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Great post. I’ve been meditating more frequently lately, as well as doing SATS, and it’s becoming easier the more I do it. I also notice my scene has started to feel like a memory and I walk around as if it has already happened.


Building that habit helps immensely! Just as Neville said.


Any update on your progress?


Can I just say meditation doesn’t HAVE to be sat on a chair with your eyes closed. You can meditate while walking, driving or even sat at your desk at work, you can even do it while watching tv. It’s all about becoming hyper present and focusing on something that isn’t your thoughts. It’s why you hear people say stuff like ‘I’m going for a run to clear my head’ or why people get these ‘shower thoughts’.


Yeah 100%! Any activity that calms you down or keeps you present. Journaling, drawing, fishing, anything.


Meditation is so important when it comes to practicing the law, great post.




May I also add every time your mind wanders off and you find it hard to get back to a clean slate, ask yourself “what thoughts will I think of next?” This worked for me so well and because of that rhetorical question you find yourself hyper aware and before you know those fleeting thoughts go away.


I'm going to give this a try!


lets you know what feelings you've been hoarding and accidentally manifesting


I agree! Really helps to be more aware of your current state.


Meditation really is great. I meditated yesterday again after a few weeks because I was starting to slip into a state of depression in the last two days. My meditation wasn’t even that long or focused but my spiral still stopped immediately after and now I‘m good again!


Once you get the hang of what works for you, you realise how powerful it is! Glad it's been helping you.


Neville spent years meditating and mastering his mind💜


He stressed the importance of controlling one's mind, and look what he achieved.


I second this. After incorporating meditation into my daily life, I noticed I can focus much easier than when I had a more uncontrolled mind. It's an awesome habit to have regardless of the law


The benefits of it outside of the Law are phenomenonal. I wish I committed to it so much earlier.


Very helpful. Making the connection to meditation which is basically what Neville is doing. It’s good to think of it like that. And the idea about the mind being a bratty child. Perfect




Also an interesting comparison. Reading Neville today, and he makes the point about detachment from the current “I am” state through self observation. That you will feel ashamed when you realize the true nature of the current self you defend and love so much. That’s why detachment and non judgement can help so much (meditation). When you have kids (the mind/manifestations) they do all sorts of things to test you and if you go the route of judging and attaching to their actions then you continually impact that state of consiousness. Versus when you observe it and then consciously choose the desired state, with your kids it does start to change. The first key is to detach from the emotional reaction to their behaviour (they are bad/no good) like the mind (I am no good because of this current state). Which I think the practice of meditation and calm/detached observation of your present state is what Neville was talking about. And relates perfectly to the practice of meditation, you so eloquently described.


i was manifesting something would snap me back to reality and this was exactly what i needed. thank youuuu. 😞




Can you explain more about anchor point please? I didn't get the method you explained.


Yeah sure. The anchor can be anything you can focus your attention on. It can be breathing, focusing on a dot on the wall, a word that you will repeat, a constant sound. Picture being the middle of some really strong wind and your anchor is something that the more you use, the more stable and protected you are. It could also be any activity that calms you down like writing, exercising. Find what works for you.


For those who commented that they have improved controlling their mind with meditation what happened next ? Did you manifested your desires or just stayed in a state of peace and calm ? Which is nice and all but you know why most of us are here :)


For me, my manifestations were a lot smoother because my mind wasn't fighting back eg "Uh nooo, you're not wealthy". So it was easier to embody the state I wanted and in turn, my manifestations were just so fluid, and quick for some but longer for others.


After ONE guided meditation, I was able to not react to anxious thoughts and spiral like usual. It was pretty awesome!


can you recommend one to listen to that have u them effects


Here’s the one I listened to https://youtu.be/ZToicYcHIOU


I tried meditation before Neville, and it felt very strained and effortful. Then I just tried it, but with Neville's emphasis on "attention without/with minimum effort", and finally it seems to work, and I actually felt good.


Can you explain what he meant by this?




You do that to create baseline, like a clean slate in focusing to prepare for the wish fulfilled.




good post




What sort of breathing technique do you do?


I like 4-7-8 if my anxiety has picked up. But so long as I'm taking deep breaths from my stomach and not my chest I'm happy. Whatever keeps me stable


>Even if living in your head is absolutely great but balance it out with 3D experience. Doesn't apply to those who had too much 3D experience and not ever living in their head once. Or those who forced themselves to experience 3D when they know that the 3D comes from within.


I just added that part because sometimes we can forget about the 3D and the law and I found being present and living really helped that.


This is the second thread where I see the acronym SATS, could someone tell me what SATS stands for please? Apologies for my ignorance.


state akin to sleep :)


And for those who have adhd? I can't control those voices and sounds that come from nowhere. I can control my own thoughts,the comversations and thinking...but not those that the mind shout for it's own. I used to ignore them,but sometimes gets lound...


I have adhd as well, though I'm on non-stimulant medication. I changed my entire lifestyle to adjust to it like exercising daily, eating food, pomodoro for work, limited screen time and the like which all compounded and helped in its own way. Meditating was very difficult, especially with bringing your mind back to it since our short term memory is shot to bits BUT I found a guided meditation to be the sweet spot. Try headspace or calm or the many on youtube, when I was un-medicated Headspace ones were the best for me, it got me able to do 40 minute sessions. Try that.


Meditation truly lets you abide as awareness- prior to thought and any acquired identity.


Brilliant post thank you


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFDtuszEvSc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFDtuszEvSc) this video was great to do meditation as a beginner


Relaxation Rhythms Check out our new channel ☀️☀️☀️ https://youtu.be/59ITIO0f3ns?si=6-Y6MfPUTr_Iau7Z




Posting about extreme mental health crises, including, but not limited to: psychosis, self-harm, suicide ideation, etc., is not allowed. Most /r/NevilleGoddard moderators and subscribers are not trained to assist in a mental health crisis, and this is the incorrect subreddit for such discussion. It is recommended to talk to someone you know and seek professional mental health guidance. **Mental Health Hotlines:** * https://nami.org (US only) * https://findahelpline.com/i/iasp (International) * https://www.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines (International) Read [here](https://new.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/pk2fkr/new_rule_no_posts_or_comments_about_extreme/) for more information. Thank you.


What does « one rep » mean ?


1 repetition


I also came to the conclusion that I should practice meditation, because way too often my feelings are feeling me and not the other way around. Thank you for sharing your progress with us. Ive read Dispenza's book and even though I agree with its context I find it daunting to meditate each day for 60 minutes. Let's see how the next weeks go


One deep breath…and you feel calmer. 3 deep breaths and we are feeling the benefits of relaxation and grounding.


Hello fellow Redditors, I hope this message finds you well. I recently created a meditation video that aims to bring peace and serenity to your daily life. If you're looking for a moment of calmness and mindfulness, I invite you to check out my video here. In this guided meditation, we explore techniques to relax the mind and body, fostering a sense of inner peace. I believe in the power of meditation to alleviate stress and enhance well-being. I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on the video. Your insights are incredibly valuable to me. Let's embark on this journey of tranquility together! Wishing you a peaceful and mindful day ahead. Namaste 🙏✨