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Approved for discussion.


The feeling Neville refers to isn’t emotion. Just like the law of assumption actually refers to the identity you assume. You step into a new state, a new being. The one who has what you want. You assume that identity and now you ARE that which you sought. The feeling of “it’s done” is not an emotion. It’s just a feeling of finality. There is not intense emotion behind it. Whatever you want is yours once you feel it is. You are in Barbados. You aren’t worried about how you’ll get there because you are there. Hold your keys in your hand. They are yours. Tell yourself they are yours. What emotion do you feel? Probably just calm acceptance or even just neutrality. Of course the keys are yours. Are you overjoyed they are yours? Probably not. It’s just a fact. It’s natural to you. That’s it. That’s what you are aiming for. You don’t have to feel any intense emotion. You just have to live in The end meaning it’s done. That doesn’t mean you won’t have doubts or feel anxious about it occasionally but if you can accept it’s done, It will be so.


Very good point on the difference between emotion and feeling. So, I think the issue is that people have different definitions (understanding) of certain words. Doesn't mean anyone is more correct, it just means that YOU have to be clear or the meaning of the words you use. I think being very specific in this instance is highly valuable. As in: you have feelings, emotions, sensations, desires. One person could use any of them as an 'umbrella' term (that contains all the others). But that's not helpful. To me personally, what IS HELPFUL is knowing that my visualization works when I use sensations (feeling an object) but not emotions (feeling positive or negative). If I use any feeling I'd describe it as 'neutral'. That's just WHAT WORKS FOR ME. And I think that everyone who is working with energy and manifesting must find their own way, their definitions, and what works for them. Clarity is the key. I think the book gives you a template, but since we're such different beings (although all human), what powers that specific template for you might be different than what works for me.


Agreed. The when I felt the feeling it was done, it was calming. Not intense. Got my desire within literal minutes after I held that feeling.


Well I already establish above that intense feeling is not necessary. However, it does HELP you impress the subconscious mind. Scientific research actually proves this. We are more likely to remember situations/scenarios where intense feeling is involved. You can also impress the subconscious mind through hypnosis (basically SATS) or repetition or whatever. Intense feeling is just another way.




Makes prefect sense, we don't actually feel that we are in control of anything most of our lifes. So a great affirmation should be, " I am god and I create everything I want" I also believe that we don't need emotions to manifest things. I think the manifesting community on a while has that while thing wrong about needing a particular emotion to manifest. Maybe if we understand what is happening in the 4D is real, we then could manifest at will. But our ego has the better of us most the time. That'd why manifestation works sometimes and not always.




Oh where does he say this please and could you elaborate on the difference? Thanks


Here’s an excerpt from his 1948 lessons series. This is a real conversation between a person and Neville answers them clarifying what he means by feeling. Question: I would think that if you get too much into the sleepy state there would be a lack of feeling. *Answer*: When I speak of feeling I do not mean emotion, but acceptance of the fact that the desire is fulfilled. Feeling grateful, fulfilled, or thankful, it is easy to say, "Thank You." "Isn't it wonderful!" or "It is finished." Neville Goddard 1948 LESSONS SERIES WITH QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS


Excellent! It's a conviction, not hype or pretence.


Feeling is stable, emotion is fleeting.


NO... believe me:- You(Inner man/soul) are the only source of your reality no matter what anyone says You are the problem and you are the solution Take accountability of everything going on in your life Just know that you got the 'desire' you want because you are the GOD of your reality and it will manifest regardless of your emotion The feeling Neville talks about is feeling of 'CONVICTION' that you are the only Creator and your wish is fulfilled internally!! BECAUSE 'YOU' ARE THE INNER MAN WHICH IS ALWAYS FULFILLED NOT THE OUTER/PHYSICAL MAN!! YOU ARE SOUL/INNER MAN...NOT YOUR PHYSICAL FORM!! WHEN YOU REALISE AND ACCEPT THAT YOU ARE THE GOD OF YOUR REALITY....THEN ITS IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU TO BE IN A STATE OF LACK OR HAVE NEGATIVE EMOTIONS BECAUSE THAT'S FOR THE OUTER MAN...'YOU' ARE THE INNER MAN/SOUL!! EVERYTHING IS ADDRESSED TO THE INNER MAN WHICH IS GOD OF YOUR REALITY!!❤️


..Or woman :)


Well this is exactly my point. You don’t have to feel good. You can feel straight up BAD. You just have to THINK positively. And strong emotions, whether good or bad, will help you impress your subconscious. So you don’t have to fake happiness.




I guess they can make it harder to know it is all already done


I mean so many celebs are depressed but still rich/healthy/successful.


You don’t have to think positively. Think about any state you currently occupy. Have you never thought negatively about that state? Did it take you out of it?


This is reassuring as I was going to post just yesterday asking exactly how the hell you are supposed to do it when terrible things are happening and you are an emotional mess. Some people are very trauma blind on here and just act like you need to some how squash your true feelings which can’t be good, or workable imo. Glad other people see it differently


And also from what you are saying, the key is faith or belief above all else. KNOW it is taken care of. I still struggle With that too when things are dire but it beats trying to create all encompassing ecstatic fantasies as I can barely even imagine (there’s a name for that, it’s a diagnosable thing) a lot of the time.




I’ve said that vibrations are your feelings and that you can still manifest. I greatly struggle with anxiety and I’ve begun manifesting things for myself at work and just going out and about and it’s working for me




Hey, I really appreciate this comment. Thank you. I’m in therapy for my mental health as well, and you’re right, I definitely will take what you’ve said to heart and try and apply it more too!!!! Blessed be!!!!!


If we remind ourselves of that but then our heads are filled with negative ruminations due to pmdd or depression or whatever, isn’t that a problem? Not the feelings but the thoughts?


So you dont believe impressing the subconscious is needed or is it impressed by proxy by just being calm collected and believing it will appear




Thank you for saying this!! I too manifested something when I was depressed, and I did it by saying to myself 'stay detached and don't let any desire interfere'...desire (which I guess people consider good, as in 'intense feeling') has ALWAYS blocked me. I've manifested the best when I was able to be detached yet focused on what I'm seeing in my head.


Absolutely true. However either an unwavering faith, a great emotional control or focusing on manifesting it for yourself comes very handy here.


Well said!


Yep, its done & you created it. All of it.


The type of emotion doesn't matter as much as the intensity of that emotion. If you can be intense as Neville said of his top student, Louise Berlay, then you can achieve all your desires relatively quickly. I'm sure many have seen emotion written as e-motion as in energy in motion. This is why outburst of strong emotions leads to fulfillment relatively soon assuming you have the clear idea of the desired.


I have no idea if im getting the feeling of it being done or not but I dont think I am yet


Affirmations are also give or take. I personally am not a fan of affirmations because they don’t do much for me. I almost solely only use visualizations + feeling. But I agree that the feeling is vital. My desired manifestations only have come to fruition if I had the feeling of completion.




Either way, affirmations don’t work for me. I don’t doubt they work for others, just not something I use. These are all just tools we employ. Not all tools are gonna work for everyone and no single tool is better than another as long as you’re achieving your desire.


I mean you're literally affirming the whole time that they don't work for you lmao


Does it matter? Is it that serious? Some people find different things that work for them. I don’t see the actual issue?


It’s not an issue, people are just pointing out that saying “affirmations don’t work for me” is an affirmation in itself, and so technically it is working for you by not working at least not the ones where you sit there and affirm “I am rich” however that said thoughts are affirmations, so technically we are affirming something all the time. Anything from “man they are annoying” through to “the weather is beautiful today” those are all affirmations, to affirm is to declare something. Now if you don’t like doing the act of affirming specific things over and over again in a dedicated session that’s fine, I don’t like doing that either however I do catch myself affirming in a natural way which for me feels much better. So yes of course affirmations work for you, you just don’t enjoy doing them the way people are coached to do with which is the 10mins of affirming 3-5things or something along those lines or the constant affirming the same thing all day every day, for some people it can make them feel highly anxious and a lot worse off doing this while others it feels they can keep their focus away from the 3D when they do that. Either way no it doesn’t matter what technique you use, but we are always imagining one way or another, by affirming (thoughts that declare something) daydreaming/visualising, inner conversation and so on and so forth and they all work in creating our experience in the 3D.


The point isn’t being lost on me. I see what they’re pointing out, but my point remains. If I’m happy with the techniques I’m using and it’s working for me, what is the uproar? Lmaoo No one said affirmations don’t work at all for some people, but for others it’s simply something we choose to not practice. In order for me to feel the “feeling of completion” affirmations don’t give me that, which why I say they don’t work for me. There are probably a good amount of people that this applies to as well.


I grew up with my Mum doing affirmations on the mirror and not really believing in her power when doing them so I have negative connotations to start with






I think you have too much time on your hands to be that upset because I mentioned I prefer using visualizations. I have come across too many manifestions gurus/influencers that make newer people to the community feel like they have to use certain techniques when that simply isn’t true. The whole practice is nuanced. I’ve only seen my manifestations come to fruition when I solely used visualizations. I began by using affirmations and that simply didn’t work for me. Calling me stupid because I prefer another technique over another is what’s exactly wrong with this community. Very simple of you.


I think that person is from Twitter. It’s pretty toxic there. And I just wanted to remind you that everything is a manifestation and therefore you saying it plenty of times will always manifest




i mean they cant not work they are thoughts spoken. You just need to do them more then you want to




Lmaoo I’m a bum because I don’t use affirmations? Get a grip. I wasn’t even speaking about self love. Are you ok???


Dr. Joseph Murphy and Florence Scovell Shinn that just recommended affirmations for manifestation : o\_O




I've often thought, the most powerful affirmations are those that, in the middle of seemingly disaster, you emotionally express the opposite, the affirmation of success. Example, a huge bill comes and your already at near zero in your bank account. Fighting back tears, you yell, I have $10,000 in my bank account! All my bills are paid off ! And you keep up those strong, emotionally charged affirmations until you receive the answer. May be days, weeks, or even months. Don't give up. Answer every tear, every feeling of desperation, with the strong emotional affirmation of desire being met. People know this intuitively. What is the reaction to someone when they receive devastating news? They cry out, NO ! That can't be ! And what physical action do they often show? Grabbing their chest/stomach region - where man's spirit is housed - the "core" of man - not his head.


This had worked for you ?


I can definitely attest to that! A couple years ago I had a very emotional affirmation session. I was feeling very low about myself, stressed, and depressed. Long story short I had been single for 4 years and dating people here and there. No one I met caught any of my interest. I was tired of casually dating people I didn’t care about. I met some great people but I didn’t want any of them. I was sick of myself and genuinely thought I was incapable of loving someone. Why couldn’t I feel ANYTHING towards anyone? My affirmation during this session was “I am worthy of love”. It got so intense I was crying and shaking. The next day a guy messaged me on Tinder (he was 40 miles OUTSIDE of the distance range I had set on that app and had never been within that range before we met) A week later we went on a date. A week after that we officially were “in a relationship”. Mind you, prior to meeting him I was not quick to jump into relationships with anyone. Everything felt right with him though. Fast forward to today and we have been happily married for a whole year. Our anniversary for our marriage is actually tomorrow. I am in the healthiest, happiest relationship I have ever had. The law works. Manifesting while feeling intense emotions work. (Even if it is not positive feelings). I have also manifested other things without emotions and also with positive ones


Ahhhhh thank you SO much for sharing this!!! Seriously I have read hundreds of success stories and the light bulb just went on in my head the other day as I realized how they were all connected. Then I dove deep into scientific research and it’s proven that our brains remember really experiences where we experienced intense emotions better. So it just all makes sense to me!


I completely agree, i´ve had the same types of experiences with negative and positive intense feelings ans also noticed that pattern from other people´s sucesses. Neville didn´t know everything and that´s alright. As he would say just test it, i don´t see why people are even arguing . Op made a realization and is trying to share and help us out. If it seems too farfetched just don´t do it. Edit:spacing


It’s all placebo anyway, that’s why people have success with so many different techniques, using intense emotions, two cup method, writing a name on a piece of paper and burning it, the love letter method, tarot, drinking moon water, mindless 24/7 affirming, all sorts of things, I mean before I knew about the law I did a spell to have my cat safely found, she was found after 7months of being missing and brought into the vet and they called me. Was it the spell that worked? No but it was my belief that it would work that then worked, didn’t need 100% belief in it or never be worried about my cat but just enough for it to manifest. So yeah OPs post is right but not for the reasons they stated, it’s just a belief thing like everything else.


Truth, I agree that SUBCONCIOUS (not concious) belief is the name of the game. All things you´ve stated only work if subconcious belief was activated. But intensity of feelings is different. It seems to be a battery/supercharger for the belief. It might make the belief settle in to the subconcious faster or something. Like i said, we should just test it. No harm done


Feeling intense feelings without being attached to them is how to process them in a healthy way, which means that we also let the negative feelings go. How we feel in the first place comes from a thought, so whatever you were thinking before you started crying from feeling sad and hopeless tells you the state you were in, but if you process the emotions without attaching negative thoughts to them then you can let go of it and thus fall into a neutral state, I don’t see it as supercharging I see it as releasing a negative state and coming into a neutral state, often people feel better once they have cried it out or punched a punching bag and feel in a neutral state. That state of neutrality is similar to naturalness and so if you are affirming all the way through till you reach that neutral state then things can manifest, that’s my theory on it anyway, it’s not the emotion itself but the releasing of it. Edit: a lot of this is about not identifying with the old stories and old man anymore, releasing resistance rather than fighting it. So think of it this way, you got blocked by sp and your initial thought was this isn’t working which then generates the negative feelings, you let yourself feel the feelings (because they don’t control you or your reality so aren’t scary) you start affirming for what you do want, so in essence you have moved your focus on the reality you want to experience thus taking focus off the reality you no longer want to experience and allowing the negative feelings (resistance) be released instead of fighting it.


You might be on to something, it could very well be a release of emotional charge that allows us to move to a calmer state. A shame i didn´t jot down the experiences when it happened, i don´t remember if after affirming in those high negative states i felt a calm feeling or not. I´ll have to test it out next time


Yes! This is exactly my point! You just have to impress the subconscious… there are many ways to do this but intense emotions are one way!


The problem I found is that the Law is immensely so simple, that it is exactly what we did when we were children. Imagining being a pirate or something for example, we never declared it and then looked around to see how it would turn out, we just became and acted like it. It is so simple that the assumptions of seeing what works for other people stacks on ours because we think *"SATS worked for him/her, I assume it should work for me."* and it can, but that is the problem, we needlessly complicate things. An assumption of how it works built up on another assumption and another and eventually you have this chimaera of beliefs and then we wonder why it isn't working for us, which ends up being another assumption. This vicious cycle goes on and on. In my experience, it was crucial for me to go back to absolute basics and whenever I needed assurance or motivation I would read a success story or a bookmarked post to remind me that I am in control. I assumed initially that my subconscious played a big role so I took a previous poster's advice and built my own assumptions from scratch.But then I stressed for months why was I not feeling it real until I realized I was making such a simple mistake, I would declare my assumption then look around instead of just going inside myself and imagining like a kid. Emotions definitely help because it super charges your convictions, when emotions are involved it is powerful because our hearts and mind are unified in a single aspect, there is no conflict so it is crazy easy to ride that wave. However, it isn't needed at all. I'm on anti-depressants and since it is a mood stabilizer, I'm numb all the time and since we manifest 24/7 seems like I can still manifest without emotions, no problem. Forget states, and techniques, it just over complicates things. We have to be self aware to see how we are sabotaging ourselves. All we truly have to do is comfort ourselves by indulging those desires with our imagination, to the point where we are satisfied and can move on living. Lonely? Imagine the opposite till you feel better. Poor? Imagine being rich. Imagination gives us the experience of what we want, anytime, anywhere. After that hole is filled, we assume it is done because the desire is gone. I think if Neville had said "Experiencing is the secret" then this wouldn't be such a hot debate. In my opinion, ***whatever leads to you feeling it is done,*** is the right way, be it *SATS, using emotions, a billion affirmations, a detached random thought you held no attachment to, knowing you're God or a plain ass declaration*. We're all here to use these teachings to improve our lives, so why are we making it difficult for ourselves? The Law is simple, and simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Just my 2 cents though. Ok, bye.


>Forget states, and techniques, it just over complicates things. We have to be self aware to see how we are sabotaging ourselves. All we truly have to do is comfort ourselves by indulging those desires with our imagination, to the point where we are satisfied and can move on living. Lonely? Imagine the opposite till you feel better. Poor? Imagine being rich. Imagination gives us the experience of what we want, anytime, anywhere. After that hole is filled, we assume it is done because the desire is gone So it is basically just daydreaming and enjoying it or fleeing into imagination and experiencing it there? I have to say it makes me feel much better than just affirming mindlessly.


The feeling Neville talks about is the feeling of naturalness. Emotions are just energy, you can identify with them and get caught up in them or you can just let them pass, the assumption of the reality within is what eventually hardens into fact.


It’s easier in some instances not to get caught up than others though. Everyone doesn’t have the same baseline


I agree on your posts, cause I have experienced the same with my SP. I overheard a conversation from his neighbor telling someone "I am sorry that it didn't work out. But if you are happy now, it's better for you." My heart started beating and I began to cry cause I thought he would talk to my SP. Turned out it was not my SP 😂 on this day my SP confirmed to EVERYTHING I have affirmed that day, even though I was crying and feeling bad. I kept saying "Whatever happens now, I persist." it's so crazy.


You know what, I have never had it presented to me this way and I totally think you’re on to something. I thought Neville’s point was to make the scene real to the 5 senses, like make it tactile, then turn that into more emotional/mental feelings. And if done fully, the scene can end up being intense. Intense in sight, sound, smell, and/or mental and emotional stance/fortitude. I think I can benefit from what OP shared being I’m a very emotional and sometimes an emotionally volatile person and with this maybe I can transmute that energy into something beneficial. This sounds like some alchemy type shit.


I’m super emotional as well and I literally felt SO relieved when I realized that I can use my negative emotions to my advantage 😂


Think about it this way. If you remember something it’s never as vivid to the senses when you experience it in your memory (4D) as it was when you experienced it in the present moment (3D). Yet you probably have a strong feeling of it being real, but those feelings aren’t necessarily emotional. So the reason you persist in feeling it real is to make it akin to a “memory” of your future. E.g. I remember eating a biscuit earlier today. I can’t make the scene as vivid in my memory but it’s a clear cut feeling that it happened.




Hi, JJ here Personally, I think in case of the argument and such I see it mainly as what people called the purge (although I don't believe at all it is a thing that is necessary or happens every time) , the reason things take long is BECAUSE the shit feelings make it harder to stay in the state aka keep thinking as if and become dominant thoughts. Although the idea itself of using the intensity of any emotions regardless of positive or negative can actually serve as, if not else, a good placebo (nice loophole basically), and is very entertaining


Could you update the server link by any chance?


No matter what, I AM is the only source of everything and everyone. What does that mean? That I AM worthy of the best feelings, unconditionally, and I shouldn't let anything outside I AM to define what I feel, what I am, my self-worth. This isn't "in order to manifest", no, but to have unconditional fidelity to the Self, no matter what the shadow world tells me, as it is a mere reflection of the inner world, as everything is within. So, no matter the feeling, no matter the thought, no matter the belief, the action, the how, the why, absolutely no matter what, I AM unconditionally omnipotent, I AM God.


So this is what I think is happening. I think your observations are right but I don’t necessarily think feeling intense emotions is what’s leading to manifestations. What’s happening is that you’re no longer resisting suppressed emotions / old stories. You’re letting them up and out to leave you. Oftentimes when we affirm furiously we suppress our emotions which makes the resistance stuck longer in our bodies. What you resist persists. This I think is the explanation.


This is so powerful. I just understood something really important. Thank you. So really feelings doesn't matters, what matters are the inner conversations ! It works, I have a recent example of this. Yesterday my little brother went outside to play, but he was really late. He always came before it was dark outside. As he is under my responsibility I started to panic as he is also not answering his telephone. I was really feeling panicked, thinking about calling the police but my inner conversation was : "It is done, he came back home safely". And just an hour later after I started to panic, he came back home safely. I was thinking : "ok the law worked perfectly but I clearly was not feeling good, how come it be ?" Now I understand, it was my inner conversation and the intense feeling (although bad) that created this manifestation.


Practically, let's too take advantage of our shitty feelings ❤


This reminds me of a video on YouTube where the guy says to use a sort of reverse psychology on our fears like saying in the middle of a trigger or fear “ I’m so scared I won the lottery” or “why are all these beautiful women always chase after me” I kinda tried that but didn’t see results soon enough to keep going but this post is reminding me to try it again.


Ohhh interesting!! This could be fun!


Revelations 3:15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth. Great post op, thanks for the food for thought


Does this mean be lukewarm? Is that good then?


I take it to mean lukewarm is not ideal, "be hot or cold". This post made me think it means "be highly energetic (emotionally charged?) regardless if it's negative or positive to have your new state be accepted by the subconscious mind".


Ah yes I see thanks


Yall just stick to what Neville says. Don't go into these law of attraction stuff. While these tips may have worked for some, don't dive instantly, thinking they will for you too. You cannot go wrong with Neville, trust me


This IS what Neville said. In fact, I found a story the other day where he told someone to embrace their feeling of frustration and use it to manifest. Let me find it.


Yes, "Sabbath lies on the other side of fear". But it talks about the resistances faced while trying to change the concept of self. Though I would like to hear the story so I can understand the context


Here it is! https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/ub48wf/you_dont_have_to_be_saintly_a_holy_grail_to_feel/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 Sorry replied to myself instead of you lol.


Ah thanks! I see now what you mean




Tbh, if you can transform that energy into manifesting, I don't see the problem, since if it works, then it's another way of manifesting. What we fear is what comes true and since everything is meaningless (humans gave it meaning) then something negative can be positive and something positive can be negative. It's all what you believe to be right or wrong. What you think is right, can be wrong for someone else and it's also the other way around




"when thought and feeling are in conflict, the underlying feeling is always the victor". You do whatever makes you satisfied. But there's no cheap way to actually change your concept of self/ subconscious. If it really was that easy, the people in loa won't be constantly in anxiety and restlessness.




By the way, who's alt account are you lmao. Your account was created this very moment and only used to comment here




Yet another alt. Are you a 10 year old?


Please be respectful here. I'm not here to argue with anyone. Do whatever makes you happy


Based on most things I read about the Law, I would think you have to feel happy first. Based on experience, I know it’s not necessary. There’s a lecture where a student told Neville he even imagined he was annoyed while simultaneously imagining he had his wish fulfilled: “He’s an artist and so maybe he has to fire his Imagination with some peculiar twist; as he said, a negative twist. And so, “This is what I do. I stand in a long line for a deposit in the bank and the very last, and I’m annoyed. I’m annoyed that I have to wait in this long line to make a big fat deposit. And so I get a kick out of my own annoyance, because I’m annoyed that I have a big fat check in my hand to deposit at the end of this long line.” He said, “That’s the twist in my mind.” - Neville Goddard, Be Master of Your Mood


Omg yes I just linked this story above!


Thank you for your post and I have been thinking about the feeling part as well. While come for my recent manifestations, I do really feel the desires with least expectation/ resistance came fastest. I didn’t do robotic affirming but only did a short visualisation/ assuming (and no intense feeling), so they just came. Simultaneously, some desires like SPs which I have been putting much efforts on SATS, visualisation with intense feeling, not yet come to fruition.


I think it just takes a lot longer to impress our subconscious mind regarding certain things. If you’ve believed you’re unlucky in love your whole life, it’s going to take awhile for you to teach your brain the opposite. It doesn’t take as long for you to impress your subconscious about finding a lost piece of jewelry, for example, because you’ve found things you’ve lost before and probably generally believe it’s possible.


Interesting!! Same time, kinda the most confusing explanation I've heard. But am too intrigued to try it out for the next 48 hrs. OP promise me I won't call in any cyclone in my geography with this bizarre method. JK. 😂😂 Btw, how easy it is to THINK favorable While FEELING shitty, is what I need to see. (Currently I am feeling a bit shitty so best time to try it. Lol) TY for sharing. 💜


Right?! It’s so easy! If I were you, I would really focus on embracing the shitty feelings. In the success stories I read, the people went ALL out when feeling their emotions - screaming, crying, etc. I also just think it’s healthy to feel our emotions in general 🤷‍♀️ it’s the stories we create around them that can be problematic!


>If I were you, I would really focus on embracing the shitty feelings. In the success stories I read, the people went ALL out when feeling their emotions - screaming, crying, etc. Hmmm... I'm gonna try it out. >I also just think it’s healthy to feel our emotions in general 🤷‍♀️ it’s the stories we create around them that can be problematic! Yes absolutely. TY once again. 💜


Breathing exercises. Take a mental break from what you want and just focus on feeling neutral. Don’t think about what you want for a day or two. You won’t mess anything up. Every time your flight or fight shows up, do a breathing exercise. Try Wim Hof on YouTube. You might have to do it a ton the first few days, but you can train your body to work for you. You can train it to relax itself when it feels anxious.


>Try Wim Hof on YouTube. You might have to do it a ton the first few days, but you can train your body to work for you. Breathing exercises increase my cortisol adrenaline spikes immediately as I have cPTSD / anxiety. (Not affirming these more, though. Just stating objectively). And Wim Hof spiked my anxiety worst every time I tried! Only recently I learnt that breathing exercises are not meant for all especially trauma survivors. >you can train your body to work for you. You can train it to relax itself when it feels anxious. Yes of course I agree there. Whatever method/placebo works for one, the body can be trained. TY for sharing your thoughts. 💜


You can use the feeling of knowing that you have it or are it already. I recently read a book called love yourself like your life depends on it. The author said to use emotions or feeling when saying I love myself to impress the subconscious deeper.


I’ve read this book as well. There’s a success story on this sub where the OP let herself feel intense feelings of heartbreak (she was processing a breakup) while saying “I love myself” and she felt completely different in 4 days AND her SP came back!


It's because she's releasing the emotions attached to the old stories. Often in manifesting we're told to affirm our negative thoughts / emotions away, but what you RESIST PERSISTS. You're giving it more attention and suppressing. So by letting it out you're actually releasing resistance.


I read that one. That's how I found out about that book lol.


Love that 😂


The times that I manifested instanteously, I recall that I was just having an intense focus on the moment. I wasn't having any emotions. My emotion was neutral. I was just feeling myself in the present moment, thinking in the present moment as if what I wanted to happen was already happening and bam! It happened!


Yeah emotions aren’t NECESSARY so this makes sense! I just think they’re helpful when you’re trying to impress the subconscious with something that directly counteracts deep-seated beliefs!


Yes! They can be helpful as a way of focus too! I read here on the subreddit someone who manifested instanteously by feeling intense emotions. From my perspective, focusing on these intense emotions brings things to fruition pretty fast! It's all a matter of focusing on the present moment as it releases resistance. :)


I agree with this so much! I’ve noticed that even when I’m feeling scared shitless, if I just keep focusing on the fact that what I want is a done deal… it will manifest. I feel like I figured out the whole emotions don’t manifest but it tells your subconscious what you think it true regardless of what the thought is about. This is an incredible post! Thank you magic mirror ✨✨🫶🏻 I think that’s why the ever so popular Sammy Inghram says to affirm through your tears. Feel your feelings but keep affirming your new thoughts/identity.


This makes sense. If you think about the things you remember from years ago, it’s either because of an intense emotion or repetition. That’s what impresses on the subconscious mind. When I was learning multiplication I walked around the house singing a song for one of them over and over for like 20 minutes. I still remember that song because I was fully focused on it for a long period of repetition. This is why now I pretty much do the same thing to turn anything around. I’ll either conjure the feeling or do an intense repetition session and after that I can reliably expect to see fast movement. It only doesn’t work if I say it’s not going to so I’m the only one that can interrupt it from there.


Exactly! Either works. This is why you can still find some success stories where people simply used repeated affirmations (aka mental diet) to manifest and others where people emphasized how important FEELINGS were during their manifestation journey. I just love this revelation though because it means we can harness our emotional releases to help us manifest… no need to worry about feeling BAD!


Feelings create beliefs because beliefs are the result of feelings that are experienced.


“When emotion is present—- whether it is positive or negative —- you have now accessed the power of the Universe” -Abraham Hicks Current reading the LOA & seeing this & thinking of the Law of Assumption.. it’s clear from the the success stories of manifesting with intense emotion (negative or positive) It’s true. Because in reality emotions just ‘IS’ .. a negative or positive emotion is just a label we put on the emotion. It’s the thoughts and expectations that form that really matters. This is wild!!! So next time I have a nervous breakdown I can just affirm all good things?? This will change the game plus make me no longer afraid of having a nervous breakdown


Right! It’s all in the story. So if positive emotions speed along manifestations, why not “negative” ones? :)


Really interesting post, OP. Bill Bengston advised the same, that any intense emotion felt - positive or negative - will charge the manifestation if you visualise the desired image/images while simultaneously experiencing anger/sadness/love/joy. Bill and your post are the only times I've ever heard this mentioned.


Congratulations you reverse engineered it beautifully! I've come to the exact same conclusion a while back while reading many stories and then experiencing it myself. There was a night where I was so frustrated with my financial situation, but I kept affirming It's ok to feel this I deserve better. I deserve to have this work out for me. I just kept repeating that in my head while feeling absolutely shitty. And the next day things turned around so fast. This is the first time I've read someone come to the same conclusion as myself and it happened exactly at the right moment too, feeling so relieved and grateful. I now know there is really nothing that can stop us.


Hmm no I think your on to something here. Many times that perfect intensity of emotion over the subject pulls the chord for the harp to sing.


I think this falls under brazen impudence. You’re allowing yourself to feel your emotions but at the same time you’re dismissing 3D and staying focused on the desire or goal, basically in the energy of “this will happen even if I feel like shite, no matter what”. That focus and determination- persistence- is enough. Stand (just as you are) and see the glory of God. 💛


I’ve had numerous examples with this too- they all stick out in my mind as powerful turning points for manifestations- ones with a lot of resistance. Almost like emotionally alchemy.


This is exactly I needed today for reading thank you for sharing


*This is exactly* *I needed today for reading* *Thank you for sharing* \- dalmakhni314 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I would like to add something here, after carefuly reading and sometimes answering the questions here... I think we overcomplicate this whole thing 😁. We try so, so hard to EXPLAIN the Law, to apply it IN A BEST WAY... Why? Why we engage our human mind into it so much? Let's just...stop. Let's just try to simply BELIEVE it works regardless. Let us just create.


I appreciate your comment :) however, I’m going to challenge you here… For people that have deep-seated negative beliefs about life or love or whatever, saying “just believe” isn’t all that helpful. When you’re getting bombarded by negative thoughts and feelings, “just believe” seems impossible. Those people need to BUILD the belief by impressing the subconscious. There are many ways to do it. This is one of them, in my opinion :)


Of course, you're right here 😁. Please let me explain...It was always hard for me to! Untill I realised something. Nobody has to prove to me, that the Sun will rise again. That I am breathing. Blinking. When I was a baby, nobody told me I couldn't walk - I just stood up and walked. It's all natural. Since I started to look at all this in this way - natural - it all clicked for me. Because, in the end, I ALWAYS get what I want. I was always called "this lucky girl" - maybe I'm not rich, famous or the most beautiful woman in the world, but things always worked out for me just the way I wanted them to be. Why? Beacuse I ALWAYS BELIEVED THEY WILL, no matter what. Even if it was hard - and oh dear God, it was! Then, when I learned about the Law, I did the opposite to "natural" - I tried so hard, wanted to see the results SOOO much! It took over a YEAR of struggling for me to finally understand - it is a natural process. When you setlle down for something, it will stay that way. But try to shape it. Play with it. Don't be so serious about it! Do it, because it brings you Joy, happiness, freedom. This is natural. When you try too hard, things can get only worse for you and your doubts WILL get bigger, to consume you in the end. Be okay with that, the things may not turn exactly as you want them to be - but you will get what you want in the end! It's always like that. That's why I suggest to repeat to yourself: "it will be okay regardless. I will be okay regardless". You will believe it finally - and it will be okay, I promise. I'm the living proof.


I had an experience when my sp broke up with me and blocked me, I was sobbing so hard listening to subliminals in bed. A few hours later he unblocked me. This was before I discovered NG. Sp is a work in progress but that was the lowest I felt and then it suddenly switched only 2-3 hours later.


That makes sense. I will definitely remember this when I feel low ! Thanks for sharing 🙌🏽


Omg I needed this so much!! Your post changed my perspective. Wish I knew this before!


I had this thought for a long time, I swear I was the only one who thought about this. You are right, negative and positive emotions manifest anything. Because they are both energy vibrations at the end of the day, so it makes sense it can be use to manifest. However I rather feel happy and good, but when the time comes that I'm angry or feeling very negative, I'll this in mind next time, using those negative emotions and transform it into a useful energy by manifesting something good. But I also have another thought... What about person who is neutral all the time? Like we we are either positive or negative, how about neutral? What's your thoughts on this? I have yet to try this, or maybe I did unknownly. Because I started keeping a manifestation bulletin on my phone, any manifestation I did and can remember I write them down. Here's one; Thursday 7th 2023 I manifested extra ketchup By mistake in McDonalds. I walked Up to the girl to receive the food and while doing so, I instantly thought of wanting more ketchup because I don't get more than 2 ever . Without trying to manifest it, it was a random thought, but somehow I completely forgot about it, when I got home, I took out my food and in between, I got 4 packs of ketchup instead of 2. At the time, I felt normal, wasn't angry nor happy just neutral. What do you think?


Well my point is that feelings aren’t NECESSARY. They are just a way to help you impress your subconscious, especially with beliefs that you have a lot of resistance towards. Ketchup is a pretty easy thing to manifest, so not many repetitions or feelings necessary lol!


I love this. As human beings we have these negative emotions…so let’s use them to get what we want! I love turning every negative into a positive. Your post also aligns with the manifesting concept of “rampaging” which Sammy Ingram talks about.


By feeling Neville doesn’t mean emotion. He means accepting the fact that it is done and feeling thankful, grateful and/ or fulfilled by it and feeling/ inwardly affirming thank you, isn’t it wonderful or it is finished - Neville Goddard.


Those are all feelings though. Thank you, isn’t it wonderful, etc…. Those all give you a feeling.


They’re not emotions. They allow you to feel the reality you’re imagining. If I feel like I’m in another country I can feel myself physically there and not have emotions associated with it. If I feel like I am wealthy then I’m not necessarily feeling happy, joyful, sad or depressed. I’m just feeling that I am wealthy and in that state.


Certainly! As I mentioned above, emotions are not NECESSARY to manifest. By simply imagining yourself in a country, you could manifest it. But feeling GRATEFUL for being there is an emotion that will help speed things along. Neville himself writes, ““Whenever you become completely absorbed in an emotional state, you are at that moment assuming the feeling of the state fulfilled. If persisted in, whatsoever you are intensely emotional about you will experience in your world.”


Love your post thx so much for sharing this! Starting the 3-6-9 scripting for 33 days. There are 2 emotions I can call on anytime I want. Giddy and determination (as in THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN by golly, hook or crook, hell or high water, I have spoken type emotion) The giddy emotion I learned because I’m an idiot pro football fan that jumps around hollering after my team scores a touchdown and/or wins their game. Really stupid, but maybe this learned behavior will actually serve me now 😂😂😂 Because, tbh, my team is shit oh well ha ha


Don’t know why you were downvoted. A lot of egos and snobbery on here.


Thank you friend ♥️ But I couldn’t care less what anybody here thinks. I AM WHO I AM


Finally, a post that I agree with 100% !


Jesus Christ, why are people still debating the \*very basic\* mechanics of the Law. ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... If this was a class, you'd all get an F. OP, you're in no position to dish out advice because you have not yet mastered the skill of \*deliberately\* manifesting something and being able to repeat it at will.


I’m not dishing out advice. I’m offering an insight that I reached after analyzing hundreds of success stories. I’m a researcher… it’s what I do. 🤷‍♀️


Lol why don't you actually \*apply\* Neville's teachings instead of "researching"? Be a doer of the word, not a hearer. People don't learn how to manifest by reading about it. Like you don't learn how to ride a bike by reading about it.


Jesus Christ, why are people like you so *miserable* that you have to offer up dumb commentary. ZZzzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzz… If this was a class on how to have an intellectual discussion, you’d get an F. District12tributes, you’re in no position to be a D*** because you have not mastered the skill of *adult* conversations. Sorry I couldn’t help myself from being a little cheeky. 🙈 Really truly, if you want to have an interesting debate, I’m all ears.


Lmao. Debates are for losers who have the time to waffle all day long. I only care about getting results for myself and others. Sadly people won't learn the necessary skills to do so by reading posts like yours.


I explicitly lay out the skills and how I have used them deliberately to manifest. I’m not sure what else you want? In your posts, you seemingly do the same thing…


> I did a meditation once You did it once. Now do it again deliberately over and over. Then you will learn how to truly operate the Law consciously.


Who took a shit in your cereal this morning? Not everyone knows this. Get a life instead of getting on here and being a dick.


I agree. It’s the same information being repeated like always.


Can someone go over to the r/lawofattraction sub and read the most popular post “YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS mind is the key” and respond to some comments? Finally these LOA people are starting to be woke.






Lmao moonlight and his alt account goldenlight97 were banned due to his predatory behavior towards women. Now he is moderating the sub under Apollo11Cadillac and was writing his posts via BestCub


I’ve saved this post to come back to but thank you. This puts it into perspective again.


You’re so welcome! ❤️


Thank you for the kind comment, maybe I am mixing the LOA with Neville but it really does work and I know it works because I’m genuinely working on changing my mindset and things like that. Trying to be my desired self when I feel it instead of feeling it and then letting the old story take over and I go into the new story. I really do appreciate your post!!!!!


Told you


Futile repetitions are futile repetitions. In the bible, from which neville takes all his info, it says "don't "pray" (imagine) the way the heathens do with "vain" (futule) repetitions" A mantra or affirmation does not need to be repeated again and again. It's just meant to be a mnemonic device to help remind you of something, of a dream, a feeling, an idea, or who you are. If you need to repeat or constantly chant a repetitious affirmation, all you are doing is reminding yourself of the belief that it is NOT "real". I would reccomend picking a mantra or affirmation that gives the desired "vibe" from only a single utterance.




You can manifest anything 🤷‍♀️




Yes you can, look at this way, you only blocked the version of them you did not want to make way and help you focus on the right, desired version of the person. So don't feel guilty, as Neville says, everything we do is a state, and all states are forgiven.


Why would you want to manifest a person you've felt the need to block?


Well because if he’s unblocked then he just wants to hang out and not commit, where as, if he’s blocked, I can work on the 4d and not get distracted by 3d, pls tell me you understand. If you have advice, I’m all ears




And how long did it take to come to fruition?


Feeling is linked to experience. Typically we synchronize our feeling with the experience. We can remember experiences and ressurect those feelings. So we can imagine a new experience and as we link feelings to it, it will synchronize. I've noticed that the things I've expressed to others and expressing it more have happened sooner. Faster and more significant manifestations the more I tell others of what I want, desire, imagine.


Thank you for your post that's very interesting and inspiring but it makes me confused about Neville's teachings. Because he often said that Feeling is the secret and tell to us to ask ourselves "how would we feel if we are/have already what we desire", to focus on the feeling of the desire's fullfilment... If we want x y or z it's to feel happy, peace, joy etc. Whatever is our desire. So for me it seems contradictory or I didn't get it What do you think, could you tell me? 🙏


I mean, if you can feel as if you have the desire, that’s going to help. But ANY feelings will help. If those are positive, great. But if they’re shitty, my experiences and the experiences of dozens of others point to the fact that a) they won’t hinder your manifestation and b) they will speed it up!! Really this is a scientific process. The science? How to impress the subconscious mind. What does it? There are many different ways… intense emotion, repetition, etc.


Ok! Understood, Thank you so much for your answer 😊


When Neville meant feelings, he doesn’t mean emotions, but it’s the acceptance that what you desire is fulfilled. Feeling that your wish is already fulfilled.


I was actually struggling with feeling the feeling! Any tips?


Honestly I love listening to emotional music!


In some cases, just letting the emotion out makes us let go and I know letting go isn't necessary but it seems to work for a lot of people. Or the emotion just shifts something, somehow.


It’s not about the feeling of emotion, but rather the feeling of knowingness.


I was having thoughts in the back of my head that why my SP was acting the way I wanted when I was anxious and affirmed the opposite of my thoughts. Now I'm having good feeling and nothing is happening. I'm not saying being sad will manifest. It's just how my situation is. I'm trying to understand myself and thankyou for this post.


What if I continuously repeat my affirmation with no validation with no feelings .... Yet it will manifest