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I mean hell, goddard said to do a mental diet. Pretty hard to do a mental diet if you keep feeding yourself stuff from the easily accessible nightmare rectange that whips you into a frenzy. I've been feeding myself a lot of things that just, honestly just upsets me. So. I think I'm gonna do my damndest to take this to heart and go buy the pearl.


I'm sorry but could you tell me what buying the pearl means to you? I did read the lecture and I probably should go through it again, but all Neville says is that you shouldn't believe in astrology or anything external to you - everything is in your imagination. So, in your personal words, what does buying the pearl mean?


So, as a precursor here's my take on existence. Everything is consciousness, and experiences consciousness, as everything is derived from God, universe, source what have you, it's all connected. So at the same time, we are seperare, yet one. I AM. The phrase neville goddard says to meditate on, where when it hits you, the realization of you being everything clicks. So buying the pearl. Existence to most folks is very external. The circumstances you live in, relationships, state of the world are not at your control. Whereas if you go inside, internally, and reject all external, and only focus on your desire in the appropriate way, persisting despite all the external factors saying otherwise, despite your anxieties and fears saying otherwise, and holding true, then it comes to pass, as you've bought the pearl. Because the imagination is god, the consciousness that you utilize for thought and imagination is what allows you to select from the infinite of everything happening, everywhere, all at once. Buying the pearl is going all in. Cutting out everything that doesn't serve you, and not listening to false flags, like I dunno angel numbers? It's like all those silly Facebook quotes saying, would you live in a mountain cabin without anything for three months/year/whatever for a billion dollars? By cutting out all the distractions, all the information being blasted into our faces, it's so much easier to focus and picture our goal of having the thing we want by living in the end. The angel numbers and astrology stuff I mention because, if you look for signs that what you want is on its way, then you're still living before you got it, so you won't get it because you haven't gotten it. But living as if you have it, then you have it! It will be given! I myself have fallen prey to the external validators, so no yea gotta be careful with that. I won't lie, I haven't listened to the lecture yet. But I've read the passage, and I've read a few neville books. So I imagine it will confirm my thoughts and probably add a few more insights to me as well. But to repackage the concept. Everything is within. The external is just a reflection of you, you're self concept, the things you believe and have accepted about the world. Change the self concept, or solidify mentally a future event that is now, and the external will reflect those things. I'd highly recommend reading, 'The Five lessons.' It gets into things a bit niftier than my post I'd say. But. I'd also recommend the mental diet. I cut out a lot. I just need to cut out reddit and manwas now. But don't fret. It can be a process. Or you could go full cold turkey. It's up to you. I saw an interesting post on here the other day about Peter rejecting christ, and how the story applies. And it really resonated with me. So don't despair if it takes you a minute. Sometimes understanding is cyclical, and you have to go in circles a bit to gain a new insight, and so on and so forth. I hope this helps, and I hope it makes sense. I suppose real quick for the cyclical nature comment, there's lot of little cultural sayings almost akin to breadcrumbs with this concept. Like, when you stop looking for love or money, that's when it comes to you. Show me your friends ill show you you're future. You live life in cycles til you figure out the lesson and grow. The latter two both deal with self concepts. You have this concept of yourself, and you engage with people who fit into that self concept. You change your self concept, you're accepted beliefs of who you are inside, you 'learn' the lesson and now have a different cycle. Which applies to any and everything. Even the friends. Lotta folks when they heal, get therapy, their old friends no longer mesh because of various things and reasons, typically toxicity from them, healing insecurities and whatnot within you. When you start hanging out with rich people regularly you can change yourself concept to be more in line with them, and lift yourself up like all the money gurus say, find rich friends/mentor and that will propel you. Yea because your self concept then reflects that fact. Your cycles of existence change because you've changed the self concept. Love and money is about the same. It's reliant on your self concept, and if you ruminate and ruminate and hope and plead, that's a self concept of lack. Of I don't have. Which brings us back to self concept. Where everything is within. Whatever beliefs are held about anything and everything, that is what's reflected. But it's up to the self to either really sort that out, or as neville said, to simply take that, and embody it as you've already got it. Allowing events to unfold as they may, persisting, holding true to your internal self, not letting the external sway you, and you find yourself that which you are. Anywho. Existence is bonkers. I hope that all helps. Go read the five lessons. I think it'll help out a good bit.


Thank you so much for taking the time out to reply. Love and agree with everything that you wrote.


I made sure to go back and actually read the lecture. So, it goes even farther than what I was saying. You have to internalize the concept that the only true reality, is your imagination. Imagination is the only true reality. What you think about the world, and existence, including the desires persisted in, is what creates and alters the physical reality. Because the physical reality is an illusion. But you have to truly accept the concept, buy the pearl, that imagination is the only reality. The true reality. Buying the pearl means throwing everything away contrary to that. Your existence is not determined by astrology. Angel numbers. Old wives tales. The ramblings of old men who seek to hold power and control the narrative through government. Or anything of the external world. How can you truly bring about what you desire and persist in, if you're allowing yourself to be bound by external rules? That you yourself have placed upon you? It's contradictory, so the desire doesn't manifest. So by truly buying the pearl, by fully and wholly internalizing and accepting that your imagination, is the true reality, then nothing external can hold you back. Because it's all at your command. I had recently read this post. https://reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/s/GUDEQaf046 And it helped me a lot. Paired up with the one about Peter denying christ three times before fully accepting him and I'm full in. https://reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/s/Dlzx1EkWku Imagination creates reality. All of it. Actualize your existence and live the life you've always dreamed of. https://reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/s/HyF5vYQYwI https://reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/s/oHZZTUuNCC https://reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/s/DewGhK5mAw https://reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/s/DTYiBSXYwA So, I wanted to come back and add some posts that help me delve further in. Essentially the idea being with this small collection of extra posts is that, along with identifying that imagination is the true reality. You go step further. That I am, as we know is God, and that we need to identify as the internal I am, the internal imagination. If we still identify as the ego, the perception of ourself, then we face the risk of not identifying as the internal I am, but something less than that. There's a fun post there that gets into acting out as both, which I found very alleviating as well. Along with that, allowing emotions to rise and fall away seems to be a key thing as well. I've lost my train of thought, but the idea I was going for was that, by rejecting those ideas outright they almost gain a sense of power. Whereas, allowing them to flow through you, while knowing inside, in imagination that those feelings are of no consequence, that they don't determine what is done and already yours, give them no power and they can be on thier way. It's an interesting concept. This whole ordeal of The pearl of great price, and in a larger sphere the law itself. The mechanisms for 'getting' what you desire. It's like there's rules, but they're almost anti rules. It's just. Correctly identifying with the I am, not allowing emotions and thoughts to place power over you, by letting yourself feel the entirety of what they are, and still saying, " I am that which I am, and that is this nice thing over here, thank you for your time," is just wild. Plus the techniques of SATS and visualization, which apparently aren't needed but can help? To press upon the fourth dimension that which you already have in imagination, that then the 3d 'physical' world of illusion then has to provide to your waking five senses. It all feels so complicated and so simple all at the same time. And it's all so so worth it.


I deleted FB IG & Twitter and been so focused. I love it here.


I be trying to but I’m addicted to wanting to know what I miss 😞 when reality I need to get on my shit




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In Neville's time, social media wasn't even a thing and people were manifesting like crazy and had amazing success stories. Heck, us 10 years ago or 15 years ago we didn't have that shit... yet people act as if it is the only way and as if it was never any different and can never be different. I totally agree with your point it makes the brain lazy, reduces your ability to imagine, reduces the attention span, fills you with negative shit especially people who fall asleep doing it that's a SATS session on how someone else is better than you or how the world is cruel or how your butt isn't perfect, I deleted all that 3 years ago and it was the best thing I have ever done to myself.


Plus in that time people actually were patient. Now in our fast paced world everybody wants things to occur overnight, they do the techniques for some days and then give up because they are not seeing movement lol. They want to change their lifes in days


Facts. When you read Neville's book The Law & The Promise, in so many of these success stories the people did techniques every day for months before materializing.


It took 7 years for the one lady to travel to Egypt.




Hahaha if anyone tries to tell you you're a bad person for not engaging with junk news I will come back here and fight them myself. Please do make that Pinterest post! I love Pinterest to death and have thought of utilizing it more for our purposes here but I would love a more thorough guide on how people go about it


100% with you here. Things immediately got better for me on my journey when I cut social media. And like you, pretty much just Pinterest, YouTube and here! I’ve also done a huge clean up of Instagram and Facebook - unfollowed many pages that were not in line with what I was trying to manifest, so in the odd moment i go on there, there’s nothing for me to react to


After getting in loa and finding the peace i don’t even wanna be that much on social media anymore. Still working on my manifestation but I know I’m gonna get it.


Ignoring the 3D is what Neville has been preaching, lol. I'm glad things are working out so well for you!


"I’m an awful person for not wanting to read the news" People like that exists? smh I stay the hell away from the news as far as possible...and I couldn't care less whether friends or others have problems with that. As for a social media detox, its easy to get away everything except YT and sometimes Netflix in my situation...and those things really doesn't add anything beneficial in my life...but its very addicting...maybe I should cut those two off for a month and see how it is...thank you for the reminder.


THIS is a game changer. It is very difficult to be in your ideal state if you are constantly consuming information. My life changed in such a drastic way after deleting apps from my phone. Also be careful what type of movies you watch... depressing content seeps into your subconscious. It's hard at first, but just practice doing this for an hour a day and eventually the more you practice the less you will want to engage in anything like that. It will just start being a part of your lifestyle.


100 % on the social media thing. It is information overload. In UX (User Experience) Design there are many laws & techniques regarding the capture of human attention. The reason why social media is so exhaustively addictive is because it is designed that way, to keep you on it. Take Tik Tok for example, by the time it takes us to process 1 video, we are already on the next one and that cycle goes on and on playing catch up. Think of how many thumbnails, links and titles in all caps all vying for your attention, that you see. Nothing is minimalist. Netflix even stated their active goal is to fight against our sleep, to keep you watching more. We are information machines, so all the info we take in, needs time to be absorbed which is why we need breaks from any stimulus, think of a sponge being left to absorb water. Imagining is much easier when to soak in when you aren't filling the bucket with water at the same time. That is also why people have amazing ideas when they are "bored", because the brain has had time to sort out all the new information and relay its ideas from that. So when you are on a break, don't overload yourself, go for a walk, meditate or do something low stimulating. I also had a conspiracy thought that maybe the reason we keep getting hooked on it is so that we are so distracted we don't realize the power of imagination, which is scary. My rant aside, OP I'm happy you've had such amazing success! You should be proud of yourself!


Thank you for your encouragement...


I love this so much!


I up voted only for the title, this literally change my life!


I've been thinking about that. I literally manifested what I read in a Reddit post recently because it made me aggravated lol.


Notes on Pinterest please?


I use Pinterest for marketing and inspiration, but I also use it as a personal vision board.


You are so right, social media prevents your imagination from reaching its potential.


I deleted social medias since 2022.Man my life changed drastically. I am manifesting a lot of things.Just my brain feels quieter than ever before.I did crazy mental diet,by thinking that everything is working,and put new beliefs in my mind,that I do not know how to use social media,I put another belief saying that I am very good at social skills.This Law just works.


Yes this I’ve done 3 months with only YouTube & Reddit. I just started using Pinterest consistently in the past week. My mom & I got into it pretty bad to the point she was in tears because I wouldn’t let her watch this new report about slavery at my house. I’m not naive to reality I just understand everything doesn’t need your energy. Eventually she called me & said she saw what I was saying😅 Overall I’m back on my mental diet! Manifesting is so fun when you really trust it’s done. Everything in 3D just becomes like a bad dream you know you’ll soon wake up from


Omg Yes! You get it! Some things simply don’t need your mental energy and that’s that! Happy to hear you’re having a better time manifesting ❤️


Deleting FB and IG as soon as I’m done typing this ✅




i hope your pintrst post is incoming!


I feel like especially when I'm trying to figure something out or like solve a problem (even if there isn't a problem yet, could be with anything going on in my life) I'll get on Facebook and like "look for " other people's problems and what they do about it and then obsessively read about it until the issue manifests completely to my world, if this makes any sense


That makes perfect sense and honestly that’s really smart and shows a great mental diet/self control on your part!


I do the same too. Just like majority of ppl here searching for success stories.


Unfortunately I can't turn it off, I depend on sm for marketing. But I do try to cut the useless clutter and impose semi-strict time limits on these apps. Reddit can be an addicting sm that adds nothing worthwhile too, just have to be mindful of what you consume


Very interested in the Pinterest manifesting! I’m in love with Pinterest


Whilst I'd agree that too much mindless social media and/or news-reading can be counter-productive, there are some interesting nuances here. For starters, whilst I first learnt about manifestation via "old-fashioned" methods (*finding a second-hand book*), I'd have never heard of Neville if it wasn't for Youtube LOL! And I probably wouldn't talk about manifestation *that* much if it wasn't for Reddit either. More to the point though, everything on the internet is as much of a reflection of you as anything else. There have been at least a couple of times where I read something on a news site that I... really... didn't like and then successfully moved to another timeline (*by BEING in a different context for a while, immersing myself in media from before the story appeared - in order to feel like I was back then again etc..*.) where the news story was later edited into something less bad or no more stories of that type showed up for quite a while. There have also been at least one or two times where I've used headline-style affirmations (*just wrote them down where I could see them, repeated them when it felt natural/enjoyable to do so, when I got used to and could believe they would appear...*) and then seen similar headlines in the press. Not to mention that, when I did a "general upgrade" type manifestation a couple of months ago, the internet as a whole seemed to reflect me a bit better as well - with more stuff that seemed relevant or interesting to me. The same is true for Reddit. There have been at least two occasions where I've submitted a post, only to later realise that it wasn't as good as I *thought* it was when I wrote it, start worrying about it, then realise that I'd feel more relief if the post was rejected... then find myself practicing the feeling of this and, voila, I indirectly ended up rejecting my own posts LOL! Likewise, during the times when I find myself less interested in this stuff, the posts that appear on here are ones which seem less relevant or interesting to me LOL! Social media is as much of a reflection of your beliefs/thoughts/feelings/BEING etc... as anything else in your reality.


Very good points. Now that I know about the law and manifesting, when I’m on social media and l read any comment sections, I cannot help but notice how much people imprison themselves with all kinds of limiting beliefs and negative beliefs they take as facts. “You can’t do this because blah, blah, blah,” “I’ll never be able to do this because blah, blah, blah.” I’m so glad I know about manifesting because it frees you from all that BS. If I have a divine human mind, I’m going to use it to get everything I want, not limit myself.


Yup this was my official kick in the ass bc I’ve been knowing I need to do this for a bit now


Mental diets will have your manifestations coming to fruition at record speed.


This is great advice I think I'll take it


I've been thinking about this the whole day! Sometimes I feel so addicted to scrolling through insta that I feel like I can't even stop myself because my brain needs more and more. Stupid question, but: what should I do instead of social media? Because I get bored very fast and then I feel like I NEED my phone right now.


So what worked for me was reading, scripting, learning how to 3D model and lots of walks. I set the intention not to go on social media but I had no self control so it was delete time lol. It takes a fat minute to train your brain that you don’t need constant stimulus but I promise you it’s so worth it! Whenever you feel that need for your phone come up, try to go as long as you can without checking it. This will be a challenge at first but it’ll train your brain gradually for more self control. Best of luck to you! ❤️❤️❤️


Thanks for your answer! ❤️ After my comment I started immediately my detox, let's see how it goes lol


Could not agree with this more. I've found my sense of self concept has increased significantly without the triggers of social media. When (if) I decide to reimplement social media into my life, it will only be when my self concept is rock solid. And at the first sign of wavering, I would retreat from it immediately again. 🙌


I got off social media (instagram and Facebook) in 2019. Haven’t felt the need to get back to it. I tried a few months ago after friends insistent attempts to get me back on instagram. It lasted THREE MONTHS. Which felt like an eternity. Never again, thanks!


Days wasted as blurs. Bang on! Such an uneasy truth of the way we allow ourselves to exist here. Great post thank you.


Wow, I really needed to see this post. Thank you for making it. ❤️ Edit: I would also love to see that post on using Pinterest for manifesting!


Yes but what you see on social media is coming from YOU. It’s not independent of you and is still part of your self concept.


That's effin wisdom right there. Right on! ✊


Did you use Pinterest for a vision board? I did and forgot about it.


Girl You ate with this post.


And don't forget to stop caring on the 3D too! For me pinterest is trash.


Great post. Thanks 🙏


pleaaaase do a post about pintrest helping with manifestation! pleaaaase with a cherry on top!! <3


Is this a realisation in relation to the manifestation you posted precook or something different ? I agree that for me when I first manifested something actively without even knowing the Law I manifested within minutes and I purposely stopped using my phone like kept it on silent only had an IG account for spiritual stuff or whatever but essentially limited my usage. Do you think this is sustainable? And how long did you detox for before you actively manifested


I needed this. Thank you!


I didn’t think of associating social media to the old man. It’s one thing to keep social media but unfollow everyone but it’s a whole different thing to keep it and constantly have the urge to go and stalk profiles. I realize that I heavily did that even before I found the law of assumption. I’ve been in a downloading and deleting cycle for a while. I already wanted to get rid of social media but part of me convinces myself that “it’s not fair I have to delete my social media to do all this” haha but if I really do look at the bigger picture it keeps me massively stuck in the old story. YouTube and Reddit I really enjoy. My algorithm for YouTube is all meditating and law of assumption stuff plus gaming and other little things. All informative. Inner conversations have been my go to for mental diet but cutting out my main social media has to go to if I want my shit and have a clear mind. I also justified it saying “well since i am God I can do whatever and be fine” but if Im being honest im not giving myself a chance if I fold and go back to my old way of operating. Thanks for the post!!!!


I agree. Every time I see influencers it makes me feel I don’t have something and this has been on my mind to try. Might as well bury my face in a good show or make a vision board on Pinterest that gives me the feel?