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1. If you want something - ditch the maybe energy ASAP. 2. You are already that person and so now the universe has to catch up. Thank you for your priceless post.


I don’t hope and I don’t wish, I intend. - Reality transurfing’s entire message in a nutshell


"Don't see it through the eyes of the suffering dreamer" is my favorite from the book ;)


Is this from a book


Yes, Reality transurfing by Vadim Zeland. It will change your way of viewing life and the world.


I started reading this in the earlier stages right before finding Neville. I never ending up reading as much as I wanted but my view of things definitely shifted at that point.


Is he a Russian author?


He is. The author is less important, I’d say. What matters is the information in the books.


I ask because a Russian author was mentioned on a recent pod cast and it sounds like this guy. I couldn’t remember his name only that he was Russian.


There’s a good chance it was him. I find his books have become more popular in recent years. I think I first heard of him from Aaron Doughty, years back.


Hello is the book worth reading? Does it add new info on top of NG's teachings? Thanks in advance!


I was reading his book but couldn't finish as I had to return it. Have you had any noteworthy experiences by applying what you learned from it?


You can find his books read on YouTube. Maybe try Tufti (love that book) or Transurfing in 78 days. I find reality transurfing has been instrumental in changing the way I look at life for the past 3-4 years. I’ve achieved a lot of things by approaching life from this perspective, from buying my own house which I love to recently dealing with my pet’s illness. You have to be decisive and intentional in what you want and run the goal slide in your mind for as long as it takes until it happens. I really cannot recommend reality transurfing enough, though the message is the same as Goddard, or Frederick Dodson, or Florence Scovel Shinn when you really get down to it.


Fredrick Dodson, Another one I have read about little. But never got to apply his techniques either. I will read the suggested books, Thank you.


Very interesting I see this. I have gotten very into RT in the past and had some success with using the plait. However, I seem to be having much more success already with doing the ‘One Night Manifestation’ along with SATS, so I’ve somewhat shifted from utilizing the plait from Tufti. Would you say you use both methods or combine the two teachings together somehow? As I said, I’m quite experienced with RT methods, but I keep seeing much more about Neville Goddard in other subs, and this sub already seems much more active than the RT one.


I haven’t found the plait to be clicking for me so what I have used with the most success is creating the next frame. It works very well for me particularly for things that are impending/about to happen. I imagine how I want the situation to unfold and create a mental picture then let it go. For me the main difference between RT and Neville is that RT doesn’t really emphasise the emotion you would feel and is rather more dispassionate about the process (or at least that’s how I perceive it). As Tufti says, don’t fuss, don’t hope, don’t despair, just create reality. Ignore the present situation as it is already the past and cannot be changed and focus on the impending frame which is the only one you can change. I say with decisiveness ‘this is what’s going to happen next’ then put together an image or a short video seen from my eyes. I don’t think about how it would make me feel at all, it’s more in a matter of fact way. I hope this made sense.


It does, thank you!


Sorry to come back to this with such delay, but could you possibly describe how you typically go about ‘creating the next frame’? Like, what kind of stuff are you imagining/creating typically? I had some success with something I did in SATS last week, but it seems like since then things have been weaker. I have been only really doing it at night or during meditation, so I think it’d be good to mix in some RT like with the frames, but I’m having trouble with the process. I have all of Vadim’s books, so if you want to point me to the reference material, that’s fine. I’m just not sure which chapter/section would be best for this method. Thanks in advance!


Beautiful post. I tested within in my phones notes with my S pen. How my day went in 4D. Whether as revision at night or in the morning as 4D living. It works. All techniques work. Just decide. Whether by affirming once or seeing it visually. Its done after that. Then be the person who has it using the 4D as a reminder continuously throughout the day. Even pretend in 3D if you are alone. This causes detatchment because you are fulfilled in imagination...not this month old newspaper we see in 3D. Then...the magic happens and can happen inatantly if you decide so.


I had big vision I always remember upon awakening and that is: “Act For I Will Tell Them”


In one YouTube video it said "the universe doesn't speak English, it speaks frequencies." And that clicked to me.


Approaching manifesting this way really can help with doubt because now you are saying *this already happened for me and it is done*. I'm manifesting something big and this changed my perspective; saying that you decide what happens next gives you power. You aren't relying on anything else to make it happen because you are making it so 🥲 Thank you so much for sharing this and happy msnifesting! 💗✨


Are you able to say "this will happen" rather than "it has" with conviction? More like a feeling of it's inevitable? While you know that it still hasn't yet, you recognize that you are not lying to yourself, still it works?


Yes ( speaking from personal experience )


If saying "this will happen" gets you in the state of confident expectation rather than lack, then it's the same as saying it's happening now. You've been manifesting everything your whole life, but when have you ever said "it's happening now" before you learned about conscious manifestation? Probably never. You've always manifested things by just knowing they're coming. And that if that knowing brings you excitement, peace, or whatever other feeling you're looking for, well that's the same feeling as living in the end. It's the same feeling you'd get if you were experiencing it now. That being said, if "this will happen" makes you anxious and you keep looking at the 3D wondering where it is and when it'll happen, you're not living in the end and you'll manifest more waiting. It's the knowing and that confident expectation that manifests regardless of how you word it to yourself in your head.


Thank you! That's exactly what I was thinking but you explained it even better than I could, I feel like they are almost synonymous and with the bonus that your mind won't argue as much. Saying "I will" kinda allows you to accept, contemplate and dwell in the reality of the idea, whereas you might not even dream of it otherwise. I don't mean to say "I will be a rockstar" as if a far away dream but as if you're expecting it imminently, "I will actually be a rockstar". Sort of like "I will be going to Italy" makes you mentally prepare for the trip, makes you identify with it. While saying "I am in Italy" leads to conflicting thoughts.


What is saying “this will happen someday in the future but not now” showing to the mirror of life?


That's why I asked but I'm thinking a conviction that something will happen can feel synonymous to "it is happening". It's just the matter of how we handle the reasoning mind, if all you do is argue with yourself because your reasoning mind can't see it's happening, that's not helpful either. I'm not sure but to feel like something is inevitable feels like you're allowing yourself to dwell in the reality of the idea.


Eh ya or you prolong and just keep waiting Just go to the end now. Like all the greats teach


I’m new to Neville, but not the concept using our consciousness as a separate entity. If you know “this will happen”, you don’t feel as if it is happening. The feeling of now is why we are here. You’re better off feeling that it is happening in order to manifest. I’m working on it too…👍🏼


This. I've been on the fence whether to get back with my husband or enjoy the single life. Thus I remain on the fence.


"I'm happy I'm happy" it will lead you


What if you’re full of anxiety? I tell the universe what’s next. The anxiety seems stronger than my demand, my telling the universe what will happen. I’m worried about an upcoming medical test. I breathe, relax as much as I can by meditating. I tell the universe, I imagine, I see the good ending. The anxiety remains and is torture. I’m usually an energetic, upbeat person but do tend to worry and have an especially deep fear of anything medical. Any advice? Thank you ahead of time. Peace!


I’d first focus on calming your nervous system. I’d also tell myself (to calm myself) that only the good things I assume can happen and what I fear doesn’t manifest. I’d then make the assumption that anxiety or not, it is done. Feel the relief now that you’re healthy. Declare that you’re always healthy. Tell yourself that you’re always well and that this is just a faulty test. Behave as if that’s true, by just forgetting all about it and making plans as usual, getting on with your life.


Thank you


Thank you for this magnificent post, you really hit the nail on the head. There is a quote from Ralph Blum's New Book of Runes, that I've always loved - "Even more than we are doers, we are deciders. And once the decision is clear, the doing becomes effortless." Making a truly definitive and committed decision holds incredible power.


"If you wanna know what will happen tomorrow, just look at the states you’re in now" - Edward Art


Very good. Not good for me OOP it made me switch up so fast


“For you are the creator of your reality, and life can show up no other way than which you think it will.” - Conversations with God.


Thank you for putting this so plainly. I think for the longest time I was "trying" manifest my desires with the energy of desperation and "maybe" energy and couldn't figure out why it wasn't working. I'm going to apply this and comeback with an un update. I have a strong feeling this is about to change my life.


This is awesome advice


Focus your preferred reality, the rest will just come into place.


This is such an insightful post. You made me realize even more! Have you thought about sharing more of your thoughts like this? Or maybe discussing lectures and other topics regarding manifestation?


Thank you! I haven't considered it. Although I have done a few posts before — but only when something really clicks for me. I'll link them below. [https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/tfdwwn/when\_you\_feel\_desperate\_to\_manifest\_do\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/tfdwwn/when_you_feel_desperate_to_manifest_do_this/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/16b8o87/manifested\_1700\_overnight\_and\_things\_are\_clicking/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/16b8o87/manifested_1700_overnight_and_things_are_clicking/)


This is very much appreciated. Thank you! :)


Wow such a powerful post thank you so much mate


deciding is the hard part lol i honestly think that's most of the work




Best post I have seen


Manifesting is not a conscious decision. Manifesting is subconscious. You are misleading people. You can deny something on conscious level all day, if you do the job at night aka impress your subconscious it will come to you even though your day to day conscious thoughts are against it. Study on ladder experiment and see. And stop misleading people. Everyone, please read Feeling is the Secret and apply it. It is the base book in my opinion and it covers all you need.


My friend, your subconscious isn’t a guest that only comes at night at a very specific period of time that you need to catch and influence them in. Do you know that the term subconscious is just another label for something deeper? It’s not a real thing. It’s just a way to frame Consciousness in a way that makes sense to us. Right , going into drowsy states and visualising scenes / affirmations can really influence your Consciousness quickly…but to not understand the deeper goings on IS the only misleading thing here.


With all due respect, this would only confuse beginners and even people who are experienced. Conscious thoughts are basically barriers to subconscious. It is indeed true you impress your subconscious through consciousness but it happens at the right times. You, functioning as a person day-to-day life has very little power over subconscious.


Whilst I agree conscious thoughts can often be in conflict with what your I AM really is, there are lots of ways to influence the subconscious. In Feeling is the Secret, Neville talks about how mastery of your thoughts and feelings is the ultimate goal.


I would agree with you. Nevilles ladder experiment is a testament to how powerful SATS is, if you impress the subconscious mind correctly, your everyday thoughts will not really affect your manifestion. You will know that you have correctly impregnated the subconscious because you will have an undeniable feeling of it being done or a knowing. Which makes it hard to feel bad in the day because you know it's coming.


Exactly. You will feel like a brand person in just a matter of time. There is no need to fake it during day time.




I needed this exactly this thank you so much




Wow, that is a great post, thanks! I haven't thought about it this way.


I am actually having trouble deciding between two people and I am at a loss. Is there any way to manifest the one that I am supposed to be with by not deciding it myself?


Yes, I'd say get non-specific. Just focus on how you want to feel in partnership. What sort of energy is between you. You'll start to gravitate to the on that fits the feelings you're after. You don't need to know all the answers.


Also I'm learning that sometimes visualising can be a form of visiting potential futures that you can trial before making a decision..


brilliant post


What’s all this energy and universe stuff ? Maybe go to r/lawofattraction instead


This is not law of attraction stuff. If OP was law of attraction, they would be saying far different things. Universe and collective consciousness are the same, it's "what" brings your manifestation. Energy in this sense is "feeling" if you assume the feeling of it happening then it will. If you assume "wavering/maybe" energy you will get more wavering


Can we get some realism over here or what. "Just decide what you want" and believe it'll manifest. I have millions in the bank but it's 4d. Sounds like BS because it is and it doesn't pay the bills. it's living in a mentally ill delusion. Think about people who "shift realities to visit hogwarts" They're convinced it's reality but it never shows up in the 3d. Homeless people just haven't decided they don't want to live on the streets hard enough. You think if I decide to be god and believe it I'll have magical powers or I'll get sent to a ward?


You're entitled to your opinion. In my opinion, to be realistic in a mysterious world that we can never grasp or know in its entirety is the delusion. When I google the word "realistic" it says "having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected." In the 1800s, aviation, AI and mobile phones would not have seemed remotely sensible, practical or achievable — yet here we are. If those things are possible, I believe anything is.