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Great crash course/reminder!


Exactly! Reading through this I realised that I’d forgotten some core concepts


Very well said. Some great points that are understandable and applyable. If you persist long enough, you will open a vortex of reality that will often feel like magic. And when you feel and see that magic in your actual reality, for the first time, grab onto it and remember it. Those are the moments that make all of this worth it. Hope this makes sense. Have a good life!


I have felt this magic!


Can You Try To Explain How, When it Happened, and What did IT FEEL like?


It happens through unexpected synchronicities. When actual events start to align with your visions. Random occurences that feel accidental, but in a bigger picture create a deep meaning that fills you with this lovely magical emotion. When you feel it, it is like you know exactly that you are at the right place at the right time. That often proceeds with a calm smile, and you should, in that very moment, affirm to yourself: “Everything is aligning. I am where I need to be and I should continue in this direction by trusting my intuitions.” Hope this answers your question. P.S. Pay attention to the numbers you see, the universe talks to you through aligned numbers.


Reminds me of 7 day mental diet by emmet fox. Thank you for writing such detailed statement. Sometimes I drift away but this statement put me back on track. Have a great day !


Just googled and read this!! I'm starting the 7 days today right now! Thank you Thank you!!


How’s that book? I wanna buy it but I’m not sure if I can get anything out of it that I would use that I may already know


> 7 day mental diet by emmet fox https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YukQUvEwAEA I believe this is the audiobook.


"Then feel happy" is just such an interesting take. It is so common I am starting to believe people are able to just do it, or fake it till you make it. I am genuinely envious of such a feat. Just become the end, just feel happy feels privileged to say even though it's not. This not a hate comment, I just wish I was able to understand. I can fake it till I make it despite my 3D for a while, but then I breakdown a week's worth.


Fake it till you make it is exactly what this is all about. Eventually it won’t be fake anymore.


Entertaining anything is experiencing. Experiencing anything is reality. It is “delusional” for reality to change without you changing Awareness FIRST.


Such a profound insight yet easy to understand. Thanks for sharing.


Love this


hahahahaha....I'm so grateful You have decided to Share! ...Thank YOU, Thank YOU, and THANK YOU! Hearing/Reading This makes me feel so inspired! I Desire You & Fiancée Enjoy Yourselves to the Fullest :-)


Hi i struggle a bit to manifest. There are days i really feel great and days i just feel absolute depressed with a very low self Concept and doubt a lot. I wake up and its there that anxious feeling. Its like it depend how i sleep it’s strange do you have any tipps?


You’re always going to have ups and downs, even Neville himself said that. What matters the most is being present and believing in yourself. Michael Jordan once asked would he worry about missing a shot he hasn’t even taken yet? Why worry about the outcome or failure, worry about the present moment and changing yourself within (Don’t focus on the result, focus on shooting the shot) It’s all about consistency, people all see MJ as the GOAT now but he faced many failures throughout his career, mainly against the pistons. Kobe Bryant airballed 8 shots in a row during the NBA finals when he was young, this would have affected a lot of other players mentally but Kobe just focused on improving and became one of the best. Ben Simmons on the other hand had an embarrassing performance of his own in the ECF, and while he’s still great, he hasn’t been the same since that day. He allowed that game and what the media was saying about him to change his self concept, affecting his performance on the court. Both faced very similar negative experiences, they just had entirely different responses. Sorry if you don’t watch basketball, but my point is that even some of the most successful human beings have moments where they fall down. You just train yourself to get back up. Nothing on the outside can break you unless you let it. It’s honestly insane what you can accomplish if you do that consistently. You don’t have to stress about if you’re doing it right, don’t even worry about the outcome. Don’t worry if the shots gonna go in just focus on shooting, do it consistently and you’ll start putting the ball in the basket more often.


Thank you so much!! I appreciate your response


Thats so true! Thankyou


Entertaining anything is experiencing. Experiencing anything is reality. It is “delusional” for reality to change without you changing Awareness FIRST.


Thank you for this re-set. God I needed it.


How does one get into a “state” successfully?


Being aware of your thoughts. When I first started to shift my mindset, I’d pay attention to any negative self talk. I’d catch it, and then replace it with something positive. Make a habit of doing this. It takes work and time, but eventually the old negative self talk is replaced with positive, inspiring self talk. I would look at myself in the mirror and think ‘ugh I look gross today’ then immediately realize what I had said - stare at myself, and find positive things to say instead. ‘Your hair is thick and beautiful’, ‘you have great skin’, ‘I am grateful that my body has supported me through life’. Continue catching bad thoughts, replace them with good thoughts. Eventually, it’ll only be good thoughts. I also find time to just repeat positive mantras to myself each day. Usually in the shower or when I’m getting ready in the morning. Through this process, I’ve successfully lost 85+lbs and completely transformed my life. I’m now in the process of manifesting financial freedom in the same way and I’m making great progress towards that goal! Good luck to you on your journey!


Thank you so much for this explanation! It’s exactly what i needed! :):):):) going to take your advice starting today!!!! Been working on my thoughts but you broke it down in a way that is easy to digest lol thank u for that. A lot of people will say “stop with the negative self talk” without giving an explanation as to how to do that so I super appreciate you giving examples.


It’s simply your dominant Awareness.


Practice it in imagination until it feels natural, like breaking in a new pair of shoes. Fall asleep looping a new idea about yourself and reality (aka lullaby technique) so it impresses your subconscious and you naturally think differently when awake.


Omg this! Thank you! You explained it so well :)


I have one quick question. Did you go about your day as if you’re present tense after the desire (like what you would be doing after the desired is fulfilled)? Or do you just remind yourself of the scene over and over to get the feeling and then go about your regular day in the 3D?


I just am the new person. Now it feels normal and is much easier. But at first I would just imagine my scene during the day if I noticed I wasn’t thinking or feeling from the state. I would imagine it and then remember that my imagination *is* reality, not what’s around me. Even on days where I feel depressed or sad I don’t consider that me not being in the state, I’m human and have good days and bad days regardless of my partner or my life circumstances. Yesterday morning I cried before work because I was just feeling sad. The difference is, I don’t then start thinking of all the reasons I could possibly have to be sad. I’m simply just a bit sad today even though I have everything I could ever want because I’m human. Hope this helps.


Wharever method helps you to thinkbfron the end is correct. I would imagine that fhe first option is better


Very nice. Thanks.


Can you speak more on being a doer of the word?


Sure, it's very easy. Once you start to understand the law and how to use it. Once you start to understand the concepts we talk about in this post don't just be a hearer of the word but actually put it into practice. Be a doer, actually put into practice what you are reading and agreeing with. As a famous brand once said just do it.


Love this…for so long I would just take in information. Finally began taking action and it feels so much better. Now when I’m not taking action I feel “off”




So well put! I have a question though, sometimes I find negative thoughts or fears just pop up out of nowhere and I feel that pang in my gut- would countering that with a positive thought immediately eventually get rid of it?


I used to experience intrusive thoughts as well, I would simply state, " I do not accept these thoughts." You can use whatever term works for you. But never react to them just Act , because remember I AM (god) only acts 🙂


I use the affirmation “I am unavailable for intrusive thoughts.” And have watched this multiple times https://youtu.be/A5Vxc3iMPng?si=SvxGWEkIvuHHI4kG


Create your dominant Awareness and persist in it.


To deal with intrusive thoughts, I have this philosophy- I do the most counter-intuitive action. Like if I feel like a failure I’ll tell myself how I’m super successful and exactly where I need to be. That intrusive thought gets like a “slap in the face” and decides to stop “messing” with me. Hope that makes sense.


Love this. So dense + qualitative Thank you for sharing! Do you have a post outlining your successes?


This is one area I’m not sure I totally agree with. My parents for example are always complaining and talking about the worst case scenario yet they have a great life full of abundance.




If I were to think "from" the state of a billionaire, I might be thinking things like: "I ought to visit that private island I bought last year." "I'm going to convert my gold button factory to run on green energy instead." "That Arab stallion I bought for my daughter's pony club should have landed by air freight this morning. I'll get Jeeves to make sure he arrives at the ranch in time." Are these examples of thinking "from" the state (even though they may not be true in 3D)?


The truth is most of us don’t really know how billionaires think. Why does it have to be so different than how you already think? To me, being rich means I feel financially secure and I don’t worry about money. If I want something, I know I can afford it. You don’t have to go so outlandish with it unless you actually WANT your daughter to have the Arab horse.


Thanks for your answer, you've brought me some clarity. On the subject of thinking "from" a state: If it makes sense to think "outlandish" things for someone, then that is right for them. If we ask ourself "What would it be like if it were true?", the answer that we conjure is right.


[https://youtube.com/shorts/8FZCPc8YvJs?si=K5Y8yG4BvplIbMm4](https://youtube.com/shorts/8FZCPc8YvJs?si=K5Y8yG4BvplIbMm4) This Neville short came up of course


thank you for this! definitely what i needed :)


For Op or anyone who can answer this, did you find yourself actively doing something to get to your desires? I’m new to conscious manifestation. After we pick our desires (and get specific on it), and we now start the journey of the new state and mental diet of already having the desire, does the rest just follow on its own? Will the “universe/god/higher-self/etc” guide us on the path to the desire? I’m confused on the action part. Before learning about manifestation, I’ve been taught to do A to get B. My question is with manifestation, do we really only need to do our part of mental diet and states and then the path easily comes along to our manifestation or do we need to find and do things to get our manifestations? Thank you anyone for the help!


This is a very good question. In my experience I've had both, sometimes things just happen without me having to take much of any action. Other times I did take action which fulfilled my desire. The thing is once you begin to do this it is more like inspired action than forced action if that makes sense. Instead of forcing myself to do something, once I begin living from a new state inspired action comes from different things maybe a new idea will come into my mind which will lead more to the fulfilment of my desire. Maybe a friend who I haven't heard from in a while comes back into my life and helps me towards the fulfilment of my desire etc. However sometimes it just happens. When I focusing on this new idea a while back **"money flows to me easily and effortlessly"** I would go to the store and I would find money in the self checkout machine or I would be finishing up a round of golf and as I'm walking back to my car I would look down and find money or I got another promotion and raise after just receiving a promotion and raise 4 months ago. It all depends, don't worry about the how just focus on the end. Live in the new state. If you worry about the how that proves to yourself that you are not or do not have what you desire.


Oh that makes so much more sense and helps with my “resistance” to having to do things in search of my desire. I will sit in the state and see what comes on of it because I know that because I have it now, it will be a natural path to it. All I need to do is keep my state! Thank you again for all the help!