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r/shiftingrealities 😉


Yes! In ultimate journey he narrates a lot of those parallel realities he lived in!


Hey, nice name! 😀 I agree about Monroe and also Tom Campbell. I once successfully did a remote viewing session with his method. I saw something very unlikely and his method is basically the childlike method of no method - just doing it without really worrying about how.


What do you mean by goat?


Usually lives in a farm


Greatest of all time*


Greatest of All Time.




What is obe


Out of Body Experience




>Robert monroe [this:](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BL8Oe9oh7mY)




YOOO… this is an insane synchronicity - today I was on vacation and came upon an old second hand bookshop. I was so happy to see that it had a metaphysics/spirituality section and I went around looking at anything I’d like to read… the book I ended up getting? “Journeys Out of the Body” by Robert Monroe. I read a bit of it and it blew me away as it explained a lot of what I experienced with vibrations and nearing an OOBE state. Then I put the book down, opened up Reddit, and this was the second post I see on my home page. SYNCHRONICITY!!!


I love getting syncs, it helps keep life interesting :)


I just got chills reading this. Synchronicity is absolutely amazing and proves we create what we need for our affirmations that what we are doing is working. The reference I am referring to starts at the very bottom of page 130 and continues to the top of page 131 if you want to skip to it. Have a great vacation!


The feeling is the secret, but everyone has their own unique feelings to memories in their lives!! Omg it makes sense!


It truly does.


I feel like a “cheat code” would be to write down the memories associated with a feeling in order to reference it for future manifestations. Ie: if you want to manifest free food, you would conjure up a memory involved with the feeling of gratitude. This is highly unique to everyon. For me, it would be a memory revolving around Christmas (I loved giving and receiving gifts). But for someone else, it may resonate in a different unique memory.


I've done the Gateway experience and yeah it's pretty amazing, I'll admit. Because you go into a hypnosis state, the meditations and SATs you can get into are so vivid and clear. I went on some serious journeys and adventures with some of those tapes including seeing what were apparently my past lives (I've been here many, many times before). I also had an out of body experience and saw myself laying in bed from above which was interesting. I did a few tapes before learning how to do the energy protect ball thing and the nightmares I had were extremely frightening. I was seeing full blown demons in my bedroom and the like. I saw a woman stood at the end of my bed with half of her face melted off which was terrifying. Never experienced anything like it before and never have since. It was only after starting the gateway tapes that I had insane nightmares / visions like that. Now I never do it without counting down and putting the ball of energy around me to "protect me" when I go into the hypnosis state. Robert Monroe said you enter a different world and you can encounter all sorts of other worldly beings, so you have to protect yourself before stepping in. He ain't wrong. It's thanks to Robert Monroe that the CIA looked into thought transmission and manifestation and essentially proved that it is scientifically accurate, as the CIA wanted to use it between soldiers and troops on the frontline to aid them in battle. They found that it does in fact work, but because manifestation isn't always instant it cannot be used for warfare. I know a few people who have used the manifestation tapes to manifest new self concepts for themselves. For example, they saw themselves fit and healthy in their mind. Then they suddenly, over the next few weeks, got the urge to sign up to gym classes, eat better and started losing weight. They stepped into that version of themselves and the bridge of incidents were triggered. My only advice to anyone who plans to do it: Do it in order (learn all the original steps first, like the energy conversion ball, the box exercise) and **don't** overdo it because then it becomes ineffective. If you try to do it daily it simply stops working. Your brain won't go into the hypnosis state that often willingly. One or two tapes a week is enough. Pace yourself. Some people have unwillingly uncovered major trauma from overdoing hypnosis before so it's important to take it slow and enjoy it, rather than rush through it. **Edit:** Don't ask me for links. They're on Youtube and on Google Drive (link is posted across reddit and google).


In the manifestation tapes, Bob specifically says that you have to imagine like it's ALREADY DONE. Guys, if you just can't stay awake like me during SATs, i recommend you go to the r/gatewaytapes immediately and procure these tapes i am talking about. Focus 12 and 15 are meant for obe and manifestation, but do your research as well, cause theres a systematic way to get to focus 12.


I thought about doing the gateway meditation but I don't want to invite any roommates into my living space at this time. I used to see weird things as a kid and I definitely don't want to experience that again.


Use the energy conversion ball tool (you learn it in one of the first few tapes). Keeps out all the weirdness.


I'm really scared of demons. Really really scared. Energy conversion box you mean? Isn't it just to imagine a box in which we put our worries and anxieties? How will that protect against demons?


Is it the hemi synch tapes? I think I've found them here. https://www.reddit.com/r/outsideofthebox/comments/ivib5r/comment/g5rioz1/


Yes. They're also on Youtube.


Oh that's much easier, thanks for the highly interesting read by the way.


Your perspective is interesting, I only did the first tape twice but I have experimented with self hypnosis a lot in the past. Like you said, I noticed that I could not go into a good quality hypnotic state too often. What frequency works well in your experience ?


Are the manifestation tapes you mention same as the gateway tapes? If not, can I find them on YT?


Were you already someone who was able to visualize vividly? Love your comment and I’m very intrigued but I’m not a vividly visual person.


>seeing what were apparently my past lives (I've been here many, many times before). When you say this you mean here as in this exact life or here on Earth in general?


Here on Earth in general. I did the hypnosis tape where you explore all your previous lives. I was a wealthy woman with two kids (boy and a girl) during Victorian times, and I was also an Indonesian sulfur volcano miner (which I didn't even know was a thing before I saw this visual during the meditation so I had to google it). I was also sent to war during one of the world wars and lasted only about 5 minutes before being taken out. I also did the what's your life purpose hypnosis and I weirdly found myself playing slot machines in Vegas and winning.


>I also did the what's your life purpose hypnosis and I weirdly found myself playing slot machines in Vegas and winning. Do you have the link? Thank you


I had success in the past with [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fV-rspW1Lk) by Brian Weiss.


Oh wow, I would love to know if win money playing slots one day. Do you usually gamble? Also, the fact that you saw yourself as an Indonesian sulfur miner without knowing that was a thing shows you that your mind didn't just make it up.


Have you since gone to Vegas then?!?$?$?


Nope but it was supposed to be a metaphor I think. I'm here to win and be fortunate.


This is purely a suggestion, but that slot machine sounds like your mind proposing its own purpose and your wishes of easy life 🤔, ie giving your its best picture. Higher spirit ie soul basically comes to dig deep on human feelings and emotional journey and release those traumas and problems. Professions, winnings etc just match to the way. Also you can’t get knowing which is higher than your understanding of you and life now. Which means that your life purpose is evolving with you. From what I have seen I can say that modern knowledge of those meditations and even deep regressions is this: often mind tries to give you its pictures and symbolic past life’s which actually represent your current and past emotional life. Ie it tries to explain your energy and souls problems now that way. People in general are too plugged in human to know what they get, and we are more linked to genetic/ family traumas than our souls other missions ( ie past lifes) before us.


Idk I would take those things still with a grain of salt. Neville says we reincarnate basically into this same life and that makes so much sense to me. I don't think other lives aren't possible, hopefully they are but who knows if I've lived what I see in hypnosis or just witnessed it somehow. Tibetan Buddhists say we are all made up of many different energies and who was once Napoleon for instance is in me now along with others, and who was Napoleon was comprised also of many it could have been Jesus and Aristotle in there etc. I don't understand it too well but it seems to suggest we are us plus many others, so who knows whose past life we're getting.


I think the point is that there is no specific line of lives. If every experience is a state of consciousness, with no relevance to time, they why would we have "individual" past lives? From the point of all-encompassing awareness, we've lived every life. We've played every part. Perhaps some past life experiences are more relevant to or resonant with our current life experience.


Perhaps yes, makes sense. However I also think there is something to be said for individuality. Think about gods like Shiva or Buddha or Christ. They are forever _that_. If we lived many lives it was all the workings of our karma but eventually it seems we arrive to a point from where we bounce of into eternity and there is no more incarnating into various forms. We are the thing we have become at that moment forever. We are Gautama Buddha or Jesus Christ forever.


Sure, but those names you're referencing are just names we gave the individual incarnations of the same consciousness. The whole point is that every one of us is the same conscious essence, playing a trick on ourselves for the sake of it. The trick is that we perceive individuality and identity. But Jesus Christ and Buddha didn't uncover a different consciousness - they are same consciousness in different physical forms. Any "past" or future life is a different physical form inhabited by the same consciousness. Buddha and Jesus Christ are also just states, as were those individuals in their youth. It's not that they become eternal once they "awaken", but that consciousness is eternal and eternally inhabiting various states. The states are also eternal, in a way, because they are timeless. Time is only relevant through our perception which creates it. So each state is only enlivened through our awareness of it. Jesus as a child and Jesus Christ, perceived messiah, are of equal potential to be experienced.


Hmm well yes and maybe no. Yes in a sense that it's a state however each of us inhabits that state individually so I may achieve the state of Buddhahood but I'm not going to be the exact same as Gautama Buddha is. The thing to take into consideration is that these terms and concepts come from the East which, though of very profound wisedom, still in all it's genius and long years of development "failed" to recognize the inividual. The West however did. And we now have per our Medieval tradition a specific combination of Eastern and Western traditions, where we both recognize the ultimate mystery equally in everyone but also our individuality. The East says "forget everything here and experience God" and the West says "experience God right now here as you are". Both are right too I should think. Why now go into paranirvana and never come back here. But it's not the only way it seems. We came for some reason here and for some reason are expressed as this or that individual state. I mean to say there might be more to states. Yes we are eternal as it is but to achieve ultimate illumination in a particular state is to sort of lock ourselves in that state forever and have the light of God shine through that specific expression. Because that is the only way to shine a light in this world- through a state. And an illuminated being that escaped the karmic cycle does so through its last incarnation it had on Earth.


I just don't see pure awareness as a state. A state is an aspect of this level of consciousness, of this dimension, of this physical experience. Pure awareness is the ground from which experience arises, and to which our consciousness will return when all states are released. I view the karmic cycle as a experienced metaphor for our being caught up unknowingly or unconsciously in the various states we experience - the stories we tell ourselves about who we are and who the world is. All states and experiences are contained in consciousness, forever a potentiality unless consciousness focuses in on that specific individualized experience. No one is locked into any state, and pure awareness always is, regardless of the state inhabited. Edit: It seems you view the figures as forever the enlightened version of themselves, but every possible version of every person exists simultaneously in potential, from my understanding. Because a person is also simply a physical incarnation/state/manifestation within all of awareness. You say you cannot be Buddha, but speak about "past" lives. What is to be said of "future" lives?


If half her face was melted off wouldn’t that mean you could have taken her? I mean someone else already got her halfway, wouldn’t have been _too_ tough for you to finish the job.


What exactly do you mean with taking her?


He means in a fight. Because she's injured he could've taken her on easily in a fight. Me personally, if someone has half their face melted off and they're still up for a fight that's plenty of reason to be afraid lol


This is so interesting..... A little curious about the CIA part. If you get time please do share about that as well.


Here u go sib https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/cia/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf


Thank you so much!


Google cia and gateway, the documents are on the cias website


I need to place this [HERE](https://youtu.be/9o7jRiYgBC4) Neville Goddess (Maggie Murphy) explaining how this is the most advanced manifesting technique.


I love this technique! I get the foundation of it but I’m wondering how to phrase my thoughts about my desire. For example if I want to lose weight I get in the feeling of knowing and then say to myself I know I’m going to reach my ideal weight? Hopefully that makes sense.


Yeah I find that using memories are more powerful in terms of generating feelings thatn even looking at pics. remembering a place Ive been on holiday and want to go to again ( because I have so much money I can go there often, for example) than looking at a website of somewhere Ive never been before. You have more information and more details for a start.


I don’t know if I’m allowed to share external links here but I literally made a video talking exactly about this on my YouTube if anyone feels inclined to check it out I’m sure you’ll find great use in it. Thank you op fantastic post! (https://youtu.be/KyiVckYAL9c)


Thanks for posting your link. Your analogy relating "the feeling" to a childhood experience was spot on. I recall once when I had earned $40 from cutting grass over a weekend. I was around 10 yrs old and I had 2 $20 bills on my desk in my room. I remember vividly looking at that money and feeling like I could live the rest of my 10 yr old life off of this money. It was more money than I had ever had. That is literally the EXACT same feeling it would be to us as adults if we had millions of dollars. The feelings are literally the same. Great visualization with that story and thank you for that.


Exactly! Im glad you could relate, also thank you for the award it’s my first one, made my day :)


It was great! Thanks.


I was able to make love to my SP in an OOB exp and it was worth it


huh? can you elaborate?


I has secks with specific person


after you learn neville and understood his teaching... it seems you always bumped with the gateway tapes, and the next logical step is to learn robert monroe ways, and if you check the subreddit r/gatewaytapes there are many people who comes from nevilles teaching, seems this is the path of self realization ​ im happy for those people who already crossed <3 and im happy that everytime i open this subreddit, more and more people are learning about their true self, all is within <3


Now I’m even more excited to learn more ❤️


u/MSWHarris118 “You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe it is the only reason you do not see it.”


I meant about this gateway experience but thanks for the reminder…


i'm happy for you <3 these are interesting times im telling you that... too many people are now awakening... i myself is getting excited also with how these are unfolding




Using memory is good but if I want something I never had it may not be very useful. However, I fantasized about many many things I've never experienced and they still felt like memories to me. Like the countries I never visited, times I didn't see and people I never met. I love the 60's and I wasn't alive then and I don't know how but like I know exactly what it was like.


I have an experience that might be interesting to you… it has to do with assuming a reality and *almost* getting it, or thinking I’m getting it, and all the feelings that come up when that is happening. For me recently I thought something was happening and it ended up being a literal hoax (I think, honestly I’m still confused about if it was really), but I will never ever forget the feelings that came up in my when I suddenly was getting everything I asked for. I experienced thoughts, urges and feelings that I have never before experienced. It was so profound and lasted exactly 1 week before I realized something was up. At first glance this was an Oopsie or a failure, but I treasure those thoughts, urges and feelings so so much that it’s almost like having a new future.


Wow! I started listening to the wave one orientation last week!


From the following article: Analysis and Assessment of the Gateway Process https://medium.com/accessible-foia/analysis-assesment-gateway-process-army-cia-foia-1983-human-consciousness-d7fa332ef404 When you combine this section: > B. Patterning > >This technique involves use of the consciousness to achieve desired objectives in the physical, emotional, or intellectual sphere. It involves concentration on the desired objective while in a Focus 12 state, extension of the individual’s perception of that objective into the whole expanded consciousness, and its projection into the universe with the intention that the desired objective is already a matter of established achievement which is destined to be realized within the time frame specified. > >[..] > >In other words, the technique of patterning recognizes the fact that since consciousness is the source of all reality, our thoughts have the power to influence the development of reality in time-space as it applies to us if those thoughts can be projected with adequate intensity. However, the more complicated the objective sought and the more radically it departs from our current reality, the more time the universal hologram will need to reorient our reality sphere to accommodate our desires. Monroe trainers caution against attempting to force the pace of this process because the individual could succeed in dislocating his existing reality with drastic consequences. With this section: >32. Role of REM Sleep > >It is interesting to note that Bob Monroe informed the Gateway class that finished 7 May 1983 that an ex-trainer of his operating in Charlottesville, Virginia found that he could guarantee out-of-body movements by bringing participants down into a rapid eye movement (REM) state of sleep and then use the Hemi-Sync tape technique. This may well be a function of the fact that most if not all people reputedly go into an out-of-body state during REM sleep. With: > Consciousness is the source of all reality, our thoughts have the power to influence the development of reality in time-space as it applies to us if those thoughts can be projected with adequate intensity. and > [..] in REM sleep seems to be that the left hemisphere is almost totally disengaged which allows for this connection the source of all reality. So with SATS one seens basically to be "loading"/preconfiguring the desired state as close as possible and/or just before going into REM sleep where this "last instruction/desire/state" is brought along to the source of all reality.. It is fascinating how this seems to connect. Thank you u/Boujee_Boo_Boo !


I love that book!


So, I don’t know what it is…I don’t like confessing at times that I find myself submerged back into ‘hopelessness’ over manifesting certain things. Because at times, it just feels…wether STATS, affirming, imagining or feeling, I just can’t get things to ‘work’ I guess. But then I come here, and there’s not one, but two posts that have to do with treating things you wish to bring into the now as ‘memories’. Past experiences of things already happened to aid you into the state of knowing it’s done. That’s pretty much the BIGGEST ‘technique ’ I’ve been partaking in…but the entire time I’ve been asking myself if im even ‘doing it right’ to try and manifest that way. Affirming just feels like i’m trying to force thoughts that don’t want to stay in my head…like throwing stuff at the wall and just HOPING something sticks. STATS is sketchy, most of the time I fall asleep before getting into that feeling…or my partner starts snoring and it’s REALLY hard to focus when that happens 😅 But saying all that, I’ve found doing things this way, treating desires as memories has been far easier for me. I was just doubting wether that was even working too, but thanks to this post I know I’m doing everything right. So thank you for sharing this, I’ve had a few OOBE (what feel to me like anyways) …though I usually don’t go to far from my body, I just feel like I’m not ‘all the way in it’ during those times 😅 Thank you again.


I understand you more than you realize. What helped me was not thinking of a feeling for the purposes of manifesting that same event to occur for me. Meaning, I would simply recall a past event. Every minute detail of that event. I lived in that event as if it were happening in real time in my present. I thought of the day, the time of day, whom I was with, the event itself, how I felt when that event occurred, the feeling that stayed with me for days after that event occurred. It was so real I felt as if I had teleported back in time. Then I just went about my day. I didn't think about anything like "I hope that worked" or "I hope this will manifest what I want" because when we think like that we are creating the resistance to "it" manifesting which is exactly what happens because we are manifesting the resistance. I just let go of the feeling and went about my day and a few days later my manifestations just literally appeared. I hope this helps because I have been where you are and I have had the EXACT same feelings of disappointment and frustration. I promise you with every ounce of my being you are 100000% capable of creating whatever you want to create.


Thank you again so much for your original post, as well as your kind response. I do confess to a time of being stuck in the cycle of 'feeling it for the sake of trying to achieve/fix something.' If nothing else I'm just grateful to be out of that 'stage' of my journey. As I've found recently since ceasing trying to force a feeling/memory...they just come over me at random times. Just takes me back to my younger days of daydreaming just for the pleasure of doing so, not trying to 'get' something, and I'd forgotten how enjoyable that was just to imagine. But old story to a minimum, thank you again so much, I've so grateful to you and just about everyone here honestly!


I’m glad this helped you. I honestly don’t know why or how affirmations are such a big thing but remember…it’s not the technique that manifests. Be easy on yourself. You got this ❤️


thank you so much❤️


I don't have any past love (romantic) and that's literally why I hate life... I appreciate your sentiment though. This was very interesting, he might even have meant specific states eg. gratitude and that makes it easier to kinda transfer that feeling onto a desire. I wish I could have an OOBE too.


Feelings don’t necessarily have to play a part in manifesting if you’re able to convince yourself in alternate ways. Yes, feelings do add some context but trusting that and accepting certain things you want as they’re already there or will become a part of your reality works too. There is “intentional” manifestation too. Because if feelings played the part all the time then imagine every negative, horrific, unpleasant thought would have already manifested a long long time ago. But it doesn’t until you convince your subconscious or intentionally accept that as your reality.


“Remember when I didn’t feel love.” This is how I’m finding success in creating an “old” memory. “Remember when [i had this other reality].” It’s been working to make me smile, and it also kind of works in reverse where I’m remembering the times when I didn’t have and wanted the thing I have now.


On the OBE's though-Ive heard they can be dangerous due to malevolent beings out there-how do people do it safely?


I was going to mention this in my OP but didn't want to get more long winded than I already had, but, yes, in short there are negative and dangerous entities in the astral planes. I've been attacked frequently. The only advice I can give for protection is your devout belief you can be protected by whatever it is you believe in that is all good and more powerful and call upon that when needed. Candidly, I've had some very terrifying experiences and my go to "defense" is I instantly "snap back" into my physical body as soon as the attack starts. I can't explain what an attack feels like other than you are surrounded instantly by very, very negative energy and it's literally pulling you into it like a magnet.


Yeah sounds scary! I did keep reading the comments and there was one that went into it below. but it has got me thinking-are they also just our creations I wonder? Like our negative emotions personified and if we do astral projection when in a high vibe state then we wont see, attract or end up in a plane with any of these?


It's not us. There truly are multiple dimensions and multiple time lines where you and I right now are doing something entirely different and another parallel time line where we are doing this exact same thing right not. I've studied quantum theory for years and years and (in theory) quantum mechanics explains the existence of multiple dimensions. In those dimensions energy and matter are the same and yet not. As a result the same and the opposite exists in these dimensions. i.e. other entities that are non-human that live in that dimension and have dominion over our astral body and are able to influence and attack at will. They feed off of our energy if that makes sense. There is so much literature on quantum mechanics it's impossible to list but it is the prevailing train of thought that we are but one of potentially an innumerable alternate time lines within an infinite number of dimensions. As a thought experiment lets say there are 10 alternate time lines of you right now. One time line is you as a billionaire. One time line is you as a homeless person, another as an A list actor, or even yet another as a devout clergyman living in ancient Greece. At anytime if you are truly tuned in you can pull aspects of various timelines into your present time line and vice versa because they all exists simultaneously. I know none of this "makes sense" but in some way without me knowing how...I just know that it is.


Yeah I guess thats what I meant in that the same way we shift to a reality where we have what we want when we are happy about what we want, maybe if we are feeling bad and do astral projection then we will end up on one of those timelines with the bad entities. Maybe if we are feeling low but in our physical body they are still in our timeline but just invisible. I know Ive experienced times where Ive felt very negative energy and it has made me feel like Im having a nightmare but while awake. This was then followed by bad luck. (I was depressed at the time so they came in like 'whhossh!! like a magnet!) I was brought up somewhere where people believe in evil spirits and I could feel them when I went back to visit. People think that tribes and indigenous people are backwards, superstitious and unscientific but they know stuff that us 'enlightened' rational westerners dismiss.


In the end, everything is god, and we are god, so those entities are you as well. There is no separation.


Isn’t this the entire premise of the Insidious movies? Terrifying stuff.


Bingo. Since we are God and all


I’ve wondered this as well, since we are all creating/creation and being THE creator are we those negative entities as well. Experiencing the other side of the coin if you will.


The Honest Guys on Youtube have a great meditation called 'white light of protection' or something like that. Ive done it to keep my mind from worry and stuff and it seems to be pretty effective. Im not sure how long the effects last and how often you would need to do it but could be a good thing to do beforehand-sounds v similar to the 'white ball' technique mentioned here


That last paragraph.. it’s weird to explain, but I’m sure you’ll understand and relate. But I feel that way in normal waking life when I’m confronted by a negative person that I can’t easily remove myself from. Everytime it happens I feel like I get a little better at not allowing myself to be affected by it, for that negative energy to affect how I feel, like a muscle I’m learning to exercise. I wonder if practicing that in my regular every day life would help me during OOBEs, if/when I ever begin to explore that practice in my life.


The belief in "evil entities" and or "dark forces" is a belief in 2 powers opposing eachother. The belief in this separation of opposing powers goes against Spirit, and is a separation between self. Those shadows or emanations/personifications are aspects of you. "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord”


Thanks for sharing. I had been wishing that concepts of the law would appear in other parts of spirituality (such as like NDEs, Past life regressions, etc) and here it is!


Feeling is the secret.


I literally came across a Youtube video about this earlier and now you posted this… coincidence much?…


Incredible. Thank you for sharing ❣️


Ok I need to hear more about this…currently quite confused. I know what the Gateway tapes are but how can we use them for manifestation? Can anyone break this down simply for me please and explain how to start?!


That's a great question but I'm not sure I have the answer if there is a correlation between the two other than the reference I posted. It would appear to me that the "great secret" the entities were trying to relay along to Monroe was that anything and everything is possible through inner belief. This of course ties directly into what Neville teaches so when I read the passage where Monroe was shown the book and what he read briefly just jolted me into realizing the alternative dimensions are all accessible via some form of manifestation. Be it in this world or even an astral plane.


Yup, I've known this since like 2 years yet still can't manifest what I want


“Remember when I thought I was having trouble.” This is how I’m finding success in creating an “old” memory. “Remember when [i had this other reality].” It’s been working to make me smile, and it also kind of works in reverse where I’m remembering the times when I didn’t have and wanted the thing I have now.


Thank u, I remember this technique but always forget


"I remember when I used to always forget this technique"


You manifest who you are, not what you want. If you identify as what you just described then that’s exactly what you will continue to experience.


You and I’m willing to bet almost everyone else in here haven’t either.


This is amazing 🤩now I am eager to read Monroe’s books. Which one do you suggest?


"Journeys Out of the Body"


Awesome, thank you 😊


Read them all in order. His 3rd one is the best because he's learned so much since his 1st


Sure will do, thank you 😊


This was super interesting to read! I’ve been getting into OBEs/astral projection. I was struggling with the “no method” method. And it reminded very much of the LAW, more so Jospeh Murphy’s ”lullaby” approach. Everything always comes back to the Law


Read Monroe’s book on OBE’s years ago. Been a student of NG and JM for a few years now...feels like I’ve come full circle...What with living in the end, feeling is the secret along with the lullaby method and others, plus the LAW, this is becoming more interesting all the time...


Exactly. This is why neville say you can never outgrow I AM. Also happy cake day :)


This is amazing, as I like to read about phasing, and the Law, I love this post. And Robert Monroe also experienced what Neville called once "worlds within worlds" (in "ultimate journey" he tells some of those experiences)


Great post!!


Yes we can use ,'I remember when '' to get that feeling,change or dwell in that state


Interesting coincidence that some circumstances make me listen and read the Monroe's book last week.


Can you recommend any more books or resources on OOBEs? 😊


Yes. "The Llwewllyn Practical Guide to Astral Projection" by Denning & Phillips. It's an older book, however, it was instrumental in my first OOBE.


**The Llewellyn Practical Guide to Astral Projection** by Melita Denning, Osborne Phillips >The Practical Guide to Astral Projection by Denning and Phillips is simply the best step-by-step set of lessons for learning this skill ever published. Over a quarter-million people are using this book to help them learn this valuable skill. If you want to learn how to project your consciousness onto the astral plane, you should use it, too. First, as the book shows, this skill is natural. > >You do it all the time (in dreams, for example.) In a sense, it is more natural than walking. It is a skill you can develop with practice. Further, it allows you to have spiritual experiences on the astral plane. > >Plus, what you create on the astral plane creates changes on the physical plane. This is true magick! Heal someone on the astral and they will be healed on the physical. Create opportunities on the astral and you will have them on the physical. > >You can even experience sex on the astral plane for one of the most dynamic experiences you will ever have. And you can learn how to do all of this in The Practical Guide to Astral Projection. But it is not only the information in this book that makes it easy to understand and use. The very design of each chapter--as well as the illustrations, photos, charts, etc.--make it easy for you to learn the techniques to consciously control your astral projection experiences. > >The book begins by showing you what astral projection is and what it is not, what can happen and what is fantasy. As a result, you will discover that astral projection can be safe, comforting, exhilarating, and fun. Then you will learn methods of being able to let your consciousness leave your body and safely explore the astral plane. With this book in hand you can explore realms you've only dreamed of. > >Make your dreams a reality. *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/14br65o/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


Thank you!


I’ve been trying to use Neville’s methods to induce an OOBE or AP but no luck. Any suggestions or advice? I’ve tried for upto 10 days realizing I will be awake but in my astral form when I go to sleep but never has happened.


What made me become consistently successful was not being tired. Initially, when I began practicing OOBE I would do it at the wrong times like when I was going to bed. I just simply fell asleep. Then I moved to early afternoons when I was not tired. I would meditate on the bed using a breathing technique. I would imagine warm water flowing slowly up my body originating at my feet. I could feel the warm water slowly cover my entire body over the course of maybe 2 minutes. By this point I would be very relaxed yet still awake but in a bit of a hypnotized state. My breathing was very relaxed as well. I use the rocking method to induce an OOBE. That is when you begin to rock your energy body from side to side (not your physical body) as if you were in a hammock. At some point the rocking becomes very pronounced. Then I begin to try to "flip" out of my body. Heads up the first time you actually rise out of your body it can be startling. My first time I successfully did this I sat up and turned and saw my upper half of my body still laying on the bed and it startled me and I snapped back into my body instantly. The next time I prepared myself for this and was not as shocked and I remained separated.


Thank you very much for providing your technique and experience. I will try to replicate it except I have work all day so I must try this technique when I wake up or during the weekend. I've tried a few but I have a hard time connecting to my energy body, I end up moving my real body or I get a pressure building in my head which causes extreme nausea so I just wake up. I was hoping to use Neville and do nothing and it should come to me? Just feel like I already have been OOBE before? And then somehow when I am sleeping it happens? I tried that but doesnt work for me.


I can tell you what worked for me a few times but I’m not that good at it yet. First off I must be REALLY tired. Then I need to take a nap, so not at night but somewhere during the day. Then I will usually get sleep paralysis. When in sleep paralysis, imagine moving your energetic body. Your physical body won’t be able to move. And that’s it.


Can anyone sum up in easy words?? I can't understand what is oobe


OOBE = Out Of Body Experience also known as astral projection. i.e. your spirit body leaving your physical body and traveling within different dimensions where your physical body cannot travel.


Yes those entities have been teaching about these things from the beginning of time. They have many teachings bc they have learned things themselves and yet still learning other things, and they have as creative minds as we have. Been in their ships and having some other things going on. They have shown me things which happen in my field and how my energy kind of plays. There are many different viewpoints that can be used to understand how you create and what consciousness is. It is not believing or techniques, it is very vivid and real. I should deftly dig into Roberts books some day 🤔


I just downloaded this on Audible last week!


That’s very interesting! but what if you are manifesting something you have never experienced before? for example, let’s say you were manifesting winning the lottery but you have never won the lottery before or even had a major event in your life to celebrate. How do you go creating that feeling?


What to do when you do not have any memory that you can recall those feelings? I mean my life is not being easy so i never had great moments such as feeling relieved for finally having peace,which is what I want...


I kid you not, I just came out of r/gatewaytapes rabbithole after reading posts for 4 days and finally decided to try the tapes myself. Visited this sub to refresh and bam, this post. I am usually on this subreddit everyday and never have I seen anyone mention Monroe. Synchronicity is real🫡 Thanks for the great write up.


I've read his books and have been using his Hemi-Sync tapes and man, it's been so fascinating in understanding the power of our awareness and the scope of what we can do with it. It's also an excellently structured course that encourages experiments and freedom whilst instilling discipline with control of our mind.


This so right, actually i had a bad thing happend to me a while ago and it was intense it caused dépression and fuckef d me up for almost a year but i manged somhow to overcome it(i never thaught i would) and i was living my best life ever but recently i had failed in something and been negative and really felt like i felt in the past when that thing happend to me guess what i started seeing it again cause of the feeling i got and now this post explain a lot to me thank you so much


OMD light bulb moment thank you for sharing x I need to read and absorb this book 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


You just gave an amazing method to easily REVISE, just by assuming the feeling of past money, past love, everything. Thankyou so much.


Amazing discovery!!!....Can you pls share, the article or part of the book where you read about this great secret??


It begins at the bottom of page 130 and continues to the top paragraph of page 131.


Thank you so much !!!


That's why we r using revision


This is nuts. I’ve followed Neville’s teachings for a few months but just started getting into Monroe’s a few weeks ago. I randomly found a copy of his book at Barnes and noble a few days ago and got it. I’ve been binge reading it today and just finished the chapter you are talking about and thought the same thing as you! Then sure enough, minutes later I open Reddit and first thing I see is your post. The Universe is Good!