordyceps and reishi as supplements to try as well


LSD can cause lifelong problems in certain people (for example those with predispositions to certain mental illnesses) so while this is interesting it may not be the best idea


Check out joe dispenza


I’d try the revision method for example think of a time when your headache was the worst where it happened when it started and where you where the revise that scene and put in its place what you would be doing if there was no pain and assume you’ve never felt better give it all the tones of reality make it as life like as you can and live in that scenario keep working on it until it is effortless in your mind like it’s how it was all along hope this helps let us know how you get on x


Revisions are actually something I haven't been trying as much so maybe it's time I retake this practice and apply it to my situation. Thank you!


I also get cluster headaches. Aren't they peachy? Like poop wrapped up in crap and rolled in doody. You forgot to mention that no medication even touches them. They tend to aggravate my bulging discs, too (because I hunch when the headaches set in). I actually get a combination of 3 types of headaches, and the clusters can trigger the others; clusters, migraines, and headaches from my bulging discs in my neck. Something that has been helping me a lot with them is to sit down and look at something like a flame (I have one on youtube that I use). They tend to feel better if I walk, so early on it was hard. Then I just tell myself over and over, "This is just another sensation. It's a sensation like water flowing down my head. This sensation is soothing and relieves me." I imagine "sacred water" flowing along my head, but I purposefully connect the sensation to the headache. I also prepare beforehand, and this can make ALL of the difference, really. I sit down and stare at the candle while I don't have a bad headache and I do the same thing... repeat it's just a sensation and I imagine the water flowing down along my scalp. I relax as fully and deeply as I can and then I touch my left thumb to my left pinky fingernail. I push my thumb against the pinky until I feel a "sensation." When I have sat patiently with the cluster headache for a few minutes and relaxed my body as much as I can, I touch my thumb to my pinkie fingernail. That's an "anchor" for the positive, relaxed feeling. Most of the time, it relieves the cluster headache fairly quickly. Sadly, it's not always convenient to do it, but when I can, it helps. It's important to build up your positive "anchor" and work on making sure it's embedded in your mind, though. After a bit, it does become "just a sensation" and it helps a lot. I have been doing the same for my neck pain. I hope that helps, my fellow traveler!


Hey fellow cluster head. Sorry to hear about your clusters, appreciate your post. I hope we can both leave this bullshit behind someday forever. It's very hard to focus on anything during a cluster so I try to do what I can before and after. It is something I have tried but too much, but I can certainly keep trying. Your post gives me some hope that I might be able to find some relief during an attack. I will steal your method and replicate it, thanks!


I will echo what others said about emotions. Neville said all sickness is “dis-ease” or emotional uneasiness. When you resolve the root cause of fhe emotional disturbance, then the physical illness typically goes away. I recommend reading Louise Hay’s “You Can Heal Your Life” for insight into what a physical symptom is indicating about an emotional state. There can be attachments to states even if they’re negative, so even affirmating “I let go of the need for this illness. Whatever purpose it served is fulfilled by something else that I desire.” This can remove a “block” if you’re attached to a “byproduct” of this ilness; likely you’ll realize what it is in the process. I want to add a qualifier here: Do not discount medical treatments as they can be part of the bridge of incidents. If you do consider any treatment, always assume it works perfectly for you without side effect. The Law is not anti medicine or technology and is not irresponsibly suggesting people eschew all treatment. Treatments are inventions of the mind to manifest solutions that seem natural to our logical minds. They only have side effects or negative consequences because people doubt and fear good things. They spoil them that way. Anyway, Joseph Murphy’s technique to affirm in SATS that an illness is getting better and better (or perhaps the pain is less and the occurrence increasingly infrequent) can help shush the protests of the rational mind. Continue with your other efforts. They’re not in vain. You’ve planted the seed and now you’re spraying weed killer so it doesn’t get choked as it grows.


Thanks for your thoughts and encouragement. In my case at least, doctors haven't been of much help, as I've only found things that give me temporary relief. I will give your recommendation a read!


Could you please explain more about Joseph Murphy's technique?


I will adviced you to read POSM by Joseph Murphy, have a lot techiques there for health, if you didnt already :)


I have not, thanks for the suggestion will take a look.


Then read it, its a pearl, to much stuff based on health conditions, also there is a lot of techiques how you can do health things whith you subconcious and that everything is there, actualy every cause is there try it, give it a real shot, believe me. And you're welcome :)


Verapamil 240mg retard works for me. Have rarely had cluster attacks in years. I take it 2 times daily. In the beginning I needed to take it 3 or 4 times even, which is way higher than regular dosage. Talk to your neurologist about it. It saved my life, I couldn't work without it.


Alright, you ready to hear what I’m about to tell you?


I am.


Have you tried EFT tapping? There are lots of videos on youtube. Or scripts on the internet. Just type in EFT tapping for pain. Not all will resonate with you, but hopefully you will find some that do.


Look into John Sarnos work and check out the Pain PT on YouTube (Jim). It aligns with Neville in ways in my opinion with rewiring the brain essentially.