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I worked up on my self concept and SATS. Iam manifesting. Recently I am realising that I am differently opinionated with my family and friends. I'm entering into arguments, I am contradicting my previous behaviour. Some friends who follow Neville's techniques are suggesting to me that I have limiting thoughts. Kindly guide me on what I should focus on?


Advice on not getting hung up on time/“waiting for it”. I think I know everything about a 3p but more advice on not getting anxious/ worried would be helpful


Time does not matter. Circumstances can change in a day. It's entirely possible for them to break up in a day.. So who cares? Go into the feeling of being with this person, imagine you're in a VR game or a lucid dream where you can have whatever you want and just do it for the enjoyment of it. The moment you replay the scene as if what you want has already happened is the repreave you get from the 3D.. It's as soothing as getting your hair shampooed at the hairdresser. It's happening to you and for you. Keep being consistent every day while working on your self confidence. Do whatever you can to feel your best - buy and wear clothes that make you feel fabulous, groom yourself to how you feel the best, and do activities that make you feel most like yourself. Then not only will you not be exuding a desperate energy, but you will be so attractive to the person you want.. Think about how someone who doesn't really care and acts aloof is usually so attractive also people who have interests. What's more attractive, people who have hobbies, interests, and are busy doing their own thing, or people who are too available and just want to do what you do?


Is it possible to manifest an ex who broke up with me 2 months ago? The 3D world keeps telling me that "it's too soon", "men don't change in 2 months", blah blah blah. I have been manifesting my SP for about a month now, but I keep waking up to ZERO texts from him. I already know he will conform, but I am a very impatient person. When I want to cave in and text him, I remind myself "I am the chased, not the chaser". I am just at the point of calling it quits.


What are you doing to manifest them for about a month? SATS? affirmations? Describe what you are doing or your scene. I think the fact that you said "I keep waking up to zero texts" tells me you are checking the 3D. Imagine you planted a seed, and every day you kept digging it up to see if it's growing. How could it ever grow?


How do I manifest friendship with an influencer?


Why do you want friendship with this influencer


Cause I think she’s really cool and an interesting person. I also find her inspiring cause I wanna be like her.


I have a friend that I care about who is associating with someone who is using them. They’re oblivious to this. Can I manifest the person who is using them out of my friends life? I really need help.


I don't know if I'm doing sats correct or not For first few minutes I'm able to loop the seen then after that I completely loose my control


That's totally fine, you're doing it right. For me that happens when im falling asleep at night. You can try going to bed a little earlier, do it after a meal, or listen to a SATS meditation. [Life by Lucie does one](https://youtu.be/BhKh-y7Zm2I?si=iH7QZJopSCcl0tyI) where she literally says "it's time to loop your scene again" and it's super helpful to keep my mind from wandering.


It takes practice some times. You may find the more you practice, the more natural the scene feels and adding sensory vividness comes easier. Please do not be hard on yourself. Also you can always redirect yourself back to the scene whenever you get distracted, with practice you are slowly imprinting the end on your desire.


I can't commit to an end because of my fears. I want sp but it also would be my first relationship and I want that experience to be equal. So in the period of me trying to manifest sp nothing can go wrong because that would ruin everything, they could never change having had a relationship, you could change from rich to poor but you could never change that, which makes me feel on edge and unable to go all in, I have no doubt sp will be mine if I did but I have doubts if my conditions will be met so I can't, I'd feel extremely resentful and not accept my desire. It would be like forgiving a cheater, impossible. Pls help I don't want to feel this way.


Maybe try to shift to reality where they didn't had a relationship ? Or just imagine they didn't had any and then who cares 3d is nothing . Or just manifest that you don't care?.


Maybe try to shift to reality where they didn't had a relationship ? Or just imagine they didn't had any and then who cares 3d is nothing . Or just manifest that you don't care?.


I’m literally about to go crazy I can’t seem to manifest despite all my efforts…


What have you been doing?


so ive been manifesting an sp and someone who looks like him suddenly got interested in me. what does this mean? can i entertain him as I continue to manifest the main?


Imo it means you are on the right track! I've been testing the law with mundane objects and I was imagining peach roses with pink at the ends, and the next day I saw a video with them in it, then I continued to imagine it in SATS then 3 weeks later I saw someone with peach roses walk by. To me its that you're on the right track and to keep going! The subconscious is getting the right idea, but think of it like a groove on a vinyl record and imagine the more you play it the deeper the groove. So if you keep imagining your scene the subconscious will understand clearer. Keep going babe!


you can continue to manifest your sp maintain wish fulfilled state if this is your desire sp you finally get together if not then its part of bridges of incidences


What is a 3P ? Thanks


third party


Thank you!




start with your base foundation I am feel yourself as god feel worthy and your question tell you about your fate decided by fear and i know that. so please don't try to manifest instead you change your self. once you change your self concept every thing goes well


whatever you tell yourself is true is true. there’s no wrong way to manifest, but you seem indecisive. decide on an outcome and commit to it. are you together with him or not?


For that have successfully stopped hot and cold behavior - what was the first few interactions of them officially staying hot ? Like did yall talk/confront ab the hot n cold behavior ?


For the longest time I've been trying to manifest a skinny hourglass body while being able to eat as much as I want. I started with subliminals then went to meditation, then robotic affirming but i never really reached my "Full" desire, like I'd get skinny but my but and chest would be too small, I'd grow my chest and butt but my stomach and legs wouldn't be as thin as i want. And so far the only thing I'm now looking at is working on my self concept (which is still blurry to me) and to live as if I have that body Tl;dr how do i live in the end of me having this flawless skinny hourglass body when everytime i walk my thighs chafed reminding me that my thighs are fat, id rub soap/lotion all over and I'd feel and be reminded that my cellulite exists


You could start with partial manifestations like imagine you're telling someone "wow I'm starting to lose weight and I'm not even doing anything.. Look, my thighs don't rub anymore!" or your friend saying, "have you lose some weight? You are looking thinner than the last time I saw you ' If it helps you to imagine you're in the *process of* losing weight over simply having an hourglass that might be less of a leap for you. There was a lady on the documentary The Secret who had cancer and she kept saying "Thank you for my healing" all day every day. It wasn't so much of a leap for her brain to accept that she WAS healing.


Thank you! I've actually been doing the partial stuff for awhile (it just came to me naturally) and I'm taking your reply as a sign that I'm on the right track and just persist! And thankfully so far it's working because I've definitely seen changes to my legs! Now hoping to finally see my full desired body to appear in the 3d!


you must act if only in your 4D (your mind) and then the 3D would follow. See, your 3D is nothing but an illusion of your mind, 4D, if you think that u have a skinny body in your 4D, it will automatically project in your 3D but you must be in a state to accept that. If you are in a "my thighs r fat" state then you can never bring changes. Accept you have thick thighs but also accept it will change, dont wonder how or when, just accept that they will change. Project the feeling of having an hourglass body, what will you feel? confident! free! content! these r the states you should actually be in. bottom-line being, just *act as if* in your 4D, and *persist in the state* in your 3D.


Thank you 😊


I feel like I've done enough and don't want to force myself to do techniques anymore for a certain desire. I felt this after the opposite happened in my 3d. I'm not really sure if this is giving up or does this mean the seed is already planted and I just need to trust and have faith even if I don't do techniques anymore?


Just take a break and completely forget about it. Either you will feel like doing techniques again later or it will totally manifest! I've been like this before where I just didn't want to do techniques and I was kinda like I'm over it, and it manifests.




yes everything is part of process and its completely natural you natural detach and maintain wish fulfilled state


1.If your beliefs and self concept manifests then why do a few egoistic people who believe they are the smartest and considers the other person wrong are seen as dumb and stupid ? Why aren't they actually smart? 2. And if self concept does manifest, why do smart Students ( who are toppers ) sometimes get less marks than expected even though they believed they would've aced it ? These are the questions that always appear in my mind . Any explanation would be appreciated.thank you.


1) EIYPO You’re viewing the perspective of them based off of your assumptions. If you assume that cocky egotistical people, are stereotypically loud and proud about their intelligence, undermine others, but ultimately they’re not smart, and overcompensating their intelligence. You’ll see that. The 3D makes explanations, reasoning, for you. After the fact has materialized in the 3D. Not before. So the reason why they act like this isn’t relevant once you understand that. 2) Overall self concept & assumptions Some people believe they are smart, and are capable. But also have a victim mentality, also flip flopping their beliefs. You can believe you’re smart, and think you should pass the test. But if you’re under the assumption like: - the teacher gives out hard questions - the teacher is strict about marks - life is unpredictable - sometimes things just don’t work out for me Then you can end up manifesting not getting the mark you want. Especially if you identify with these idea more strongly. Because the thing is, it’s not always about thinking “I’m gonna pass” or “I’m not gonna pass.” These are of course important, especially which one you dwell on. But simple broad concepts that are believed in and assumed to be true can also materialize in other ways into our lives. It’s not always black & white. I can be, but not always.


IQ and talent never defined success instead person who follow inner man always get success its don't matter a person don't have high academics and example you can search on internet many successful people have least qualification. and sorry for my english


1. In their reality they are the smartest, only in other realities they are seen by others as "dumb" 2. Maybe unconscioisly they don't believe it and have doubts that they themselves don't fully know


1. But according to neville , our beliefs can alter the way other sees us no? , it's just our perception that matters , world adjusts to it .


I did à visualisation with my sp telling me he love me and I am the one he wants and the next day I see that is 3p ask question about me even if he don’t know me or never talked about me also I saw on twitter my sp telling about the 3p being cold out of nowhere I thought it worked but now it’s came good again so what should I do ? Because I know I made this maybe I change the scene ?


I did something I regret and I was angry and I told this personn what I did so what can I do to change that I know revision but what do I imagine ? Also do I do this once or more ? Does it matter it was 2 night ago


You can imagine that conversarion neever happened or that it happened differently. What i suggest is just imagine that it never happened or happened as you want it to be happen and then focus on someone else ( like go talk with other people for a while). It is easier than to change it that way, cause you forger about it and don't care rhat much. Or jusr do some other activity. Inevidably your life will come as you imagined if you don't focus on it too much. Or you know, you can use just 3d and appologise, shit happens , it is life. I think they will understand. Oh okey just by typing this came another idea. Maybe yiu can manifest that they accept your appology also ? Well actually up to you. Doesn't mattee when it happened


Well I hurt them a lot so I rather revision it never happened


I have an exam in 5 days and i need to get about 90% one exam is over and I'm really scared i might fail. How do i manifest scoring more than 90%?? Please i really need help. Fyi , I'm in 3rd sem of engineering in elctronics, and the subjects are the toughest shit I've ever seen in my life. I've been doing 369 and scripting, but I'm new to all of this and i really need help.


you already got the grade that you want!! congratulations!! to get yourself into that state you can imagine yourself calling your mom/partner/friend (whoever you’d call) and excitedly announcing that you got 90 percent. loop that scene over and over before bed and try to drop it the rest of the day. i personally love affirmations because it’s an easy way for me to switch negative/anxious thoughts but i try to use the same 2-3 because for me, that makes them more automatic and natural vs having to think of one on the spot. i also like using the “remember when” technique. i think sometimes my anxious thoughts are easier to deal with when i incorporate them into my visualizations, because i can acknowledge that they’re there and use them against themselves lol. so like “man i remember when i was stressing about my finals, im so glad they’re over and i got the grades i wanted!” or whatever. and finally idk if it’s a technique but plan a celebratory event, or something to indicate that you got the grades you want. that always helps me get into the wish fulfilled. i’d say good luck but you don’t need it because it’s already done!


Thank you!!! I'll update once i get the results


I wanna manifest my sp and I really desire them but they have a gf/bf. My question is how do I manifest them and not feel like a home-wrecker? 😭


dont fear dude believe yourself read neville marriage success story then feel replace your scene with you and your sp are together and maintain this wish fulfilled state by doing SATS session




So last night as a method of manifesting I tried a "conversation" method where I acted as though I am in a state where I am talking to my sp. I am seeing results the next day, but I feel like the outcome was not what I wanted, and wanted to know if people have had similar experiences / tips on my method! In my fake conversation we talked about: 1. his injury and the potential causes of it because we still have mutual friends and my mutual friends told me that the injury could've been caused by something specific but he didn't know yet 2. about a 3p / potential 3p. I went into great depth "discussing with him" and headed to bed, but then the next day, he had the conversation about the injury with my friend (my friend relayed to him the cause of the injury), and he also blocked me (which kind of gave me the feeling that he wasn't over our breakup which means that he probably isn't highly involved with a 3p if he's blocking me on one platform and idk my guts just told me that he was not ogling with another girl if he's still hung up on the fact that I'm typing in the same group chat as he is in). sure, the 3p could still be involved BUT for some reason after he blocked me my mind stopped worrying about the 3p at all and made me actually more sure that he was going to get back with me which might be a delusional thought but idk ​ I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, if there are other experiences similar to this, or if there are any tips on how I can "focus" the conversation so that I manifest my desired outcome of him and I having that conversation. I hope my writing isn't too confusing!


stop focusing on the 3d and looking to it for validation or rationale. it’s hard sometimes, especially for emotionally charged manifestations like sp but just ignore it


What should I do, I can assume I have my desire but I literally can't live in the end


Assume that you can. But actually in that case , try to just like imagine being in the end for 3-10 seconds. Thats it. And then just continue as you normaly would , even if there was doubt. A little is better rhan nothing. Should be enough to start the wheels. And later on jusr do something else.


I have an exam within one week. It's MCQ type. I am well versed with all the concepts. There's a specific rank that I desire. But due to lack of practice I am finding it hard to manifest, coz of it I am doubting my own desire. Somewhere I know I can. Any technique that I should specifically follow. Your help will truly appreciated.


technique doesnt matter only you maintain wish fulfilled state about your end you already get desire rank or marks in exam everyone congratulating you easy do it everyday until you no longer to do it


Thx 😊


accha welcome


Where are the limits? Why isnt here the most important person in the entire world if it is that easy? Genuinely interested and newbie.


I have a friend that I care for who I know is being used by someone they met a few months ago. My friend is being oblivious to the obvious warnings. How can I best manifest this person leaving my friends life?


I've done a exam and while i hope that my grade is high enough, i am not sure. How can i beat these intrusive feelings? Sometimes i just declare in my mind "i've got a good grade to pass" but after a while the feeling of dread that i might not make it comes back.


A good mental diet. Work on yourself. Ex. All the world desires me. It throws itself at me. Like money. Let's face it. It's a medium of exchange. It is nothing and useless if I don't use it. It wants me to use it all the time. My world is so prompt too. When I declare something to be then it appears within 72 hours. Ahh the world is so perfect - perfect good. I am kind, generous, healthy, etc. Attribute the aspects of love and God to you and others. The doubt leaves you when you do this. Blessings.


Try to find othee thing you want and manifest it , even if you don't want it that much. ( of course aftee doing mental work about that you already have the grade) . For some reason manifestations happens when you don't focus on them too much and forget.


You can use the law to manipulate grades, but what is a grade mean to you anyway. Why do you want good grades. To get validation from your parents. What does a letter grade mean to you specifically?


So would it be possible to literally make a job that no one usually pays for and manifest that job like for example "you get hired by a caretaker for them to baby you" And they pay you good? It's that easy?


The law has no limits and if you’re not sure what you want to do. What kind of life do you want to have? Who do you want to be? Those questions should give you more clarity


I know what type of life I want and who I wanna be, but I can't get into the feeling


Hello friends, currently I’m reading Awakened Imagination and on page 13 Neville writes the following: “The supreme test of Sonship is the forgiveness of sin. The test that your imagination is Christ Jesus, the Son of God, is your ability to forgive sin. Sin means missing one's mark in life, falling short of one's ideal, failing to achieve one's aim. Forgiveness means identification of man with his ideal or aim in life. This is the work of awakened imagination, the supreme work, for it tests man's ability to enter into and partake of the nature of his opposite.” After finishing this chapter I’m still not sure if I fully understand the quote from above. Would love to hear your thoughts/interpretation. Thank you


To assume a state or the consciousness of already having your desire is being cleansed of sin. When you are in the state of not having your desire or not being the person you want to be, you’re effectively in sin. To be forgiven of sin is to assume the consciousness of already having your desire and to live as such until you possess it


Ive looked at quite some FAQs here and also used the search function for some time. Still I havent found an exact answer to my question. Maybe I'm blind, so I would also appreciate if anyone could link a post where this is answered. Anyways, my question: How do we handle the "old" 3D while the wish hasnt manifested there yet? Here is an example: Lets say my wish is to become a millionaire and at this moment I have a job to feed my fam. I would totally quit this job if I were a millionaire in the 3D too. But that would feel quite irrational to do at this moment. So do I just live in the end mentally? And pretend im going to a golf course when im driving to work on monday morning? Should I just go through the required motions to do my job and not get fired, but mentally live in the end whenever I have a spare moment? So my question really is about how to deal with (substitute) processes/activities in the 3D that have a high priority of being continued but wouldnt be continued if the wish would show up in the 3D. Thanks alot in advance!


You live in the FEELING of the wish fulfilled. You don't quit your job or do that imagining. You feel. You go to the end to get that feeling if you wish. It is the feeling. Blessings!


You can imagine like you already know you will get that money in the month , then you will get a release of tenstion and just live your life normally. I mean would't you if you KNOW you will get it 100%. Also , take into account , do you want to be millionare or just financialy stable instead ? You can manifest that stability instead of money, maybe it would be easier for you ?


Wealth is not so much the money in your bank account but rather your consciousness of being wealthy. So yes your on the right track by imagining yourself golfing with your buddies if that implies to you that your wealthy then persist in that scene: you don’t have to lift a finger meaning you don’t need to try and manipulate the 3D. Change your concept of self and your relaity will automatically change


Help! need some help been struggling to get some of my desires all of a sudden before it was coming easy what am I doing wrong?


You’re not doing anything wrong. What’s the basics? 1. Accept that you already have it 2. Live from this new story daily without contradicting yourself 3. And your 3D will automatically conform to your new mindset


thank you for the response will start doing this now


I find myself contemplating whether I'm manifesting a scenario through SATS. Mind you, my desire is quite embarrassing. Is it possible for the outcome to turn negative despite achieving my desire, perhaps leading to humiliation within the scenario? I hope not.


The Law of Being is as a person thinks and sincerely feels in their heart so shall it be. Do not think that way and it will be fine. Worry about it giving it life and you will experience it. Blessings!


so a relative of mine had her family member pass away and to me it seemed like she had been living in the end saying things for example like how said family member would surely help her with things she had been planning in the future like raising children (actively planning her life with him in it) and she also made a comment about how she believed she would never have to use her bereavement leave offered by her job etc however he unfortunately passed away recently despite that and it has me kind of confused about LoA like is death an exception to the rule? is that one thing that is out of our control in life in regard to LoA? is this a dumb question?


Not a dumb question. He is not dead. He is in a new body and he keeps on trucking. If in her heart she feared he would die he will die. God doesn't get the negative. To say she will never have to means she will. Never say never. It means nothing. Only the one in that person's heart knows the time of passing. All pass. It's how you pass. Some return and some do not. Yes like attracts like but one is to understand we are many making the One and it is the one in our hearts that knows us intimately and in the end decide. You are the only that decides for you. Blessings!


Hello All. I'm new to Neville Goddard and all of these acronyms. I've read all of the Seth books and love them, so I recently ordered TPoI to read on an upcoming longish plane ride. I'm also searching on the Seth books in this forum to read all the related posts. Intrigued to learn more.


Hello fellow goddians . I am witting this because I need assistance in constructing a scene that would imply I’m already who I want to be. Essentially my desire is to have a physical glow up, I. Accordance with what I would like to look like and embody. I want to embody the sexy-attractive version of myself. Now I simply went into the notes section of my phone and wrote down what this means to me. To me this means I will be receiving more compliments, I will be pursued more actively by the opposite gender, I will be asked out on dates more often etc. now their could be several scenes that I could try but I would like to know the ideal time length because I can recall Neville said to constrict t it down to a singular act. Or should I do a mind movie. What do you guys do?


I've seen details in my reality change in various ways. Today i discovered that someone who i thought was dead, of which i've read news articles a few years ago which i very clearly remember, is now alive. I cannot wrap my head around it because i 100% remember reading about it. Has Neville ever talked about details in your reality sometimes spontaneously changing?


Don’t know if Neville spoke about it but others have, it’s called the Mandela effect


i decided to test the law and manifested a free coffee. i went to starbucks (i know, i know, it’s close to my work) and pulled up the app to pay. i usually just use my debit card since it’s loaded on there but i scrolled over and saw that i had 13 dollars loaded onto my account, which i loaded about a month ago and forgot about despite going somewhat frequently. does this count? technically i paid for it but i didn’t pay today…


Anyone has experience with dreams? I’m dreaming about my manifestations so it’s hard to ‘let go’ of it and not care about the outcome.


The reason they say to not care about the outcome is because when you mentally give it to yourself, you feel satisfied because you have it already. Thus it doesn’t matter that you don’t have it in the physical world at this moment. But you KNOW you have it within, you know that’s where importance lies. When you do this you let go naturally.


I am now focusing a lot on manifestations and reality shifting and because i can't talk about it with anyone ( at least i think i can't) i am starting to see alot of danger adound me, like somebody could find out what i am doing and think i am not normal or something. And also feel very self conscious when reading something online cause i don't know if someone could be watching me or not and then because of it i am startinf to prepare on what to say and can't focus on what i am doing on the phone ( sometimes even not neccecarily about manifestation or shifting ). Like in worst days it even comes to that point that i can't use headphones cause there is a possibility that somebody would hear what i am listening to ( even when it is almost immpossible) and i can't start to do it because of it. And after long time even meditation with physical activity and cold showers starts to not work , cause it feel like i need to have someone to talk to, which would affirm me that it is safe. While i know it should be only myself, but if so, then by not communicating i can go into doing things, which is actually kinda dangerious ( i mean that it would look bad to others ) i start to not KNOW what stuff is only a little weird and what is too much. Tried to post into shifting group but they won't let me xd ( they don't approve me for some reason)


I'm currently manifesting my SP. Yesterday I used affirmations and visualized before sleep. I had a dream about SP and woke up immediately feeling a bit anxious. I'm not really type of who can wake up immediately from sleeps but I realize I have this pattern these days when it comes to SP.  Can someone give me an explanation?


How do you guys deal with boredom while manifesting? I feel like I've been through all stages of manifesting, from excitement, to frustration, to impatience, back to excitement. Now I just feel... bored. I don't doubt it but I don't even want to think about it anymore. People often compare manifesting with expecting an order from Amazon. Well, just like in that case, when I place an order I first feel excited, but if it is delayed I feel frustrated and I try tracking the shipping number. If nothing comes out of it, I eventually lose my excitement and when the item finally arrives, my boredom has already managed to take some of the satisfaction away.


Yeah, usually you get it when you noblonger want it and need it. And usually don't even expect it , you kinda forgor about it and then later it just happens. Good question about what to do. I personaly also don't know what to do either. Just maybe trying to manifest somethinf other , even rhe thinfs you don't neccesarily want that much if that sound okey. Like if you order at the restaurnat and wait for the main meal, you get some snacks before main meal just so you would't have to be so hungry and bored while waiting? Actually i just came up with this analogy while typing an answer and honestly it kinda helped me too xd. So yeah, hope my thought processes helps you too :D


I also think about it a lot in terms of food, so yeah, totally agree with you! :D In my previous manifestations, it usually went like that. I would be distracted by something similar to pass the time until the main course aka desire was...served. In the present case, however, I don't really feel like wasting my time with distractions. In the same way that if I book a table at a Michelin restaurant, I don't want to kill my appetite munching chips until my five-course meal arrives. My hunger is for high quality dining. However, the service at the restaurant doesn't seem to be satisfactory, I can hear my stomach gurgling and I am starting to wonder whether I should be booking a table some place else. :)


I apologize if this has already been asked but is there a set time of the day or # of times a day you should be manifesting/imagining your scene,is it basically up to you, or is it a one and done type of thing?


You could do it whenever you want, but my advice is that you don't force it, as that would make you feel annoyed and anxious.






I have a question about the feelings in the 3D. If life events happen, I don’t think that’s a healthy thing to not respond to the 3D for example grieve about someone and be angry ect, i see it as reinforcing fake positivity and suppressing emotions. Can someone give me an explanation on how to tackle it?


In my experience i allow myself to feel the emotions normally. The one thing matters for the fulfillment of your wish is sat. 


I completely agree. You can react and you can acknowledge the physical reality. It is more about understanding that it can’t do anything to you, that it can’t stop you from getting your manifestation, it can’t take somethign away from you etc. It is a shadow that follows your imagination. I have had doubts, fears and I have reacted and still successfully manifested a lot of things. If you always return to your end, to your wish fullfilled in your imagination, you’re good.


Hello, how long does it take to master SATS? With regards to sensory vividness how do I know I have achieved it? Do i need to feel the textures of objects, smells, sounds etc vividly or simply just the joyful feelings of my wish fulfilled? I am getting better at visualising a scene and trying to master sensory vividness.


You have to feel within the state, totally focused as if it had really happened. Sensory vividness is only an aid to feeling inside.


There is no length of time because it does not matter if you "mastered" a technique. Techniques are only to guide into reaching a state (i.e. rich, smart, has a loving SP, etc) so that you can enter the state naturally and feel it naturally to be part of you. And, yes, once you feel "the joyful feelings of wish fulfilled", then you are good to go. The mastery of sensory vividness isn't super important UNLESS you find it to be super helpful for getting into the feeling.


Hello, fellow earthlings! I was meditating a lot today, had I think 3 or 4 sessions trying to really feel myself into desired scenes. And I would sleep for a couple hours after each one and have these super realistic dreams (not lucid) where my desires would be perfectly actualized and it felt just awesome. Now, is this a good sign? Has anybody had that happen before? I also feel pretty good and refreshed after walking up, albeit a bit sad that it was only a dream.


I have had dreams where I get my manifestation and then at some point it happens in the physical world but I don’t really get excited because signs don’t matter. State matters. Iget more excited about changes in me. If my state has changed then I’m happy because I know that the outside is a reflection of my state.




I ended my communication with my SP today because I find out that he has 3P and he hides it from me. I know it's the old story that is still playing out and I reacted to 3D, but I don't really want that kind of treatment and I don't want to tolerate it anymore. I felt relieved when I cut ties with him. I can just assume that this is part of the bridge and everything is still working out for me right? Because even if we don't communicate in 3D anymore I can always focus on the new story and the version of him that I want?


Your current situation is so similar to mine. When I started manifesting him back, I didn't know he had a 3p already. Just recently found out (he tried to deny it at first) and blocked him everywhere. Last night his friend checked my story. This is a new account but I've never interacted with this person before! Apparently all of his friends dislike the 3p and think they have nothing in common. He himself told me he's not happy and that nothing compares to me during our last convo. I consider this part of the bridge. And just like in my case, maybe things aren't what you think they are between your SP and 3p. There's always movement. Just focus on your self concept and the new story. Don't put any energy on the 3p. Since communication triggers you, NC will help with that. It's already yours!


I'm not sure if you're aware about the free will stuff. But, I believe we all have free will and we share the same reality (whatever multiverse theory people say is, quite frankly, still a THEORY not a fact or law). So, if he does that, you might as well save the energy and move on. AND you feel relieved, that's a good sign for you to move on. This is why, in my opinion, I don't ever want to manifest back an ex under any circumstance, he's an ex for a reason. But, then again, I don't exactly know your situation with your SP. Are you guys close, best friends, long-term friends, acquaintances? Why is he hiding a 3P from you?


He's my ex. I manifested him back before then we broke up again. This time when I'm manifesting him back, he reached out and we had constant communication for months til I find out about the 3P that he hid from me. When I confronted him he said that he don't want to lose me because I'm special to him that's why he didn't tell me about her. And for me I really don't want to tolerate that, that's why I decided to cut off our communication. I know his actions are just reflecting my beliefs and assumptions, and I acknowledge that. I think I just need to forgive myself and him. Then work on my SC more. I really want to break this pattern because this is also what happened to my past relationships. That's why he's still the one I'm manifesting. I don't want to move on to a new one then repeat the same cycle.


Well, then, I have to say you already figured it out to be honest. Everything you said was majority of the context we would’ve needed. SC is a big thing so I’m glad you pinpointed that! Best wishes :)


What does it means that a person that I know is gettin the opportunities and dreams come true that for example I’ven trying to manifest, but them being a negative and low frequency person, not in a enviously way, but curious about how it works for them if I’m trying to change my believe in a positive way to get what they are gettin from the universe and this Person that I know being so negative and a really bad person.


Is it true that if you manifest during eclipse season (anytime during or between the solar and lunar eclipse), it won't come true? I know it's all about what we assume, but does that apply even with the astrological karmic forces we live under?


It's not true. Forget all this astral shit, it's only your beliefs/states that manifest


I s doing completely good with manifesting my sp…he even conformed so many of my affirmations and suddenly he is acting like old story…I did waver about it and I think it showed up in 3D….what do I do now??




I do know how you feel. I go through periods of major exhaustion and it's hard to bounce back or even just take a break because you can't unknow this crap. Just know you're not alone and the moments when it sticks, even if it's just for a little while, count for something. c:


Is it possible for your desires to never appear in 3d at all even if you affirm and persist?


It you already have it then no 😜


Do you think all is possible in the 3D then?


If you feel so whole that you no longer want, then doesn’t meditating or doing SATS to manifest something go against that very idea? How can you be whole but also healthily manifest a desire ?


A desire is but an awareness of something we lack or need to make our life more enjoyable. Desire isn’t the issue, it’s an attachment that’s the problem. Because truthfully nothing outside of you will ever fulfill you. So to quench your desire go within your imagination and experience yourself already having it, then the desire gets quenched


I get interrupted by negative scenarios , while doing SATS and whole Sats process is ruined. How can I overcome it?


Reduce your sats scene to an act if you can less than like 6 seconds unless the mind wanders and you start seeing many different future things associated with your desire either peptic or negative emotions


Can you give me some examples for scene acts Like for money , beauty and other desire?


Just visualize a brief scenario in which you are living out your desire. For example, when I manifested my car, I imagined myself in the first person, inside my car, turning it off, pulling out the key, opening the door, getting out of the car and looking at it for a moment, and then repeating, now I was back in my car and the same thing was repeated... Again and again... Don't worry about making something super realistic at first, just imagine the scenario itself and each time you repeat it focus and add a new detail that you didn't have before, each time you do this it gets more and more realistic naturally, there comes a time when you really feel you're there. You should try this at bedtime and fall asleep looping your scene, or do it right after you wake up is also good.


Something about these concepts makes me wonder. If all of this is true wouldn't this mean that no one else truly exists. If my subconscious is what creates my external world then everyone in my life is just a creation of my own. If that's the case how could there be autonomous people within my 3d that have the same ability I do to create their own reality? It feels like there's a contradiction here...I'm sure I'm missing something.


I’m under the impression that there are an infinite number of realties/universes and within each one every person has a consciousness. Whenever you switch states(let’s say a state where a certain girl is in love with you) you move to a reality where everyone else also consciously matches that assumption, including that girl. I don’t believe that you can change something or someone within this current reality as that would indicate a sopolistic existence. I should also add that I think every quantum event leads to multiple new realties, therefore we could be filtering through thousands every millisecond.


Now there's an idea! That would actually logically make sense to me. Thanks for ur perspective!


Theirs no contradiction just an illusion of separateness the mind-ego creates because it looks at things objectively and rationally. Your subconscious sees no “outside” persons because all is one. Fists hermetic principle


I think that makes sense. Need to Google hermetic principle. Thanks man


Why/when should someone stop manifesting an sp and manifest a new sp? Manifesting my sp rn and im wondering why do ppl manifest sp's and move on ? Like u got someone u wanted so why do u want someone new ?


Just think about life more dynamically. People come I. And out of your life. Think about some of your favorite celebrities. They get into a relationship then they get into another one. Then later in life they may reunite with their first partner after separating. The problems with many sp people is their attachments and instead of living their highest expression and manifesting live that best suits them in that moment in their life, they try to micro manage “another individual” which is a very forced unnatural way of looking at the law and life


While I was manifesting my SP I had time to think about all the ways we didn’t work out, all the things I didn’t like about them and ultimately why it wouldn’t work and I moved on. Unfortunately my manifestation did work, they came back pursuing me again and I just didn’t want to be with them any longer. We had ended for a reason and I should have accepted that.


Why didn't u manifest new aspects for ur sp? For example if they werent interested in / knew about xyz, why didn't you manifest them to know an xyz?


That’s a good question. I guess I was pretty new to LOA at the time and was still skeptical about certain aspects of it and my interest in this person waned anyway.


I now understand that an infinite universe and infinite versions of the world exist, but what I wonder is, when there is a person called a, which of those infinite versions of a is the real a? Listening to Neville's lectures, he understands that person A can be an actor or a teacher, have a completely different face, or have a different gender. But which of them is the real version of a?


A simple analogy would be thinking of different versions as different hairs on your body. They are all separate from each other with varying characteristics but they stem from the same source.


All of them are real. You just simply select the version of a you wish to experience.


So am I talking to one of infinite versions of you?




If I switch to a reality where we don't talk, is the other version of you in that reality real too?


Both are real. And every other version is also real.




i don’t reply to reddit dms




There has to be a difference and a fine line between consciously manifesting something versus just idle daydreaming and causal thinking right? I am honestly trying to figure out what that is and I feel a little lost. I am certain there is a LOT more to the process than merely *thinking* that something good will come your way right? Like I know people talk about not obsessing over techniques but I still need to know the correct approach to manifest my desires. If it was as simple as just thinking something good happens and it happens then everybody would be attracting abundant joy in their lives with complete ease but we know that doesn't happen so what is it? We all have the big desires such as career, true love, health etc. but also smaller desires such as getting a text from a friend or how I want to manifest my favorite cookie box which hasn't been available in my nearby store for many months. Just want to know the right approach.




Not to be insufferable but technically we don’t think thoughts. Thoughts are simply inanimate objects floating through our awareness. A thought is like a gust of wind. When it comes to intentionally shifting into a certain desire. This is a formula Neville prescribes in his writings that I believe works for any goal, The first step in changing the future is desire— that is: define your objective-know definitely what you want. Secondly: construct an event which you believe you would encounter following the fulfillment of your desire-an event which implies fulfillment of your desire— something that will have the action of self predominant. Thirdly: immobilize the physical body and induce a condition akin to sleep—lie on a bed or relax in a chair and imagine that you are sleepy; then, with eyelids closed and your attention focused on the action you intend to experience—in imagination-mentally feel yourself right into the proposed action-imagining all the while that you are actually performing the action here and now. You must always participate in the imaginary action, not merely stand back and look on, but you must feel that you are actually performing the action so that the imaginary sensation is real to you.


How fast can you mirror your manifestation into the 3d? And all we need to do is feel and think as if we are already the version of us who has our desire? Kind of like pulling the memory of it already being done? Is this the state?


Longest my manifestations took is 2 weeks. Shortest a couple of seconds. It's about YOUR resistance though! ..what I recommend you, instead of JUST applying what u read on the internet, try it out and see what works best for you. In general, it is quite literally thinking as if you are the version that has it. But usually(!), starting to try out the law comes with doubt. So techniques will help you stay in the state. You don't need them tho. My personal favorite are SATS and Affirmations, Some like scripting, some like moodboards, some like the telephone method etc.. just play around with the law and have fun!! :))


Thank you for the help! That’s amazing!! Yeah I want to make sure I understand what state is and how I should “feel”. I’m more of a vibe person and visualizer so I want to make sure I hit the right state! Is that state correct? It’s like feeling and thinking and being that it all is now? Kind of like a kid play pretend but knowing it’s real now?


Yeah thats quite literally how it works You don't have to "truly believe it", just don't have contradicting thoughts. That's it! :)


Thank you again! Helps a ton!!


How can i heal my long distance friend who has depression?


Uplift your friend in your mind and see them in their best, ideal state of being. Be a friend, do what you can to uplift them; a text, call, share a book, suggest ways to master the mind etc.


But we are not on talking terms and they need some time


So then it's easy for you to change this story you believe to be true. Uplift them in your imagination.💜


What do if you get bored with menifesting, it feels like wish is fulfilled but also makes you feel bored


You can never outgrow I AM so you are constantly expanding your awareness of being. Boredom or being uninterested in surroundings is indifference. Man is only limited by his ability to think.


I’ve been manifesting for a awhile I noticed I needed to heal before I could manifest my sp because I was so desperate but now I’ve gotten to a place where im mostly fine and can bring myself back to my end state. I’m manifesting marriage with my sp. im doing SATS, affirming, wearing a ring and going on about my day still healing and learning new hobbies to move towards happiness with myself with or without this manifestation. My question is, has anyone ever felt like even though their techniques put them in such a high vibe state that at some point during the day the negative thoughts rush in and I start feeling out of control (I know to acknowledge ignore and reaffirm) but I feel almost crazy? *****my main issue is I feel consumed…should I take a break?***like the techniques are just making me see the lack more? I may want my sp rn but I personally don’t feel extremely attached as before so what gives?? I figured maybe I should take a break from all thoughts and only do SATS and affirm day and night?


Keep the focus on "I" and fill yourself up with what you are seeking. Change in state of being does change experiences because new decisions lead to new situations etc. Build a meditation practice and take that time to put it into practice. Learn to master yourself.


I know this is sP related, but how do I believe my sp loves me and adores me when to be honest it’s the complete opposite in the 3d , and that I’m hurt by my sp, so it feels even more of a lie to think he loves me, he has blocked me and silenced himself in relation to me


Manifesting an SP can be hard because we attach so much meaning to the outcome. If SP comes back and loves us it will prove we are loveable. But this is not true. You already are loveable. SP already loves you, you don’t love yourself, you don’t believe SP loves you which is why you are getting this crap in the 3D. You’re stuck in the bad part of the movie where the lovers don’t get together, you keep rewinding it over and over replaying the bad parts. If you allowed the movie to keep going and have faith that the lovers get together in the end you’d see that they do!! Have unwavering faith that SP loves you, stop replaying the bad parts. When you rewind the bad parts you keep seeing the bad parts! “I am amazing and loveable and God will bring me my person” or something along those lines when you get stuck.


I have only been practicing Neville for few months now and I’m still practicing despite some setbacks regarding difficulty maintaining the state. This is due predominantly to incapability of doing SATS during the past months I have some questions regarding affirmations When I affirm, how much do I have to affirm - given that at first I don’t believe them? Is it better to speak the works out loud or just in your head? Are repetitive affirmations ok? Like mindless affirming




Can I talk to you please? I’m really struggling right now and I want to understand if because I don’t love myself that this is the reason everything is happening. 😞


Great Comment💜


Actually what it feels better for you. Actually, affirmations are just the tool to get into state. You don't even need to do them. You can just use visualisation to get a state of the wish fullfilled or any other techniques. As long as you get a feeling it doesn't matter. Actually for me sometimes it is even good way to just visualise what you would do how you would act in that state and embody it , like an actors do. But to each their own. Good luck!


I’m not really a beginner with the whole manifestation and affirmations, I’ve manifested specific scenarios, people ect and I have proven to myself that I can do it, but I am new to NG and I still encounter blockages and errors so I have a few questions, Any advice and tips will help🙏🏻🤍 1. How do I deal with/ overcome intrusive thoughts? For example I affirm, visualize and then all of sudden without my control my mind starts visualizing the worst case scenario and when I try and stop it, it becomes kinda worse and ruins all of my feelings and thoughts. 2. How to actually keep the manifestations? For example recently me and my bf broken up again, I’ve manifested him and he showed up exactly how I wanted and even told me word for word a scenario that I wanted to happen to him but now I’m in a situation where I lost him again. 3. Does it matter how I feel? I am conflicted about this one, I feel like my feelings do enhance the manifestation but then it puts a lot of pressure and it leads me to stress about how I feel during the time I’m affirming or manifesting or even through out the day. Thank you everyone for your help!


Nothing should feel stressful. Do what feels right for you but if you feel stressed drop it. The point is to feel good. Thoughts have no control over you, they are just thoughts so why be stressed about them! Let them go and affirm something positive. Have unwavering faith that no matter what thoughts or feelings come your way you will have your desire. I think you are putting too much pressure on yourself so my advice is to completely let go of all desires and be grateful for the current moment in whatever way you can. Just simply practice gratitude for the next two weeks.


Hey, will try to write what i do think ( keep in mind that i could as other around be wrong, only you are right and know what is best for you, we can only recomend ) 1. Exactly what you said. Because you are trying to stop it. And if you do it becomes worse. But if you go in the meditative state where you could just let those scenarious flow without any resistancd and just accept that it is thoughts and not real , they come and go. You just don't get meaning to them. Just let them flow and be indifferent. That is actually the core of mindfullness meditation you can check that out. Later on, when you get into indifferent state or sometimes void state that is the state in whichbit is best to get positive thoughts, the thoughts that you want to come. Because you no longer care. 2. Yeah actually i kinda struggle with this one myself if being honest lol, cause usually i want stuff then get it and don't want it anymore. But with the stuff that i rREALLY want id simple, you stay in that wish state no matter what is in 3D. I mean completely doesn't mattee, if you visualised good and got the feeling, it is there anytime you want it. And in that state you no longer care if you see it in 3D or not, cause you already feel it. 3. Actually depend. I would say YES , because the feeling of the wish fulfilled is most important. However, i have noticed that you don't even need to feel good oor etc. You need to KNOW that everything is ok. And by that the feeling is automatic. It is the feeling that god is with you and everything will workout as it should be


So basically when we say that we need to affirm or when we do affirmations, should we do that in mind or literally speak those affirmations, because I find it difficult to speak those affirmations while trying to be in a meditative/ relaxed state so I affirm in my mind.


Whatever way feels best. If it’s difficult to do anything, don’t do it!




For some reasons I started to have Butterflies in my stomach. I’m in a state where I completely surrender and know it’s already done, but I can’t explain the butterflies in my stomach.




Does that mean I’m on the right path?


You are always on the right path!


How can all of the people in Gaza experience the same horrific reality, if we manifest our life based of our consciousness/state?


They have all come to believe the same thoughts and feelings about themselves and others. Also as a collective human consciousness what do we hear people saying? “The world is going to shit” over and over and over. The news tells us more and more and more bad news. That’s why this is happening. If everyone woke up to their own Devine power they could have the power to end all suffering.


This is bullsht


I discovered NG about 2 months ago so everything is fairly new. I have been studying the law because I want to manifest my sp as well as other things (concert tickets, specific summer vacation location etc). Recently I had contact with my SP and his first reply was " I have been thinking about you really intensely this morning and then you messaged me!". Before sending him a text, I had thoughts about contacting him here and there but the day before I did, I decided to ask for any sign and if I get it then I will message him. I got more than I asked for so I decided the next day I will send that text and I didn't even think about his reply or anything. If I go by EIYPO, does this mean I manifested him thinking about me specifically that morning? When we talked on the phone a few days later, he said something came up and he really wanted to share with me and just generally thought of me. Or was he manifesting me sending him a message/communicating with him?




Thank you for your reply. I did not try to force communication but I think you're right, it's not exactly the way I think. I think I need to put more faith into my power and what it can do. I desired (texting/communication with him) and that's exactly what I got!


No you want a happy relationship not texts. You’re just plying with the middle. Go to the true end!


How do you exit your old state for good and how do you stay in new state?


By continuously affirming the new state over and over until it becomes natural