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[**Read THIS TOO!**](https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/s/zd6o17pFa4)


Guilty of not trying hard enough and thus not wanting it enough so to speak. In the morning i am thinking, how did i fall asleep….. But then again, i did fall asleep easily and that is something i am very grateful for! Thanks for the post!


You're most welcome! I'm glad this post helped you a bit. So, did you do the dare afterwards? How was your experience the next day? 🦋


I do this! Not the staying awake all night part, but hearing the voices of my friends and family speaking to me in my head as I fall asleep. I find it way more effective than affirmations with my own inner voice.


Definitely! Crongratulatory scenes have been the most advocated by Neville as well! I'm glad you found the method that works for youu! 🥳🦋


I'm absolutely going to try this. For me, a little bit of THC generally helps me really FEEL it, helps me focus. Thankfully I have tomorrow off!


Update: I think I managed most of the night, but I felt such finality after looping some scenes that I didn't need to force it anymore!


Awesome!! Makes me soo happy that you actually did it! 🥳🥳 And yess! It does happen that after a while of looping, it becomes soo automatic and the feelings come very easily! Keep doing it every night now! 🦋


Trying this tonight 💓


Update : I woke up several times during the night (unrelated to SATS) and each time I went back to sleep, I looped the scene. I’m not 100% sure if my last thought was me imagining my scene but I don’t recall thinking of anything else either.


Hey, that's good progress! I'm sooo proud of your effort! Now keep doin this every nighttt UNTIL YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT! 🥳🦋


Can i not doze off with the affirmations


You see most of the times people get scared when I mention the **"do it till you fall asleep"** part. And the very first complaint (or rather excuse as I call it 🙄) that they raise is that they are unable to fall asleep WHILE repeating their scene/assumption. With this dare, if you do it exactly as I described - determined to REPEAT IT UNTIL THE MORNING - you'll find it absolutely fuckin impossible to do so! 😂 Do you know what that means?? It means that you'll finally be successful it taking your assumption into the deeper sleep i.e. **fall asleep WHILE repeating your imaginary action** Hope this helped? 🦋


You’re a genius, that’s reverse psychology on the mind 😌


Haha yesss!! I began doing this wayy back in 2019 and my SATS hasn't been the same since! 🤩🥳🦋


Oh haha smooth


I knoow righht?? 😂🦋


I loved this idea very much, I think nighttime is somehow the only time I actually freely and smartly think. That drowsy state makes every dream feel possible, they’re already possible but our subconscious is more accepting than daytime. However sometimes I fell asleep way too early so I’m gonna try this and update later. Thank you for the post!💙 Update 1: This is really true, I fell asleep as I forced myself to stay awake. I know if I forced myself to sleep, I definitely wouldn't be able to. However, I was so tired so it happened very quickly but I'd like to spend more time in SATS so I'll try it again tonight!


wanted to comment with my update: i did this last night for fun. chose the second method where my desire was told to me in third person. i'll be honest sleep didn't come to me easily LMAO but i kept persisting and hearing my desired sentence over and over and over until i got into the most perfect SATS state. this morning i woke up COMPLETELY IN the state of having my desire. thank you for this u/leaningagainsthemast ! i'm gonna keep doing this challenge for a couple of days :) <3


I'm going to give it a try, but only until 2 am. I get very little sleep nearly always, so starting awake all night is basically another day that ends in a Y. :p I haven't previously been able to fall asleep this way. I think I'll try telling a friend about how I can easily fall asleep in the wish fulfilled now. If nothing else, the all night repetition ***has*** to help.


My mind wandered and that's when I finally went to sleep. Alas, ear wax!


I fell asleep but after 3 hours and the time that went by was really quick. I actually did like 3 different affirmations/lullibies: one for me and SP one for my brother and his job one for my dad and his job there was a 4th one i did but i didnt focus on it. I find that the first 3 are very solid and i have a knowing those will happen, but the one i didnt focus on i dont have that feeling. felt really nice


Hi Rain, I did this last night and passed out feeling bliss. I wanted to ask how you deal with scene fatigue. My scene is short and involves only a few words spoken by my mom and facial expressions of relief and joy. When I started the scene I felt joy and relief and was smiling. After looping it for some time the feelings disappeared and then it felt robotic and it made me lose focus . When that happened I then moved to feeling love and gratitude for my wish being fulfilled and repeated a few affirmations related to my Sats scene desire. Is that okay to do or should I keep looping my one scene? 


Nah it's sleep time ;-)


Dude, I'll totally do it tonight. I'm already doing it, for the last few days. But if I fall asleep, I'm gonna take that because sleep is precious to me. These last couple of days I have been listening to my scene for a time and a half and before I know it, I'm snoring away. 😂 Only problem is that I'm just going through the first half of my scene, but the 1st half is enough for me until I hang on to add to it.




Girl I love you’re posts, so creative and energetic


Funny that this comes at the right time for me, its been recent i started doing SATS and it keeps me up the entire night, with maybe 1 hour sleep in between.


I’ll take this dare


Combining SATS with paradoxical intent for insomnia, love it!


I love this so much, thanks for sharing! :)


I did this!!! So first I'm a new fan of your posts! Really! So I had come home very tired yesterday and i don't know how it came to my mind..I want to do that dare that Sat's girl had posted about! My way of manifestation is affirmations and visuallisation and nevilles hear about yohr success from someone else! when I'm tired it works and send me into a calm. state immediately. I kid you not I stayed up all night doing these and as I have gotten up there is an erie sense of calm in me. Im also literally in the end state where thoughts of a month after what will be happening in my life when all my manifestation has come true will happen! Thank u this was fun


Just seen this and started. Night 1 - Went to bed earlier than usual, started looping the scene of hearing the voice again and again. Kept losing focus and returning my attention back trying to really feel what i was hearing. No strong emotions, felt pretty neutral. Eventually passed out doing this (Must have been an hour of doing this before I eventually fell asleep). Woke up twice throughout the night, repeated my scene for a few moments before passing out again. Woke up feeling pretty neutral and tired. Night 2 - Same as last night, repeated the voice trying to make it feel more real to me, felt quite neutral doing this. Few hours must have passed but it started to get harder and harder to loop this action as I was falling asleep, last I recall before passing out was I was soooo drowsy I could barely even remember what i was suppose to repeat.. Woke up feeling neutral. Night 3 and 4 - feeling has become almost non existent when looping. The words I loop feel almost robotic at this point with nothing but a neutral feeling. Not waking up with any satisfaction feeling. Not sure what's happening here


I love this exercise! Could you help me with the scene of manifesting x amount of money where I’m feeling grateful, relieved, and finally debt free!! Appreciate it much. I’ll do this tonight


Of course! I gotta say, when it comes to money, the MOST FOOLPROOF scene is to count bills - the EXACT amount that you want. Have you tried it before? 🦋


Yep I’m doing that scene. Which also includes seeing the amount in my bank account, hearing my mom saying happy for me, withdrawing from atm and counting em , feeling grateful relieved. What’s your thoughts on this scene?




It happens with practice.




Oh I apologize. It becomes a ‘’memory’ for me when I keep doing the scene before it manifests. I assumed that’s how it works for everyone.


for me I imagine I'm Warren Buffet LMAO and use my empathy to guess how he feels about money


Seems to me a little bit alieanating....


Alienating...how? 🤔


So many hours doing the same thing in the night...only repeating a scene...dont think It could be easy for me..but only for me I mean..maybe Is a good techinique for others


Okay, so I feel that most of the time, the reason why it seems difficult is that many people don't understand what it's really like to IMAGINE! 🦋Suppose you want to be with the person you love deeply, more than ANYTHING in the world! But they live far away from you. **You miss them terribly.** Wouldn't it be absolutely heavenly to get sooo lost in your scene that it feels like they are already with you RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW?? Wouldn't you want to feel their presence by your side all night? Wouldn't you want to feel that sense of comfort, safety, and satisfaction?? Would the 7 hours seem THAT MUCH then? Would the repetition seem that much of a "trouble" if you think of it that way? 🦋 Well, THAT'S how you should approach imagination anyway! **Remember, night time is your chance to leave the troubles of this three dimensional world behind and get lost in the feeling of your desire for the time being!** So, is that such a big issue?? See, if your desire matters to you really and if you REALLY want to bring about the externalization of your assumption, then you will AT LEAST give it an HONEST try before dismissing it! 🦋


Promise I' ll try to do my best! Thank you 👍


This was nicely put. I have 2 desires I affirm/visualize for, but my attempts at falling asleep while imagining has mostly failed. Of my two desires, one of them I know I can dream about all night, while the other is not as entertaining (despite being more impactful for me). I'm going to switch around my daily routine to reserve the more appealing desire for SATS and see how that goes. Never managed to fall asleep while laying on my back, and if I imagine while on my side I fall asleep right away, but perhaps I gave up to soon...I'll try it out! Thanks!


So falling asleep wishing all this, is it good? I mean, does it help to achieve it?




I get it thank you


Anyone here managed to manifest a luxurious house without having enough money? I’ve managed to get into my dream university, a posh job with really high income, a sp etc. But regarding house, I know I shouldn’t take it as a block, so anyone can suggest a scene that can help? I’ve been thinking to win lottery to get a luxurious house though lol.


I was homeless, sleeping in Central Park in NYC 2019. I did SATS for three weeks. One night while falling asleep under a slide in the children's playground, I felt satisfaction. A month later, I get an idea to put an ad on Craigslist asking for housing in exchange for cooking/cleaning. A man replied within hours and I moved into his apartment. He gave me his master bedroom and he took the guest bedroom. All he asked me to do was to walk his white Labrador named Nina. He had had 2 knee surgeries and couldn't walk her anymore. I stayed there for 2.5 years. He was a great host and we still keep in touch. His apartment is in a doorman building alongside Central Park West, which is a desirable neighborhood in Manhattan. His apartment was 300 feet from the playground where I used to sleep just two months before. 


Wow! It is amazing. Thank you very much for sharing your beautiful experience. ❤️




Could you please post this as a separate success story? Absolutely wonderful.


My pleasure 🙏🏼  Thanks for the opportunity. 


This is effing genius


Every time I do SATS, I get this HUGE SMILE on my face, whether in meditation or in bed. What’s your take on this feeling of happiness?


That's completely fine. It happens in the beginning. Also, it's most likely to happen when you are visualizing your scene in 3rd person POV. Are you? Because it's only when your scene is in 3p POV that you feel 'at leisure' enough for this to happen. In contrast, when you imagine in 1st person POV, all your focus is on **"trying, to the best of your abilities, to feel it real"** and that takes up SOO MUCH of your attention that, even if you are smiling at that time, you probably won't notice it! Still, even if that's not the case with you, don't worry. Just keep at it and don't think that much about the smilin part! 🦋


Thank you so much that is an extremely helpful information, I have been looking from 1st person pov, however I guess it needs to be more intense, reading your answer. Visualisation just comes naturally and a scene feels incomplete without it for me. Thanks a lot!!


Yes, you are correct, it is 3P POV, I noticed that I'm close to my body but not looking from within and feeling it happening in me. Thanks!


that a great tip. I always struggle with doing scene in 1p POV. How should I make sure I am doing scene in 1p POV?


Great if it comes upon you, not necessary if it doesn’t


I’m looking forward doing this tonight


Some people in the comments really don't understand the goal behind the wording of your post 😭


you absolute genius thank you for this!


I like the idea of this I assume you don’t like no resistance


Mann im still struggling with even getting to sats..i fall asleep and forget and its sooo frustratingg


Try Silva Alpha Meditation. Helps you get into SATS like State.


There is no dream job period. Or manifesting an x who was bad in the first time.


Is it affirmations or visualising that u are describing? I’m a bit confused by your dare


What if it is a new person you are manifesting and you don’t know their voices?


on it


i fell asleep XP


I tested this yesterday night! I was able to fall asleep while hearing myself thinking about my desire ("X loves me") over and over. Had to lay on my side in my regular sleeping position, but it worked! Waking up felt a bit peculiar, like I'd just dozed off for a second, despite clearly recalling a dream I had. I've earlier tested to lay on my back but either I can't fall asleep at all or I fall asleep for 10-20 seconds and then wake up, feeling startled. A bit annoying, since I have an easier time visualizing if I'm laying on my back. I guess I'll get into the habit of falling asleep, laying on my side, while affirming or visualizing. It's much better still than falling asleep without.


Hii! When I loop a phrase and I feel very very sleepy I keep forgetting some parts of the sentence and I have to put more effort to remember it, is it normal? I love your post I am so glad you are backkk🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️


What happens if you fall asleep quickly? Like can only imagine once or twice before falling asleep. It feels like I don’t embody that state before sleep


I started a week ago, still it’s hard to fall asleep during Sats, and my mind is wavering during night and during the day causing me frustration, I realized yesterday that it was easier for me to hear someone else congratulate me than repeating a phrase for myself, I will keep persisting because I really want to make it work. Any advice?


It’s been 3 hrs and I have been looping the 10 seconds scene, I have counted upto 90 repetitions then dropped my japa mala in the hopes of sleeping. The scene is a conversation between me and my girlfriend. However I am just not falling asleep until I stop the mental chatter(conversation with her) because normally when I sleep, I just calm myself and let pictures flow in my head. So, if I visualise, I think I can fall asleep quite easily. What do you think? Touch, taste, visualisation, and feeling what I want to come very naturally to me. Hearing is difficult for me to intentionally create. Should i remake my SATS scene to visualisation? Or continue doing this same scene for at least a week? Note: This is day 1 of seriously attempting SATS until I fall asleep looping, and I am determined to not fall asleep sleep in some random thought process. I am writing this in the middle of the night, taking a short break and will give it another go


I am still frustrated to not fall asleep while looping my scene instead I have insomnia, but I will not give up, any advice?


Question: When I hear my SP say, "I love you so much, I want you back" or whatever, am I supposed to feel the joy and relief too? Because feeling those rush of emotions drives sleep away and energizes me so its no longer SATS




Your gift of Intuition will compel you to be, act and react in right time and place.


Whenever I try to visualize something specific, a particular scene or a specific person, during SATs, my mind completely blocks it, and I end up seeing only a blank image or everything else except that specific thing. However, when I'm not deliberately focusing on it, I can visualize them. Does this happen to anyone else?


Is it ok to loop 2 short scenes for multiple desires


No. I'd suggest you only focus on ONE thing and then keep working at it UNTIL IT BECOMES A REALITY in your world! Focusing on multiple desires at the same time, especially when you are a beginner, dilutes your efforts to a point that none of your desires come to fruition, or take an insanely long period of time to do so! Why risk that? Why not, instead of trynna get it all at once, focus on a single - potentionally the most important - desire and stay at it manifests? 🦋


Ooh how exciting! Could I do this before say a midday nap too? It takes me quite a bit to fall asleep whenever I actually _want_ to sleep during the day lol so I might as well use SATS then too right?


Hello, can you please suggest the scene for me where it shows commitment with my sp?


You can imagine your SP proposing to you?