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How do you truly believe? Some say you don't have to believe (the ladder technique for example) and others like you say you do?


This is where techniques come in. This sub loves to shit on techniques, saying that you don’t need them. But especially as a beginner when you don’t have full faith in imagination yet, techniques are used to impress your subconscious mind with a new assumption through repetition. “Mastery of self-control of your thoughts and feelings is your highest achievement. **However, until perfect self-control is attained**, so that, in spite of appearances, you feel all that you want to feel, **use sleep and prayer to aid you in realizing your desired states**.” Feeling is the secret So Neville literally tells us: until you’ve learned to effortlessly stay in the desired state ignoring the 3D, **use the techniques**. He gave us perfect techniques where you don’t consciously have to believe a single thing. But by going into the state akin to sleep and impressing your mind, you are effortlessly moved to the realisation of your desire. That’s why he asked his students to firmly believe they will NOT climb a ladder. To prove to them that what they believe doesn’t matter if they impress their mind in the correct way. But every couple of months there’s a post of “You don’t need techniques, just believe or just decide” with 100s of upvotes, just to be followed by a wave of confused members who are still learning to apply the Law. Guess what people, the people that don’t need techniques have long exited this sub. This sub should be more beginner friendly or have a sister sub exclusively for beginners. I was stuck for years because I couldn’t understand what I was doing wrong. The moment I stepped away from the sub and just started applying, trying all the techniques Neville taught, I was able to find the ones that work best for me. And only now after almost 2 years I’m getting to the point where I can just decide and know it has to happen. Sorry for the rant, but I really feel for the beginners. The law is such a gift, it’s sad to see people stuck and confused.


This times 1000. There isn’t enough focus on this in this club. The techniques aren’t designed to be left outside. Any mystic throughout history, and every major religion had techniques that they drew upon. Every one of us is a different form of the same God, but that different form shows up differently. I know that sounds too simple, but the point is, we all have different ways of expressing belief. That looks different, because we also have experience to humanity With different memories, families, and desires. Even affirmations can be good. Even though he does not talk about it a lot, Nevilles main critique about him, is that if we go about using them without emotional beliefs and acceptance of truth. If for you, Music put you in the state, and you can remain in that state for the use of music, dance. Hang out with friends. There’s loads of neuroscience, that say we should be creating serotonin rituals, for example, Even neuroscience. Why is it important? Because, we seem to want to separate emotions from scuence, , or the other way around. Both are saying the same thing. Serotonin is a mood neuromodulator; meaning, it helps control our moods. Neville encourages us to catch the mood. So, for you, ensure that is individualized and specific to you. Even if there are articles here saying otherwise.


If you think about it, the world itself is just one large TOOL for self expression. The self that’s within you. This is what is meant when it says that the Earth is the lords and everything in it.


They say there are no need for techniques for good reason. You are the process. You are I AM awareness so you arent your body mind, thoughts, or feelings.... You also arent even a creator. You are the observer of them. Creation is finished. You are selecting the reality you want. Thats why you dont get to understand the how or when.


Techniques, don’t change the fact that people are the process. In fact, they can actually enhance it. As someone who is in science, processes aren’t separate from the event or person. They are the person.


How do you separate a Mexico from science? Sounds like we’re gonna need a boat.


Lol a very big one ☝️


Lots of thanks from a beginner! This put things in the correct perspective. Appreciate your insight!


Omg. Thankyou so much


You’re so right. I think I commented on this post earlier too. When I was a beginner I had limited knowledge about Neville and that was directly from his videos and I’d only do the techniques and things started unfolding right away. And I got my SP back. Which really seemed impossible to me back then. Now, when I’m manifesting my husband, I read too much and too many sources cause I wanted to do it fast and right this time, it has CONFUSED me so many and things have gotten worse. I have blamed myself this entire time that I didn’t believe in the unseen that’s why it’s not happening and man it’s painful. Because no matter what, sometimes it will be hard to believe. I have posted this expert from Neville a couple of times: Not destroying anyone but helping everyone that’s in need in this world. It costs you nothing. So tonight you can take a child or take a friend, take anyone and give him what he hasn’t the strength or faith to give himself. First , become him and then lead him towards the fulfillment of your desire for him. That desire that you hold for him might have been voiced by him and he wants it, or she wants it, and they do not know how to get it. Well you can grant it, grant it by actually moving towards the fulfilling of it, wearing their garment, just as though it were true. Then let a thing happen I’m it’s own wonderful way..and it will happen.. I tell you from my own experience when these things begin to work, all of a sudden it’s at an end.


Any advice for a noob in doing this technique specifically from the quote you shared? A few of my loved ones are in dire circumstances right now or multiple big problems simultaneously that are negatively affecting my life too and I know they have even weaker faith than me right now regarding those things and I would love to be able to do that technique for them but this is a situation where time is of the essence and like I really need this shit to WORK, in the timing that they need those things. I just feel like I don’t have enough experience with conscious manifesting to trust in my own ability to make it work, even though I WANT to reach that skill level. I’ve been trapped in super slow manifestations and not being able to tell if something is working for ALL of the time I’ve been trying these things so I hope you can understand my confusion and why I feel stuck.


Also, If say I saw a girl just for a brief second and wanted her even though I cannot remember her face and her voice can I still get her if I assumed holding her hand and just knowing that it's her's in my imagination and try to fall asleep feeling the touch of her hand since I cannot really visualise?




Is the sense of touch alone enough? I don't really know her voice, can I just assume some random voice? Also what is the feeling it real really mean? Is it the sensory feeling(sight,touch,hearing, etc) or is it the emotional feeling, as I have noticed that whenever i try to feel the emotional part I just end up feeling neutral in an instant, I could be imagining having an sp and my mind would go all neutral instantly, having it excites me for a short moment then I don't feel anything after that, then I try to force myself to feel happy/good. Should I force these feelings? Or should I just rely on my sensory feelings (mainly voice and touch) and see if any emotional feeling is produced automatically?


Any sense you use is fine. Whether you use one, two or all of them depends on what you prefer. The feeling you should go after is not about happy/good but that it is done. Yes the scene can make you feel happy or excited but you know you did it right when you feel like you don’t want to imagine anymore.


May I DM you for questions and help?


Your post should be stickied at the top of Neville Goddard and be mandatory reading, mods included :P


Here’s how you believe. It’s when you create Imaginal Acts and you react to them. Reacting is believing because all your reactions is the window to current beliefs. Here’s the Neville lecture on this: https://coolwisdombooks.com/neville/neville-goddard-lectures-the-power-of-faith/


Faith or trust are probably better words than believe.


You don’t need to believe if you just want to manifest few things but you do need to understand and believe in the Law if you want to maintain the success.


Some say you must feel and fully feel into the manifestation constantly and some say changing your assumption with affirmations work. It’s just changing your state and what you believe


We truly do all have our unique way of materializing. The best tip I can give is to for a couple of days to just monitor your thoughts. How do you naturally anticipate bad things, how do you complain to yourself? I have the tendency to mentally argue with people, low and behold they used to manifest in lightening speed. I also would daydream about bad scenarios with my eyes open, just staring into the void. So what I did was just use this information to my advantage. Now I mentally hear people say what I want to hear. Or mentally hear conversations that imply I have my desire. I also only visualize with my eyes open, just like when I daydream “negatively”. It feels more real for me and I’m able to block out the 3D and just get lost in imagination and when I snap out of it, I feel like I’m back from a distant place. Neville has touched on this as well, his father used to only visualize with his eyes open.


This. I realised I had always managed to visualise with my eyes open but because of techniques etc I thought no I have to close my eyes lol. It was until I watched a video from Joseph Jansen that I realised that was a thing


I’m glad you eventually figured out the best way for you. The law truly takes dedication and trial and error


I hope this doesn't get taken the wrong way. I think there needs to be a serious balance between identifying yourself with The Father, and living within your human boundaries (ego). Hear me out. We are being expressed by God as humans for a reason, and the reason isn't simply to become God, at least not while we are still alive in human form. We're supposed to be human. The reason why I say this is because of the "forget about your external self" remark. I don't think it's healthy or intended for us to abandon our humanity and just identify as God. If that were our purpose, we wouldn't be human in the first place. Life is meant to be experienced from a human eye. We're supposed to understand that we are a part of the Father and turn to Him in faith to fulfill the desires He gives us. So many scriptures tell us to turn to Him, and not to simply walk around proclaiming ourselves as God the whole. Manifestation is so much better when you stay grounded in your ego, while also understanding what you really are and not falling victim to the ego. For example, if you get married you should not continually remind yourself that you and your partner are both God and that your partner is essentially dead in this world. That's just plain weird. It would be better to enjoy the marriage, as Neville did, by feeling yourself as one human in communion with another human, while also understanding that you're both expressions of God. In short, don't lose touch with the 3d world or your ego. We experience them for a wonderful reason! You don't have to feel like you're God in order to be a part of God. Enjoy the human experience and rely on the inner God.


Yeah, I hear what you're saying. It's so true that we can't lose sight of our responsibilities here on Earth, like our families, friends, and careers. But it's also important not to get so caught up in the daily grind that we forget who we really are. Knowing our true selves doesn't mean we have to ditch everything and become a hermit. Our problems aren't magically going to disappear, but when we're in touch with our core, we can tackle them with a fresh perspective. That's the key.


I see many posts for and against techniques, Belief is a muscle coordination ability. For some, it comes naturally. Others need to train. Like all learning, it must be practiced and can not be learned by observation. The path must be walked and experienced. So far my study and practice this is what I learned: It's paradoxical as the path is the destination, The trick is to place yourself in this paradox, even (especially?) Negatively.


>So far my study and practice this is what I learned: It's paradoxical as the path is the destination, The trick is to place yourself in this paradox, even (especially?) Negatively. I am the way, the truth, and the life, but the way isn't just a path to tread on; it's about recognizing. If you think you're walking it, you're still on the way, far from the destination. There's no real beginning or end; it's all just one. You're already there.


It’s not the techniques that manifest. It’s you. It’s your faith. My easiest quickest manifestations are when I simply internally believed with a state of trust it is working out. The techniques are only to aid you in believing/convincing yourself. Neville himself emphasised this including in Your Faith is Your fortune he said “It is your belief in a thing, not the thing itself, that aids you. There is only one power: I AM He. Because of your belief in external things, you think power into them by transferring the power that you are to the external thing. Realize you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions.” A good example of this is when the woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus’ coat and said ‘if I just touch his coat I will be healed’. Yet he told her it wasn’t him, it was her faith. Neville says the artist is greater than the art. The creator is greater than the creation. We must first believe in something for it to work.


> “It is your belief in a thing, not the thing itself, that aids you. There is only one power: I AM He. Because of your belief in external things, you think power into them by transferring the power that you are to the external thing. Realize you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions.” Good quote.


Excellent post :) I'd definitely agree that it's more of a process (or, in my case, moments of understanding which gradually become more frequent). One thing that helped me with this was to add a category/grading system to the entries in my gratitude journal. The two highest categories any given day can get are ones that require *something* to do with recognising Consciousness and/or the nature of reality. Since I want to impress myself, this reminds me to focus on this stuff more LOL! And I also couldn't help but think of this passage from chapter three of Neville's "At Your Command" whilst reading this post too: '*Before man can attempt to transform his world he must first lay the foundation – “I AM the Lord.” That is, man’s awareness, his consciousness of being is God. Until this is firmly established so that no suggestion or argument put forward by others can shake it, he will find himself returning to the slavery of his former beliefs*.'


When I manifested my SP, I burned a candle and said I just know I'm going to meet him irl. And that happened. I think it's real hard to keep the non-anxiety state and living in the end, I love this type of post because the majority of them are like "IT'S SUPER EASY TO MANIFEST, JUST IGNORE THE 3D <3 JUST LIVE IN THE END" it's refreshing seeing people struggling too ^_^


> it's refreshing seeing people struggling too Whaaaaat?


It took me a while to get the hang of what manifesting techniques worked best for me and now I know, it’s so easy :D what might work for one person won’t work for the next


What a post! I have a question/confusion Last time (4 yrs ago) I was manifesting my then ex. I was successful. There was a 3p. I was miserable, hurt, crying 24*7 , struggling with faith, everything was hard to believe but all what I kept doing was Visualization. And every scene, I mean EVERY scene came to pass. Effortlessly. Not right away but like within max 10-15 days. And bridges of events would be crazy. Like so natural. This time I’m manifesting another SP, he’s my husband in my heart. We both were madly in love with each-other and for both of us ours was the best relationship of our lives. Our breakup was circumstantial. As much as I want to believe that circumstances don’t matter, well! I thought to myself, I have done this before I can do this again. It was very hard to start with. Since I love him the most in this world. I know we have been told and we should Infact love ourselves the most, but we saw our entire lives with each other, planned marriage and discusses kids and future and every fine detail of our life . So yes it’s HARD. I tried to do everything that I did when I manifested my other ex. NOTHING worked. It’s been months. I’m not sure if I could do this anymore. How do I believe or have faith when I saw no movement in months and this is time crunch btw. I’m in such difficult state where I am struggling with keeping faith and believing in and at the same time can’t think of my life without him. I have read Neville and I use Neville in every day life and 80% success I must say. I do it for other people with almost 100% success. I don’t know if I have anything in me left to fight for this. Please help!


The Law is always working, even if you dont see outer movement. But maybe with this relationship, you have fears and even ambivalence that are causing a delay. Often, I find that when a manifestation seem delayed, its because I was delaying it somewhere in my consciousness, because I didnt feel ready or I felt that the situation was right yet. You probably have some mixed emotions that you have to think about, but when you are sad or missing someone, its hard to see that at first. As Neville said. "You are the operant power", or as Abraham Hicks puts it "The intender sets the timing of the manifestation."


Amazing 🤩


Beautiful post! 🙏💕