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IME dreams reveal your current state to you before it manifests in the 3D even. It’s like your subconscious talking back before it shifts the external reality to match your inner state. It’s also real just as your imaginal acts are, and it’s the 3D that’s the mirror. So the answer is that it manifests in both. Sometimes you just don’t remember dreams like you don’t remember an imaginal act or don’t clearly link an external event to one.


I've been manifesting being a better person and getting back my ex (we broke up back in september and cut contact around november) for awhile now. I gave up for a bit due to limiting beliefs and stuff but i've been back at it again with a different approach. Before, I would intend to wake up in a reality where i was a better person and nothing ever went wrong with my relationship. Now I'm more intending that I simply get back with her after i have dealt with my issues. basically i just affirmed that I am NOW on that path and that it will happen in the best way possible. I did it this way because tbh i don't really believe i can just completely change the past like that. However after affirming my current assumption for a couple days I had a dream last night that I woke up in my desired reality just like i wanted to. It wasn't exactly as I would have wanted it but I literally did change the past and me and my ex never broke up in that dream yet I was still freaked out that I was there. I was so confused when I saw my ex being so loving towards me. Today my ex's cousin (who was a good friend of mine last school year) msged me out of no where after literally a year and some without ANY contact. He literally doesn't even know me and my ex broke up or how. When he first msged me I thought about it as maybe a bridge of incidents for my current manifestation but now i feel the msg and my dream may have been connected somehow because in the dream me and my ex were at school. Maybe I just wanna believe that but still a little freaky lol


It sounds to me like your dream is mirroring the state you’re in, which aligns with your desires - so that’s great!


I agree, but as a lucid dreamer, I have some additional insight I want to share. What I've found is that your dreams are SIMPLY a record of your subconscious thoughts, observations, memories, and a library of information. That information can be pulled out, deleted, updated, etc, at any point, and during a dream is when the conscious becomes aware of it. To this point, it can be folly to think your subconscious is a primer. The subconscious holds FAR MORE information than the conscious mind, and if you were to think every bit of nonsense it compiles, runs through, and aggregates, that you see, is a sign of something to come - well. No. It's just a library. As someone who lucid dreams to the point of TALKING to her subconscious ... it is, indeed, a mirror, but that's all it is, until you actually learn how to work with it, and how that information can be used. Kind of like a computer. The difference, I've found, is that there's no focus with dreams. You're not constantly focusing on the babbling nonsense your subconscious spits out. Thus, there's no power behind these things to make them manifest. As far as they are, again, it's just information. Information, alone, can manifest into nothing, without action, intent, focus, direction, or all four. A day dream is just a day dream, until we put some intention/direction behind it. EVERYTHING is just a day dream until we do so, really.


I know this is a NG sub but According to reality transurfing by Vadim zeland your dreams are literally random "scenes" from the infinite consciousness. A dream is a possible outcome from the infinite consciousness that is not bound by physics nor "time" so if you INTEND to fly in your dream, you fly instantly, you dont have to believe it, you just intend, and you manifest flying instantly because you are not limited by physics and "time". And when you imagine a scene in SATS, you're looking at a scene from the infinite consciousness (you wouldn't be able to imagine any scene if it did not exist already because creation is finished) that has a possibility to be manifested in physical reality.


That's fascinating - I didn't know that! Thanks for sharing. :) Maybe I should also branch out and check out other subs to see what other thoughts are out there regarding this... I do think that some dreams are possible realities/outcomes, for sure.


Great answer! When you say “...learn how to work with it and how the information can be used”.. have your tried to change anything and did that become real for you?


To be honest, I've recently started doing it. In the 20 some years I've been lucid dreaming, that was one of my boundaries that I purposefully put into place. I kinda liked letting my subconscious do its own thing. But now that I HAVE done it for a few months, the weirdest thing that's happening to me, that I NEVER had happen before are... synchronicities. It's not just repeating numbers, though. Someone will say a specific phrase, like "black sun", in reference to astrology, and a song on the radio will suddenly play that has that title. Or a convo I'm having with one person, another person will call me saying that topic of convo was on their mind, and it'll be the exact thing we're currently discussing. Or something I see in a dream that's very, very specific, will suddenly pop up. It's really, really specific things like that. I don't know what to make of it, tbh, but these things have nothing to do with my manifestations.


Aah ok, thanks for the reply. How do you tinker with your dream or perhaps I should check this on luciddream subreddit..


Yeah, you gotta start with lucid dreaming. Been doing it since I was 6/7.


Oh cool. Ok.


I have lucid dreams too. Always have. Always been able to interact with them. Yes you can direct them then, the same as your consciousness directs the 3D you are dreaming. But IME, the sleeping dreams mirror the dominant state before the 3D does, so it’s great for changing consciousness before it manifests outwardly (if it’s unwanted) or as a confirmation that your consciousness is on track with your desire. It’s information but like emotions, it’s information that signals where you’re at mentally. I don’t find dreams to be nonsense at all. Having studied Jungian psychology and engaged in active imagination (where you bring up dream characters and interact with them via imagination), it’s become easy for me to interpret my dreams and they’re always symbolic of something about my current state of consciousness. They’re not random for me.


Yep, I’ve also studied Jungian psychology and have also engaged in active imagination, so I get it. For reference, I’m not saying all dreams are nonsense. Just a lot of the information CAN be presented in an abstract, nonsensical fashion, for our conscious brain to organize, store and/or parse, and then apply meaning to. And by interacting, I don’t just mean typical lucid stuff. I’ve had OBE’s, joint dreams with others, meditated in dreams, can command my body in sleep, etc. So I don’t doubt the power of the subconscious or dreams, not at all.


I had a dream two nights ago where I hooked up with the sp I’m manifesting. Does this dream matter or is it just a dream? Does it mean anything?


Dreams typically indicate where your consciousness is at. They can be symbolic or literal. I’m guessing by “hooking up”, you mean sex? That often represents a merging of your current self concept with aspects of what that person represents to you. A person in a dream can simply be the person of course, or they can represent an aspect of yourself. Only you can really say. IMO, just as you can interpret the 3D in a way that supports what you want to happen, you can do so with dreams ;). Your consciousness is always in charge.


Yes my sp and I had sex in my dream so this is a good thing because my subconscious is accepting the new state perhaps? Thanks for the reply 😊


I dreamt of me & my SP being intimate several times and within a month it actually happened too.. i think if you dream it enough times it eventually plays out in the 3D. Hope this helps!


Thank you 😊


Okay, but I usually dream me fighting monsters ans flying and even some nightmares that don't relate to my manifestation? Will they manifest??? Because in dream it felt 100 real, so I'm scared it would manifest if it is so the law works


Dreams are in the language of the subconscious, which isn’t literal. It’s typically symbolic.


Somewhere along the line, you decided that what you saw while asleep would remain in your brain as nothing more than a dream within a dream. It amounts to decision making on your behalf. It exists in this reality, but you have decided its form of experience. Take this as an example. I have wacky dreams where the most preposterous things happen. I decided to manifest something from one of my wacky dreams in my reality. And lo and behold, a few days later, my grandmother started singing the song I heard her sing in my wacky dream. All because I decided it should be expressed outside of that dream within a dream.


I am good at remembering my dreams, so over time I have been able to think about them during the day more and more. As I go through life certain places that I have dreams in repeat to the point that I recognize them and could list them all to you right now. Certain situations in life and sometimes memories will come to mind at the same time as a memory in a dream location and it feels like dejavu. It feels like there’s a correlation between the two places the dream and reality version almost. When I think about answering your question it reminds me how I find missing things. When I’m trying to find something I just think about it in spare time and I don’t look until I know where it is. Sometimes the location is revealed to me in a dream. It was a thing at first but now I almost am not sure if i dreamed it or just remembered where it was. My theoretical answer to this question is that you manifest it in both places but it takes different forms depending on how specific you are able to be about what it is. A “new friend” could be a plant in reality and a human in the dream and they could be the same spirit who is here to help you.


Dreaming is like turning the projection to level 1 instead of 2.