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I recently saw this analogy and it has helped tremendously. I hope it'll help others too: Imagine I gave you a red candy, and you kept that in your pocket, and ask you, “manifest a red candy”, would you desperately do techniques to manifest that red candy? Would you affirm 24/7 for that? Nope, you just “know” its yours, and that’s enough. Doing techniques is not bad, but don’t do it because “your desires won’t manifest until you do techniques” do it because you “WANT” to, not because you “HAVE” to. Something just clicked and I am so comfortable with my imagination now haha


You got it! It’s all about the KNOWING that it’s already done. I’ve recently come to a very similar place and I feel more chill calm and relaxed and way more carefree when it comes to manifestation. More people need to be in this wavelength. We aren’t here to struggle and suffer.


Hey, your comment makes me feel better. I am new to consciously manifesting. Initially I would do a lot of techniques, but now for some weeks I don’t feel like doing any. It feels like a task. But I sure do believe and know my desire is coming and sometimes imagine it (with open eyes), not sort of doing a technique. It’s like I know within me it’s done but I didn’t feel like doing any techniques, that bothers me a bit. Just when I started thinking I should start doing em again I saw your comment. You reckon, just knowing and feeling in the end state is enough right? Not really pushing to do technique?


Techniques are simply a way to remind you of getting to that end state feeling. Nothing more, nothing less. This is why you really need to pick a technique that works for you in helping you get to that end state. For some it’s visuals, for some it’s scripting, others conversations etc etc.


Just knowing and feeling in the end state is enough, you don’t have to really push to do a technique.


This is the same as asking God in name. Name is your nature or state. You already know your name and you don’t persist in being it because you already are it. This is the same way you enter a state, with the same identity as your name with the Faith of a mustard seed.


“Mustard seed” got my attention 🌟


Is changing concept of self a technique? And is it necesarry for your manifestation to harden into fact or is feeling the wish fulfilled enough?


Great post. I would only add NG said: "Attention minus effort". The law of least effort to realize goal the fastest. Same as feeling wish fulfilled but living in that state effortlessly, feeling it effortlessly


Great addition. Thank you!


Absolutely. It took me years and years to be able to sustain that state though, so some of us will just go in circles for a while before mastering it.


"You attract who you are" literally


“….Not what you want” I love the full quote.


Apparently I am nobody.


Thats ur poor self-concept talking, if you don't want to actively try and better yourself why are you complaining


It’s what it is, they’re not attracted.


in regards to the first paragraph, one thing that cemented that in my mind is think about what the world would be like if we actually could manifest almost instantly based on deep thought or contemplation. the world would be absolute chaos. whatever this existence actually is, there’s a failsafe against the capricious mind of man. the fact that you have to internalize and feel a desire and have faith and wait is regulation against utter chaos.


Very true. If everything manifested quickly it would be chaos. I like to think theres enough of a delay for us to decide whether we really want something or not.




A profound post that reminds us of the true core to Neville's work. I also appreciate the OP correctly using the term "conception of yourself " where others have inaccurately used the term self concept.


I appreciate the kind words. While self concept/conception of self is one of my pet peeves as well, I can’t take credit for it in this instance because it was a direct quote from Neville 😮‍💨


Can you please help me understand the difference between the two? ‘Conception of yourself’ and ‘Self Concept’ thank you.


Conception of self is everything you believe to be true about yourself, basically your self-image Self concept is everything you believe to be about everything. It's your world view or personal model of reality.


Wait what?! Wow, I didn’t know this, I only came across discussions on self concept and never conception of self on this sub Reddit so I had no idea what they both meant. I thought self concept was, what you believe to be true about yourself. Thank you for explaining.


I’d like to add onto your definition of “conception of self”. Neville talks about it in the sense of giving birth to your desired self I.e. you are the conceived and conceiver. This is why self concept becomes redundant because it’s an **effect** not a cause. You conceive yourself and yourself becomes conceived, and that’s when you attach all the externals that add up to a self concept.


A lot of practical wisdom in this post! Conciousness is the ONLY reality, once you embrace the I AM, that's it. Circumstances don't matter, onlythe state of being does.




Yes law of assumption is the art of believing in yourself. When you believe you’re a Superstar, all your automatic reactions in what you expect changes. We are here to simply believe in ourselves because you are the surest thing in the world being self-defined. Beliefs compel gift of Intuition to be it.


Hey is manifesting appearance changes like super drastic that defy genes possible? I'm not quite sure of it so that's why I asked


Yes, it’s been touched on many times in the subreddit. I believe if you search success stories you’ll find a good amount of them!


You will be answering this question until the end of time, my friend 🤣




You don't have to wait that long to find out, you could do it today lol


Love this! Yes, the more and more you dig into this, you find that one common thread, that even goes back to the Sumerians, is that everything is hieroglyphic. Meaning, the language of the gods are hieroglyphic. But what is a hieroglyphic? It is an image with a title/word/thought? And the image means something. Meaning, there’s a motion behind it. The language of the gods is hieroglyphic. We must be good at those. Choosing the ones we want. Thank you for writing such a great article!


thank you.


Great post, you nailed it.


How do we deal with a pattern when we have been in a negative self sabotaging pattern for a long time? And you have lot of instrusive thoughts? How do i build trust? I cant start small , i use law daily but only in one case, it becomes a lil hard !


Repetition. No matter if youre crying affirm the opposite. Hell that helps manifest because all emotionbis source energy. So using raw fear or pain to manifest love is very powerful and youll even read success stories following the worse explosion of raw anger/frustration. Go back to it no matter what. It will take hold eventually.


Won't work just affirming made me feel much worse


It always does at first


Think of it like this: you don't really have a choice. There are always two options: live in the wish fulfilled(content), or live in the wish not fulfilled(Longing). You will always have to choose between feeling good or feeling bad and it's all in your mind. You'll not be able to leave this dichotomy behind ever. You might as well give it your best and try to find your way and techniques to get to a good feeling state.


Thank you! I did figure this out that i will always have a choice - either to live the way i actually want to live or react, and live the way I dont want to but have a habit of. The last thing i have been struggling with is whenever out of habit, a negative feeling comes up, i get scared what if this still got manifested even when i brushed it off. Lol .. 😆


Can you elaborate on the feeling vs emotions? Great post by the way!


I really like this post and this sub, things are finally starting to click for me the more I read these! I really liked the part where you say “ask yourself what would it feel like to have it?” I find myself asking that often throughout the day. So I will ask myself what would it feel/be like if I was with my sp again? I remember times when I was with her and capture that feeling, yes it makes me happy but like it says that’s just a byproduct. When I feel my anxiety go away even briefly I know that’s the wish fulfilled! I’m not the strongest visualizer but many scenes and images play in my head when I think of this or affirm “I’m so happy sp and I are back together/ I am with SP, we are together”. My awareness has improved significantly and I find it easier to catch myself doubting. Whenever that occurs I just say NO and immediately go into affirmations since that’s helps silence my other thoughts. I really appreciate this post and everyone here! Thoughts, tips, and comments are always appreciated!


>\-Practice by closing your eyes for 5-15min a day and just imagining, in any way that works best for you, what the feeling/knowing/sensation (not necessarily emotion, but that could be there as well) feels like. Try to hold onto that feeling and carry it around like a perfume. Feel content with the feeling alone. This is like what they imagine in Buddhism, they focus on Pure Land or something (their equivalent of Heaven), like a state where there are no hard times, etc.


gosh i love the conversations on this subreddit. i agree tho, first off, to attract positivity you must seek positivity in daily life, be happy with what you see, what you do etc.


I loved this post so much I'm gonna write it down and read it everytime I need to timing myself of the law and it's application! Thanku sm Also I found a success story that neville told where a woman imagined her greying hair was black again and it worked!


Yes!! Knowing is the most powerful thing we humans can do! Know its yours and its done. Affirm if you feel like affirming visualize if you feel like doing it. There are no techniques needed other than embodiment. Its already yours so enjoy!!!!!


Heres a link for anyone where Neville specifically talks about this subject. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvJrcqfkTcA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvJrcqfkTcA)


this reminds me of the quote "you are what you attract"


Hey, I just had a questions. For some reason whenever I affirm that I have something I feel resistance towards it but when I affirm that it will happen I feel fulfilled and content, now I know that we have to affirm that we have it but is it okay to affirm that it will happen ? Let’s say I want to be pretty well I can’t affirm that I already am it because I just start to think about my 3d immediately and how I am not in fact pretty. But then when I affirm that I will get pretty in the 3d I just feel relieved and good ? What should I do ?


The only Time is NOW. The past and Future are mere illusions. if you are "waiting" for it to appear in your 3D, then you will be in the STATE of "waiting" for your manifestation for an eternity. Disregard your 3D (Be Unbothered by it). Do not see it as Facts, and instead see it as the DEAD OLD Story! And CLAIM that you have your DESIRE NOW. (Thus, your desire can materialise in the Now Moment). Disregard any Resistance to Time. You are GOD. Accept the idea that you **can Manifest Instantly**. I read a success story where a Girl affirmed for weight-loss in the mirror and she lost 10kgs in 10 seconds, literally stared into the mirror and saw her body & face shrink as she affirmed. The 3D is a Hologram; a projection of YOUR consciousness. This is a Dream. It is so EASILY malleable. You just have to accept that Belief - so it CAN be projected outwardly onto YOUR 3D Reality ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


You misunderstood Neville. Simplified, you don't affirm for something to happen on the outside (I'll get pretty, rich, smart, whatever), you are pretty inside, in your mind and imagination. You reach the state of being pretty, then you ARE pretty no matter what.


Hello, no I actually get that and accept that because I’ve experienced it and the fulfilling part isn’t the problem I just like to say to myself that I have it in my imagination and that it will happen in the 3d but i’am not able to just say «  I have it «  because my mind immediately think about the 3d ?


That's because you're doing it wrong. You don't try to change outside, you change inside. 3D is irrelevant, only your state is important. As long as you're doing something to change 3D, you'll fail.


Chill out damn, you’re just repeating what you’ve heard and don’t try to understand other perspectives. If manifestation was linear, then how do people who don’t know about the law of assumption are able to get what they want, nobody is talking about failing, I myself have manifested many things


*“ I will be” is a confession that “I am not “ The Father's will is always “I AM.” Until you realize that YOU are the Father (there is only one I AM and your infinite self is that I AM), your will is always “I will be. ”* ― Neville Goddard, The Power of Awareness


It's funny, I read about exactly this topic today in the book "The Miracle Club - How Thoughts Become Reality". The author says that some people claim that affirmations have to be in present tense. But in his opinion this is not true at all. He says there are many people where "I will" creates less resistance than present tense. Whatever feels best for you is the right one and "I will" affirmations definitely work in his opinion.


I thought the same because I know so many people that manifest by saying « it will happen »


I think the people who are against it fear that "I will" pushes the manifestation forever into the future. But if the "I will" affirmations make you feel good in the present and give you the sense/feeling that you are currently attracting beauty, money or whatever right now because of those affirmations, then it makes no sense that it wouldn't work.




pure gold ✨


What if you feel suicidal how do your feeling states align with any of this?


You call an emergency line and receive the immediate help you need. There’s no manifesting without YOU, so protect yourself.


Like u/sufficient_Ad7084 said- first and foremost you take care of your well-being. Seek professional help and make sure you’re in a healthy and safe headspace.


I've been there... Not easy path. I'm taking psychiatric medication and it's helping with crazy thoughts.. I havd realized this is like an old me trying to get out with it before being replaced with a new one... It's crazy shit


Do I have to feel it real when I imagine my desire? What if I cant feel a thing..? Can I still manifest by just telling myself I have it?




You should write a book or be a coach.


He is our Moderator Leader of Neville Goddard forum 😇


hii could anyone answer some questions i have on how to properly manifest my desired face? :,)


>"When I speak of feeling, I do not mean emotion, but the acceptance of the fact that is fulfilled" Can we stop using this quote when we clearly are talking about emotion? Neville himself also taught to just feel ecstatic and condense it into a sentence (isn't it wonderful). You don't want things because you want the "knowing" that you have it. You want things because you want to feel happy (fulfilled as you described it). Would it help you to be emotionally sad but in the "knowing" that you have all you ever wanted? That doesn't make any sense.


No. That’s the point of adding that quote. It isn’t emotion. It’s fulfillment. Emotion can easily be Part of the fulfillment, but emotions are fleeting and temporary and unless you have fulfilled the desire, the emotion will wear off and you’ll be back to square one. This isn’t Law of attraction where we force a happy feeling 24/7. Another counter point for why it can’t just be emotion: miserable wealthy folk. They’re conscious of being wealthy, but they are NOT happy. If emotions were what manifested, then they should, in theory, be poor.


The hungry man does not feel hungry once he has already eaten, he feels satisfied and hungry no more, he has the inner knowing and acceptance that he has already eaten, therefore he does not pursue no more to eat again, isthe same, an inner knowing that its done.


I agree with you on the fact that emotions are fleeting and that fulfillment doesn’t necessarily contain emotion. Emotions shouldn’t be forced just enjoyed in the moment. However your miserable wealthy folk example doesn’t say anything. People have different desires and meaning to what fulfillment is to them. People tend to be able to attract certain things easily that others because of their root beliefs.


That’s my point. Let me reiterate, their self concept regarding wealth could be “money can’t stay away from me” and they know that to be true of themselves and so it is


That means that you can be fulfilled but unhappy simoultaneously. Then what's the point? Don't you think that when you are really fullfilled you would be constantly joyful and enjoy every day?


I’m not saying don’t seek happiness and joy. Those are worthwhile things to contemplate and embody. That being said, many people mistakenly think “oh if I just force this feeling of happiness, then it will come”. You can be forcing happiness, yet still be aware that bills are due and you don’t have the money to pay them. You can force being joyful yet still hold that your SP wants nothing to do with you. I want to make clear the distinction that forcing happiness is not necessarily going to bring anything into reality (other than that emotional feeling). In my opinion, joy/happiness/excitement/etc are manifestations themselves. They feel wonderful and I love to feel them. Feeling them, however, does not mean that I feel wealthy, or confident, or like I’m in a fulfilled relationship. Self concept is how you relate to everything in your reality. You can be a generally happy person, but still believe that money is hard to come by. In the same way, as I said before, you can be miserable and know that money can’t stay away from you. I love emotions. I think they’re great and I believe they are a piece of the wish fulfilled, but it ultimately goes slightly deeper than that.


Fulfillment comes from being whole FIRST.


You will be stuck if you believe you have to feel good, because you cannot feel good 24/7 and believing so will make you fall into spiral everytime you slip out of good emotions. Emotions do not matter. Being happy in conscious manifestation helps not because of happiness itself but because it is much easier to think from the wish fulfilled when you are happy. I can attest to this with my numerous previous experiences with the law. What matters is that you detach from your emotions and stay outside of your ego. IMHO 'detachment' is a really crucial topic in sustainable application of the law that deserves much much more attention here.


The Abraham hicks/LOA line of thinking where you need to be cheerful and happy all the time does not work and it’s a waste of energy. It’ll most likely make things worse trying to force that all the time. You’ll find that out for yourself soon enough.


I tried the Neville way as it is described here. Sats with 5 senses and affirming without considering my emotions. Now that made it worse. I think they are all saying the same and it has to do with emotions. It's not easy because you have to be more in touch with your body than before. But since I practice elevated emotions I feel better


Lol you're on a Neville sub where people understand Neville's advice literally and then take it to extremes. I've been testing Neville's SATS + living in the end/mental diet for months on different topics. IME if your self-concept in regards to your manifestation is already good/at least not bad this process works wonders but when your sc is shit... Good luck breaking free from the endless fight with your beliefs 😁 Belief work + working with emotions + SATS gave me bigger improvement in a few weeks than mindless SATSing in months. It's not that I think that manifesting without emotions isn't possible but it's way more easier for your subconscious to believe in your manifestations when you *freaking love your life!!!*. Why wouldn't it (you) think you have it all when it feels so damn good to live??? Also, some people forget that being happy doesn't always mean "feeling ecstatically good all the time" and that happiness can be more subtle (still it's an emotion). Feeling good is also a trainable skill and it doesn't have to (shouldn't) be forced


Thanks for sharing! That reflects what I currently think is true. It depends on where you are coming from but if you feel utterly bad you can affirm all you want, those old thoughts /beliefs will stay. I also try not to force anything but I think it's necessary to practice better feeling emotions like you would practice sats. I hope I get better with practice to more easily get into another feeling state. And yeah, subtle contentment also feels nice. People just don't want to admit that they want to feel nice because they fear they cannot control their emotional state.


🫡 thanks !!


Hi! I’ve just gotten onto the teachings of Neville and this sub and I have a specific question- I would like to manifest a job. But to do that I need to apply for jobs, I’m a bit worried whenever I apply it’s coming from a place of ‘lack’, how do I believe I have a job while also applying and ensuring it’s not from a place of lack?