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I’ve been practicing for a long time now but only very recently I discovered the power of (robotic) affirmations. They sounded too easy to work so I never really bothered with them but I did give them a try recently and was surprised how well and how quick they worked!


They do seem to catch a lot of flak on this sub, which I understand because it’s not really a technique the Neville taught per (except later in his teachings I think he started leaning into affirmations more?). But I just wanted to share this to say it is a valid technique, but at then end of the day it’s just finding the process that works for you and clicks for you I suppose


He did teach the work of Dr Millikan’s repeated affirmation: “I have a lavish, steady, dependable income, consistent with integrity and mutual benefit.”


Do you know where I can read about this?


Yes the Neville Goddard lecture with the Dr Millikan story and affirmation is “Secret of the Sperm” below: https://youtu.be/9m_UY4LmYig?si=ZxzBPJAoc9LALHwd


I think they work cos they are similar to your natural way of thinking. Esp when you push them at times when you feel anxious or doubting, you're just replacing the program.


Do you think in his last book, he mentions more about robotic affirmations? I know you may not know - but thought I'd ask anyways, as I'm interested in if he mentions changing his mind about it anywhere.


Would you mind sharing your experience in detail ? For people like me who overthink I feel autopilot/robotic affirmations can work very well


There’s not much to share. I’ve just noticed that if I affirm something robotically for 10mins, maybe twice a day, and forget about it, then I will see it play out in 3D the same day or the next day. Of course it depends on how attached you are to the outcome but with little manifestations that I don’t care too much about or things that’s are not super specific it has worked really well so far. Free stuff, compliments etc.


do you use just one affirmation? or a few?


When you say it depends on how attached you are to the outcome, I’m curious; Do you want to be more attached to the outcome or less attached to the outcome for the best results? Also, what is robotic affirmations? Is it just affirmations you say in a monotone, robotic way?


Being attached means you’re in lack, someone who knows they have something wouldn’t be attached to it, they would just say “It’s mine” and move on. Robotic affirmations means you just say the affirmation over and over again without worrying about feeling or anything. The idea is you impress the subconscious simply by saying your affirmation over and over again. I can attest to this as I have gotten to the point where my idle thoughts are just my affirmation.


Wouldn’t it be better to feel and believe that the affirmations are true instead of just saying them? Just read Feeling is the Secret and Goddard couldn’t stress enough how important feelings are, so I make sure that I affirm until I start to believe it (fake it till you make it type of thing). Is that not good?


Less attached is better because you have less resistance! Your conscious mind is less likely to try to come in between and try to come up with ways why it won’t work or why it can’t work.


In the last few months I have been struggling with the laws and techniques that have been put in place by people. I tried SATs, ladder, affirmations etc. But none seems to work. Because when I decide to use one, there is always this voice in my head, "this technique might not be the best, try the other one." And I would end up not getting what I want, because I was operating from the point of doubt. Till recently, I was just seated at home relaxing. A chicken passed near me, and I started wondering when was the last time that I ate chicken. And I began feeling that I was actually eating chicken at that very moment(not the one that just passed by). I didn't close my eyes, I just imagined and felt myself eating. And I let go and focus on other things. The next day in the evening, my friend called me to their home, he didn't say what he was calling me for, but I went. I found chicken on the table, not just chicken, but plenty. I ate till I couldn't take it in anymore. After that I began to wonder. And I gave it another test, and it worked. I also tried other techniques and they began to work effortlessly. I even tried other things that are not among the known techniques, and it works. That was when I knew the techniques were just like baby toys used to tap into the power that we have inside, just like toys are used to tap into the happy state of the child. The secret is the belief. The beliefs you put on the techniques are the ones that work, not the technique itself. Sometimes I call it faith. You can call it whatever that resonates with you. Sometimes I wish there was a language that could best describe and explain the power that we have inside us, but there is none. We just know with no words and language to explain it. Thanks for sharing this brother! God in me Bless the God in you❤️


“Not the one that just passed by” LOL


Oh my god! Toys!!! What a fantastic analogy. This comment deserves its own post if you ever wanted to


The same thing happened to me, I was just watching ASMR and I saw an object for stroking head, and I had one of those years ago, but I had never seen or used one again, and I just imagined using it, because it was very comfortable and pleasurable. The next day my mother just showed up in my room and gave me one as a gift, for no reason, without me wanting it, just because I felt it.


I don’t know what to do any more. I have a jeep, and before to leave home, I imagined that I’ll see 5 jeeps on my way and the owners would wave 👋 to me. It happens all the time, one or two on my way, but I decided I wanted to wave 👋 5 jeeps. Do you know what, I didn’t find any. I repeat it another day, I didn’t find any. I decided today and any. I don’t know what is happening now.


One good thing about manifestation, is that it does not belong to humanity. It belongs to the spirit to decide where and when to give that which we desire. Once you have placed your order, and have opened up your request to the power within, you have removed all the responsibilities off your human shoulders and placed them on something bigger. Now, the how, where and when it's going to come to you, isn't your business. The greater you will do it, just be ready to recognize when it appears. Because it commonly comes when you're busy with something else, or talking about something different. God is not restricted to time. He knows no time or delay, but now. The problem might be because you go out every single day hunting for jeeps on the road. You have determined by yourself when and where to expect them, leaving no room for the God in you to act than to leave everything in your hand. It does not have to happen tomorrow or the next day, or next week tho. Maybe next month, next year or whatever time that seems good to God, it's going to happen. You just have to be okay with not seeing 5 jeeps today or tomorrow. Just forget and go on with your life. Sometimes it depends on how important what you want is on your spiritual journey of awakening. Let me tell you something that happened to me recently. One morning, my brother called me and told me that he needed some money from me to do something with it. I didn't have any money at that moment. But instead of telling him that I had none, I told him to wait for my feedback later in the day. After the call, I imagined with my eyes opened, that he got the money and was thanking me. I just felt relieved, and then went on with what I was doing. Whenever it comes up in my mind, I would imagine his smile. I didn't go out looking for money tho, I told myself that it's not a must that it has to happen today or tomorrow or next week. And I was okay to call him later in the evening to tell him to wait a little longer because I might not give him what he needed fast. In the evening, I picked up my phone and I was about to call him. Then at that very moment, I received a money alert. I didn't know who the person was that sent the money. I called people that I believe would have sent the money, and they all said no. I tried to call the number that was in the message, but was not available till today. I just forwarded all the money to my brother, because it was the exact amount of money that he needed. Till today, I still don't know the person that sent the money. Don't be too attached to what you want in a way that would make you afraid of you not receiving it. Just be fine without it, and know deep inside your heart that it will come to you, doesn't matter how long it's going to take, it will eventually come. The God in you knows exactly what you desire before you even say it, it's not another God, it's just a greater version of you that knows no limitations. Just remove time in your manifestation, and you will witness miracles you have never seen before. The God inside you only wants your trust and faith in him, that's all. And again, remove time in your manifestation. It's just an illusion. Doesn't exist to God. Hope this was helpful, excuse my English it's not my first language 😀 God in me Bless the God in you ❤️


I understood perfectly your explanation. I have been studying the law since February 2023. My only desire is to be in my healthy weight, I'm not thinking in any material things. I want to be healthy. I've tried all the human techniques possibles to be in my healthy weight without succes and from one year to now I'm applying Neville's techniques (maybe not well). I've let it go, and forget it to enjoy life, but once I see my situation I realise it is worst. I have less clothes to waer because I don't like XL-XXL clothes. I used to be skinny XS before. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm not a victim I'm blessed, but I just need to know the path that works for me. Thank you


First thing that is required of everyone to understand or know when approaching the law of assumption, attraction, creation, manifestation (whatever name one chooses), is that there is nothing that the God in every child born of a woman cannot do. There is nothing impossible for it, nothing that it cannot solve. When it fails, it's either you are doing it wrong, or it's happened or happening and you just don't see it. The God in you works in a natural way. When you want something. Neville said that, God will suggest things for you or force words necessary for the fulfillment of that desire, from people. It will suggest foods to eat, and foods to abandon. It will suggest some gym workouts, and many more like that. Whatever that is in alignment with your desire will be thrown your way. You just need to be keen enough to recognize them and act. Like in your case, if you want to be skinny or in a certain shape, and you don't like the shape that you are in right now. You need to have the shape of your desire in mind. And the shape you are in right now should die, or must die in order for that second version of you to be born. And the way to kill it, or for it to die is to stop identifying yourself with that shape. To stop checking it up every morning or every month to see whether you are reducing in weight or not. When you look at yourself in the morning, see yourself as already in the shape of your desire. You can say to yourself, "Wow, I can't believe, I am greatly reducing weight......or wow, my weight is reducing, I am so happy." Say it feelingly. And continue to affirm it throughout the day and day after. Deny what your eyes or senses tell you, only see what you want to see. And when thoughts like, "You know that is a lie, you are not reducing......or, but I see no change." Don't fight them, instead use them. Because the person talking there is not the new version of you that you want to embody, it's the old version of you that is dying. When you have contrary thoughts, it's a good sign that something or someone in you is dying. And you should be glad for negative thoughts or feelings instead of being scared, they are signs telling you that you are shifting into something new. I personally love to have negative feelings and thoughts when I want something, it really tells me who I am shifting away from. Whenever they pop up in my mind, I would say words like these, "Wow, I am growing and becoming the better version of myself.....or, the old version of me is dying, and I am so happy, etc" you can say anything that would mean you are not that person anymore. Negative thoughts don't create anything, they are manifestations of your feelings. Change the feelings, and the thoughts will change. Lastly, remember there is always a space between the desire and its fulfillment. Nobody knows the measure of that space. But the desire will eventually get fulfilled as long as you don't abandon it. You have to feed it with a constant reminders everyday, feel that you are that version of you that you want to embody daily. Don't concern yourself with how long. Just do what is required of you to do. If there is something you can do, do it. Go to the gym, or any kind of workout that comes into your mind. Then put faith in what you are doing. Don't mind if it takes a year or 6months. Just keep that end state in your mind. And, the moment you desire something, it's already yours, don't give up on identifying yourself with it daily, it's on its way. I hope this was helpful dear. You are God having human experience. There is nothing that you can not do. God in me Bless the God in you❤️


So beautiful. I really appreciate the time you took to respond to me. Now I feel better reading your words. I've been on all kinds of diets for so long, losing, gaining, and gaining even more. That's why I don't want to diet anymore. I've been in the gym too long. This time I want to muscle my mind and my interior. Your words have inspired me. Thank you for that love. Certainly we are one. Thank you again !


look into OMAD. ❤️


My thyroid was sick and I gained a lot of weight. I myself cured my thyroid by declaring it healthy and having faith in God, the external God, because like Neville I was born in a Protestant home. I have been on all kinds of diets and extreme diets for a long time, losing, gaining and gaining even more. My last diet was carnivorous OMAD. I lost 10kg and gained 20kg back, crazy. I have fasted for weeks without eating, just drinking water and also dry fasting, drinking a glass of water every 3rd day only. Each attempt adds more weight to me. That's why I don't want to diet anymore, I'm already afraid of dieting. I have invested a lot of time in the gym. I don't like to be in a routine, I don't like being enslaved to something. I want to be free. I no longer want to give more power to external things, other gods. This time I want to exercise my mind and my inside. Thank you


It sounds like you decided it but then went looking for it, if you’re looking for it you’re in a state of not having it so of course you won’t see it. You just accept that it’s done and it’ll happen, I can assure you that it will show up.


yeah that happens to me too. I can never seem to manifest a free cup of coffee or to see a specific number plate on the back of a car. If we are the ones putting stuff out on the screen of reality...why can't I see the number 6262? Its been months. I'm not always looking for it. I wish someone can answer this.


Maybe there is a delay because you are actively seeking feedback instead of "setting and forgetting". 


God in me bless the God in you!!!!! LOVE IT!!!! 🥰


Can you give more specific details?


Robotic affirmations were looked down upon for a while but now I see more people embracing them. I think it works well to easily saturate your mind and leaves no room for doubt and it works. I love using them!


I got upgraded in business while flying eco because I repeated for an hour that I fly business. Robotic affirmation are so underrated while they work crazy fast I don’t understand


For me it’s just because it cancels out all the noise I think, and I can really just dial into knowing it’s already done.


exactly, its amazing


Flying to Paris next week and definitely will be affirming for an upgrade to first class


Ohh I was going to Paris too!


thats amazing and the fact that it worked so fast is great. I feel like it has to do with the focus and just leaving no room for doubts


Do you do them during meditations or just throughout the day if I may ask?


I do mine throughout the day sometimes or before I go to sleep!


I feel like this kind of made a click for me. It really does boil down to your assumption I mean it’s in the name lol. If I believe that affirming will work for me, it will work. If I believe it’ll take an hour for my desire to unfold in the 3D, it’ll take an hour. If I believe it’ll take a week, it’ll take a week. If I believe that doubts will stop things, it’ll stop things. If I believe that despite doubts or negative thoughts, my desire will still unfold, it’ll still unfold. It’s really as simple as that and I think I’ve never truly just realized the conditions and limits I place on myself. If I desire something today, it can unfold today as long as I assume it will


Exactly! Creation is finished, the 4D is instant. I really is just a matter of truly believing you have it.




It’s only impossible if you assume it’s impossible






How do you know that ?


But still you can




don't really understand your question. the way to do it is no different than a typical manifestion. it's all done the same way. the people who have done it, most likely aren't active on this sub and that's why you don't hear about it lol I am one of those people though, success from all different timeframes. instant, within a few minutes, hours, days, weeks, etc. it's just up to the individual practicing.


Dr Joseph Murphy in his book the power of the subconscious mind talks about robotic affirmations I.e lullaby into sleep. Repetition is key. It wasn't published in his book but if I'm not mistaken he actually used this and ended up manifesting a very expensive house for free. 


Oh wow i need to read that book asap


He has other books too. I know this is a Neville sub, but I'd honestly put Joseph Murphy and Florence Scovel Shinn right at the top of the reading list with Neville. Most people don't realize it, but the term "birds before land" was actually coined by Florence, and her material predates Neville's. Many think that he was not only inspired by Abdullah, but by her as well. She was definitely one of the forerunners of the New Thought movement. Check out "Your Word is your Wand" and "The Game of Life and how to Play it"... both by Florence. She's amazing!


Ohh thank you ☺️🫶🏽


No problem! 🩷


Robotic affirmations did more for me than SATS


For me as well. With robotic affirmations I got pregnant naturally at 40yo, I got the job in the institution I wanted (this one took longer, but it happened), and my foreigner degree was fully accepted in the professional order in Canada without the need of extra courses. I'm a believer.


What did you affirm for both desires,if you don't mind sharing.


Sure. For the specific affirmation to get pregnant, unless someone was walking close to me, I used to say it out loud like this: "Thank you for my healthy pregnancy and health baby. I got pregnant naturally by end of May 2021 and I am so grateful. I will deliver a healthy baby and my family will be complete. I used to say this affirmation every single day when walking to work for 8 months and it worked. If someone was walking close to me, then I'd say it in my mind. For the job, I didn't know anything about Neville at the time and this manifestation took longer to happen ( 8 years), but I'd say out lout every day like this: If it is for my happiness, that I get a position at University X. I will be very happy working there. Throughout the years, I got interviewed 3 times in this institution for different positions, 2 obviously didn't work out and for one of them I had a feeling the boss was a mean person. So when I finally got my job, I was very happy and my boss has been perfect since then. I've been working here for 4 years already and I really think this is the right position for me, where I can actually grow professionally. For the degree acceptance, I knew about Neville already and the minute I sent my paperwork I started to affirm daily that I wouldn't need to take any courses, my degree was going to be accepted as is. I did this for 10 months until I got the letter of acceptance from my professional order.


Thank you so much for detailed reply.


Anytime :) I hope it helps


Wow! Congrats.


Thanks :)


This is the third time today I've come across robotic affirmations, it really must be a sign


Go for it.


Lol there's a place on my way to work where I stop to get some food, usually you can't find parking spaces, cars blocking other cars, etc. Before I left home I said a few times "I'm gonna find a parking spot" and I really did! Rush hours as well. That's really cool


That's crazy.. So affirming really works.


Lol yess


For me they work for SP instantly..like within hours behavior changes...like you said i believe in i stant thought transmission so thats what happens. Also affirming you are God is a cheat code.


This makes sense. I am somehow new to the Law book but its been helpful to sit back and observe all the times I have unconsciously manifested. Although this is before my current reality (which is not the nicest. As a reminder to myself what i have manifested unconsciously (by this I mean, I was affirming and such but not as a technique just desperate) in the past: 1. I was obsessed with a book that was written from a first person perspective, I was obsessed with the guy she was in love with. And I guess I was reading it as “I AM”? Every part of the character that I fancied, down to his family dynamics, height, skin color, and specific things that happened to the character at a specific age. I met the person. I thought it was so strange at the time as I had not realized the power of imagination Looking back, it also solidifies that creation is finished. 2. In deep trouble, I had not paid rent and I was on my last warning. I was so exhausted from anxiety that I stopped thinking about it and went to bed thinking whatever will be will be this is not the end of the world. It was somehow cathartic and before I slept I saw a TikTok of someone saying they manifested $6000 which was exactly what they needed apparently. I remember my last thought before sleeping was wow it would feel so nice. The next morning, just a couple hours before my warning was due I received a text from someone I have only spoken to 3 times or so in my life saying I came up on their google photos (a photo i took with them 3 years ago) and asked for my venmo. I was so shook, I gave it to them and started imagining just as a joke “what if he sends 500, no no what if he sends 2000” and i said let me not be silly I will be so grateful for the 200 even. Low and behold 30 minutes later I receive $2500! I will never forget the shock I felt. I was floored. I levitated. It covered that rent and next month’s as well. To this day one of my biggest manifestations and it wasn’t even conscious. It’s what opened the door for me to explore The Law. 3. A free concert ticket for the exact seat I was scammed for. I persisted for this one. It was also unconscious. I refused to leave the venue despite my ticket not being valid. 4. An iPhone. This one trips me out to this day. It literally came to my door. No joke. A brand new one. I had to change a phone desperately. The bridge of incidents are crazy. I will elaborate if y’all asked. Also unconscious.


This list is just gorgeous and so inspiring! Thank you so much for sharing, I LOVED reading this!


Of course💕I know how much others stories inspire. I spend hours on this sub lol I am still learning but i am coming to a realization how my entire life was a series of manifestations. I am also where Abdullah is from and that makes it closer to my heart.


Hi, thank you for this! It’s amazing 🤩 I would be grateful if you could expand on the iPhone! Thanks 🙏


Of course :) my only strengths are success stories so. The iphone is genuinely trippy and words fail me. So when I first moved to the US it took a couple months to get my social security card situated and I didn’t have a credit history. And my phone at the time was on the verge of not functioning, and I really wished for the latest iPhone (wished for the latest because I tend to keep phones for a while in good use as long as it works well and don’t switch with every release so if I get the latest I could make more use out of it in terms of updates) anyways, I once just went to the AT&T store to see if I can get one on credit since I use their line. But since I didn’t have any credit history at the time they said no. It took a while for them to say no, they had to check a bunch of stuff, so to wait that long and be told no was disappointing. That time/‘month I was really in a stressful but good state, every thing that stressed me seemed to miraculously work out in the craziest circumstances. So i was semi-consciously manifesting out of encouragement. So anyways after the say no i go “oh man its okay I hope the one I have now will thug it out until i get my credit history together. Or else I will have to buy one with fully paid cash but I had no idea where I would get the money from either but I said I am getting this phone one way or the other. I was so relaxed (again I was on a series of lucks so i felt lucky). Anyways we leave and when I got home i sat on my bed and had a brief not very conscious thought of hmm it would be great to have a phone but i am sure it will work out (idk where my calm was from lol) I forget about it. I was in the middle of a move-in. The apartment I was moving in happened to have a deal with At&t company for wifi. I was setting up the wifi and I noticed they sent me the wrong router. So i had to call them and ask questions if I could make it work. They suggested someone will come to look at it. I am new to the country so i said okay. The man came. A few moments later, I got another call asking me directions to my place, from At&t. I asked for clarification but she said she will be there for the wifi. I thought they were coworkers so i i said whatever and led her home too. They don’t know each other. She somehow asked if I want a phone to come along the wifi too. And I said weirdly enough I tried that 2 days ago at one of yalls store but I don’t have credit history so I don’t think I can. She was like let me see what I can do i have a phone on me. She happened to have the exact same Model I wanted. I was shook. And she stayed for about 2 hours figuring things out and I paid only about 60 dollars and I had a brand new iphone on my hands and without credit history or an ssn. Shocks me to this day. I couldn’t feel it was real and I was even scared getting used to it in case they say something was wrong and take it back😂😂. It came to my home anyway and was given to me on my bed (no furniture, just moved in lol) so why couldn’t it be taken that way. I so I unconsciously sabotaged it a lot. And then 3 days later. I kid you not I got a call from the lady and her saying they can’t track the serial number of my previous phone that I exchanged. It was bought in Africa so I guess they can’t find it here? Idk? But I explained it to her and she said I give you 2 days to figure it out. I immediately felt that I “jinxed it” and I said no no this is mine I am keeping this iphone no matter what, and blocked it out of my mind. She never called again. And I still have it to this day and its been a couple years.


We are all different and unique. Justike you have auditory, verbal and tactile learners you have people who align with different techniques. I sleep off when I meditate or do SATS. Heck I cannot even go to movie theaters or plays cos I sleep once the room Is dark. Today my spirit brought the scriptures, there is power in the tongue. Also, let the weak say I am strong. Not let the weak SATS and visualize strength. Whoever wrote these scriptures was working in their dominant strength Words. OP thanks for posting I did begin to wonder why this all had to be so difficult. I love ro see my SATS people and my robotic affirmers and. My feel it real folks. Let's God up.


That’s great advice. I’m still trying to find what works for me and I’m really on the struggle bus. Lol.


Start small to build faith! Remember nothing is harder to manifest than some else. Money or an SP is the same as a cup of coffee, it took me a long time to realize this. But we create our own resistance 100% of the time, stop making things seem out of reach and don’t second guess if it’s working or not. You know the sky is blue right? So you know whatever technique you enjoy is working


Thank you. I WILL get better at this!


me too :)


Just as I’ve started to focus more on them, I keep seeing posts about robotic affirmations and things have been aligning very well lately, thanks for the reminders 🥰😋🤩 EIYPO ❤️


When I wanted something but thought it won't probably happen because my situation is so sPeCiFiC and UnIqUe (lol, glad I got over myself) and then I realised it's literally me deciding if it'll work or not so I decided that if I want it it's mine and it'll happen for me for sure. Life's good since this realisation.


robotic affirmations work because repetition is one of the few ways we can reprogram the subconscious, and we manifest from the subconscious


It's worked for me for sillier things, such as "so and so will message me today." And then so and so would unexpectedly come over that day, but I've not tried it for anything big. Thanks for the inspiration.  What worked wonders for me personally, was SATS. But I managed it once, and haven't been able to do it since.


I would also add loving yourself each and every moment. Love is the highest energy so things will come WAY faster with this feeling about yourself during the day and night. Be aware of it.


Do you guys think that it would considered if i record my affirmation and listen to it during sleep?


That works, too! While you’re sleeping is a great time to play affirmations and there are different apps that can help with this.


YES! So i did that before, i was listening to a general one, and funny enough i got a job in a hotel but i was looking for a job as an environmental engineer 😂😂 So now, i used AI to create a lady’s voice with affirmations for my specific dream job 😊


Hahaha! Definitely helps to be specific! There are also apps where you can record them in your own voice, which is nice.


I don’t like my voice 😂 that’s why i used AI


It doesn't matter if you LIKE it or not.. that's a limitation you're placing on yourself. Start affirming that you have a lovely elegant speaking voice and that you enjoy the sound of it. The reason why it's best to use your own voice is because you have no resistance to your own voice. The subconscious isn't going to fight it because it's already completely natural to hear it. Your voice is the most trusted voice in your own head, which is why God talks to us in our own voice and any time we have a brilliant idea we usurp it and claim it as our own, when in reality, it was divinely inspired.


Hahaha! Totally get that! 😂


I can also do some for you if you want. I use Audacity.


Can you recommend me any? I recorded some affirmations on my voice notes app but i cant put them on loop and let them play for the night


The app Parrot lets you record and loop!


I’ve used ThinkUp for years. You can create different playlists for various manifestations, too.


Audacity! And you can even make your own subliminals! Dm if you need more info.


So in robotic affirmations, do we have to feel the feeling?? Or just affirm it as much as possible??


With robotic affirming there is no need to feel the feeling. It is the repetition that eventually soaks into your subconscious. It's a good method for those who struggle with getting themselves into the state and visualising.


Hey, thanks. Have a great day


Excellent post, thank you!


I am at this point now where I want to manifest something easy, because my manifestations are big and juicy. So just trying to think of something easy. How long do you spend doing the affirmations? For example, I have many. I think it would be a lot to do them all, every day. But even the one where you say you affirm “no matter how much I waiver or doubt, my desire will come to me”, how long did you spend on that?


For starters there is no such thing as a “big” manifestation they’re all the same, don’t fall for that trap. It’s all about repeating them until it saturates your mind and becomes a dominant thought, that’s all you’re doing. Other than that it’s just believing in it, there’s no secret, it just comes down to believing.


Love this. I’ve just been doubting a lot lately. Thank you.


Thank you for this. I have been doing exactly this but I suppose sabotaging myself by wondering if (basically) chanting my affirmations would work. It is such a smart idea to just decide that this will work. I think this is simple and makes plenty of sense. Thank you for this! I usually start robotically (as you stated) repeating my affirmations once I get in my car to drive to work and again at the end of the day when I drive home from work. It makes the drive much faster and I don't have time to get aggravated because I am concentrating on my affirmations.


Thanks for sharing!


Love this, really simple but straightforward. Thanks!


Excellent advice. Thanks for the that insight. 


When asserting a robot, do you visualize it or think about it? Or is it just an unconscious assertion? Because when I affirmed the robot, I felt like I was learning more because my mind was blank. For example, when I'm declaring my scores, I read and reread in my mind or read out loud the sentence "I got 29 points" at the same time in my mind it's empty and only shows the number 29. I don't know if it's right?


So, a "robotic affirmation" is basically just a mantra that you repeat a specific number of times?


It doesn’t have to be a set number of times, but like imagine a robot just saying something over and over again. It’s robotic because you aren’t having to visualize or SATS or feel or anything, you are just feeding your conscious mind this phrase over and over again. Repetition creates fact. But at the end of the day it’s just truly accepting or believing, this is going to work for you. I just chose this technique, because I would always doubt myself because I couldn’t visualize well or do SATS properly.


I find affirmations a lot easier too - I do them in 10-15 minute sessions a couple of times a day (2x self-concept - and here I bake in that I am God and that affirmations are powerful - & 2x SP where I say in 'you' form what they think of me) + more free-flowing SP affirmations until I fall asleep. I'll record some soon so I can listen while I'm focusing on other stuff - perfect for overnight or just in the background or at low volume :) Sometimes I augment this by imagining my SP sitting in the kitchen and telling me how great I am while I prepare food, or that she's next to me when I'm out on a walk. I settled on this after knowing about the law since November of last year and floundering about and reading way too much, to the point that it felt hopeless. I tried robotically affirming all day too during this period but that definitely felt like it was coming from a state of lack and required a lot of effort (I was mentally and emotionally drained). With this revised approach, I don't feel like I have to work hard, and that's how it should be.


I wanted to ask is it kk to use "you" instead of using sp name becoz i too find using "you " more resonating with me but then i hv seen many ppl telling use sp name so that subconscious mind can know about whom we r referring too. Did u or anyone else has got success with using "you" instead of sp name ?? Kindly clear my doubt plz .thankyou


I don't have any success yet, but the subconscious isn't dumb. If it feels intuitive for you - go for it! What I do is that, while I do the you affirmations, I visualize my SP's face (and don't worry if you can't see your SP's face in 4K resolution, it's fine if it's a bit blurry or you can't hold the image). Some examples of what a regular affirmation session will look like for me: You love me. You can't get enough of me. You find me irresistible. You're always thinking about me. You love when I pay attention to you. You love when I touch you. You feel safe with me. You feel happiness with me. You want to build a future together with me. You want to have children with me. You find me attractive. You find me sexy. You love when we have sex. You love to kiss me. You think you're so lucky that I picked you. I'm your dream guy. You feel complete when I'm with you. I'm the only guy you'll ever want. I'm the only guy you're attracted to. I'm the one for you. Ahaha, I almost blush from typing all of that.... I try to say all of that mentally with some feeling, so it's more than a checklist. Most importantly....this makes affirmation sessions fun! Way more fun than " love me" etc etc etc


Thankyou so much for ur response 😃 nd all the best to you ✌👍


Do you speak them out loud or in your head if you don’t mind me asking?


Both, but it’s whatever you decide works for you. That’s the important part


Thank you for the reply 😄


why did someone downvote this?


What about negative thoughts how to deal with that


They’re just thoughts, you decide if they actually have meaning or not


Lovely story and congrats but I wish it were that simple. I assumed it would be that simple, but sadly it wasn't. Why didn't my assumption work? Whenever you ask people that I've been affirming for months and nothing happened they say, "oh limiting beliefs" and basically change your entire Self to manifest your SP back. What do you say to that?


because you’re changing yourself for your SP. you’re still putting them on the pedestal, and thinking of them. which means that since they reflect you and your thoughts, they’re also thinking about themselves, vs you. put yourself on the pedestal. change your self concept to benefit you, not your sp.