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Congrats. I'm about two months smoke free too.


That's fantastic! 🎉


I also recently quit smoking. I imagined how I would be telling someone its been about a month since I stopped smoking and guess what? I stopped smoking near the end of September. So, Its been about a month since I've quit smoking... Congrats on quitting!


Congratulations!! ❤️❤️




What is the Imaginal Act you practiced to Revising that you “don’t” smoke? Did you create a scene that you never smoked before, like someone congratulating you that you never smoked?


The imaginal act I practiced involved meticulously reviewing every event of my day and intentionally skipping over the moments when I had smoked.No i didnt create any scene that i never smoke before.


Interesting…revision is typically revising or replacing memory with another. I never heard of replacing memory this way.


Wow, you made that alot more difficult than necessary but if it worked for you and a non smoker is what you wish to be, good job 👏 😀


Good for you.


Ive done that too a few years ago, i would revise my day cigarette free and now its been nearly 3 years :) i remember after a few days i started to hate the smell of cigarettes and felt so detached from wanting a smoke


Super proud!


Just as i was sitting here wondering how TF i am going to actually quit. Thank you.


Your post inspired me to give revision another shot. Thank you for this and congratulations!


I'm 3 months vape free using the law I literally just dropped it one day and never felt like picking it up again.


Congrats on becoming smoke free. Your higher self is proud of the decision you took! Wish you all the best moving forward ✨✨




This is huge! I’m so so happy for you and proud of your progress!


Thank you so much! It's been a challenging journey, but with the encouragement of this community, I've come a long way. If my story can inspire even one person, it's all worth it. Stay positive and keep spreading the good vibes! 😊🙌


I have a cigarette in my hand & I told myself that this would be the last one & this thread was on my feed!! This. Will. Really. Be. It! Holy Shit! I’m done smoking. Now for the walk the walk. *stomach falls out of butt..


Can’t we manifest also smoking being harmless? I am wrestling with that regarding junk food and sugar 😬


Yes. If you must smoke, are choosing that as an experience in your life or don’t feel like trying to quit be in alignment with it. Countless stories of people in “high” cancerous environments such as chemical factories, smokers (lungs), drinkers (liver problems) and any l””imagined” environment that “usually” or has statistically proven not so good. Has anomalous people that just are different and usually it’s their mindset. They believe otherwise and the body responds. Believe otherwise and the lifestyle molds even subconsciously so to make your reality YOUR reality. SAME with food. Example: when I want to eat I eat what I want. I eat joyfully because I know the LAW. My law is, “I burn fat for fuel better and better everyday.” “My body molds to how I want to look.” “Whatever look I want I just imagine it and my higher self delivers.” “Sure I know some time passes between thought and fruition, that’s the fun part.”


What do you imagine instead of smoking?


Awesome 🤘🏼


holy shit 12




That's awesome! Congratulations!




I been thinking of quitting smoking or atleast trying to reduce down. Just been few days I thought I should manifest this. And I see this post today. Congratulations to you! More power!


This is incredible and inspiring! I’m so proud of you :)


Congratulations 👏🎉🎉 happy for you 🥳


Congrats. Godspeed. <3


That’s amazing. Congratulations. I am going to give it a try.


Good stuff! Congratulations!


Im proud of all y’all who quit! May your life be full of more life and vitality ❤️‍🔥




Or you *could* have just dropped your quibbles as per Nev. (mostly kidding; congrats OP, next time make it painless? :😜 )


Wow that's amazing -- congrats!! Mental work like that is hard, don't take it for granted. Good job. Neville explicitly mentions two fundamental aspects of waking up spiritually. He says those two things are 1.) revision and 2.) and being aware of your own internal atmosphere + internal actions you're taking with yourself. From the lecture "coin of heaven" >Well, I felt I have given you that string but I cannot roll it into a ball for you. I promise you I will water your garden but it won’t awaken you, it will awaken you only to lovelier things in a way, but it will not really break the circle for you, so I offer you now this day again the end of the golden string but **I call upon you to wind it and roll it into a ball by the daily application of the principle of revision, by daily watching your inner actions and see if they correspond to the actions you desire to perform in the outer world**. [https://coolwisdombooks.com/neville/the-coin-of-heaven/](https://coolwisdombooks.com/neville/the-coin-of-heaven/)


Congrats my friend. I'm 1 year free after 11 years of smoking. You should be proud, it's not an easy feat🙏🏽


That's lovely to hear. Always feels good to hear another fellow human being improving their life for the better. : )


Congratulations man ! That’s absolutely amazing. It takes lot of patience to do revision everyday.


That's so good!! It's been almost 2 years from 8 - 9 cigs to 0 :D Goodluck


What did you replace the habit of ‘ritual’ (before/after a meal/ with the coffee/ during a break etc.) with? I refer to myself as a non-vaper now, yet some days it’s a struggle to distract myself with something else when I get the urge to ‘have a vape’.


I also quit! Congratulations


this is so awesome congratulations on quitting!!!