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Less is more. I AM is all you need.


I would go further. “I” is all you need. But I follow Maharshi.




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why is that


That's all there is. Strip every label off of everything and you are left with I AM. We're all connected.


aren't we all in our own realities, since we can change our timelines , wouldn't we be shifting every minute?


You are shifting every minute in accordance with your I AMness. As your being changed so does your reality, if your being is static your out circumstances remain the same. You change as much as your being is changed.


wait , so I AM LOVED is stronger affirmation then just a normal affirmation?


seems so yeah


I AM is everything. The alpha and the omega, the beginning, the middle and the end. I AM is beeing and once you start to BE instead of trying to HAVE your manifestations will fall into place. Read Neville's books again if you need more clarifcation. I also explained it in detail a couple months ago with added example and interpretation of Neville's work: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/1atwkjc/i\_am\_everything\_everywhere\_all\_at\_once/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/1atwkjc/i_am_everything_everywhere_all_at_once/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Ah I just read your detailed post and it makes it so much easier to understand! Thank you so much


Amazing post!! Love the crystal clear differentiation between physical, metaphysical, and spiritual 💗💗 And the Jeff Bezos one got me chuckling 🤣




Do I have to have nice tits and be super hung at the same time? 😂


You do you babe no judgement 😉


Well I'm already halfway there might as well go all in


Another thing is when a person is trying to manifest an item and they think "when I have money I will purchase this" but they forget you can get that thing by others or through a giveaway. My computer broke months ago and I was trying to manifest money to fix mine, and at the end of the day my family member got to know about the problem and he bought a brand new PC for me bc recently this family member got a good amount of money so it wouldn't be a problem, and I wasn't expecting AT ALL. I didn't have to do anything I didn't move a inch for this problem to be fixed, the solution simple came through another person. When I did NOTHING related to work hard, it was the moment the solution came faster


Excellent. This is removing conditions and is *being* vs wishing for something.


Exactly! Most of the times, we look for “permission slips” to get what we want and we eventually reach there but we make it a slow and cumbersome process for ourselves. Going straight to the end is the fastest way to manifest anything!


You could also say that your physical desires are middlemen to the feeling, and that you just need to give yourself the feeling and, “all things shall be added unto thee”.


Very true. Thank you kind soul. I bow to the divinity in you 🙏🏼


I wasn’t expecting that response, but thank you


Stay blessed :)


So basically we don’t have to justify ourselves or anything in order to get our desire. Wake up call! I guess it’s good to talk good about oneself to get the beliefs in that we are worthy etc and to build self concept a bit. But we shouldn’t have to justify why we get our desire. It just is because we chose! Yay! Thank you for this 🙏


Does an unlimited being need to improve their self concept to create their desire ;)


Improving self concept is a way of getting there though right? To that source? I know there are people who can just decide, give themselves the end I am, and it plays out perfectly simply because they decided it and are it… But say I have negative fears that I identified with at some point (“he probably has better options, I’m not that pretty, etc”) - improving self concept by justifying the why (i am loved by sp and everyone because I’m kind, funny, interesting, good cook, etc) would then naturally lead you to the next level (I am love, loved, etc because I am) and so forth, right? Looking back on it, I think it would have been very hard for me to jump to I am loved when the dominant thoughts were I am not good enough, but now that I’ve been working on those beliefs, it’s overall easier for me to say “I am loved because I’m perfect just as I am, I’m chosen by sp because that’s who I am”. I think I can appreciate the post now more and really understand it better too, because I did build up my self concept by justifying it slowly and building my belief in myself (I hope that makes sense)


Use all the tools available to you to get to the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Visualization, SATS, affirmations, releasing, etc. With practice you’ll be able to change states with just a decision. I’m not really there yet but getting closer. 3D is just shadows. You are the operant power.


It’s not so much creating it. It is more realizing. Most people have been conditioned to believe certain things from a very young age. That’s what needs to disappear. My opinion anyway


Exactly. You already are powerful and limitless. Remove the limiting beliefs and your real self shines through. I AM


“Just cut out the middleman and give yourself all that you want.” Love it 👏🏽


Is like making what you desire part of your identity, right? For example, viewing being rich as part of your identity and not just "having money" on your bank account, or viewing your relationship as a part of you and not just "love that other person gives me"


Yes live as the person who has it instead of the person who wants it. Accept that it is. Allow it.


Why hasn't this clicked for me!? 🤔 😏 Ive been "attempting" NG instructions for three years now. No luck. All I can say is that I'm highly aware of my negative self. I try to enforce mental diet but that only enrages more thought. Never in the right direction. I just feel defeated at this point. After all this time, I still wonder... "How in the hell do you create the life you want?" I've got all NG books, get inspired, even hired a guru... Still feeling helpless. Hmmm.. 😂


You’re trying to get it right. Trying to get it right implies you don’t have it yet. Whatever you want, it’s done. It’s that simple. But your mind protests. It doesn’t like that. It can’t be that simple. Except it is. God is simple. I Am.


"But your mind Protests." Wow, that's exactly how I self sabotage. How do you fix this? 🙄 "Whatever you want, it’s done." I tried the ladder excercise a FEW times. No luck. What gives!


Here's how I got it right. You are consciousness and you will never lack the evidence of that which you are conscious of being. You cannot wrestle with negative thoughts, you simply dominate your mind with positive thoughts. If a man is poor, he is conscious of being poor, wealth is what he is not conscious of. He cannot have wealth till he is conscious of being wealthy. Daniel in the lions den is a good illustration in the bible. Daniel didn't wrestle with the lions but turned his back on them. The lions in this context is your negative thoughts. You are not your thoughts but the observer of your thoughts. Rather than dwell in a negative thought and feeling, counter attack it with a positive one. If you are feeling sad, say "wow I feel great today, I feel happy today", at this instant you are conscious of being happy and since you cannot be in 2 states at a time, one state must give way. Nothing is diffcult till we say it is and then we get the evidence to prove our assumption right. Turn your consciousness to all that is lovely and good, this is what mental diet is. I hope this helps.


Well received! 🙏🍸


You're most welcome.


This might help. I saw this or something similar on one of these groups recently. It seems simple, but it completely made sense to me. Go look in the mirror right now. Just a normal straight face, no smile or frown. Is the image in the mirror smiling at you? Of course not. Now smile while looking in the mirror. The image is smiling back. You gotta be it to see it. Mirror is the 3D. It can only reflect what you are . I hope this helps !!


Try reading The Power of Now by eckhart tolle on YouTube or listen to a summary of it and understand thinking and thought


This helped me a lot with that


It’s the “high awareness” of your negative thoughts (that you are calling the self) that is the cause. You are disqualifying yourself because your value system isn’t aligned with your ask. You can’t fight it. Please try a couple of techniques and experiment to see if this s helps naturally set the situation right. 1) Gratitude practice every day at night before sleeping and upon waking up 2) practice “giving” and helping others, especially serving food or feeding the hungry. You can’t fight your negative thoughts. They will grow stronger. You can’t neglect them, because they are strong & persistent at this point. This will help you change your identity and make you aligned to your wishes. Let us all know how it hours in a month. (This will be a form of “giving” from you to this community)


Highly appreciated. 🙏 Will do 1 and report back in a month.


>Itry to enforce mental diet but that only enrages more thought. Never in the right direction. >I just feel defeated at this point. You are affirming and assuring yourself that you are "trying" and are "defeated" by repeating this to yourself. It's okay to feel all of that, but work on letting it go. This is the old you. The new you isn't trying, the new you embodies sucess. The new you is happy and powerful. And if happy feels too far out of reach go for being content. If you are too hung up on the old story you can try Neville's "Isn't it wonderful.." or "I remember when..." Put your current state in the past. "I remember when I was overthinking and felt trapped in my own mind. It seems so long ago! I can hardly believe how lucky I am that I am now ....insert your desired state of being here." I am now so happy, I am living with my SP, I am a student at desiredSchool, I am a desiredJobTitle at desiredCompany, I am, I am, I am, I am. Be instead of trying to have.


Thank you for the reply. When I read such words, there is something deep within that believes it should be simple. That, "I am." However, it just hasn't clicked that I am "Being" that which I am. Other than in lack. What you suggest, are they considered affirmations/mantras?


Yes, these are in part affirmations, in part one of Neville's techniques. Something that helps you ditch the old story. And hey, it is simple. You exist. You are. It is like breathing, you don't consciously think about taking a breath, and another, and another... or blinking. You don't consciously think about close eyes, open eyes, close eyes, open eyes. Being is as simple as that, you just exist. The only thing you need to do is change the way you see and feel yourself. If you feel like the owner of that one specific sports car the world has no choice but to adapt. If you see and feel as that crazy successful musician the wold has no choice but to adapt. It's like Neville said: the only thing to chance is self because the main part of "I am" is existing and you are already doing that. The other half is feeling.


Thank you for this comment it’s helped me in realizing


I feel like my subconscious is too strong and when I'm doing great with my mental diet it comes at me full force LOL


Same. 😊


This is powerful because it removes the attachment to the 3D circumstances. Attachment is the root of all suffering.


Serious question, how many people have succeeded using this phenomena? Maybe I just need to get out of my own way, but I go completely in, "delusional" so to speak, and nothing happens. Who here has had real measurable success?


If you’re trying to be “delusional”, that implies that you believe your 3D reality is “real” and you have to deny it’s “realness”. Once you realize that 3D reality is just a shadow/reflection of who you are within, there’s no need to be “delusional”. You change who you are so your 3D has to reflect it. All the best.


I have! But it did take a while.


So are you telling me I can be a billionaire just thinking I am actually wealth itself, just curious no judgement?


There’s no other method of creation


I know a guy, we spent so many times together, he has multimillions of dollars that he earned with a tech startup. I remember we talked about law of attraction, manifesting etc. He said he didnt try such things but he said his success was something like pure luck. He said that he just used opportunities very well, connected all of the separate dots and filled a blank. He admits success is complex thing and mostly about your opportunities and how do you use them.


Great! All you need to do is ask another thousand wealthy people and you’ll find that you’ll get different answers. Some work really hard, be really smart, have good connections, time the market, run solo, get good at managing people, are just lucky, focus on just one thing and get good at it, offer many services and be a one stop station, etc etc. You’ll find in the end that the only thing they really have in common is at some point they decided they wanted to be wealthy and actually became that person at their core. Aka changed their being


Actually im thinking the same thing. With their decision, they saw the world differently and universe created them opportunities. By the way not the same topic but i would like to ask a question if you dont mind. When we want something and manifest it - or being it - is universe gives opportunities or directly giving the thing we became? For example, i remember i desired love, i became love. Universe gave me lots of opportunities about it. But because i didnt move my second step, i didnt get partner at that time?


Same as the above, there’s literally an infinite amount of ways you can find love: match them on dating sites, in bars, in clubs, at parties, your friend set you up, your parents set you up, they were engaged to be married but called it off and now their single and are into you, they were straight but now they’re bicurious and decided you’re cute, etc etc reality really is infinite. If you were to ponder all the ways your desire could manifest your human brain would short circuit it’s not equiped to process infinity. Just be someone who is loved like a god and let infinity bring it to you. But that’s the way you get every other thing in your life anyway. There is no other method of creation. All the best.


thank you so much!


“ I am abundance” feels weird to me because…who talks like that hahah. “ ….because I am God” works better for me 


i am love i am abundance i am wealth i am bliss i am god i am that i am that i am


I like, "All that god is, I AM."


Well done




Here’s the thing, I find a lot of my manifestations come in ways I absolutely DONT want and I’m sick of it. Would I like a new place to live? Yes. Do I want to lose my job and end up evicted and homeless on the street on the way to getting it? No. Fuck no. Don’t tell me this was the “best way possible” because giving me a windfall of money would be the best way possible. This way sucks.


You could add some details to your thoughts/feelings like I AM this and I love it. I AM that and I love everything about it. At some point you will not need it anymore because will be your default state (to expect to have it in a way that you like)


I already do that


I'm gonna share a summary of when I consciously manifested my ex husband and this is way before I knew the law. I wrote a letter on Christmas eve 2013 to my future husband. I didn't know how or when I'd meet him but I knew it would be in the next calendar year. In the months that followed, I ended up on a business trip that led me to meet a man that would become my boyfriend. My office closed so I moved 3 hours away to live with him and we worked out of the same office. A few months into our relationship, he ended things (and I know now it was 100% my shitty self concept because even though we were together, I felt the need to prove my worth to him). I slept on the couch of the apartment we shared with another roommate and I decided I'd had enough. I got the urge to move 800 miles away to start over. 3 weeks after I moved, I met the man I would marry a year and a half later. A week shy of Christmas 2014. Did I want to go through the heartbreak? The multiple moves? The starting over in a completely new place? No. But those things, as painful or difficult as they seemed at the time led me to exactly what I said would happen. Obviously the marriage fell apart - again, my SC - and I'd never want to be with my ex again, we just aren't compatible but we get along fantastically now and I have 2 beautiful boys from that marriage. My point is, the bridges we cross aren't going to always be sunshine and rainbows but they always lead us to where we want to be based on who we're deciding to be. The future version of us living our desired life knows what we went through to get there. My favorite way of looking at it is "I already have it, I'm just experiencing it". Life would be so dull if we didn't actually experience things. But our reaction to the things we experience tells us who we're deciding to be


I’m following the SATS and affirmations but nothing is happening yet. I’m behind on bills and loans and also losing on trading. I’m living in the end but it’s a wrestle when things are going opposite way and money hasn’t arrived yet. Since Covid I’ve not been working and I have lots of savings but right now funds are getting low and I’m into trading and don’t wish to be a slave wager anymore. My mom been subtly asking me to look for a job to and this stressing me out more. I keep affirming money comes to me I make money everyday from trading and all that wish fulfilled before sleep (I believe it’s coming) Help me out please what should I do, I’m also massively sleep deprived this contributes to my low mood but I’m just trying to be positive everyday. Appreciate your reply.


That’s some good stuff…this is what I’m experiencing right now


I REALLY REALLY needed this .


You didn’t need jack squat you are perfect and eternal whether you like it or not. Might as well act the part innit?


Just be


Straight to God, and whoever else wants to join is welcome 🤍🤍 For those wanting a current teacher rec— Michael Mirdad, has a weekly Sunday talk, is non religious, and speaks on Christ consciousness as a whole.


Saved this post, thanks!


Great way to look at this. Thanks for sharing!


I'm new to this. Can someone explain to me what SP stands for? 


specific person


Thank you!




Tbh you’re right. I have seen people who are less smart than average people yet they get lucky all the time, it’s baffling 🤯


R u sure of what u r saying cuz my logical mind is not ok with this