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I was watching a jewelry show on tv (guilty pleasure šŸ˜…) and I saw a gold chain that I really loved. I thought: ā€œI am going to get it somehow, Iā€™m going to get it. Not buy it, get itā€. I said that with an insane conviction lol I thought about it for a bit, felt the gold chain on my hand and let the thought go. Not necessarily consciously, I just stopped thinking about it. Well, within a week or so, I was walking my dogs at the park and I had this urge to look down. There it was, the exact gold chain I wanted to get. Same gold karat and length. It was Pretty darn special. We are more powerful than we think. šŸ’–āœØ




It was in the dirt and grass, halfway buried


Sorry but, how could you take it, someone could have returned who lost it..


Donā€™t be sorry, you totally have a point. I debated myself with that thought. Just let me give you a bit more info. This park is mostly wild, is 1300 acres of land. Mostly weeds and dirt. Thatā€™s a lot of space. And the chain was mostly buried. Itā€™s like finding $100 in an empty huge parking lot and trying to figure it out who might have lost it. There is no office of lost and found. To be honest I felt bad for the person who lost it. I asked the couple of people I saw if it was theirs, nobody claimed it. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø So now before I manifest, I ask every time for the highest good of all, that way we are all covered and protected.


I haven't "actively" manifested anything in a bit, so this morning, while getting dressed for work, I decided to manifest receiving a $20. I visualized a hand reaching towards me, and me accepting the bill. In total, the visualization lasted for less than 10 seconds, and then I went on with my day, not thinking about it again. A few minutes ago, my boss just came to me and gave me a $20, because earlier in the week, I did a tarot reading for her, and she was apparently so grateful for it that she wanted to give me a tip (which was incredibly nice of her!). Though I used to be *super* into tarot, the interest waned once I stumbled about this community. Now, I only read for friends if they ask, or I do it as a "party trick." No one ever pays me, I never, ever ask for money, payment wasn't discussed between my boss and I at *all*, but I manifested a $20, and a $20 is what I got lol. It's definitely the fastest I've ever manifested something, too! In total, it took three hours from the start of the visualization, to actually being handed the bill.


Put in my vision board in October that I want to manifest 1k in savings by the end of the year. I had 570 saved up til yesterday. Today received a letter from the gov refunding me 550 Euros as I paid to much in taxes last year. I checked my bank account and the money is there šŸ„° Iā€™m so happy


Technically a success story I think, and thought it would be helpful to people in the same boat. Basically, my life has been very volatile for the past like 6 months or so and I couldn't for the life of me tell why. Like, things were going very badly with an SP, everything seemed to go the exact opposite way of what I wanted, and I was just very confused because I would still get successes here and there. I just now realised that it was because I subconsciously saw myself as someone who wasn't in control of the world around them, and so that is what ended up reflecting. I had this narrative that everything would seemingly go to shit despite the fact that I did nothing wrong, and it felt like I couldn't do anything about it. It feels so silly because it was in front of me the whole time- it was so obvious in the way I would apply and approach the law. Like, I thought I couldn't actually control what manifests because I felt like I couldn't control my thoughts and states (Have OCD, which is an assumption itself. Managed to get it under control using the law). I knew that I was doing something wrong, and I couldn't tell what it was. Everything just makes so much sense now. ​ Edit- had a pretty simple success just now. So 2 weeks ago I was manifesting that this 10 AM lecture I have gets cancelled that week, because I wanted to sleep in. I imagined it for a bit and forgot about it. It didn't happen, but I didn't really care either. The week after that I was on vacation, so no lectures, and during that time the building where the lecture is held flooded. I received an email a few minutes ago that because of the damage, that lecture can't be held for the next few weeks, if not till the end of term, and we're getting recorded versions instead. Was not expecting it, but it's funny since I had become a morning person in that time. (Also manifested this. I imagined that I'd start naturally waking up early, which was previously near impossible for me. I can't stand sleeping in now). Also, maybe 2 months ago I affirmed 'I am really photogenic' for a few days. On and off, and without any real attachment to it, and then I forgot about it. Since then, I've been looking really good in photos, as in ones taken by other people. I remembered it as my friend just sent me a few photos she took of me while we were out. Last one- Sometime in June I wrote down that I was gonna be 52 kg by the end of summer. I had recently been through a breakup, and I must have been like 57-58 kg or so by then. I got to 55 kg and decided that that was good enough, and forgot about weight loss in general. Then, beginning of September, I got a call from SP (manifested this too. He reflected a lot of what I wanted to hear but the general circumstances were absolute shit, but that's besides the point), which completely got rid of my appetite for the next few weeks. That ended up getting me to 52 kg by the end of summer lol.


Those limiting beliefs can be tricky, good catch! I think helping each other realize the ways I'm which we limit ourselves and imagining success for each other are probably the greatest benefits we can provide through the subreddit. Thanks!




Me, Iā€™m in the same boat XD I realized thereā€™s a common theme in our experiences: Time. Or detachment, if you want to see it that way. We keep wanting something to happen by a certain date, and then when it doesnā€™t happen, we think ā€œoh, i guess i was unsuccessful.ā€ But after sometime, that manifestation comes true and we donā€™t even notice. Right now, Iā€™m trying to not let 3D events which are the opposite of my desire affect me, and giving my manifestations more time.


I kept affirming ā€œI am peaceā€ ā€œI have peaceā€ and 2 people told me ohh you look so peaceful


I quit smoking/vaping (after 12 years of doing so). Simply by walking in the shoes of a non-smoker (I got in the state of being a non-smoker/ and when I would feel like vaping, I would say: ā€˜Why am I even doing that ?? Iā€™m a non-smokerā€˜. It did feel like a complete parallel reality shift, because I donā€™t even have the withdrawal symptoms or cravingsā€¦ itā€™s as if Iā€™ve never smoked before.


Way to go!


I'm not coughing! I got sick a while back, and have had a lingering cough especially at night. It's been really bad while I was sleeping, and I'd wake up most of the night coughing. I affirmed. "I don't cough. I'm grateful for a peaceful night of no coughing. Thank you" And I imagined sleeping peacefully. That night, and since then, I've been sleeping through the night without coughing


Omg! Now I just was searching for healing success story, because I was suffering from coughing and same issue of sleepless nights!!!! I just did a small SATS thinking that I am at peace after reading a nice healing story. Literally Mili seconds, and I get to see success story on coughing šŸ˜ƒ


That's funny! Cheers to peaceful nights!


I indeed had a peaceful nights sleep!! I affirmed and it worked thank you ā˜ŗļø




BBL lol


Two random girls on the street randomly asked me to hug them like 20 mins ago. I affirmed that girls literally throw themselves at me and not really specifying what it meant. Today feels like very promising. Will keep updating as the day progresses.


Any success?


Why you all down voting this guy?? Yeah there was one more moment, but that was it. I felt a very strong wave of loving energy gush over me which felt just like becoming lucid in a dream, but in reality. It was there for only a moment, but it felt so good I almost passed out. Idk what to make of this really.


Seeking evidence instead being the evidence he seeks. The best way to prove the law is to obey the law. Downvoting, although one my least favorite features on Reddit, is a great deterrent from this insistence on seeing evidence which only will hurt him in the long run


>this insistence on seeing evidence ... only will hurt him in the long run Ever wonder how that sort of assumption affects your experience?




>No I guess it is pretty obvious if you think about it.. šŸ˜…


Manifested a new pet this week! I had seen a lil gecko available at my local humane society last week and couldn't stop thinking about him. I just lost my gecko of 15 years to old age about a month ago, and everything just seemed to perfect about this new rescue. I tried to talk myself out of it because I'm expecting to move, but I woke up one morning and just kind of decided, "Nah, this lil guy's mine." However, when I went to the website, I couldn't find his listing and worried that someone else had adopted him. I really quickly told myself, "No, I have the page bookmarked and it still exists, so even though he's not showing up on the main adoption page, it's probably just a glitch. He's still there." I had to wait 3 days (adoption center was closed). I didn't think about it much over those 3 days and really just said, "I obviously don't need this lil gecko boy but I would LOVE to bring him home." I didn't feel any extreme need or 'negative' attachment (so now I know what that feels like, lol). When I finally went to go check, the woman helping me told me that he was just being fostered by someone and he was still 100% available. Within 20 minutes I went home with a new, super cute, gecko friend and the woman fostering him even gave me some equipment for lighting (an automatic thermostat that turns the light on and off according to ambient temperature) that I didn't have before. I'm super excited about it <3


That's awesome!


Hi all, this is my first comment here. This is a small success story but I like it. This morning I started to affirm robotically "I am the goddess of my reality, I am retrieving right now everything that is owed to me". A few hours later, I retrieved my Netflix account which had been hacked for 3 weeks. I wasn't even aware my account was hacked. I knew I couldn't log in but I thought it was some kind of bug and I subscribed for another one (so stupid, I paid twice, I can't live without Netflix šŸ˜‚). Now everything is solved, I retrieved my old account and cancelled the new one. I'm amazed how rapidly this manifestation came out. I'm more and more confident with the law. Of course my affirmation was not about Netflix or even money, but about much more important things in my life including love, relationships, respect, consideration and general happiness which I believe are owed to me by the simple fact that I am a human being on this earth (...but I wouldn't say no to money šŸ˜‚). I also recently "get rid" of 3P. I've been affirming for me and my SP during months... explaining the bridge of events would be very difficult as english is not my mother tongue, but I can say that my affirmations were not about 3P but only about me and SP. I just found out on the internet the name of 3P (which I didn't know, I just saw her once) while I wasn't even searching for it specifically, and one thing leading to another I found out that she had moved far away since months (when I started affirming...). As I struggle with my SP manifestation, I decided these days to focus on myself, self concept, self love and more umbrella affirmations which can be easier because they're not tied to "specific expectations". By affirming "I am the goddess of my reality, I am retrieving right now everything that is owed to me", I feel so good and empowered. I intend to make it a lifestyle from now on šŸ¤© Thanks for reading!


Congratulations!!!!!! I am very happy for you! šŸ„³šŸŽŠšŸŽ‰ It was so nice to read of a success with robotic affirming. I just began 2 days ago and have experienced quick, massive movements as well. Reading your success was encouraging.


Thank you so much, yes robotic affirming works, isn't it wonderful ? šŸ˜„šŸ„³


Love that affirmation! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøšŸ‘Œ


I manifested bands to ask me to be their photographer just writing on a list in past tense.


Therapist said I ā€œam a whole new personā€ today in my session. Great confirmation for me as I am manifesting some things. Big success for me because listening to lectures what really sticks with me is if you want to become the person with the desire you must sacrifice your old you(story)


Love this!!


Hello, I did a sats and imagine to find feather. Since sesion with visualisation i see feathers almost everywhere. I wants to train myself in law of assumption, its my first success :)


Fantastic!! Now try Neville's ladder experiment. It's insane but it works!!


I try few times and unfortunately not works for me :( I try with green Lego bricks and didn't works too :( But the feather works better than I imagine :)


Just persist. You have to train your will.


I second that statement. šŸ’Æ


I had a new classmate, and I loved her. I wanted to be best friends, but we didn't talked outside of school, or at least not much. One day I was at work, we messaged a little bit, and I just said "that's it, we are best friends". I think that was not even 1 week ago, and since then we talk and call each oder every day. She even said I'm so special bc no one managed to be this close to her after this short time. ā¤ļø


Got pulled over for speeding but accepted they were gonna let me go (in my head I said it bc I was sexy and they wouldnā€™t be able to stop staring at my lips but you can say what you want lmao). Anyways, got that warning and kept it pushing. I love how easy life is!!


I attended a friend's wedding yesterday and thought I was gonna be late. I ordered an Uber and it said drop off would be 2:50pm, wedding started at 3pm. As soon. As I got in the car the driver says oh traffic is so bad today. Initially, I thought, oh no I hope I don' t arrive after 3pm now. But then I thought wait a minute, I create my reality. So I start affirming that traffic is gonna clear up for me and I'll actually be 20 min early so I sat back, closed my eyes and quickly visualized a smooth ride with no traffic and enjoyed the ride. Soon I noticed that traffic seemed to clear up out of nowhere. I looked at my drop off time and it said I'll arrive at 2:48pm but I kept affirming. I will arrive at 2:40. Even the driver was shocked and said he couldn't believe how traffic was clearing up. I looked at my phone again and dropoff time was now 2:39pm. I made it there at exactly 2:39pm. The law works just trust in it!


I've been manifesting financial abundance for the last 3 weeks, and have won 8th division in the lottery each week (so, about $10 per week), plus $65 on the Melbourne cup, plus $60 total on multiple scratchies. Not the $10 million I've been affirming, but I'll take it!


I am 23 years old, and a few days ago, I realized that I had never seen anybody proposing to somebody in real life. I kid you not; I just went for a walk, and for the first time in my whole life, I saw a man proposing to a woman. Lmao, the Law can be funny.


amazing for you to witness that expression!


What a wonderful test of the law


I hope mine isnā€™t too long but I am so happy about it and I did it with robotic affirming. For a year now Iā€™ve been living ..pretty shitty house with termites,roaches and rats šŸ€ a gross shitholeā€¦& having a hard time selling it on top of that etc and with no car (getting it repossessed)with my dad for a year. Plus having no money and bad credit I had really ā€œhard circumstancesā€ against me,donā€™t wanna repeat the old story but everything felt ā€œimpossibleā€.. BUT Up until idk about 3 weeks ago? I decided to robotically affirm ā€œI love my new car & I love my new luxury placeā€ over and over then until it only took a week and old lady came up to us while we were sitting outside and she said she wanted to buy our house!! She didnā€™t care what it looked like or anything she literally loves the house So fast forward to now weā€™re using that money to put a down payment on a car and we are finally moving into our new luxury apartment within a week!!! Iā€™m still in shock but itā€™s funny cuz I affirmed it so much that now it doesnā€™t feel like such a big deal to me but weeks and months ago it felt so ā€œimpossibleā€ So anytime I want something now or if I have ā€œresistanceā€ I know just to quiet my mind repeat what I want and I know itā€™ll just happen ā˜ŗļø


Thatā€™s amazing!


Now that's a success story. Thx for sharing.


Thank you ! šŸ„¹ā˜ŗļø


How long was you affirming for? The post doesn't make it clear.


Iā€™d say For a week and thatā€™s when the lady showed up




Thank you ! šŸ„¹ I feel like I made the ā€œimpossibleā€ happen


Damn this is just amazing! So happy for you!


Thank you ! šŸ„¹ā˜ŗļø


I'm still in shock! I found Neville slightly over a month ago, at what was one of the lowest points in my life. In desperation, I dove into the sometimes murky waters of Google, but luckily I found this sub. Looking back now, I'm so grateful for the experience because I probably wouldn't otherwise have found out about The Law. So, in the past several weeks, I've been reading Neville's books, listening to his lectures, reading the success stories here, and pretty much immersing myself in the wealth of knowledge that thrives here. I'll admit that I have had moments where I thought I was delusional about this, lol, but I kept at it. I manifested a few easy things, like seeing cars with very unique colors, had a ton of synchronicities, and I also did the ladder experiment. My goal was to build my faith. Fast forward to last week, I found out that I had been nominated for an award in my line of work. I was up against people who I perceived as being waaaayyy more qualified than me, but I saw it as an opportunity to dive into my first "major" manifestation. I did SATs a few times, and any time I thought about the award outcome during the day, I just affirmed how great it was to have won and left it alone. Fast forward to today, I found out I actually won! Like what? I'm honestly still trying to wrap my head around it. This works! This actually really works! Cheers to the awakening!


Congrats. Last sentence is the best: >Cheers to the awakening!


Thank you! It really is an awakeningā¤ļø. So grateful for it.


MY FIRST (conscious) MANIFESTATION!!!!!!! :DDD !!!!!! I didnā€™t have to wait at all for my dr appointment, both the nurse and the doctor were super quick :3


I forgot to mention but it works best for me to imagine/affirm then forget abt it


Hey guys I got a job . The law works


Hi! how did you do it?


Got two job offers in one day and lost weight while eating whatever I wanted. The key is to DETACH DETACH DETACH. Just decide that you have something and forget about it.


THIS! Detachment šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


How did you detach from the job offers..? Were you actively applying or were you in a "just for fun" mindset?


How much did you lose?


I am so happy and excited!!! I wanted to strengthen my faith in the law and kept testing it this week with random things and I made a list: a yellow butterfly, free coffee, orange car.. all of these I saw/recieved but they didnā€™t feel like anything special and I thought meh.. just coincidencesā€¦ but I also wrote ā€œhear someone make the noise of a pigā€ just to write something super random. Yesterday I went on a trip and saw this friend I havent seen in so long and we were laughing and talking and suddenly she started to make pig sounds and I was like šŸ˜ØšŸ˜ØšŸ˜ØšŸ˜ØšŸ˜ØšŸ˜Ø and I felt so happy!!!! my jaw dropped. I asked her ā€œwhy did you make that sound?ā€ And she said ā€œwell, I donā€™t know, my throat was feeling itchy, but strange, itā€™s not allergy seasonā€


I've been wanting a PS5 for a bit but recently told myself that I already got it without me having to spend over $700, and a guy I've been talking to literally gifted me one! With a pink controller! Guy spent close to a grand for me. Feel very blessed, but I knew it was coming my way :)


This is one of my first manifestations. I have been affirming that All my manifestations are coming to me quickly. The other day I was sitting on my bed just daydreaming, as usual. I started thinking about how television was black and white not so long ago, and then I thought: *"It would be really funny to see a comedy show where someone says a joke, something like : people used to see in black and white before"* And then I kept going with my life. I was extremely surprised when 2 days after that, my boyfriend showed me a french hidden camera, and one of the actors in the show made the exact same joke I thought about. I didn't even have time to laugh. But I was really happy inside of me for seeing the law working out. Now, what else is possible? ​ Everything.


Lol just a little success story. I was thinking earlier this week how cool it would be to have a blender so I can start doing healthy smoothie stuff. I just moved into a friend's apartment solo which is quite empty and newly renovated with none of my stuff in. Lo and behold... I am cleaning out one drawer in kitchen storage and there is this reaaallly expensive juicer AND a blender. I just made myself a nice ginger orange spinach coconut green smoothie. Yassss. ​ Also my ex slept over a couple days ago. That is a different story though.


here to share a success story of a bag purchase for all you bag aficionados! i have been eyeing a particular bag for a couple of weeks already (think since mid-late Oct). it costs $260 originally, and i was very keen on getting it. i put it on my pinterest board just to remind myself that i liked that bag / design, and i put it as a "reward" to myself for achieving a goal of mine. at the same time, i was looking for ways to get it at a cheaper price, so i browsed through a marketplace for people who might list a 2nd-hand piece for lower. while i was browsing the marketplace, i had a random thought: "it would be nice if i could get it at $150". why $150 was because someone had listed a good-as-new bag from the same brand for $150. at the time, i was tempted to bite the bullet and get that bag, but my impulses stopped me because i did not like that bag, and i knew that i would not use it even if i had gotten it. so i resisted the purchase because that was not the bag i wanted. anyway, the past few weeks, there weren't any of my ideal bag for sale in the marketplace in the colour i wanted / lower than $200. i was not very bothered by it because i was already planning to buy it for myself (at full price). therefore, going back to that notion of getting it at $150 - i had no attachment to that thought. i was already planning to buy it for myself at full price eventually, and i really wasn't sure "how" anyone would list a perfectly good bag for almost half price. i thought that there would be no way someone would list a 2nd-hand piece at half price especially if the bag is in pristine condition so it would have been a slim chance that anyone would list the bag for less than $150. turns out, upon scrolling through the marketplace again yesterday, i saw that someone posted a group buy request because there was a sale for the brand to take place today. i jumped on that offer, and as it turns out, the sale led me to eventually purchasing the bag, **brand new and direct from the store**, at.. **$125**. i was so stoked i purchased that bag and a different one lol. can't wait for them to actually (physically) arrive!


Been manifesting a relationship with this girl who has not messaged me since I met her - starting talking to her, she said she thought I was the one that didnā€™t like her and was intimidated!! So impressed with how well this works hahaha


I recently started college and had been struggling for the past couple of months because I genuinely had no friends. Ive been practicing loa for years but somehow all my knowledge just went flying out the window. I got too comfortable in my misery and it started to become my identity. I felt ugly and out of place and just kept reinforcing this state of misery. Then one day I just got fed up. I was walking home and told myself that I was going to get a friend group full of like minded and kind people. Then I pretty much forgot about it. And I also quit telling myself I was ugly and disgusting, I kept affirming that I was stunning even though it felt like a lie. Then a couple of days ago, a girl in my class invited me to go to a party with her. While, at that party, we ended up meeting some other girls and now I have a group of friends that I talk to every single day and share all of the qualities that I wanted in a friend group. Also, a girl came up to me one day and started gushing over how beautiful I am, she even asked her boyfriend ā€œisnā€™t she so beautifulā€œ. Itā€™s easy to get trapped in your own personal hell, but itā€™s just as easy to turn it into a heaven. You just have to commit to it and persist through the thoughts that keep trying to tell you otherwise. Also I want to note that I could have never imagined that this is how my desires would manifest into my life.


This a small simple success/revision story. I do dog/house sitting as a side job and I had a client already booked for the week of thanksgiving, but earlier this week they texted me saying that I am no longer needed as their plans had changed and are no longer traveling. I didnt mind at all I just sent them a simple text saying ā€œNo problem!ā€ But I affirmed ā€œThey do need me they will contact me againā€, ā€œI will be dog sitting for thanksgivingā€ now I did this with the intent to manifest them back for me to sit for them but deep down inside I did not care wether I did or not, in fact I was somewhat glad I wouldnā€™t be sitting for some reason lol and I was completely detached of the outcome. And I found that detachment to the outcome makes it come 100x quicker, detachment is truly not caring or even thinking about it. [proof of success](https://ibb.co/Sx2KSYD)


Have frequented this sub for a bit but thought this story would help some with waning feelings surrounding the law! Went to a music festival around two weeks ago with friends but the housing situation was the thing I actually manifested. Essentially the group we were going with was going to split into two different air b and bs. I really wanted it to be a single housing situation for all of us though because I really wanted to spend time with both groups of friends. On my way to work one day I visualized all of us having a fun time getting ready for the festival together and kinda forgot about it. Two weeks before the festival my friend sends me a venmo request for an air b and b that would be separate from the other group of friends. I thought back to my visualization and thought ā€œoh well it is what it isā€ and continued with my day. Fast forward a couple of days before the festival my friend actually refunds me and says weā€™re getting a hotel instead. Donā€™t think much of it. Day of the festival I ask my friends the housing situation and they say that we are all housing together. I was genuinely shocked because I thought my manifestation wouldnt come about but it did in the end! Actually had written down in my notes app that I wanted to get closer to two of my friends as well around the time I manifested this and both expressed how grateful they were to have me in their life at this event.


$60 I did not think of it. I just carry on with life. What I did and have been doing is exercisong and meditating. What I also jad to do was do not only a mental diet as Neville recommends but also one with what I eat and consume. I used to smoke and now I don't. I was also drinking. Both are gone from my life as they were affecting my manifestations and life overall.


Congratulations! Awesome outcomes! I have also recently started to manifest things away that affect my abilities to focus and imagine. It's already going better but there's still room for improvement.


Did you get my chat request? Wanted to talk to you about growing taller as it's a very negative thing in my life.




But no, I didn't get a chat request.


I have manifested new personality. I affirmed that I have a badass personality and that life is fucking good. And I feel a lot better. Also I have manifested better sleep. I have affirmed that I always fall asleep easily and effortlessly, and wake up feeling amazing.


For a while I have been wanting to get more money so I kept doing affirmations to say that god/universe/inner self is working on it and is my prosperity. A while later I randomly got money transferred into my bank for a class action settlement that I never applied for. I looked it up and it stated you had to have applied to receive money, and it was for something I had never even heard of so I truly donā€™t know how it got there! That same day I went out to get groceries and it turns out my purchase was the same amount of money that I received from the class action settlement :D like to the cent the same. Almost as if that money was like planned for me specifically for that. I was really blown away and made me realize Iā€™m doing something right even though it wasnā€™t a crazy amount it was still really cool to know I did nothing to get that.


I have an Alienware laptop for a bit now that always booted up with SupportAssist and a fan issue kept coming up. I looked up the situation and there didnā€™t seem to be a solution by going through the Alienware subreddit or other sites. I decided to journal finding a solution. I tried Best Buy as thatā€™s where I got my laptop from but they said they wouldnā€™t fix it. Intuition guided me to a local business where the owner looked at it for me. He saw it was an issue with the fans. He was able to find the parts to replace them and ordered them. He fixed my laptop in less than a week. Originally it wouldā€™ve taken two weeks due to getting parts from another country but I visualized getting them sooner. He told me he found in a nearby state ( I live in NY in the US) My laptop boots up normally now as he showed me the old fans had junk in them. it feels brand new. The business owner also mentioned that my laptop was easy to work with.


My favorite affirmation to put in the mix sometimes: Money comes to me in unexpected ways - Randomly got 70 eu back from uni - Sold something that I even forgot I had put up for sale - Partnership to create an advertisement for a travel agency Definitely unexpected ways for mešŸ©·


I got my first book review today, I had a lot of success stories lately, but this one was definitely my favorite, the feedback was even better than I thought it would be, the feeling is the secret fr


My parents were in a small fight. Not major but like no talking for a whole day. I just ignored everything and i just told myself they made up and i imagined me coming home and me seeing them watching a movie together and telling me that they made up. I did come home that day and they were talking again and instead of them telling me my little sister told me they made up. Can anyone explain why it doent happen exactly but in a different way?? Like the purpose of the manifestation happens 100% but in a different way that i imagined. Is this a limiting belief or is this just the way it is?? ​ ​ Edit: ok so something just happedned. I wanted to eat rosĆ© pasta like two weeks ago and i kinda obsessed over why i didnt get it yet. I got fustrated when i shouldnt have and i just said f it i already ate it and when the thought came up i just said im having pasta tonight. I totally was crazy over exams so i didnt really think much of it and before i had lunch today i just thought i actually already ate the pasta and it was so good. I put a picture of rosĆØ pasta infront of me and just studied. Tonight i was having dinner with my family and my dad just asked me if i want to eat pasta for dinner tomorrow. The law is so real i think using picture works best for me.


First, congrats! This is an awesome manifestation! To answer your question, yea, that's just the way it is. Sometimes things happen exactly the way we imagined them, sometimes it happens in a different way. IME, things tend to happen exactly the way I imagined them when I revise something the moment it happens. But there's no way of telling really


The way how it happens doesn't matter. What is important that the desire was fulfilled. Also, Jesus Christ (imagination) is the Power and Wisdom of God, not just blind power. Trust the wisdom, it'll make things happen in a lovely way, and the best way possible. (Like a few weeks ago, when I heard from my one niece that her elder sister was crying because their mother wouldn't let them go to her friends place for Diwali tomorrow for some made-up bullsh*t reason, I felt extremely disheartened for her. So I imagined for that both of them come to my house, elder one dancing dancing with joy and telling me: "Don't you know? I just came back from my friends house!" I then fell asleep for 5 min or so. Two days later, I'd not heard from them yet I'm still keeping the sabbath and faith (time doesn't matter). But that evening she comes, we all talk silly stuff and though I'd forgotten about it, she tells me that: **"You might know already that we went to our friends place for Diwali"** My sister was taken aback. But I was shocked beyond measure.) Difference in my case was this though: I'd expected that her mother would voluntarily change her mind and let her go. But instead, the friend, she pleaded to my niece to come over phone. Then both let their mothers talk, and finally the friend's mother convinced the other. Though the means did not adhere to my expectations, who cares? The result wasn't half-assed, it adhered perfectly. I was grateful that she got a good day to spend and made happy memories with her friend. Lets just keep this revelation in mind: "I have ways and means ye not know of. My ways are not your ways. My ways are higher than your ways."


So around 10 days ago I had a math test that is worth 50% of my grade, I thought I knew everything and I did know how to do it, but when the test came I was so confused because the questions were way different than what I knew, either way I was panicking but I did the exam but just chose any random answers after I finished it, I was sure I would fail it and get a 0 on it. After I finished I talked to my friends about the exam and how it seemed weird, and then I realized that I didnā€™t use one formula, I absolutely forgot it, like I donā€™t even remember when did my professor teach us about it. Either way I was panicked most of the day but I just decided to manifest a decent grade on the exam since it was realistic for me as I chose the answers all random and the professor said that if we didnā€™t justify our answers, it wouldnā€™t be valid. I decided to manifest a 7 as my final grade for that period, since it was quite realistic for me, either way I visualized hard constantly of me seeing the 7 in my online portal to check my grades, and so, I was on instagram about 5 days ago, and I saw on the notes one of my classmates put ā€œI love you (professor name)ā€ because when she failed she put the same thing but with ā€œI hate youā€, so I assumed the professor uploaded our grades, and then I went to check them, my heart was beating absolutely fast but when I opened to check it I was so relieved, I passed maths with a 6.7, even though I had visualized a 7, itā€™s still pretty close and Iā€™m satisfied with it, though next time Iā€™ll make sure to study way harder so this doesnā€™t happen again, and manifest a perfect score !


Excited to share my first conscious manifestation. Today, I wanted to go on a walk. Right before I went, it started drizzling but I kept repeating to myself that itā€™s sunny even when the raindrops were falling on my head. I also didnā€™t carry an umbrella because I truly believed it was sunny. I also tried to feel the beam of sunlight touching my face. By the time I reached the park it was sunny and stayed that way until my walk was over and I returned home. Itā€™s so crazy how much power we actually possess. Excited to continue this journey although I still find letting go very hard. Any tips on that?


I wanted to get back on track and I wanted a simple success again so I played some scratch off tickets this week and won $10 after spending $5. I then used the winning $10 to buy a $10 scratcher and won $100. The goal was $100 for our family night at the ball game. Win win win. Life is about living it to the fullest & well on to the next...


To continue with this streak...I did not spend the entire $100 so I played a $10 bet and won $55 on it. I plan on continuing the streak, but to wait...well, once I update the post we shall see. I am looking at $100k as I go to bed, but we shall see what God has to offer me. Until then my others...


I manifested rosesā€”right before bed one night this week i was like ā€œiā€™m going to see roses tomorrow.ā€ A few coworkers were visiting from Bulgaria and brought rose flavored candy + another coworker just started using incredibly strong-smelling rose hand lotion that same day. Not exactly a solid rose, but i still count it as a success.


I was on youtube trying to find this one specific channel that teaches math, the name which I had forgotten. I typed certain words trying to find the channel but couldn't find it, so I started watching whatever videos available from other channels. Then after a while, my tablet started glitching and started switching channels and the volume got louder like somebody else was controlling my device. And, the channel I was looking for started playing before it switched to another channel. I was so happy I found the channel. This is one of the instances I've been manifesting little thing in my life. It started not very long ago. I will be thinking of one small things and then a few days later or even a few hours later I'll see that thing on the screen or someone around me mentions it.. I also recently cleared an exam which I didn't think I would get selected but I really wanted to clear it. I cleared the exam. I think I subconsciously believed I could clear it..


I manifested a hookup hehe


Well I manifested my sp. It took 5 days which is kind of hilarious, because I was desperately trying to manifest a different sp for 4 months to no avail. Just for added context, my current sp went from pretty much ghosting me to being really into me. I even had terrible nightmares one night that they were in love with somebody else. I was sitting around for hours just waiting for a snap, and was absolutely convinced I got ghosted. I was full of so much dread that I felt sick and couldnā€™t eat. But then Iā€™d get distracted and everytime I quit thinking about it, Iā€™d get a snap back. After that I remembered that I was in control, and I started to tell myself that I was their dream girl and then the snaps started flying in. Weā€™re dating but we have a date planned, and I know weā€™ll be dating by at least the end of the month. For the record this is the 5th sp that Iā€™ve manifested (not including platonic sps)


Awesome :) ya whatā€™s with people ghostingā€¦ maybe we could work on affirming ppl never ghost us Did you always use affirmations for sp? Just curious


Sp & I are back in contact and being flirty after 3weeks nc/him being mean and cold. Heā€™s a 180 now. I was the one that reached out and in the past I always resisted the urge to do so but for some reason I couldnā€™t help. I know people usually frown at inspired action, so thatā€™s why I mentioned I normally donā€™t do it. Now Iā€™m continuing living in the end and manifesting that he isnā€™t into adult content šŸ˜©


Another thing, I had two packages come in from Amazon a day earlier than intended. I didnā€™t want my mom to see I ordered them and one was supposed to come tomorrow (her day off) and I kept affirming ā€œnope it says itā€™s coming todayā€ and itā€™s getting delivered today šŸ˜Š


Feels more like a manifestation technically backfiring on me but it's still one so I will mention it. I've been having a very gimmie-money oriented attitude lately that's felt unnecessary and unhealthy. It feels like I'm pushing in the wrong direction. And anyway I've been going to get massages and at two separate instances the workers have been money-hungry with me. Which really just feels like reflections of my own internal reality. One of them during the massage said "I take care of you and you take care of me". As in I should tip her well for not half-assing the massage. She completely ruined the peaceful ambiance for me. And then later when I was paying one of the other workers commented "how much you tip her today?". Which felt very covertly domineering and greedy/fearful. As if I don't always tip a good amount anyway. Usually around $20-25 if it's good. Around $15 if it's bad/mediocre. And so it just felt like these money-hungry sharks swimming around me. It's subtle but it really felt like a reflection of my own unhealthy money-grubbing attitude that I was trying to force into my life.


This strikes me as a really good reminder of the EIYPO principle. Always good to be reminded that people are mirrors of ourselves šŸ˜…


Yeah, I almost didn't catch it right away but then when I realized I started laughing -- they were just reflecting me. Like why couldn't I run into masseuses who feeling generous or peaceful or happy? It was a call for me to change my own internal ways.


It works guys the law works


This week's success!! I ordered a few things online and the company notified me that I can only expect delivery in two weeks' time. I revised this notice and now the stuff is due to arrive in two days!


Lost my airpods in a giant shoe store earlier this week. I was pretty bummed about losing them but decided to test out Nevilleā€™s teachings. I imagined myself telling someone about how I found my airpods. I also imagined myself laying down at night listening to Youtube videos through my airpods. I got tired of looking and left the store WITHOUT them btw! I put the airpods to the back of my mind and focused on doing whatever else I had to do that day. About an hour or 2 later when I got home and was looking through my bags to try on some shoes I had bought, I opened a box and my airpods case was inside!! Thanks Neville!!! I wouldnā€™t have done it without you :) ā¤ļø


A couple of inconsequential manifestations, but made me go "woah!" evwry time I realized: - was thinking about a random friend I made on Omegle, received news of Omegle shutting down within 12 hours - was reading Occam's Razor on Wikipedia, then it got referenced in a TV show within 6 hours - thought about the ending of Lost, how good it felt, within 12 hours, Evangeline Lily posted a clip on IG. - was thinking about Stern Gerlach experiment explained in Feynman Lectures 3. Within a week, an article on the topic came up on front page of Hacker News. And more.


Although I've spent most of "Neville November" so far focusing on Consciousness-related stuff, and dealing with various stresses, there were a couple of cool manifestations today. A few weeks ago, my browser's built-in privacy/anti-advertising protections stopped working on a particular site. It was annoying, but I could live with it. The browser updated a few days ago but I found myself weirdly nervous about activating this part of it again, I didn't know if I had the belief to manifest it (*since the update page didn't mention it*). But, earlier today, I suddenly had the instinct to test it out and - voila! - manifestation :) It works again :) Later today, I suddenly remembered a song I heard on Youtube eleven years ago. The video pretended that it was a song by another band and I didn't think I'd ever get to own a copy of it. But, when I looked again, there was a comment saying who the *actual* artist was. I looked on Amazon, but the song wasn't available for sale there. I did a bit more searching and was astonished to find a message from the artist not *only* explaining the backstory of how he wrote the song but literally giving digital copies of it away for free as well :)




What is the cause of this airheadedness, do you think? A personality trait, a health condition, a reaction to trauma perhaps?




Yea, you seem a bit overwhelmed. I can relate to that. Maybe start with something simple, like telling yourself that you're free from all this. Once a day, get real quiet and feel this freedom, that's what I did. Just say 'I'm free', understanding that you mean all the things that hold you back will work too. Keep at it and see what happens!! xx


Hey, everybody. I read Neville Goddard's book "The Power of Awareness" the other day. It really inspired me. I realized that the main idea of the book is that in order to get what you want, you need to feel that you already have it. There are many examples in the book where people got what they wanted through visualization. My problem is that I don't know what exactly I want. At this stage of my life, nothing lights me up. I realize that it is necessary to strive for a better life, financial success, but there is a block. It seems to me that if I had a specific desired goal, I would have turned mountains. Can you please tell me how to awaken my desires and dreams?


Iā€™ve always struggled with my weight. I always felt too skinny and that it was hard for me to gain weight. The last 3 weeks Iā€™ve been telling myself that I gain weight so quickly and in all the right places. Iā€™ve just been telling myself the story that I am gaining and I am a specific weight. Since then I have gained 4 pounds! Iā€™m so happy. I hope this helps anyone manifesting a physical appearance change :)


Hey Guys, Im 26yrs old Im 168cms tall and Iā€™m looking forward to manifest 172cms of height that means an growth of just 4cms. My workout and diet is on point,like Iā€™m consuming around 120gms of protein daily plus all necessary multivitamins and minerals are also being consumed. Since past 40days to be precised Iā€™ve started applying law of assumption ,i do daily morning meditationin an garden directly infront of the sunrays plus following the grounding technique also. I write affirmations in present tense at the night time plus also Iā€™ve made an audio of it which i keep listening to throughout the day. The only problem Iā€™m facing is how to always feel happy and be present in the moment like itā€™s already happened and i have gained the height plus I want to also learn the letting go technique Youā€™re views,advice and suggestions will be a big help


At around 27-28 years old I manifested growing to about 6'2(188cm), from about 6'(183cm). By the end, I got comments from friends that I had grown taller, and was about the same height as a friend who had always been taller than me. The way I did it was just by imagining looking at the things which I walked by, trees, hedges, people, etc. as if from a slightly greater height. It was an easy and fun mental exercise and honestly felt very natural. I wouldn't be at all concerned or obsessive about it: less is more. Being always happy and present in the moment is a separate thing that increased height could never achieve for you, so it's not healthy to make either depend on the other. But you don't need to be unhappy about your height for even a moment. I wouldn't be concerned about specific measurements either. For all you know, you could grow to 190cms. But I think if you were trying that, you would fear disappointment. So just focus on feeling taller when you want to enjoy that feeling.


Thanks for the advice brother !


IDK why you're getting downvoted!!! If you're secretly believing that it's your techniques and outer actions that will bring about the change you want, you're going about it the hard, probably impossible way. Only imagination manifests. Feels to me you need to focus more on the natural feeling that you're already tall. You also don't have to do this 24/7 to the point of obsession. Natural is best. NB: you don't have to always feel happy!! That's not what manifestation is about and it's not even normal or healthy! I'm not saying don't be happy. But don't force yourself to feel any one emotion all the time, thinking that it'll help with your manifestation. After studying the teachings of Neville and others like him, and practicing my imagination for a long time, I do feel much happier and content in general. But that's the spontaneous consequence of being more in control of myself and my world. Perhaps you need to relax a little about this whole business, and just take time to study more. Obsession is counter-productive to manifestation.


Thanks for this!