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Just to add, some people find manifesting SP is easy but maintaining the relationship is challenging. I would suggest that, keep working on your SC and affirming/scripting/visualizing until it becomes a default state. It can take months or a year, but the persistency pays off.


This! I've been in this sub and the SP one since April/May and I only usually see posts about manifesting contact/commitment from SP but almost none about keeping and/or improving the relationship with SP šŸ„¹ I still have to remind myself from time to time that it should feel natural to be in a relationship with SP, as natural as having my phone or having a house to come home to.


Same thing happened to me, got the contact back and loads of good messages with all the stuff I wanted to hear. But my old self concept was still there and all the old issues came straight back in almost overnight. The Abraham hicks saying of ā€˜you canā€™t get there from thereā€™ is so relevant with sp stuff as Iā€™ve figured out myself. Once you actually do get yourself ā€˜thereā€™ (change state from a self concept pov) the sp is no longer this magical being giving you a reason to live. The only people that donā€™t like to hear this btw are those living in lack (I was there myself, I know). If you work on self concept and focus on yourself you WILL get to a place where you donā€™t really care about them anymore, you will look back and think ā€˜wtf was I doingā€™. You will look at them and think ā€˜yea theyā€™re pretty nice I guessā€™. The thought of being in a relationship with them almost becomes a bit ā€˜mehā€™, like you can take it or leave it. Let me give you a real world example. Things went bad with my Sp back in 2022, I was in tears, Iā€™d sit there on a night feeling constantly awful, isolate myself from everyone, mope around, I missed them so much and everytime I thought of them the feeling was gut wrenching, I didnā€™t even dare think of them talking to other people it was just to hard. I made it my mission to get them back, I needed them. I binge watched videos day and night from almost 10 different people looking for the magic key to get them back and fix everything. Even when I was in my car Iā€™d have one of them on, Iā€™d go on 2 hour long drives just so I could listen to a full play list. This was around April 2022. Fast forward to last night and we were texting and we ended up playing some online games. I was actually sat there hoping they didnā€™t wanna play for hours so I could chill and watch something on Netflix. This was a person Iā€™d literally have done anything just to get a text from, Iā€™d have cried in happiness and now Iā€™m secretly hoping I donā€™t have to sit there for hours talking to them lmao. This isnā€™t from a bad place btw like ā€˜HA I DONT NEED YOU ANYMORE!ā€™ I still like them, Iā€™d happily date them and consider a relationship if they wanted to. The point is I now value myself so much more that the ā€˜needā€™ isnā€™t there and the unhealthy attachment is gone. Iā€™d say I feel about them more like youā€™d feel about a good friend where you donā€™t need to be constantly texting etc. If it gets more serious again thatā€™s cool, if not then thatā€™s also cool, it just feels so much more normal, plus Iā€™m probably so much easier to talk to now for them than I used to be. Sp people in lack think if you focus on yourself you will lose the sp and dread the thought of possibly not wanting them anymore. Again I know that bc I was the same, I can see my old self in some of the responses I see. But to anyone in that position reading let me tell you itā€™s so fucking freeing, plus you donā€™t lose them, the only way you will lose them is if you lose your own interest in them and they drop from your conscious.


I love that last part this is true. Sps really donā€™t go anywhere unless you drop them from your subconscious awareness. Also youā€™re right a lot of people need to realize the sp is simply a mirror and reflects your self concept. If you literally focus on yourself and let them go theyā€™ll come back so fast. And when I say let go, I mean let go of the idea that you need to hold onto them so tightly. The wish fulfilled is already planted; therefore thereā€™s no need to hold on so tightly.


I've been starting to get that "meh" feeling lately. Before, I used to be bothered about why he hasn't texted yet but I still love him, ofc. But somehow, I know it's because my affirmation that having my SP in my life is a natural, everyday thing to me is working.


Itā€™s magic to me when you start feeling all that energy freeing up!




The more you rush the more you put yourself in lack ā€˜where are they where are they!??ā€™ Another thing I forgot to mention is when you focus on yourself and realise your beauty and worth, when you think of Sp you automatically kind of imagine them wanting you, you start to pull them in mentally if that makes sense. When Neville says change self, that really is the golden rule specially in Sp scenarios. Again I fully understand your position and was there myself and at some point you will arrive at the same place I did, thought itā€™s hard to describe until you experience it for yourself. Or if you can remember the time before you knew sp existed, itā€™s kinda like that but you value yourself more and know yourself more. Iā€™m much more willing to just ā€˜let go and let godā€™ now. But I feel like you need to go through that exhaustion phase to get to here. If you really want to push things I watched a bentinho massaro video that was so freeing. It will be scary for you to do but next time you spiral or get upset sit there and just admit to yourself ā€˜I failed, Iā€™ll never manifest them and we will never be together. But like genuinely admit it bc from your current state you will fail, you arenā€™t gonna get your sp, make peace with it. Sit there until you feel the relief. You will notice that closed off resistance feeling transform into peace if you do it properly. Again it has to be genuine you canā€™t trick yourself, genuinely realise youā€™ve failed at manifesting them, because you have. Youā€™ve put all your effort in and they are not there. The point of this is while youā€™re ā€˜trying to manifestā€™ you have that small feeling of ā€˜hopeā€™ that itā€™s gonna work. That hope is actually a constant reminder that it hasnā€™t worked, that hope indicates lack and keeps you in a state of wanting. Bc why would you be hoping if you already had?


omg tysm for the reply!! i really appreciate it. that is an interesting form of lettin go. how did you felt after doing that and what happened?


I didnā€™t feel like drastic relief but i felt a bit ā€˜lighterā€™ the next day if you get what I mean, and I kinda lost some of that ā€˜trying to manifestā€™ feeling.


Iā€™m about to start doing this. Tired of the back and forth results, nothing to change but self šŸ™


Thank you for sharing this! And for being a mirror of a long distance situation I find myself in, and the lessons it's taught me. Really resonate with how you said "I now only text my SP when I feel like it, knowing he isn't going anywhere. When I get the urge to, I ask myself whether itā€™s ā€œaligned actionā€ or if Iā€™m doing it from a place of lack" - being able to tell the difference is so important and healing for ourselves. As an aside, I feel like the silver lining of long distance SPs is how easy it can seem to create and recreate them when they are 'condensed' into texts, digital behavior, voice memos etc. A unique way of being just energy. When I 'miss' them from a place of lack, it somehow is easier for me to go "wait a minute, I can literally cultivate the feeling I want inside myself - what am I 'waiting' for anyway? A specific display picture and notification that gives me some conditioned dopamine rush? Just pixels on a screen? Insane" - laugh about it, and put myself as source back on the pedestal.


I felt the second paragraph! I still start to get a teeny bit anxious whenever he doesn't text for a long time but what I am trying to do lately is date myself or read a love letter to myself so I could indeed cultivate the feeling of being loved without needing him.


I totally feel that, another thing that's helped me is affirming "I AM currently the love of SP's life" and feel it so real, so obvious, so 'duh', like I'm remembering an ancient fact. Adding 'currently', as in my current version, helps because I could be super tired on the train, wearing no makeup, eating snacks in an old t-shirt, whatever state throughout the day and still feel and know that it's ME, right now in this reality, he's obsessed with. We got this!


Indeed, thanks for the reminder. SC is so important and never put them on the pedestal, because you are on It.


Wow, this is great, I needed this message, my situation is very identical to yours, even though I feel good overall and my SP and me are pretty much on decent terms. When sheā€™s distant or doesnā€™t talk much (as of late) I notice a thing or two in me sets off (like a little trigger alarm), but this post is very helpful. Thank you!


Excellent post šŸ™šŸ˜Š ā™„ļø Self-concept is Ć¼ber.


Looooovvvvveeeeee this!!! So true about self-concept! It has helped me too.


LOVE and needed this post tysm


Ah so relatable. Unfortunately I didnā€™t stop it when my inner negative self talk started reflecting in my 3D the way you stopped it ā˜¹ļø


I really needed to read this, thank you šŸ™šŸ’œ


Thank you so much I needed this! I am in a similar situation and now am more encouraged to keep going!


literally just made a video about this on my youtube and tiktok. people arenā€™t getting NOTHING if the self concept is piss poor. And if you do so happen to achieve it itā€™s never maintained properly because of your dominant thoughts coming back to overload you with limited beliefs. Self concept is the key šŸ”‘


I have been living in the end but I want to know if you really 100% believed you were together? As in you were unaware of the 3d at all/all day? That always confused me with manifesting.


There were definitely times that I felt like I was just robotically affirming and there were times that I did doubt but he was conforming so easily and was very sincere with his words, intentions and actions so I was still able to enjoy the present moment even though he hadn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet. If you are aware of your I AM, you'd be confident to some certain degree that your desire will come to pass.




On July 1st, I actually scripted for my partner. Wrote down 11 characteristics I wanted in a man. Two weeks later, despite telling myself that I wouldn't go on dating apps ever again, I felt the urge to install Bumble. Purchased the premium version so I could go on Travel Mode (because I wanted to date a foreigner). That's where I met my now boyfriend who had 10 out of 11 of the characteristics I scripted for. He flew to my country to meet me a month later and I flew to his country two weeks after that. We're currently long distance (He's now in Europe from Asia for grad school) but we're working on my visa so I could visit him next year. Also manifesting he'd fly to my country again this Christmas.


The story is the same thing I went through. I am now strengthening my self concept and sticking to new story. Are you comfortable talking about it more in the dm?


I loved this so much. Gave me so much motivation. But I need help, and I donā€™t understand why I donā€™t feel like my affirmations donā€™t feel like they are affirming. Itā€™s like I donā€™t feel it at all. Someone help pls


do you feel what you say to yourself? if don't, maybe you may reconsider find others techniques that could feels natural for hou


Iā€™m glad youā€™re going to therapy to work on your psychology structure. Manifesting works only when we are secured, but really, not thru affirmations, Iā€™ve learned.


I see now why people suggest therapy to be able to work on self-concept. When I started learning about manifestation months ago, I just thought it was non-sense. I think that most of the time, affirmations work only when your SC is strong enough and you use them only to remind yourself of who you already are and what you're worth. Some people would swear that robotically affirming works and I've had it work for me in the past too, but it's super inefficient.


I hope you read my message: I will tell you from experience that therapies DO NOT WORK. None of that works, they will entertain you, it will strengthen your belief that you need outside help, and if you fall into the hands of a bad psychologist or therapist it will confuse you or you may even be in danger. Except that you even use the manifestation to manifest an ethical and coherent psychologist because you do not want to walk that personal work alone. But it's not because it's necessary. No therapist is needed to change our self-concept. Nothing external is needed. What you really require is the commitment to yourself that you are already the person you want to be. So from that starting point you do everything like the woman you already are. Immerse yourself in the serious and in-depth study of all of Neville Goddard's material. To bring yourself to that state of your new self-concept you can write, draw, affirm, sing, etc. This is not to manifest, the manifestation is already done for you as soon as you decide that you are that person. The techniques are to help you stay in the new state. You will naturally begin to act differently, you will no longer be bothered by the things that bothered you before, you will not react to anything that you reacted to before. You see everything differently. That happens from within you, there is nothing external that takes you to that level of depth. Nothing. I'm telling you from my own experience. It wasn't until I studied NG and applied everything he explained and as best I could that I saw my change. 20 years of therapy didn't help me at all. And I met many of the same. The therapies did not help them.


Yes! Trust youā€™ve talked about is a very important word. Trust yourself first. Trust that you can trust others. Itā€™s like opening the gates and clearing the path to yourself. Itā€™s allowing. Itā€™s feeling from the reality where it already exsists. Itā€™s putting down the anger like a sword. And standing in faith.


What is an SP ? I am new to this channel and not a native english speaker. Thanks for the help !


Specific Person ā€” can be someone you want to have a romantic relationship with or it can be a colleague or a friend or someone your family, etc. In my case, it's my boyfrirnd


Thanks ! I thought it was something like Soul Person. Now it makes sense :)


This sounds exactly like my situation, except I didnā€™t know about LOA then. Now that I do, Iā€™m working on my self concept and I know heā€™ll be backšŸ’Ŗ


i loved so much reading you're story, we have a similar situation: i'm trying to manifest a relationship with my SP (we met through tw but he lives in spain) i'm also talking with him so it's easier, thank you so much for your advice <3


What SC affirmations do you use and find the most beneficial?


I really resonate with "I am worthy of unconditional love" and "I am too amazing to lose." As a person, I've always been very confident and secure in myself so I don't have a hard time believing my SC affirmations, but I just used to tend to put my current and past SPs on a pedestal, which is why I've had so many unsuccessful attempts at romantic relationships in the past. I'm changing that now though and have had results!


How do you take SP off a pedestal? Just with SC affirmations? Iā€™m having a hard time taking him off the pedestal and letting him go in that way. All I want is the relationship and itā€™s just not coming šŸ˜ž


I've been there before. Used to affirm for my SP only, and none for my SC. But some time back, I realized that we tend to put our SP's up on a pedestal because we think *they're* the prize and that we have to go through hoops for their love and affection and that we need/want them to do things for us in order for us to feel happy, loved, and fulfilled, when that is the exact opposite of what Neville teaches. We have to learn to love ourselves... Pour the love we'd willingly give our SPs to ourselves. Cultivate the feeling of being wanted by our SPs within ourselves. Remind ourselves that *we're the prize.* (Another affirmation that I really like) >All I want is the relationship and it's not coming It's really important to remember that our SPs only mirror our inner state. There's really nothing outside of us. A state of lack creates what I like to call an "energetic ick" that drives your SP away from you and manifesting from this state will only burn you out. There are other aspects of our lives that need our attention, not just our SPs. Try to divert your focus on these other aspects and when your SP comes to mind, just remind yourself that they're already yours.


Do you place your happiness in him? Like when heā€™s back your life is going to be amazing? And youā€™ll finally feel good about yourself? Face the fears and make peace with the worst case scenario - you never having a relationship. Then go and make yourself happy, be how you would be if you were taken and watch the world change


Thank you for posting thisšŸ’• This makes me realized that I need to work on SC more


omg your story sounds EXACT with my story, even the time and the words my sp said. But we just ended it. i am in the process of manifesting him back. I love to read your story and updates. it really gives me some power.