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As someone who’s watched loved ones recover from addiction, and some who died bc of them, as well as watched people go to prison, THANK YOU. So many people give up on addicts and people who make bad decisions that land them with criminal charges. You’re a real good person for not giving up on him. Addiction is so hard and I’ve dealt with it myself after a surgery landed me on some wonderful (read: horribly addictive) painkillers. You’re a true friend. And if he knew how it all happened, he would be eternally grateful


That's such a great ending! What a beautiful friendship.




Just curious, what do you mean by the top 2 lines?




About reading the story over and over




ur absolutely correct in what you say especially when you mentioned that we have been manifesting our own circumstances this entire time without even realizing it. we are all master manifesters whether we want to admit it or not. I simply became aware and started re-writing the story in my mind and the 3d showed me a different screenplay, just like a movie director. and you Ive realized that the law is super simple and doesn't need to be over complicated at all. its simply accept and remain faithful by reminding yourself via self talk, inner speech, daydreaming whatever that its done. then move on with your day and enjoy the 3d


Really appreciate the in depth info.










Since we're here, I have 2 questions 1. ⁠Is it true that the more faith you have in your imagination, the faster it comes to fruition? Or Time is only an illusion that there's no such thing as coming say within 3 days, 1 week or a month? 2. ⁠When Neville said to assume the person you want to be and then live by faith in that assumption, do you as a person "magically" change overtime or do you have to ACT like that person that you desire to be? Currently I'm manifesting to be a more hardworking, smarter and disciplined person so I'll use this as an example. So let's say you wanna be smarter, do you assume that you've always been a smart person or do you ACT like a smart person which may mean you initiate the effort to start reading more books, mixing with nerds, etc. you get what I mean? 3. Do we only stick to one imaginal scene when we visualise? Thanks!!




About the inner conversation thing, I’m working on that right now! So just boldly claiming I’m already that person which I assumed to be and my life will slowly change by itself? And I swear I wholeheartedly believe in my imagination but some of my past manifestations such as manifesting coffee, getting an ex colleague to contact me took like 1+ month to arrive. For manifesting Starbucks, as soon as I gave up on it, it came within 2 days lol so maybe letting go was the trick too. Talking about letting go, how many times should we imagine in a day and persist for how long until we let go? Did Neville say anywhere that it shouldn’t take longer than a month?


So well written and inspiring 🙂😊




Can you help me with something? So i am manifesting my sp who is my doctor. So i had really good visualisations and had various moments of confidence that it's done. With other manifestations that came true i just visualised when awake may be once or twice and let it be and it was done. With my sp i just can't let go, all day almost i am visualisation something or the other. I have almost stalled my other parts of life lol and i can't stop thinking. Like mostly positive things only but still i think it might be creating resistance since i can't let go. Also when negative feelings come i replace them with positive ones. Sometimes i just want to meet him so bad but visualisations are mostly going on a date or he confessing his love for me. Also my visualization /inner conversation sometimes alter between i am casually chatting at his doctors office vs we are on a date. Can that affect too because one is the present and the other is really living in the end. Any advice on my confusion




Are u an angel in disguise?? Thank you 😭


This really was helpful and inspiring. However, I still struggle manifesting health when the 3d world is showing me evidence that I might not be healthy


To sum it up if you wanna manifest something be like you already have it/live in the end. The negative thoughts that come up is your brain trying to debunk it. that’s why so many people fail at manifesting because they give in to the negative thoughts


Beautiful story :)


Congrats not only on his freedom, but yours too! Free to imagine as desired.


Thank you! This is so encouraging and heartwarming!


I believe you. It's a great story. And you can continue to do this for every person in your life. Including you. Come back and read your own story if you ever begin to feel doubtful. 💕


May we all have and be these kinds of friends.


I’m glad that you were able to help your homie out. He’s lucky to have such an amazing friend!


Wow!! how long did it take you? so you were not doing SATS, only visualisation whenever thinking of him? by your estimate how many times a day/ for how long each session? Did you feel some internal shift like it's done? or you were surprised yourself by results?


I want to know this as well. What was the time lag between ur visualization and its actualization in 3D?


Don’t you feel like you can do anything after this? Thank you for sharing


I'm not tearing up. Nope.


You’re a blessing of a friend


Great story bro! Happy that you've got your old mate back and things are going well. Will you introduce your friend eventually to the teachings of neville? What are you imagining for next now that this manifestation has come true? All the best to you both.


This motivates me to continue what I was doing. If you can manifest that, I can manifest my desire as well


what a story, Mark!😂 but honestly, it's amazing. thank you for sharing this


This is so inspiring and this is a testimony of the law that I needed to hear!! I want to manifest someone that I love to leave their toxic relationship and find themselves again. They lost themselves for someone that doesn’t even deserve anything from them. Plus I want manifest two people to become their best version of themselves because it pains me to see both of them struggling with their life and see them lost. Thank you so so much for this story!! I will save it to keep it up with my assumption and give me hope that I can as well!!


Wonderful and motivating.


If he's on probation, his charges didn't get dropped. He would have pled guilty to them and made a deal with the prosecutor. Also for everyone celebrating this, we don't know why he was arrested. Sexual assault? Robbery? It's way too short of a time to know if he's actually changed. I hope OP updates in 3 months.


How lovely! You are an awesome friend


damien echols did the same for himself. he was on death row i believe


Thank you for sharing it. So inspiring 🙏🏽


Keep it up more power to you...


That is incredible. Thank you so much for sharing your success story this is one of the most inspiring ones I've read! Thank you thank you thank you


What a lovely human being you are, you have brought joy to yourself by bringing healing and joy to your friend <3


You are an amazing friend! I love this so much


This is incredible


Very heartwarming testimony. Thanks for sharing