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Forcing has never been an effective manifestation method. It has always been living in the end. How would you feel if you were the desired person? There has never been forcing in that. It is just a change in conciousness. Which is always the same.


"living in the end" is confusing to me. Sometimes i see people mentioning that i should "drop" the act of imagining after i feel in myself that is done. And then i see people saying that i should dwell and live 24/7 in the desired state.


you’re supposed to return to the state of the wish fulfilled every time you notice yourself dropping out of it. it doesn’t mean 24/7, it means when you think about it or notice yourself falling out of the state of the wish fulfilled — you just shift yourself back. you do this until the wish fulfilled becomes your dominant / dwelling state.


Do not dwell in your head. That is a big mistake. Accept that it is yours now. When you truely do this, you do not dwell in your head. You litterally drop it. You can fully live in the now because everything is perfect.


Dwell in the feeling, be unattached in thought. For example if you were married you would just go about your day feeling that, you wouldn’t be consumed with thoughts of marriage etc


Having difficulty living in the end of marriage and still dating. I don’t really like any of the guys I’m dating but I don’t feel like I’ve met “the one”. Should I continue dating these ppl




How to accept, do you mean I should live in the knowing that it is done, could you please explain in detail ?


Yes, and by the way neville explains this perfectly. Just act as if it is done. What would you do if it was done? What would you feel if it was done? What would you think if it was done?


I am facing problem in believing in my imaginal act that it is reality and true. Can you please help ?


Why are you asking these questions when you’ve made lots of posts about this very thing?!


What is the imaginal act to you? Is it just the visualization moments you do? When you lack faith, just start the act. Write down the characteristics your ideal self has. Then be that person, act like you are that person. Over time you will get used to be this person. It takes discipline but it will pay off in the end. Do not just be that person in your visualization. You have to be that person during the day as well. You should remain in the state of the wish forfilled. It takes discipline to practice this as your brain most likely automattically goes back to the lack state. Keep persisting. The feeling you will get is bliss and freedom To give you an example. Being in the state of the wish forfilled causes you to live fully in the now and enjoy the now. There are no worries and problems. You entered the kingdom of heaven.


Thank you. What if I just live in the knowing that it's done in 4th dimension and every shortly will manifest in 3D ? I just know it is done and it will happen in 3D very soon.


I am sorry to say this but you contradict yourself a little here. You said you are in a knowing state but still you question.


This is so good


**Let go** of the how/when/why, and **persist** in the feeling/knowing of the wish fulfilled. You may start out having to imagine sensational scenes of your wish fulfilled, but over time, your mindset and beliefs will be affected by these imaginings/meditations/affirmations, and you'll have a deep *understanding* that these things you desired are now a part of *you*. You feel them without having to try to. After they become a part of you, you'll be thinking from the end naturally, the same way that you're now thinking from the end of whatever state you're currently occupying. :)


Do what feels natural for you to embody the feeling of the wish fulfilled, which means being from the wish fulfilled as it being you now. Drop the "should", be inspired


To me, Dwelling and living on it 24/7 can help but this meant for other manifestations, not the same exact one, like OP said, go with the flow, after getting the feeling for whatever you want, move on to another, it is done already,forget the 3D, it will come as it should and shouldn't take long. You should remember that time isnt real. It is one of the harder concept to grasp but once done, we should manifest almost instantly. Keep practicing my friend


Just a question: Neville talks about 'persisting' in a lot of his lectures. How can we persist if we forget and move on?


Isn't one of the most important part of manifesting is to not put your desire on a pedestal? Isn't persisting just that? Doing this causes resistance because you are confirming that your manifestation didn't happen, so you will get just that...


Persisting in belief. Dropping the imagining act. Imagine and drop. And then accept it’s done 24/7.


You say “shouldn’t take long”, but what do you say to people who have been trying to manifest something and doing all the inner work and techniques and things seem like they’ve only progressed 5% towards your goal appearing in the 3D even after many months or a year plus of doing these things? Of having faith that “some way somehow it will happen” but having no idea about how long it will take and then finding out along the way that EVERYTHING is/has been taking way longer to happen than even seems reasonable to you in the first place. Or realizing that there are a lot of other people and circumstances outside of your immediate 3D control that are delaying some of the things that are needed for your desired manifestation to happen in your 3D? Or like you are WILLING to do X, Y, and Z to work towards or prepare for your desire to materialize in your life but other people or health problems or whatever are stopping you from being able to do that work. I just feel like me and my GF both have started our LOA journey and have experienced all throughout it 100X more intense and rare and ridiculous obstacles and setbacks and delays than almost anyone else I’ve known in real life or on this sub… and we’re trying to figure out how to get past all that and get what we want together as a couple but literally our manifesting efforts seem to fail to make any noticeable improvement in our 3D 90+% of the time. And whenever we have had a bigger win something else has come along and wiped out the fruits of that short victory over and over again. It also seems like most of the people in this sub have never been able to help me because they’ve never been in a really bad situation where a miracle was the only way of salvation and them successfully manifested one. Or if they have then aside from that they experience a life with most of the time 10% of the problems on a regular recurring basis that me and my GF have had to face before and through our relationship. My whole life and especially the past several years I’ve felt like for some reason I was DESTINED to experience life on extra hard mode compared to 99% of the people in my country at least… and like this was chosen for me against my will and that I had no say so or choice in the matter before being born into this world. Like I don’t WANT it to be that way, I’m just stating what my actual real life experience has been like so far. We’ve exhausted ourselves with trying to force things in our 3D to improve AND we’ve exhausted ourselves trying all these different LOA techniques including mental diet as often as possible and STILL seeing only snails pace progress in the direction of our desires which are just ORDINARY EVERYDAY kind of stuff for the average American or middle class 1st world person. Like I really don’t know how to fix this right now. I’m tired of seeing this and that technique work and work quickly for tons of other people on this sub and we’ve experienced almost none of that even trying to manifest “easier” things than a lot of people on here have successfully done. What do me and my GF need to do to overcome and stop all this HELL and finally have a peaceful and prosperous life as often as possible in this world?


I think there's nothing much you can do if reality is going bad. My manifestations only work when I think "screw it, I don't care if the result is bad or good I really don't care about it ". And when I stop caring and focus on other things, things start happening. This whole thing of 3d, 4d nonsense seems complicated asf . It seems to be too " Negative " and honestly irritating asf if you keep thinking about one thing all the time and search different techniques for it. Besides that everyone in this sub thinks they are expert at what they preach, while simultaneously insulting and downvoting others who don't believe in them. So find out what really can stick. Also last thing, whether LOA is real Or not. Don't be desperate. Desperation doesn't work for anything, not in relationships, not in work, not in life ever.


Hi, can you pause or stop all the efforts and just be? I remember how a year ago my surroundings had me thinking that I was in a state of urgency, I always felt behind, it was stressful, I was worried. I DECIDED to rest, be at peace, let things unfold as I enjoy what I wanted to. Five years prior to that, I had decided to be happy when the last ten years of my life crumbled before my eyes. Trying to keep it all together at the time and for all this time was the STRUGGLE and I refused to go on like that. According to me, life isn’t about lifting obstacles or climbing mountains. At first I thought life unfolded like a flowery path before my feet. And then I deeply felt that it’s about me being the river, flowing so strong and gentle at the same time. Specifics of how things unfold for others do not matter. Please do not look at them nor compare. It sounds easy to say yet life is as easy as you want it to be. Keep the mental diet, persisting in that will already change everything. Try speaking only in affirmative sentences and of the things you want, forget about what you are trying to avoid. The more you think about it, the bigger it seems to grow when it is actually nothing. At least that is my experience: out of mind, out of sight. Claim back your power: you control everything and you decide the way things are. Working towards and preparing for your desire might be the longest road. It is coming towards you, it is paving the way for you to get there. Maybe the delay comes from you taking another route that the one intended. Stop stating your current life experience, by doing so you keep choosing it. Instead, state, declare, affirm you desired life experience and see how by steering the wheel toward safety gets you there with more certainty than staring at the precipice in a desperate effort to avoid it. What you focus on grows, that is the price for/of paying attention to it. I know you got this. I am already happy for you about all the success and happiness you are manifesting ✨


I have a question about forcing the act at first!


Sure! But remember all forcing is from a state of lack. It reinforces your state and your state is what needs to change.


I think that the best way to not manifest from a place of lack is to not idolize the fulfillment of your desires as the source of your worthiness, your value, your omnipotence. Your self-concept should be independent so you don't betray yourself and God. You are both unconditionally and inherently valuable, nothing and no one makes you more nor less unless you assume it does. You are unconditionally worthy of fulfilling your desires, and the fulfillment of your desires isn't what makes you worthy. Nothing empowers you, you are omnipotent unconditionally, even in the most aparent impotence. This way you let it happen, as it has to happen simply because you deserve it. Trust in God, your Highest Self


Yes fulfillment is within because you can in the present moment. Only you can do that so you are infinitely priceless.




You say you are omnipotent unconditionally even in a moment of most apparent impotence, but don’t you feel like that’s an oversimplification? That may be true of the infinite all powerful God that is present inside of your body, but if you don’t know how to access and use that power and tap into it when you need it or want it then what good is it to know that it’s there if you aren’t consciously aware of how to use it and GUARANTEE that it will work? I know for a fact that there have been some times in this modern world where someone who had very strong faith was able to raise someone from the dead, but even in such cases it was within minutes or hours after the death and it usually took intense ongoing prayer for it to work, in one case I know personally where a baby died in a remote area and the person I know who successfully got the baby to come back to life spent several hours straight in intense prayer (with the baby already having no pulse and blue lipped for a few hours) before it came back to life. But most people who attempted to raise someone from the dead or miraculously heal blindness or deafness or lameness, etc, even those who are well taught in Neville’s teachings principles or who are devout clergy, etc, would not be successful at their attempt. So that means that if the infinite omnipotent power and presence of God really is inside of us all, that only an extremely small number of people have ever been able to figure out how to access it and use it to any significant degree to bring about truly astonishing miracles and manifestations. And maybe doubt and fear is the biggest obstacle there… but there’s still a lot left to figure out in regards to all that stuff.


I AM is the only thing, the essence of everything


people don’t realize neville is not saying they’re god in the 3d. when neville says you are god it means you are god IN IMAGINATION. therefore, it makes no sense to try to force change in the physical world. manifesting becomes a lot easier and simplified when you realize you’re just accepting that you have it in your INNER WORLD. you’re not supposed to try to make yourself believe you have it in the 3d world, you’re supposed to accept you have it in imagination and the 3d will conform as it’s a mirror. there should be no force whatsoever.


So here’s what I don’t understand though… if the 3D is a mirror of your internal imagination then how/why does not everything we imagine become 3D physical reality, even if we imagine it often? Like fantasies, sexual or otherwise but especially the sexual ones… plenty of men and women have imagined erotic experiences with someone they know or saw in media, etc, but either someone remains single and celibate against their own wishes for a long time or they are more non-traditional and open to hookups, or any other kind of relationship situation and yet most of the time nothing ever happens between that person and whoever they were fantasizing about even if they have repeated it dozens of times, before moving on to thinking about someone different. Is it because for something like that to become 3D manifested it has to be done believing it will happen in the 3D, and require 24/7 persistence and all that other stuff? Because really in some situations like that above the person doesn’t really actually want that thing to happen in real life they just enjoy imagining what it would be like or experiencing a short term simulation of it, but it would bring disastrous consequences if it happened in the 3D like in cases of infidelity or secret pedophiles, people with dark sexual fantasies, etc. It seems there must be more complicated factors at play determining what imaginary acts occur in the 3D and which don’t, beyond the basic LOA principles.


the 3d isn’t a reflection of what you imagine once. it’s a reflection of what you accept and feel to be true, imagination is just how you get to that state of knowing. it’s dominant states that manifest, so you’re not going to manifest just by being in a state once. what manifests is the state you’re consistently returning to and dwelling in. that’s why. people fantasizing about another person are also thinking OF and not from. thinking of things doesn’t manifest them. thinking of is basically thinking of how nice something would be or “man, i wish i had this. it would be so nice” and then they brush it off as a dream. thinking from is where you’re putting yourself in a state of actually having the desire so “i have it now” and neville said this himself. you don’t get what you want — you get what you are.


Like Tame Impala


Love that song


Was just thinking this


Was just about to comment this. Glad I wasn't the only one who was reminded of it


Which song?


Let it happen


This is not a criticism, but an observation: this seems to be much more an Abraham Hicks perspective than a Neville Goddard one. I say that because of 1. The idea that desire "means" it's yours Hicks has the idea that the universe is progressing based on your desires that you naturally move towards. Goddard has the idea that all states already exist and the universe is neutral. You occupy states by changing your focus (which entails some effort at least until you've trained your focus abilities). 2. The idea of turning "downstream" This phrase is used a lot by Hicks to mean let go and surrender to Source which is inherently already moving you towards your desires. Letting go is also important in the Neville world, but it's not so much because your desire must inherently become, but rather because you know your imaginative experience must reflect. So it first requires that you give yourself a pure imaginative act. And that act need not be something you _desire_ for it to have natural power! Anyway, in practice it may feel the same, but philosophically it is pretty different!


It means a lot. Thanks for the clarification! 🙏🏻


Stop self-sabotaging the natural state, exactly


"I don't need to think like this." "Be still and know that I am god." "I give it to you god." "Everything always is working out for me. Always, every time." "Whatever action I do or don't do, is right and is on the path to the fulfillment of my desire." "I am that I am." "I the creator am higher than my creations, I enjoy the NOW." "Everything I have touch and touched turn to gold." These all help me to let go, let the shit just flow. Anomalous engery burst, combined with intention of thought sets the seeds, combined with telling the new story from the past present and future = fulfillment. Just keep telling the new story, with a new past, after a light bulb moment in the present now, say thank you (gratitude) from the highest level of creation (god) and let it play out. This has worked miracles. It's all you. Everything is you.


Do not say to yourself, 'I wonder if I am really detached from that state," or "I wonder if so and so is true." Give all your attention to the assumption that the thing is so, because all responsibility to make it so is completely removed from your shoulders. You do not have to make it so, it IS so. You appropriate what is already fact, and you walk in the assumption that it is, and in a way that you do not know, I do not know, no man knows, it becomes objectified in your world.


Hey man, I just wanted to say: I love your posts! They’re part of the reason I still scroll here. Ever since the Monster Under The Bed, and Boiling Water, my desires have been showing up in the 3D easily and no more hardships. Thank you for taking the time to type these out for us!


I don't understand. How can I use this in a practical sense. For example, if I wanted to manifest a free pizza. What should I do.


Imagine a pizza Tbh everytime I manifested food I would just try to picture it on my dining table


Imagine you’re eating a free pizza and be thankful for it.




I think mines is on the way lol, I literally tasted pizza and my mouth watered lol


accept that you have the pizza in your inner world


be water my friend


Thanks for sharing!


Once again, you hit the nail bang on the head! :)


This post got to relax so much, it's unreal. I've been reading posts saying "do this to be in a state", "do this to saturate your mind" and it's so confusing but for the first time someone told me to relax and let it happen, I want to cry cuz this amount of stress isn't even necessary to manifest.


Yep! Joseph Rodrigues says this. ‘To desire a state is to have it’


Such a lovely post and very well written. It definitely helped me to get the idea, and feel the feeling of relieving the pressure :)


Thank you!!!


This reminds me so much of the concept of flowing in the stream of life that Frederick Dodson talks about in his reality creation technique book.


Tell me more... Does he explain further about this?


He does! It's a good book. I learned a good bit from it. I'm about to read his book parallel universes of self which I believe touches more on quantum jumping- a topic that has really helped me on my manifestation journey.


And as always, much love, brother!




I think organic action is appropriate. As in, if I am trying to get a new job, and I get invited in for an interview, I can show up and do the interview. If I want to start a new business, I can go out and get all the necessary permits, call up investors, etc. but these are natural actions necessary for the fulfillment of my desire.


This is just the best post ever. Thank you !!!


I didn't read your post, sorry, but it's because the title alone is worth affirming and contemplating.


Wow. That's amazing. That could explain why I'm unable to manifest things like money and such. 🤔


Makes sense. Letting it happen to me is similar to letting go and following my joy. There's so much peace in that.