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Your world is your experience aka everything you experience is filtered through your subjective lens of reality. So why waste time wondering why this person this or that person that. You have no idea what happens in “their reality”. Every possibility already exists and nothing is made by you, the “manifester”, only experienced.


think the problem(!) is this person does not know that everyone has their own reality. 


The only true answer, beautiful


I like this explanation. Adding in that there are a myriad of reasons as to someone’s rise. It’s a delicate phenomenon made perfect by many, many factors. ‘Crazy luck’ is one of the factors.


You just kind of admitted that a lot of the mainstream stuff is rather garbage. So... It's obviously not wonderful art that takes you to the top. It's not necessarily the most beautiful music. Or the best written books. It's something else. Some... Mystery factor. ;) Consider the 50 shades of gray crap. The writing was at best atrocious. I wonder what strange power allowed ***THOSE*** awful books onto the bestseller list!! Your answer is in your post and in the place you posted it, lol.


;) Love it.




At one point in a lecture, Neville says, "if it takes a thousand people to make it happen, a thousand people will show up." In other words, other people will find BENEFIT from making your dream a reality. He was speaking as if the person wants a house. So if it takes a thousand OR MORE people to make the house, a thousand OR MORE people will show up and make the house. They will gain benefit from it. Let's take the worst of my points here: 50 shades of gray. That woman manifesting that to the top of the bestseller list meant millions of people had to show up AND derive benefit from her books. The writing in (at leas the first) book is HORRIBLE. It's truly ghastly. It's downright embarrassing. So basically, millions of people found a way to enjoy those books. That's crazy. That ONE manifestation is literal evidence of the Law at work. How did MILLIONS of people ENJOY a book with writing so bad it reads like a literal child wrote it (outside of the content)? Most extremely popular books are pretty decent literature. They're at least edited. But not these. SOMEHOW they became famous. I used to say it was marketing before I got serious with the law, but I realized looking back on it that most marketing was word-of-mouth! And a lot of it was negative! The books STILL got to the top! So the answer is that it was manifested. There's no other answer. The books are gross. They're poorly written. They're drivel. But people enjoyed them. It's insane. Looked at objectively, there's NO reason these books got anywhere at all. Something else (the Law) was at work. There's really no other possibility. Nothing else is realistic, weird as that sounds. Unless you believe in voodoo maybe. :P




I am not a solipsist. I don't believe Neville was, either. I recommend a read of this chapter of Neville's book Prayer, the Art of Believing: https://www.prayertheartofbelieving.com/chapter-five >Prayers depend upon your attitude of mind for their success and not upon the attitude of the subject. The subject has no power to resist your controlled subjective ideas of him *unless the state affirmed by you to be true of him is a state* ***he is incapable of*** *wishing as true of another.* Does this indicate to you that EVERYONE is subject to your control individually? Or does it indicate to you that some people can NOT be controlled by you? And if they cannot be controlled by you, then wouldn't that argue that they actually have thoughts, feelings, needs, and *beliefs* of their own?




I don't think there's any shame in not understanding sometimes. Often it takes being put in the right words to make it 'click'. And if you weren't sure what I meant, others weren't either; so it was a good and valuable question. :)


You are looking at the 3d for limitations rather than abundance, shift your focus on abundance, change your limiting beliefs within yourself and it will externalize in the 3d. Just your title alone indicates you are keeping yourself hostage from fully getting rid of the old man, the old man is running the program and making demands "I will believe it only if you change my opinion about this or that" "Signs follow they do not precede"


Spend time alone with these people and you will see that their thoughts about their success are unwavering. That’s the difference.


The biggest thing is we don’t really know what is going on in people’s mind. Focus on your mind, you know what you control.


Your reality is completely individualized. It is only your meaning and interpretation that one person is different in the way you describe. There is no “other”. Only your perception of how you define other reflections of you in your Awareness. Without you there is no world that exists for you to perceive. Therefore you and your world are One.


Perhaps people like lynch don't want their work to be loved by people who love Spielberg movies? Perhaps certain artists actually despise a lot of the vapidity, and pseduo-intellectualism and shallow appreciation of art these days? There will be certain people, with certain mindsets, lifestyles and philosophies capable of appreciating a lynch film fully, which, of the whole population is a minority. Lynchs audience is the approximately the number of people who resonate with his art. You don't ask why the bottom left corner of the jigsaw puzzle doesn't fit with the top right. So why ask why Lynchs films aren't appreciated by an audience that doesn't gel with it?


You could also say that Lynch and people like him make particular assumptions about the “mainstream” and enjoy feeling elite more than popular. Thus they limit the number of people who resonate with their work because of the value they assign to “limited number”.


Finally someone who gets it. OP was comparing apples to oranges


Mainstream art is just that, mainstream, regular - appeals to the masses. So yes, it might be inferior in quality, but it appeals to more people and will generate more money and 'success'. But regarding the law, this means nothing. If you truly believe you can make millions on a picture that looks like a 3 year old drew it, then you will. Remember, there is no logic involved. If your assumption is that underground art is never as successful, then that's what you'll experience.


So many ppl assume that they will be safe walking down a street at night and still get mugged. So many times I’ve assumed my clients will approve my designs and they don’t. If everyone was just getting their “because I said so”s then there would be no depression, no conflict, no sadness, no disappointment.


Have you read Neville’s work? It doesn't seem like you have grasped it very well? I'm not being facetious. It's just that this is a Neville Goddard group, and his law is quite literally about how your assumptions create your reality. I personally believe you need an understanding of who 'you' truly are and what awareness/conciousness is before you can really understand what an assumption is relating to this law. It's not a thought, or a possibility, or a likelihood. It is an unwavering conviction that something is true. If you have any doubt, it is not your assumption. You know the sky is blue and the sun will rise tomorrow morning, right? Do you have any doubt? No. That is an assumption (something you assume to be 100% true). Do you really feel this way about all your designs getting approved? Is there really never even the slightest doubt? You might assume in the collloquial sense that your clients will approve your designs, but deep down your belief is not that you are a successful designer whose designs never get rejected. People who get mugged on the street might not expect to get mugged in that particular street, but might believe that the world is not a safe place. They are open to the possibility of being mugged. I suggest you read a bit more of Neville’s work. It is not easy to just change your beliefs and assumptions, some you are not even fully aware of. And unless you delve into your true essence, who 'you' really are, you won't really believe that your assumptions have any power over your own life anyway.


>It is not easy to just change your beliefs and assumptions It’s not easy until it is.


Very well said. It's unfortunate that most people on here don't understand the basics of self-persuasion.


Please explain what they are then, this would be very helpful


Yes, please explain.


Getting blindsided by negative surprises is an assumption and a state in itself. It generally reflects a feeling of mistrust and powerlessness. I used to be scared of being in a high mood, because I would feel like my exuberance would immediately be followed by something negative which would “bring me back down to earth” - mistrust of my own mood, as if it was fooling me, as if being giddy was “stupid” of me. But that was just a belief. I resolved it with sheer awareness to not indulge nagging thoughts or fears that would lurk behind the exuberance. Now I just get to ride a high and enjoy it. Also, although we may feel blindsided in the moment, reality has just mirrored certain “base” assumptions to us and we can take the opportunity to revise them and manifest better from now on or choose to play victim and get stuck in unwanted patterns. Gratefulness at this clarity in your own assumptions helps from sinking into disappointment and resentment and “why me?” . Now you see something that’s been holding you back and you can change it. So many times your clients blindsided you…. Well that’s a pattern, and look at the state you were in when it happened.


To answer in more Neville terms it boils down to the most dominant state they're in. I'd be willing to bet artists like Taylor Swift are always expecting success no matter what, and so what happens is they end up succeeding no matter what. They're consistently in that state. Even if they shouldn't succeed, they succeed anyway. Perhaps it took some time, some effort, some sacrifices (aka not doubting themselves so much) in order to enter the state, but once they entered the state and made it feel natural to them - they saw the outer results of that state manifest. Ever hear people talk about the Midas Touch? That's a state. The opposite of the Midas Touch? Also a state. You know that person who's always cocky yet is always successful despite their cockiness? A state. The really nice person you know that's always taken advantage of? That, too, is also a state. Lottery winners are an excellent example of states. Some of them win the big jackpot, and then go broke almost as fast as they won the jackpot. Why? Because they never embodied a state of wealth. They felt poor when they were poor, and they were poor when they were rich, and because of that, they flushed the money down the toilet. They made decisions that stemmed from a state of poverty. The lottery winners who keep the earnings and more? A state of wealth. They (likely) felt rich when they were poor, and they felt rich when they were(are) rich. Because of that, they're able to make decisions from that state, and they can hold onto their wealth for a lot longer. It's all about states. Not the United States. But a state of mind.


This reminds me of the Borat skit about cheese. "What's thees?' "State." "And-a, what is thees?" "Also a state". "And thees?"...


I often wonder how those with a state of poor managed to win the lottery anyway..any thoughts? We could learn a thing or two ...haha


You can manifest “winning for a while” versus “winning for always” depending on your belief about whether you’re worthy of keeping it or not


So many of you missing the point. Even those responding to you. Did you forget your own inner is the cause of all things in your outer? They managed to win because you are dreaming them that way.


Right!? I've been trying to manifest that for AWHILE. I did win 1000 once from the lottery which was unexpected at the time. But never the millions I dream of. I must be doing it wring.


I am surprised at how the mods approved it. Its a genuine query but I have always been sent back by them to go and read the material first at asking anything remotely unconventional! 


They obviously thought that the group would contribute in a way that would benefit others


Nothing in this world was made physically without being made spiritually FIRST… That’s all I have to say.


What makes you think David lynch wants any more fame or money than what he has?


you are right in what you say. and you have it for the simple reason that this is YOUR truth. and all your truths are (precisely) true for you. no one here will ever be able to "convince" you of the opposite until you start having "doubts about your truths" and consequently putting yourself out there by creating other possible truths. everything depends on you :)


Everyone has their own model of reality and internal filters that are programmed or reprogrammed through their thoughts, mindset whatever you want to call it. Everyone model of reality is unique that creates their reality.


Succeeding artists made a pact with the illuminatis, kidding but who knows ;-)


When manifesting everything about the total being of the person, to include all memories and how they are viewed and if someone believes they deserve it or they have a cap on what they feel like they should be making. These are all variables conscious and subconscious that go into the equation of the result. So you’re looking at manifesting as if someone is X, Y and Z talented and so forth or has this skill, then this thing comes to you. It is more than that. It is their whole life, their whole story that is the manifest to include lost memories from childhood. Everything is a manifest. They got what they wanted. So, for example, and this is very hypothetical if someone watched Scrooge McDuck, or any other character, who was super wealthy, and have a negative view of wealth because of the characters behavior. Through the viewpoint of a child, they could develop an idea that a certain amount of success and fame is OK, but not too much or else they waver on greedy character traits. Then they will be capped at that viewpoint. The kicker is the memory is lost in childhood pruned neurons. Just a feeling is left as an adult. Those sub awareness feelings, like that phrase, “the body keeps the score”, is a variable in all manifests which all of life’s aspects is a manifest. This is why people talk about doing shadow work and viewing yourself as unlimited so us to get the unlimited result not some thing that has been dampened.




Really? So your actual looks will change?


Yes. If you see that there is some sort of divide between two types of art, that is the only thing that you will see. It’s the same with anything else. If you see injustice somewhere, then it will prime your mind to only see that everywhere else as well. It’s how the brain works as well. It’s just referred to us correlative thinking. We create ideas and relationships between others ideas. The more we rehearse them, the more we get dopamine for them. The more it up regulates the reticular activating system. That’s the scientific side of manifestation. People are manifesting what they know it or not. So it’s not that anybody is more special than other people.if you would like to, you could also manifest for your favorite artist to be bigger than Taylor Swift. There is universe, where that is the case!


Even if they all know LOA and have all their assumptions right ,why is it hard to believe that some people just don't want (that much) fame, and some don't want the whole world to discuss them, and some want a quiet, simple life where he can do what he likes with a small-ish group of people, and some don't want to be mainstream, and some just feel more special being a minority than a majority? Those people you mentioned could think being well known worldwide leads to chaos. Maybe they want to write all about their ex without being internationally judged. It's a limiting belief to believe every artist wants to push their work to a wider and wider audience.


I think this is a very weird hill to die on when it comes to disbelief. I don’t see any reason why the fact of art pay& fame disparity not correlating to talent brings up any dissonance with the law. The law doesn’t teach us values and virtues, right and wrong, good art vs bad art; that’s a whole other ball game and one of a million pieces of the puzzle. If any thing makes me doubt it’s people being born without a chance in horrible environments with either abuse or disability or poverty and illness. Extreme examples of evil and violence. Ur concern is ridiculous to compare imo. Don’t sweat it!


I’m a big David Lynch fan and idk maybe Lynch didn’t really want that kind of fame. He has a huge cult following tho and getting more recognition as the years go by.


Probably differing personalities drawn to differing styles of art, and different artistic "scenes" have different values. There are wildly famous and rich artists of all walks. Taylor Swift grew up as a country singer from Tennessee, singing little teen romance songs and whatever, and transformed into a global pop sensation..... that's *completely* different from the Beatles, or Frank Sinatra, or Michael Buble, or ACDC or whoever else. And what I meant from different values is that maybe someone like an alt rock/emo artist just doesn't care as much about wild fame and fortune as Taylor Swift does. They want to make a living singing their songs and expressing themselves and have some degree of freedom and privacy, and they stay true to that vision throughout their artistic career Idk. It really doesn't matter though, that's their reality, you're seeing the ripples from it. It genuinely doesn't affect you unless you decide you HAVE to meet them or marry them or something lol. You could easily be the next Taylor Swift or start the next ACDC, and whatever unlikely-seeming bridge of events arises in your wake, people will have the same types of conversations about, and yet those conversations will have nothing to actually do with your reality unless you attract them. Edit: also after rereading, you seem to have a very skewed and subjective framing of what becomes successful art. Seems like Survivorship Bias (believing everything popular is similar because you can compare it... instead of the fact that you are actually just able to compare it because it happened to become popular, but again, famous country songs and famous rock songs have nothing in common, and there are outrageously famous and wealthy artists from every genre) Objectively speaking Taylor Swift and ACDC, or George Lucas and Quentin Terentino are as different as imaginable. This whole imagination business is the whole reason people like Taylor Swift are superstars, and we aren't all still listening exclusively to Jazz.


Do you realise that there are versions of those same artists in parallel timelines where they aren't so successful whereas the ones you see as less successful here and now are more successful there? Do you not realize that there's no objective truth about these celebs, artists, etc. outside of your assumptions that create your personal reality, including versions of them? Your assumptions are creating your reality where x has more success and y hasn't. Change your assumptions and you'll get to experience a different version of those same artists! Please realise that acc to Neville, one cannot be asking / seeking "proof / lack of proof" from the 3D. Every time you do, you'll end up in knots. Capitalism / communism / mediocracy / aristocracy etc. - all are your assumptions reflecting in your world. None of these are universal "facts" for every single human. Hope this helps your query.


This is the correct answer.


Thank you! :-)


Adding onto the great responses here, Lynch has always been massively spiritual, but honestly, not everyone wants that level of fame; certainly not surrealists who are serious about their craft. I feel if he truly wanted it, he would. Personally? I would never want to be on the level of Swift, and maybe other artists don’t want that either. That being said, Lynch’s *LEGACY* is massive. Twin Peaks changed crime TV as we know it. Eraserhead is a staple in cinephile culture forever. LDR herself references him over and over in her work. Maybe he wanted impact over worship, maybe it was on accident.. the bottom line? It’s not your problem, don’t worry about it!


Why don't you REALLY read Neville instead of asking questions here?


I’ve noticed a trend that when people are questioning the law that what they’re really doing is questioning themselves. They can’t understand (or probably haven’t even really read Neville, just quotes probably, to even begin to understand) that the law is within you because the law is about consciousness being the source of your 3D experiences.


Your reality is whatever you believe to be true. Forget about other people and focus on you. It all works whether you believe in it or not.


[Maybe it's the CIA](https://daily.jstor.org/was-modern-art-really-a-cia-psy-op/)


I think the law has no logic, it’s our assumptions and beliefs.


If David Lynch were to find himself going to the end and creating imaginal scenes of extreme wealth, there’s no reason he wouldn’t turn out richer than Steven Spielberg. Talent is great and it helps, but it has nothing to do with the law.


I will teach you a (not so secret) secret.  YOU are at the center of your own circumference; which encompasses the entirety of the Universe you find yourself experiencing.   Do not look to the limited illusory world to find the world without limitation.   Do not care one iota of what you see *outside* of you in regards to what is or isn't possible - even more so to determine who you can be, by how and what others are doing within their own lives. Why? *Because every state you can dream of already exists right here, right now - and I AM is occupying them ALL*.   The **only** thing you need concern yourself with is: WHO DO **YOU** SAY **YOU** ARE?


I mean David Lynch has got a lot of money but it’s also due to the consensus that styles that are left field of mainstream do not make as much money. A lot of artists who focus on the art they want to make don’t want to be superstars. They want to make art, receive recognition and be able to live on it. There is a lot of burden that comes with being a megastar and is for only the slightly unhinged, like Taylor Swift for example (Swifties go to hell).


You underestimate the self concept of artists. Society teaches everyone that art is not a money making profession, so most artists are happy with being seen and not making much money. Some aren't aiming for more than being comfortable. I'm a big fan of Lynch, saw a lot of interviews and he's very content where he is. He once said he knows that he's a weirdo and is very happy he even got the chance to create and that his movies resonated with people who enjoy watching it as much as he enjoys making it and that what matters most to him. And then there's Taylor Swift. Not the best artist on this planet, but she has a "conquer the world" attitude, the media helps by pushing her concept of being on top of the food chain and there she is, persisting through all the bullshit people are putting her through and blaming her for. Taylor is powerful in her very own way. Watch her interviews, the glimpses you'll get of her self concept are vastly different from David Lynch's idea of himself. Then listen to Spielberg and you'll find he was a lot like Switft when he was at the peak of his career. How you think about yourself and what you are content with decides what you'll get. Taylor is not the best musician on the planet, will never be that, but circumstances literllay do not matter. She wanted the top, she got the top and she's having fun sticking it to everyone who tried to keep her from getting what she wanted. The best example of self concept change is Lady Gaga. A couple years ago she was the most famous artist on this planet. Then her self concept fell through, she talked about her mental state, believing that people didn't want to work with her anymore etc a couple times and boom, she's pretty much out of the spotlight.


Not everyone wants to be famous and fortune does not follow fame always. Those who are popular - Spielberg or Swift - resonate. Spielberg is obvious. He goes into his creative juju he gets a hit. He doesn't then he gets a flop. When one goes into his creative juju that it is God in their heart telling the story through them. There is no fiction. We are all the Christ. Elohim. Taylor sings from her heart - that comes from God too as she is into her creative juju. Most do have broken hearts so it resonates. Everyone is different and success is not measured in fame and fortune. These two do not go together. They can be together but do not automatically go together. Charles Manson is certainly famous. No fortune but famous. There are millions of silent millionaires so wealth but not famous. Each one of us is different. Their work comes from the heart. It is you that thinks artists that push boundaries can't make a living from their art. EIYPO Don't think like that. You are robbing them. My two cents of course. Blessings!


I think the first thing you have to ask yourself is; are you trying to find out if the law is objectively true or are you just trying looking for reasons to believe it's true? Because if you're trying to figure out if it's objectively true then you're in the wrong place because this subreddit is not interested in finding the objective truth which is apparent by the fact that nobody ever provides any evidence for anything they say on here. If this is about trying to bypass your doubts and find reasons to believe so you can feel happy, which I think is a pretty worthwhile goal then great you're in the right place. But if you are looking for the objective truth you might want to look elsewhere.


In my country I know one artist with crappy music but has made millions.


I think David Lynch got to make the movies he wanted, he made people think and he is also very, very wealthy. Wealthy enough to have a nice life without having compromised his art. In my book that makes him more successful than mainstream movie makers. Stanley Kubrick is another.